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Visual Novels Community Thread | A Little Something for Everyone


装甲悪鬼村正;171390800 said:
Well there is for example White Album 2,
at the end of Closing Chapter the protag and Setsuna finally get back together and fuck themselves silly all night to release several years worth of pent up feelings and desire.
Can't really convey that the same way with a fade to black. Which is why the console release for that game is so dumb.

Can you spoiler tag stuff like that? I guess it may not be one, since I stopped reading halfway through the sentence.


There are some where the adult situations matter, but I can't think of many where showing those situations in a porny graphic way is necessary to convey that. Maybe something like Saya no Uta where the disturbing sex scenes are part of the experience?

I guess it's the fact that, from my extremely limited knowledge of VNs, most works that decide to use anything related to sex do so for the sake of titillation rather than using it tactfully and in a meaningful way.

From a game design perspective, it's off-putting for me that sex is mostly being used merely as some kind of trophy. I get that those kinds of VNs are probably there as tools for escapism for the post part, but I guessed that there must've been a couple of VNs that didn't have to resort to sex in that kind of way and either make it fit or don't resort to H-scenes altogether.

装甲悪鬼村正;171390800 said:
Well there is for example White Album 2,
at the end of Closing Chapter the protag and Setsuna finally get back together and fuck themselves silly all night to release several years worth of pent up feelings and desire.
Can't really convey that the same way with a fade to black. Which is why the console release for that game is so dumb.

Yeah, I guess that's an good example that makes sense based on the setting as you've explained it. Using sex as a cathartic plot device for characters to let their actions speak for their feelings rather than pasting walls of text of them saying how much they wanted to be with each other makes more sense than a mere fade to black or using that scene just as a reward for the MC for putting up with the girl or other stuff like that.
装甲悪鬼村正;171390800 said:
Well there is for example White Album 2, at the end of Closing Chapter
the protag and Setsuna finally get back together and fuck themselves silly all night to release several years worth of pent up feelings and desire.
Can't really convey that the same way with a fade to black. Which is why the console release for that game is so dumb.
As a fan of the anime, I'm happy to read any mention about WA2... That said, spoilers. (Though I guess that outcome is just one route of many)


I got my first "End" in Every17! At least, I think it was an end. Sort of. Game already feels really weirdly set up. I can't say I made that many choices so either some of them lead to way longer paths or the game has some tricks up its sleeves. The "Only you are stuck in an Infinity Loop" at the end felt weirdly place, but it's clearly telling me to go back (as if I wasn't going to anyway).

Ending itself was less than satisfying, but that's all first ends in VNs like this. I will say Never7's partial ends felt more complete. I have to call bullshit on the moment where they were going to
explain You's past
and then followed up with "it's a long story". What a tease. You's a great character so I can't wait to see more of her. I guess
Dr. Tanaka is somehow You herself. And her mother? Wha?
the long hair gave it away, and the fact the game basically outright said it. Also there was the whole speech on
parallel universes
which, unless it's a really big red herring, I guess will have something to do with all this.

Really enjoying the game so far. It is a bit slow for my taste. Lots of slice of life moments in a dire situation which kind of don't really fit. Also, there's Uchikoshi's tendencies to give you long speeches about theoretical physics. Maybe a few too many of those in this first run for my taste. So I guess I just start a new game and go from there? Any reason I should touch the savestate the game made at the end or is that just to track my progress?


The first 4 routes are honestly pretty goddamn terrible in my opinion. There are some good moments, but I just couldn't give a fuck about the characters or any relationships or anything.

But when you get to the true route... Man, it is INSANE
The first 4 routes are honestly pretty goddamn terrible in my opinion. There are some good moments, but I just couldn't give a fuck about the characters or any relationships or anything.

But when you get to the true route... Man, it is INSANE

Well you could say the exact same thing about 9,9,9

But yeah , i found all the endings lackluster , and then the true route destroyed that feelign very easily.


Well you could say the exact same thing about 9,9,9

Not really, the non-true routes in E17 are more or less like regularly boring romantic slice-of-life stuff, just in an intriguing setting.

I mean, I suppose you could argue 999 also has a bunch of boring routes before the true route, but at least they're all similar. The Uchikoshi madness is there right from the beginning. In E17, it only starts with the true route.
Only three of 999 routes are even worth seeing, the structure of that game is probably its biggest problem. Ever17's routes are far more compelling and build up to the ending much better without the endless repetition of unskippable puzzles.
Then again, there definitely were a lot of pacing issues with the non-true routes in Ever17. Especially with the amount of overlap.

Fuck chicken sandwiches.


Started down another E17 route. Didn't expect the other route to
completely change protagonists
. That's interesting. I'm guessing there's 2 routes each side before the final clear. That's a cool way to handle it. I'm really interested to see the story down this path.


Just saw some stuff about the Yu-No remake in the reddit thread where I found the link. Apparently the new artist worked on the Ar Tonelico series. Also, the music is getting redone by Keishi Yonao, which means it will probably be a fantastic arrangement. He actually composed a few tracks in the Saturn version. I don't like that they're recasting the voices though, since I think the original voices are well done. You might not know that Takuya's voice actor is the same one who voices Adult Link in the Zelda series. Anyways, yeah the art is not great. I got this info from a post by Moogy, and of course he does like the art. Sorry, just because you're a well-liked translator I can't agree with you. :p


the holder of the trombone
So I'm playing through hakuoki right now. Only the first game has been localised right? There's demons of the fleeting something which I'm playing through right now, but what's the PS3 version called stories of the shinsengumi about?
So I'm playing through hakuoki right now. Only the first game has been localised right? There's demons of the fleeting something which I'm playing through right now, but what's the PS3 version called stories of the shinsengumi about?

I've only played the PS3 version, but my understand is that it is basically the original game in HD with some extra side content from its fandisc. It's the most complete version of Hakuoki in English.


So I'm playing through hakuoki right now. Only the first game has been localised right? There's demons of the fleeting something which I'm playing through right now, but what's the PS3 version called stories of the shinsengumi about?

It's basically another version of the original, with some of the extra stuff added in. I dunno what was in the DS version, but I think the biggest piece of additional content were the side-stories you could read through that take place during the main plot line. Really helps with characterization, but that said, it's not the most necessary thing.


the holder of the trombone
Goddamn, this game. Manly tears for the majority of the latter half of Hijikata's and the Forever Alone ending. Manly tears indeed.
Has anybody read Rose Gun Days ? If so, care to give an impression ? Thanks !

I'd love to read some R07's madness again, but his next opus of the When They Cry series isn't due anytime soon...


Has anybody read Rose Gun Days ? If so, care to give an impression ? Thanks !

I'd love to read some R07's madness again, but his next opus of the When They Cry series isn't due anytime soon...

I read the demo a while back. Great art, fun characters. Seemed more like a light-hearted action romp than usual Ryukishi insanity, unless it escalates later on.

Reminded me of Baccano.
If there was any remaining doubt:


Just got the Tsugmi route cleared in Ever17. Holy shit. That was...devastating.

The route has the same problems I had with the You route. Characters other then the major two in the chapter get completely shafted. None of what made You or Kid interesting in the other route is present here. Tsugumi and Takashi get fleshed out in great detail, even if Takashi is still an idiot. Man, Tsugumi is the most tsundere character I've seen in a long time. I really liked her overall, but it was still difficult to here her depressing take over and over. I guess it fit with the tone of the route.
Holy crap at that ending. I feel so bad for Tsugumi. She finally let's someone close and he goes and dies again. With her backstory, it made everything so much more depressing

I have no clue how to put the whole
virus outbreak and Curé
together with what I learned in the other route. If I was taking wild sweeps.

The pharmaceutical company behind LeMu caused the accident to hide a viral outbreak. Kid getting a nosebleed in the You route seems to imply he was infected, but I have no clue how he came out alive. Maybe I'm reading too much into things? I'm also guess You is a clone of her mom for....reasons. It would at least make sense of her mother being her mother and herself

That sure put me in a down mood, haha. I think overall I enjoyed this route more than the You one, even though I really dig You and her story. I'm fascinated to see what happens as more of the story pieces itself together.


I'm also playing through Ever 17. I got You's ending first, then chose Takeshi's perspective on my second playthrough and got Sora's ending.

Even after just two endings, I can already see a bunch of twists coming from a mile away. I think I've played too many Uchikoshi games :/

Plot point speculation (if I'm right, major spoilers, you might not want to read these):

It's obvious that Kid's and Takeshi's paths aren't simultaneous. The prologue and Takeshi's route take place in 2017, while Kid's route takes place 17 years later in 2034.
Coco and Sora are exclusive to the two routes, as Sora wasn't born in 2017 and Coco probably dies before 2034 - the Coco in 2034 is a RSD image (recording?) that only Kid can see. 2017 Coco interacts with 2034 Kid, which I'm just putting down to Uchikoshi shenanigans.
Sora can just be copied between the two times, and wouldn't notice a difference if she's initialised from the same state.
Tsugumi is somehow immortal and doesn't age - she begs Takeshi to kill her in Takeshi's route, and has knowledge of the 2017 events in Kid's route. No idea why - maybe connected to Tief Blau? Her scan in Sora's ending is negative, though...
You is a different person in each route - the You in 2034 is a clone of You in 2017. 2017 You raises 2034 You as her child, using her own parents' backstory.
Kid and Takeshi were presumably cryogenically frozen? In You's route, Kid had a nightmare of the IBF pods, which I assume was a memory surfacing. No idea about Takeshi though - could he be the mastermind behind the 2034 events?
I don't have a clue about Kid's amnesia, but that might just be a plot device to explain why he doesn't have 2017's memories in 2034. Kid clearly experienced both, as in 2034 he notices an unfamiliar scar he presumably gained in 2017. Did someone overwrite his 2034 memories with his 2017 memories, just like with Sora?
Other unsolved mysteries: Who rebuilt LeMU in 2034 and why do they need to recreate 2017's events? What's Tief Blau for - a bioweapon? What happened to You's father? Who did Coco call 'brother'? Was the researcher in the ending Coco's father, or You's father? Or both?

Speculation is fun. Time to get the rest of the endings :)


Been replaying 999 here, (played it a long time ago but got one of the bad endings and never went back to do the rest).

Managed to get another bad ending again this time. Though a different one.. I felt like I was making the same choices when I first played it years ago but I guess not.

Well, at least this time I'll actually retry for another ending instead of giving up.


Just got Sara's ending in Ever 17:

So Kid is Sara's brother. Huh. Yeah, this no longer adds up - Sara went to school with 2034 You, but Kid was definitely around in 2017... Plus, I remembered Sara shows up in the prologue too.
I'm still certain Takeshi's route takes place in 2017, while Kid's takes place in 2034, Tsugumi (and probably Takeshi) retaining her memories explains how she behaves normally in Takeshi's route, but weirdly in Kid's route (if I got put into a situation identical to something I experienced 17 years ago, but everyone else denies it, I'd be damn suspicious of them too!)
I want to see the explanation for Kid/Sara now. Could 2017 Kid be a different person to 2034 Kid, with the amnesia covering up that their previous memories were different? That doesn't explain Sara in the prologue, though... Maybe 2017 Kid confused Coco for Sara, like 2034 Kid confused Sara for Coco?
I must be starting to overthink things :p


Ok. I just finished my last 2 Ever17 regular routes, Sara and Sora. Sara's was really interesting and I really didn't expect that twist, though I'm not sure what it'l mean for the true ending. Sora's was pretty predictable especially with You's
retelling. They both shared too much content with their partner routes and ended up feeling pretty cheap because of that.

Speculating on what I think is truly going on:

Alright. LeMu was created to research the 3rd Eye. You's route pretty much said that. we know the Takashi and Kid's routes are in two different time periods. I'm not exactly sure how it all works but in researching the 3rd Eye, LeMu's creator company recreated events in two different times. At least some of the characters are clones to facilitate this. Given cloning's prominence in Never7, and Sora's talk about it, it's safe to assume it's something not all that crazy in this universe. You is the only one I'm almost certain is a clone. As for how CoCo and Kid relate in this, I'm not sure. I do think we as the player are in the 4th dimension that's why we get the "stuck in the infinity loop" message. We're only seeing all these possible timelines in part because we don't have full awareness of this fact.

As for Sara and Kid's relationship and Tsugumi's future, I'm not sure I really have a firm grasp on this. Kid and Sara are brother and sister with the special inferred vision, but I have no clue how Kid is in both 2017 and 2034 (Is that the year of Kid's route? I forget). I also don't get why this specific group of characters was chosen or how this experiment is supposed to work. Also how do curé, TB and the Third Eye relate? Finally, if we are in the 4th dimension and can see all these outcomes, why does our consciousness inhabit both Takashi and Kid?

I'll tackle the True Ending tomorrow. Really excited to see where this goes.


All this speculation just makes me want to replay Ever 17. Especially now that I think of it, I've actually forgotten quite a lot of it. I remember the big and most shocking twists, but I can't recall many of the smaller ones.
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