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Visual Novels Community Thread | A Little Something for Everyone

I am finally convinced to replay Umineko with PS3 sprites, clear CG's (loved vanilla Umineko's blurry CG's) and voice acting.

I'll wait until Fall though. Maybe also that PS3 port.
Got an email a few days ago saying that the visual novels I ordered about two weeks ago have shipped (again, as the first shipment was lost) - although the tracking number was completely devoid of information until today, when it gave the same message it did the last time around. If it's still like this on Wednesday, I'll shoot Mangagamer another email. Unfortunately, I'd rather not put down money for any of their other physical copies until I receive these ones.

I'm not going to play Kara no Shoujo or Cho Dengeki Stryker this month, am I ;__;


Having some trouble getting into Ace Attorney. Loved Danganronpa and love the Zero Escape series, but AA is having trouble grabbing me.

Not sure if it's the weirdly/poorly drawn characters, the unexciting setting, or what...but I just was expecting...more? Not really sure. I'll keep sticking with it, but it's not looking good.

I always found the slow ass text detrimental to my enjoyment

I know it's paced like that for dramatic effect but for the love of god, please just let me speed it up. The whole game is 99% reading text.


What. Go play Higurashi no naku koro ni kai now.

That backlog though...

Watched the anime adaption of Kai and recently imported the Vita version of Higurashi which includes all scenarios, but the back of the box says something like "more than 200 hours to complete all 19 scenarios". It will be a while before I have that amount of free time :/


Rolling Girl
Well first import from the UK down. o:


I'll be mainly commenting on the events that transpired so far, as I'd rather give a proper review once I completed the game. Be aware that even though I'll be doing my best hiding sensitive stuff in spoiler tags, it's not absolutely safe, and as a precaution, I'd advise against reading the rest of this post (and any future partial impressions) if you haven't played the game yet.

Muv-Luv Alternative: Ongoing playthrough impressions

Current progress: Beginning -> December 1st (Chapter 5)

After a pleasantly surprising opening by JAM PROJECT HOLY SHIIIT I get to the intro video, which despite its terrible English offers some pretty interesting tidbits of information that add to the speculation as to the BETA's goals, as well as Alternative IV's nature. Either way, Takeru's back to where he started in Unlimited, though he kept the memories and training from back then. He now wants to use this knowledge in order to ensure Alternative IV's success, and prevent the tragedy humanity suffered back in Unlimited.

So far most of the characters didn't change much from their Unlimited (and by association, Extra) counterparts, though unlike the previous two games the focus this time seems to have been shifted towards Yuuko, Kasumi, and of course, Takeru, who takes a much more proactive role this time, as he has a relatively clearer goal this time, and is doing everything in his power in order to attain it.

The first couple of weeks consist mostly of Takeru dominating everything due to his past experience, which although is not a new concept, is still strangely pleasant to witness. That aside, nothing much of note happens yet, aside from
his warnings concerning two big events, which he helps prevent, and as a result seem to have changed the course of history to a certain extent.
One interesting addition however, is
the sudden appearance of Mikoto's father, who provides some additional political intrigue,
though it still isn't too fleshed out yet.

Yuuko then proposes a theory explaining Takeru's nature, and they are now trying to exploit it. It now remains to see how much they'll be able to achieve with her experiment.

So far, I'd say this game is probably the most engaging out of the trilogy, either due to a clearer goal for the protagonist, or because of its deeper intrigue. Really enjoying it.


Can't wait to see your reaction to that part. As some might remember from my long rambling posts in the last thread, I was massively disappointed in MLA overall, but there was that one short arc I fucking LOVED
Jast just announced Shiny Days is up for pre-order, check it here

And in true jast fashion, the release date is "February 22, 2015"

Never change Payne, never change

I tried to follow the link to purchase the package edition on J-list, and it sent me to Kana ~ Okaeri + Sensei 2 Bundle Pack instead. I definitely want to order a physical copy of the game as soon as the page isn't bugged. ;__;

As an update on my visual novel situation, a package has finally been shipped according to the tracking number. Third time's the charm, right? :V Unfortunately, I saw that Kara no Shoujo is on backorder from Mangagamer, so there's a chance this is only Cho Dengeki Stryker and I'll have to wait longer for Kara no Shoujo.

EDIT: For those looking for the package edition, I found the link here: Boom. Haven't bought it yet, but I'll do so after this edit.


The page wasn't bugged so much as they copy-pasted the page code then proceeded not to update it all before going public with it. It's jast being jast, I don't really know what else to say about it.
No point getting that version if you own a PSP, Vita, 3DS or PS3. They're all cheaper.

Don't forget ps4 via ps now. Actually, if people haven't used up their free trial for PS Now they can play the PS3 version for free. Unless you love Hakuoki and want every bit of content available (ie the extra chapter), this is probably too expensive for most people.

Still figured it was worth pointing out though.


No point getting that version if you own a PSP, Vita, 3DS or PS3. They're all cheaper.

Yup, only if you're a gamer who's determined to only carry one device with him/her. But I could see fans of the Anime who aren't gamers but like to read buying this on iOS, they wouldn't really compare the prices.
It should be worth noting that the release date for Shiny Days has changed from February 22nd to, well, today. I'm not entirely sure if it's another typo, but I'll believe it once my copy actually ships. :V


Talking of BLC, is the Android version of that EVER going to be released? :(

I feel bad for Android-only owners. When the game was released for iOS, I only had a Nexus 4. I waited two weeks to see if it was coming, then I lost hope and decided to pull the trigger on an iPad.
I think they (re)confirmed that an Android version of BLC was still in development thia January...

Though with the current speed, I can only assume they are using a paint roller witb their toes, writing on a low quality wet roll of toilet paper, in cursive.


Muv-Luv Alternative: Ongoing playthrough impressions part 2

As always there are risks of spoilers, so unless you have already played the game I'd advise against reading the rest of this post.

Current progress: December 1st (Chapter 5) -> December 10th? (Start of chapter 7)

The experiment seems to be a success so far, though I must say the leap in time available is rather surprising. Either way, Takeru manages to get a way to access the equations necessary for the success of Alternative IV, though he'll have to way before they can be delivered.

In the meantime, most probably due to his past actions, the course of history seems to have been dramatically altered, as they have to go through a coup d'état, which involves indirectly most of his squad, and after a whole lot of drama and inner conflict, which also sees him growing and reinforcing his conviction in preventing the bad future from happening, they manage to survive it. There were additional political intrigue as well, which is always welcome, and I'm curious as to the direction Squad 207 will take following the aftermath. I definitely do rather like Mikoto's dad. Guy's swell as fuck. Looking forward to his future involvements.

I must say this has been a pretty tense and engrossing arc.


I have some, but nothing really concrete so far. Rather than the BETA and that brain (which probably have some cliché twist), I'm more interested in how/why Takeru came to jump through different worlds.
Cho Dengeki Stryker arrived today, and Kara no Shoujo seems to be off back-order so fingers crossed that goes in the mail soon. I'll probably give my thoughts on Cho Dengeki Stryker as I play it over the week.


Unconfirmed Member
Fair enough :)
I might try that myself actually if its not forthcoming. Hopefully I can buy a cheaper one.

I'm in the same boat. Not just for BLC though, there's a crapton of iOS games I've been meaning to try out.
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