Got root A's normal ending in Root Double. Pretty intriguing stuff so far. The overuse of the Utterly Generic Sad Piano Song during the final 30 minutes was comical, though. Parody level hilarious. Can't wait for it to ruin later emotional moments for me.
Overall I'd rate it 'Disconcerting lack of Schrödinger's Cat out of 5' so far.
e: Can't seem to be able to get the good ending. Goddamn visual novels and their event flags.
e2: got it.
Otherwise I quite liked it, lots of questions I hope I'll get satisfying answers for later on.
Overall I'd rate it 'Disconcerting lack of Schrödinger's Cat out of 5' so far.
e: Can't seem to be able to get the good ending. Goddamn visual novels and their event flags.
e2: got it.
The way everyone just went nuts in the end was fucking dumb but whatever, I'm sure it was just the Anime-WX Particles floating in the air.