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Visual Novels Community Thread | A Little Something for Everyone


Just heard the Root Double news. That's cool and all, interesting to see Lemnisca get official work and hopefully it leads to more things in the future. Who knew translating I/O would lead to this. I'm definitely getting it whenever it comes out but I'm not too excited. I/O wasn't spectacular, I really liked the beginning though.

However, I'll be super disappointed if anything bad happens to the 12Riven translation because of all this...
Just heard the Root Double news. That's cool and all, interesting to see Lemnisca get official work and hopefully it leads to more things in the future. Who knew translating I/O would lead to this. I'm definitely getting it whenever it comes out but I'm not too excited. I/O wasn't spectacular, I really liked the beginning though.

However, I'll be super disappointed if anything bad happens to the 12Riven translation because of all this...

I think Sekai would first try to get a hold of Never7, Remember11 and Ever17's localizations, seeing as these games are frequently bundled together.

I don't think that 12Riven will be happening, at least anytime soon.
I think Sekai would first try to get a hold of Never7, Remember11 and Ever17's localizations, seeing as these games are frequently bundled together.

I don't think that 12Riven will be happening, at least anytime soon.

Doesn't 5pb own the rights to those now? They might be unattainable.


I think Sekai would first try to get a hold of Never7, Remember11 and Ever17's localizations, seeing as these games are frequently bundled together.

I don't think that 12Riven will be happening, at least anytime soon.
Money prevails again I suppose. Not that I blame them.


Ever17 :The Out of Infinity- True Ending/Review

Just finished the True Ending last night. That was a ride. I was surprised how much I had put together ahead of time. There were a couple twists I had guessed earlier, but talked myself out of
Takashi being Sora/Kid's Dad
, some I'm surprised I missed
2034 Takashi being 2017 Kid.
and some that seemed purely out of nowhere to create a twist
Me as the player being a 4th dimensional being
. I like the plot a lot overall, even if it feels like a majority of the twists are purely
to explain how people in 2034 can be identical to those n 2017
. The heart of the story really seems to be Tsugumi's story and I think the game knocks it out of the park. It's interesting thematically, it's romantic, it's heartbreaking. She's easily the star of the show here.

I feel like the game drops the ball with many of the other characters, though. You's story
feels like a buildup to a twist that was a tad over complicated. The clone of her mother's twin thing really felt like it was taking that plot a step too far, even if I liked the idea of what Uchokoshi was doing from a thematic standpoint.
2017 Kid's
story felt super incomplete and just put out there for the sake of the one twist at the end. I liked the idea of
2034 Kid's story
, but I feel like the introduction of the character really comes too late to pay it off well enough. Sora's tale feels completely tacked on and unsatisfying.

Then there's the whole
4th dimensional being thing
. It kind of felt like a cop-out. I feel like if they just had the
player character be one of the cast who's opened the third eye and can get glimpses into the 4th dimension
, that would've been a more satisfying way to pay that plot off. I think the tale overall Uchikoshi is telling is awesome and I think the game works purely on that level. I feel like he dropped enough hints that you can tell what's going on if you're paying attention, but not enough that you see every twist coming.

Comparing it to Never7, I do end up coming out liking Never7 a bit more. Ever17's plot is far more interesting. The fact that you can see bits of the True Ending coming I think makes that aspect more satisfying than Never7's insane, out of nowhere True End that exist purely for twist sake. I feel like the cast as a whole in Never7, though, is far more developed and that's why the slice of life moments work in that game and fail here. I also feel like Never7 was far better at making each route feel like its own thing. Even as we repeated events there, I felt I was getting a different take on them whereas in Ever17 they just feel like pure repetition.

Overall, I really enjoyed the game and it definitely was worth playing. I totally see why people compare it to 999 and VLR. Uchikoshi definitely cribbed parts of the plots of both games from his earlier work. I didn't enjoy the game as much as VLR or Never7, but it was a really fun experience that I glad I had. It was also really interesting to see which ideas and themes he expanded on from Never7. I feel like he brought up some really interesting ideas about
immorality, the bonds of people across time, and cloning
. Looking forward to see what he does next in Remember11. If I had to put out a guess, I feel like he might pickup on the story of the 800 Year Old Nun from Ever17 like he did with Alice in 999/VLR. CoCo specifically pointed out that that story might not be over.

Oh, and before I forget. The music in Ever17 deserves special note for being great. It's so effective at a ton of moments throughout the game. The lullaby and main theme are particular stand outs, but the whole soundtrack seems really great. It's definitely got one of the most memorable soundtracks I've heard in a VN. I really dug it.


Mangagamer's countdown page for Otakon has gone up. Five new announcements with two new partners. With the excitement I've seen from key staff, I'd look forward to at least one or two of these announcements being something worth checking out.

Also, a hint from their twitter: 直に時は満ちる。 漆黒の闇を切り裂く銀色の光がやがて降臨し、終焉の幕が訪れる。最終決戦で流される血潮は、その燃え尽きる末路で蒸発され、新たな世界、新たの盟約の糧となる。その輪廻はもう止まらん。それでも、抗うというのか?


Mangagamer's countdown page for Otakon has gone up. Five new announcements with two new partners. With the excitement I've seen from key staff, I'd look forward to at least one or two of these announcements being something worth checking out.

Also, a hint from their twitter: 直に時は満ちる。 漆黒の闇を切り裂く銀色の光がやがて降臨し、終焉の幕が訪れる。最終決戦で流される血潮は、その燃え尽きる末路で蒸発され、新たな世界、新たの盟約の糧となる。その輪廻はもう止まらん。それでも、抗うというのか?

I don't understand why MangaGamer tweets in Japanese. They're a company that localizes VNs in English. They should tweet in the language of the audience they're marketing to.


Unconfirmed Member
Looks like Sekai will be hosting a panel at Otakon next week. Guess Frontwing won't let them discuss Grisaia news until then (via their forums).
The final version of World End Economica ep 2 is now up on Steam for anyone who backed it. It's supposed to launch this week for everyone else.

And SP has released screens of their Devil on a G-String release:
It's HD/widescreen with a new UI.
So some of my friends took one of my computers and played all my hanabira games that were on it and is now addicted.
So i'm now looking for VNs with a female lead that aren't otome games

any suggestions ? ( of course translated in english )
So some of my friends took one of my computers and played all my hanabira games that were on it and is now addicted.
So i'm now looking for VNs with a female lead that aren't otome games

any suggestions ? ( of course translated in english )

Shikkoku no Sharnoth perhaps? Female protagonist written by a female writer and it isn't your typical romance focused otome game. There's also Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning that MangaGamer is releasing, but it's not out until the year at the earliest. Fault Milestone One has female leads.

There's not a whole lot of VNs in English with female leads that aren't otome games. There's not much yuri either outside of Hanabira, though if you're looking for that there's Katahane and Aoi Shiro, though I haven't played either.
So some of my friends took one of my computers and played all my hanabira games that were on it and is now addicted.
So i'm now looking for VNs with a female lead that aren't otome games

any suggestions ? ( of course translated in english )

Remember11 has two protagonists, one of whom is female. It's one of my top five VNs (only losing out to Danganronpa and Zero Escape games) and my favorite VN on PC. The game isn't about romance or anything similar. Half the game is played from the female's perspective. Great OST, many endings, amazing story if you are into thrillers.
Shikkoku no Sharnoth perhaps? Female protagonist written by a female writer and it isn't your typical romance focused otome game. There's also Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning that MangaGamer is releasing, but it's not out until the year at the earliest. Fault Milestone One has female leads.

There's not a whole lot of VNs in English with female leads that aren't otome games. There's not much yuri either outside of Hanabira, though if you're looking for that there's Katahane and Aoi Shiro, though I haven't played either.

Well some of the long time followers of this thread on GAF knows that i absolutely LOVE aoishiro , so of course i was thinking about that . i will look into Katahane.
I have fault , but seeing as how millestone 1 ends , i think i'll wait for millestone 2 to be released before i toss that one in her direction.

Remember11 has two protagonists, one of whom is female. It's one of my top five VNs (only losing out to Danganronpa and Zero Escape games) and my favorite VN on PC. The game isn't about romance or anything similar. Half the game is played from the female's perspective. Great OST, many endings, amazing story if you are into thrillers.

I think she isn't ready for something like remember 11 .
It's coming but once she will open up a little more.
Thanks for the suggestion.


The final version of World End Economica ep 2 is now up on Steam for anyone who backed it. It's supposed to launch this week for everyone else.

And SP has released screens of their Devil on a G-String release:
It's HD/widescreen with a new UI.

Is it any good? The art looks kind of... Clannadish.
Zero Escape 3 with the watch bonus is up for pre-order from GameStop.

3DS - Vita

Also, Amazon should be getting one last wave of pre-orders soon. Source

And for those of you waiting for Best Buy out anyplace else, stop waiting and get it while you can, the watch bonus will be Amazon and GameStop only. Source

just like everything Jast USA-related stuff


Also, I highly doubt S;G will be there, considering how many issues they have with the license terms...

Going by how the previous bundle worked, it's literally just selling JAST product keys, so I don't think that would have any licensing issues.


According to the group chat apparently School Days and My Girlfriend is the President are confirmed. Also, apparently either Steins;Gate or Yo-Jin-Bo will be in the bundle as well.
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