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Visual Novels Community Thread | A Little Something for Everyone


This is the VN thread, not a thread for endlessly rehashing speculation about a set of numbers that may or may not mean anything. Talk about the ZE games if you want, but stop with the reflexive hyping.


Speaking of FAULT, does anyone know where "FAULT - Silence the Pendant" goes in the scheme of things? A while back Sekai said that the extra funding from Milestone one would go towards it. I know Milestone Two is like a chapter 2 of the game, but what about Silence?

I believe I remember reading somewhere that it's a prequel, but don't quote me on that, because I can't remember where I read that :(


With Dresden's warning in mind: Kazutaka Kodaka (DR writer/director) interviewed Uchikoshi for next week's Famitsu. Since he calls Uchikoshi out as "Punchline's writer", it's probably going to be focused on that (or its game adaptation), but it'll be interesting to see a conversation between the two.

In the tweet, Kodaka says jokingly that "he has sore muscles all over this body because of the interview" and that we'll know why if we check out the article in next weeks Famitsu; so it's probably gonna be a looong interview (or Kodaka conducted the interview in a Monokuma costume ;). Even Kodaka interviewing Uchikoshi on his past work would be very interesting, I get the feeling that he and Uchikoshi see themselves as a bit of VN ambassadors to the west. If there's more news in the interview, we'll know by Wednesday because of the inevitable scans.

edit: nothing of note in the interview, almost all about Punchline. I wrote up the interesting tidbits in the new Aksys teaser thread.
In the tweet, Kodaka says jokingly that "he has sore muscles all over this body because of the interview" and that we'll know why if we check out the article in next weeks Famitsu; so it's probably gonna be a looong interview (or Kodaka conducted the interview in a Monokuma costume ;). Even Kodaka interviewing Uchikoshi on his past work would be very interesting, I get the feeling that he and Uchikoshi see themselves as a bit of VN ambassadors to the west. If there's more news in the interview, we'll know by Wednesday because of the inevitable scans.

One does not follow on interesting plot points, and the other reuses plot twists.

Gee, this is going to be great.




Unconfirmed Member
I believe I remember reading somewhere that it's a prequel, but don't quote me on that, because I can't remember where I read that :(

Hmmm I wonder if Sekai is still bringing it, since now they are focused on bringing TWO first. Maybe later on, I guess.


Wow, Heaven's Feel is Harsh. Let me traipse along for three in-game days before dropping a Bad End on me. Thanks,


Unconfirmed Member
Looks like Sekai Project is having an 18+ panel at Fanime. I wonder what they might be announcing?
(Thinking about going, but not into H games...)

EDIT: Link



This is the VN thread, not a thread for endlessly rehashing speculation about a set of numbers that may or may not mean anything. Talk about the ZE games if you want, but stop with the reflexive hyping.

Oh, sorry >.< Is mentioning updates okay?
On a different note:
I know the chance is slimmer than I could possibly express, but has anyone here completed &#12300;Soranica Ele&#12301;, because I really want to talk about it?

Can't help you, the only non-Masada stuff from Light which I have read are Kaminoyu, Vermillion and Gunjou no Sora wo koete.

Everyone should read Gunjou no Sora btw. Pretty close to a masterpiece.
After 50 hours, I finally completed
route from Princess Evangile, which pretty much cemented my purchase of the fan disc if it is ever localized. I'll start work on another route later, right now I'm just waiting for two VNs to arrive - Kara no Shoujo, and Cho Denkgeki Stryker. I ordered them over a week ago, shipping hasn't updated past "information sent to facility", so I shot mangagamer support an email a few days back. Fingers crossed nothing happened to them, I really want to play them. ;__;


Frankly, I'm in the same boat as you. I'm getting the fandisc preordered as soon as they announce it, since I enjoyed the VN way too much. According to MG's ask.fm account, the game has sold well enough so far and, even though it's early to talk about the fandisc, things are looking good.

Also, I wanted to write a review, but life got in the way. Hopefully I'll manage to write something in the future


I have played 30% of I/O so far. It's decent. I really like the artstyle but it has a few quirks at times. Starting on route C was a really bad idea and absolutely nothing made sense so I stopped and went to A. A was kind of dark in a good way and it had the right amount of mystery and sweet moments too.

The virtual reality and hacking stuff is sort of dumb though. The hacking group physically deal with bugs and security holes in their system through their "biocomputers"? And the bugs are actual (virtual) bugs and the holes are actual (virtual) holes? Really? Anyway, I won't be able to get back to it for another month but I like it so far for the most part. I really enjoyed some of the music especially.

Also, the in-game TIPS/dictionary thing seems massive in this one, with a lot of pages per term.
I have played 30% of I/O so far. It's decent. I really like the artstyle but it has a few quirks at times. Starting on route C was a really bad idea and nothing made sense so I stopped and went to A. A was kind of dark in a good way and it had the right amount of mystery and sweet moments too.

The virtual reality and hacking stuff is sort of dumb though. The hacking group physically deal with bugs and security holes in their system? And the bugs are actual (virtual) bugs and the holes are actual (virtual) holes? Really? Anyway, I won't be able to get back to it for another month but I like it so far for the most part. I really enjoyed some of the music especially.

Oh, I/O. It goes utterly batshit insane later on (in a comical way), so strap yourself in.

And god did I hate how the fan translators used all that obnoxious colored text.


Oh, I/O. It goes utterly batshit insane later on (in a comical way), so strap yourself in.

And god did I hate how the fan translators used all that obnoxious colored text.
So I've heard. I really couldn't believe what was happening when I started the game on route C so I'm expecting a pretty wild ride/trainwreck.
Good news: my missing visual novels have been sorted out, they should prolly be shipped out by the end of the week.

Bad news: I'm going to be out of the state at that time, so RIP. ;__;7
Tried out F/SN and Chaos; Head the other day.

FSN was a bit too slow for my tastes, I will first try to get C;H to save the damn game and if that does not work I will check out YU-NO.

Edit: If YU-NO does not work either, I will dedicate myself to F/SN.


Hi there again. Following my previous mention here, I finally got around to finish Muv-Luv Extra (after a two-month hiatus, because I really got bored by it midway through). I'll be honest: I am no Visual Novel aficionado, so maybe my expectations were a bit skewered. Either way, I managed to force myself to power through it mainly because I'm interested in Muv-Luv Alternative, and I'd rather not miss the complete package so to speak.

Muv-Luv Extra Overall Impressions

The first thing I have to mention (or rather, complain about) is that the game is really slow. It spends a huge amount of time dedicating itself to rather trivial events with little to no consequence, and its gratuitous use of ellipses doesn't help with its glacial pace. Most of its humor is pretty ineffective as well, which coupled with its sluggishness makes playing through it a real bore. The story itself isn't anything special, and though it parodies various tropes found within the harem genre (or rather, tries to), it itself falls victim to it and ultimately is average at best.

Characters-wise, it's nothing stellar either, with all of them falling into stereotypical archetypes (childhood friend, rich lady, tsundere class rep, etc.), and all of them receive little to no development for most of the game, until you reach pretty much the endgame of their route, which is a shame as said developments made them a bit more interesting.
(I did like Ayamine. She gives no fucks and trolls everyone.)

My gripes surrounding the story and characters aside, I have to say that graphically it's a pretty solid game, with a lot of variety of sprites and animations, far more than I'd have expected out of a Visual Novel, and ultimately I've been pretty impressed by them (I particularily liked the exploding house). The soundtrack however is pretty poor, with no particular standout track (though on the flip side none of them are particulaily grating either), and it's not helped by the fact that the same couple of tracks get reused over and over. Finally, I don't have any knowledge of Japanese so I can't really comment much on the voice acting, but I generally liked the voices.

Oh yeah, the game has some sex scenes, but I suppose no one really care about them (and if you do, let me tell you that it's not worth it).

Overall, it's a pretty average and boring game, mainly due to issues concerning its writing. However, it's not as though it was a complete bust either, as I did enjoy some parts of the game. Besides, I now am one step closer to reaching Alternative, which has better be worth it.

On to Unlimited next!


Marimo route da best.


Tried out F/SN and Chaos; Head the other day.

FSN was a bit too slow for my tastes,

Oh, that's for sure. It never changes, but when it gets good, it gets FIRE.

Heaven's Feel Day 9:
Finally a glimpse of THAT Sakura. The True Assassin is awesome. Rider is getting respectable, too.


Rolling Girl
Hi there again. Following my previous mention here, I finally got around to finish Muv-Luv Extra (after a two-month hiatus, because I really got bored by it midway through). I'll be honest: I am no Visual Novel aficionado, so maybe my expectations were a bit skewered. Either way, I managed to force myself to power through it mainly because I'm interested in Muv-Luv Alternative, and I'd rather not miss the complete package so to speak.

Muv-Luv Extra Overall Impressions

The first thing I have to mention (or rather, complain about) is that the game is really slow. It spends a huge amount of time dedicating itself to rather trivial events with little to no consequence, and its gratuitous use of ellipses doesn't help with its glacial pace. Most of its humor is pretty ineffective as well, which coupled with its sluggishness makes playing through it a real bore. The story itself isn't anything special, and though it parodies various tropes found within the harem genre (or rather, tries to), it itself falls victim to it and ultimately is average at best.

Characters-wise, it's nothing stellar either, with all of them falling into stereotypical archetypes (childhood friend, rich lady, tsundere class rep, etc.), and all of them receive little to no development for most of the game, until you reach pretty much the endgame of their route, which is a shame as said developments made them a bit more interesting.
(I did like Ayamine. She gives no fucks and trolls everyone.)

My gripes surrounding the story and characters aside, I have to say that graphically it's a pretty solid game, with a lot of variety of sprites and animations, far more than I'd have expected out of a Visual Novel, and ultimately I've been pretty impressed by them (I particularily liked the exploding house). The soundtrack however is pretty poor, with no particular standout track (though on the flip side none of them are particulaily grating either), and it's not helped by the fact that the same couple of tracks get reused over and over. Finally, I don't have any knowledge of Japanese so I can't really comment much on the voice acting, but I generally liked the voices.

Oh yeah, the game has some sex scenes, but I suppose no one really care about them (and if you do, let me tell you that it's not worth it).

Overall, it's a pretty average and boring game, mainly due to issues concerning its writing. However, it's not as though it was a complete bust either, as I did enjoy some parts of the game. Besides, I now am one step closer to reaching Alternative, which has better be worth it.

On to Unlimited next!

Marimo route da best.

It'll be interesting to hear your thoughts on Alternative when you get to it. :D


Finished Never 7 a while ago. I'll do a full write up post on it when I get the time, but short review is I really, really liked it. Super glad I gave it a go.

Also have started going through Ever 17. Man that is such a different game. Definitely see where the 999/VLR comparisons come from. In some aspects, I actually think the concept of being trapped is even more effective here because the whole facility is underwater. Gives it a super claustrophobic feeling I really dig. Same reason I find thrillers set on submarines super effective. Being really far underwater is just super terrifying.

Just finished the
event, so I'm calling this now for future reference. Sora is totally
a robot/virtual reality hologram/somehow an AI or machine
. Explains why she
couldn't show up with the power was out
and is totally something Uchikoshi would do.
Finished Never 7 a while ago. I'll do a full write up post on it when I get the time, but short review is I really, really liked it. Super glad I gave it a go.

Also have started going through Ever 17. Man that is such a different game. Definitely see where the 999/VLR comparisons come from. In some aspects, I actually think the concept of being trapped is even more effective here because the whole facility is underwater. Gives it a super claustrophobic feeling I really dig. Same reason I find thrillers set on submarines super effective. Being really far underwater is just super terrifying.

Just finished the
event, so I'm calling this now for future reference. Sora is totally
a robot/virtual reality hologram/somehow an AI or machine
. Explains why she
couldn't show up with the power was out
and is totally something Uchikoshi would do.

Why did you like Never7? And would you agree that Haruka is best girl?

Regarding your "call":

I just want to say that Sora is one of my top 3 favorite characters in everything EVER.

(The other two being Mikan Tsumiki from Danganronpa 2 and Luna from VLR)


Finished Ever17 late last year, read through all of Never7 over the last few months and started Remember11 a few days ago. Really enjoyed Ever17/Never7 and Remember11 has me quite intrigued, at least the way it starts out seems different from the other two games.

Looking ahead, I want to give 12Riven and Code_18 a shot, even though they had pretty mixed reactions from what I could find on the internet. Has anyone here played those games? Which of them did you enjoy more? Uchikoshi was only involved in 12_Riven and both games are "Infinity games in name only", right? Would you say they are worth reading anyway or is one of them really bad?

Personally, I enjoy reading the Infinity games for their slowly unfolding mysteries more than their romance aspects.


I remember really disliking the romantic stuff in Ever17. Can't remember why, guess I just didn't like the characters that much or how the romances were written.

Could also be because of the obligatory romantic routes before the true route that soured me on any romantic interaction between the characters.


I wonder if episodes 6-8 of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni are ever going to get released on the UK App Store. It's been years since episode 5 got released and, regardless of the appalling laziness of the translation, the wildly inconsistent art and the occasionally grating soundtrack, I was really enjoying it. It has a very distinct charm to it and I really liked the whole sense of mystery that it had going. The little extra backstory sequences were especially nice, and did a very good job of fleshing out character interactions and the world a bit more.

Yes, I'm aware I could just buy the rest for PC, but then I'd be stuck with an incomplete collection on my phone and I probably wouldn't play them as much as I would if I had them with me constantly.


Finished Never 7 a while ago. I'll do a full write up post on it when I get the time, but short review is I really, really liked it. Super glad I gave it a go.

Also have started going through Ever 17. Man that is such a different game. Definitely see where the 999/VLR comparisons come from. In some aspects, I actually think the concept of being trapped is even more effective here because the whole facility is underwater. Gives it a super claustrophobic feeling I really dig. Same reason I find thrillers set on submarines super effective. Being really far underwater is just super terrifying.

Just finished the
event, so I'm calling this now for future reference. Sora is totally
a robot/virtual reality hologram/somehow an AI or machine
. Explains why she
couldn't show up with the power was out
and is totally something Uchikoshi would do.
Nice to see that you liked Never7, it is my favorite VN. It certainly has a bit of a different vibe than the other VNs Uchikoshi has worked on. If I had to describe it I'd say it's much less tense but there's still a sense of unease throughout.
Hi there again. Following my previous mention here, I finally got around to finish Muv-Luv Extra (after a two-month hiatus, because I really got bored by it midway through). I'll be honest: I am no Visual Novel aficionado, so maybe my expectations were a bit skewered. Either way, I managed to force myself to power through it mainly because I'm interested in Muv-Luv Alternative, and I'd rather not miss the complete package so to speak.

Muv-Luv Extra Overall Impressions

The first thing I have to mention (or rather, complain about) is that the game is really slow. It spends a huge amount of time dedicating itself to rather trivial events with little to no consequence, and its gratuitous use of ellipses doesn't help with its glacial pace. Most of its humor is pretty ineffective as well, which coupled with its sluggishness makes playing through it a real bore. The story itself isn't anything special, and though it parodies various tropes found within the harem genre (or rather, tries to), it itself falls victim to it and ultimately is average at best.

Characters-wise, it's nothing stellar either, with all of them falling into stereotypical archetypes (childhood friend, rich lady, tsundere class rep, etc.), and all of them receive little to no development for most of the game, until you reach pretty much the endgame of their route, which is a shame as said developments made them a bit more interesting.
(I did like Ayamine. She gives no fucks and trolls everyone.)

My gripes surrounding the story and characters aside, I have to say that graphically it's a pretty solid game, with a lot of variety of sprites and animations, far more than I'd have expected out of a Visual Novel, and ultimately I've been pretty impressed by them (I particularily liked the exploding house). The soundtrack however is pretty poor, with no particular standout track (though on the flip side none of them are particulaily grating either), and it's not helped by the fact that the same couple of tracks get reused over and over. Finally, I don't have any knowledge of Japanese so I can't really comment much on the voice acting, but I generally liked the voices.

Oh yeah, the game has some sex scenes, but I suppose no one really care about them (and if you do, let me tell you that it's not worth it).

Overall, it's a pretty average and boring game, mainly due to issues concerning its writing. However, it's not as though it was a complete bust either, as I did enjoy some parts of the game. Besides, I now am one step closer to reaching Alternative, which has better be worth it.

On to Unlimited next!

Marimo route da best.

You're in for a ride.

I should let you know that unlimited isn't much better but at least changes it up enough and is short enough that you can blaze through it. Alternative is my favorite thing from any medium ever, so I hope you at least enjoy it!


Seeing how there isn't any interesting releases in the near-future, I decided to look back at those novels I never finished and saw that I still had Otoboku, Swan Song and Tears to Tiara available to read. Installed the first two on my tablet and the last one on my laptop, hopefully I'll be able to finish them this time around.


You're in for a ride.

I should let you know that unlimited isn't much better but at least changes it up enough and is short enough that you can blaze through it. Alternative is my favorite thing from any medium ever, so I hope you at least enjoy it!

Well, I just finished Unlimited. Gonna write a more detailed impressions post later.


Muv-Luv Unlimited Overall Impressions

If I were to call Extra an insipid soup, with little substance and yet were served in such a huge plate (or bowl, depending on where you live) that it takes forever to force yourself to gulp it down, then Unlimited would be a very solid entrée: not mind-blowingly delicious, but prepared much more competently, without actually changing much of the ingredients previously utilised in the soup. Of course, it also means that Unlimited, like Extra, can't really be considered to be a great meal on their own, but culinary ramblings aside, the gist is that I enjoyed Unlimited far more than Extra.

The biggest change of Unlimited compared to Extra would be its setting, which takes place in an alternate post-apocalyptic world, where Earth is being attacked by extraterrestrial invaders. The story thus takes a more serious tone, but more importantly, doesn't suffer from an atrocious pacing, which makes it much more engrossing to play through than Extra. The fact that it's shorter doesn't hurt it either, especially if it means you aren't wasting your time witnessing the characters dicking around doing inane stuff (which kind of comes with the grim setting it takes place in).

As I previously alluded to, there aren't much changes with the characters, who remain largely identical to their Extra selves, but with the huge improvement in pacing, they're far more tolerable, notably when solving their personnal issues.

Graphically it doesn't change much, but it does add several cutscenes which are pretty neat, and the various effects while the characters are piloting their TSFs are nice as well. Music-wise it reuses most of the soundtrack from Extra, but also introduces (or reintroduces) a few pieces of its own, which are used to great effect to set the tone of the various moments they play in (I particularily liked Ambush, despite it having been used once in Extra first). No changes as far as voices go, though it was surprising to hear Takeru being voiced during some parts of the game.

The sex scenes return again, and as always they aren't that interesting, though the fanservice is present in a higher amount. Either way, I doubt anyone is playing the games for them.

Ultimately, Unlimited is a much better experience compared to Extra, though on its own it isn't particularily spectacular, and still feel more of an introduction than anything.

Here comes Alternative!


Rolling Girl
I think you'll probably appreciate Extra a little more after Alternative since the games build upon the previous ones pretty fierce. While bland on it's own Extra provides some nice contrast to what follows.


Love the Muv-Luv Trilogy and the message behind it.
Its still tied with Fate/stay nights Heaven´s feel Route and G-senjou no Maou as my most Favourite VN´s.


I think you'll probably appreciate Extra a little more after Alternative since the games build upon the previous ones pretty fierce. While bland on it's own Extra provides some nice contrast to what follows.

Considering that both Extra and Unlimited seem to be not much more than introductions, I can see that.


Finished Hanasaki Workspring! today, I rather liked it. I'll talk about it more when I've had a little more time to put my thoughts together.
Having some trouble getting into Ace Attorney. Loved Danganronpa and love the Zero Escape series, but AA is having trouble grabbing me.

Not sure if it's the weirdly/poorly drawn characters, the unexciting setting, or what...but I just was expecting...more? Not really sure. I'll keep sticking with it, but it's not looking good.


Having some trouble getting into Ace Attorney. Loved Danganronpa and love the Zero Escape series, but AA is having trouble grabbing me.

Not sure if it's the weirdly/poorly drawn characters, the unexciting setting, or what...but I just was expecting...more? Not really sure. I'll keep sticking with it, but it's not looking good.

Did you play the Layton games? If you liked those, give Layton vs. Phoenix Wright a shot. The Ace Attorney games never really clicked with me until I played that cross-over game. I'm currently playing the collection on 3DS and I think the games aren't supposed to be difficult, it's more about the quirky characters and storylines. And you have to accept that it's basically GBA era sprites you're looking at.
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