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Visual Novels Community Thread | A Little Something for Everyone


School Days HQ

Oh dear god what is it with all the lens flare in this game? Did JJ Abrams direct it? I honestly thought something was wrong with my monitor at first. Also, School Days is still as wonderful, amazingly bad as I remember it being.

I'm playing it too. Honestly I don't find it that bad.
I will be somewhat disapointed if chiruchiru translation is terrible.i guess they went for it since the grisaia anime is over ..but i expect some work done properly ..

Please don't be a babelfish translation.....

Nekopara Vol 0 is ok ..Gonna get it once available.


Seems the Gorilla game is not a VN. :p Or maybe it is, I'm really not sure.


Here's the description if you're interested tho:


Google Play Store said:

◆ 見どころ
・エンディングは全3種類! あなたの選択で運命が変わる…

◆ こんな方におすすめ!



Google Play Store said:
"Over was one animal of gorilla that saved my pinch ..."
I was hired as a bodyguard gorilla handedly
In order to protect the girl, to ward off the enemy in hot drumming!
When the gorilla and the girl meet, love story starts to move ...
◆ Highlights
- Love simulation type game left to nurture ties with gorilla
· I will protect her with drove by tapping the enemy!
- Two people and bond deepens sweet memories illustrations of the gorilla can be get!
- When it comes to playing the second week after gorilla translation function is unlocked
Ending is all three! Fate changes in your choice ...

◆ Recommended for this!
- I like hefty gorilla
· I want to be protected by gorilla
I can not live without 's Gorilla
Really whereabouts of this love is ...?

News (some of this may have already been posted):

Fan Made Shenmue VN

New Vita Content from Hatoful Boyfriend coming to PC for free.


I finally managed to get my codes. It seems I was given an account even though I selected the "buy through e-mail" option, so I had to use the password recovery option and then was able to get the codes. I've only redeemed School Days and Yojinbo because I don't particularily care about any of the others (and I heard most of them are senseless eroges, even... is that right?), and both of them worked fine.

The site for accessing and downloading the VNs appears to be really archaic, though. I never expected I'd have to download several large files manually before installing School Days...
I finally managed to get my codes. It seems I was given an account even though I selected the "buy through e-mail" option, so I had to use the password recovery option and then was able to get the codes. I've only redeemed School Days and Yojinbo because I don't particularily care about any of the others (and I heard most of them are senseless eroges, even... is that right?), and both of them worked fine.

The site for accessing and downloading the VNs appears to be really archaic, though. I never expected I'd have to download several large files manually before installing School Days...

My Girlfriend is the President is pretty fun if you enjoy light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek tropes and meta-humor mixed with some dirty jokes. Can't speak for any of the others, though.


I'm excited with MangaGamer announcement for Tokyo Babel, I love my extreme chuuni and dem seiyuus <3

Altho its probably never actually came out, I know that brehs
Eh I thought they're tend to stack up their queue or something like that, although maybe I does mixed up thing.
You're probably thinking of JAST. MangaGamer doesn't really announce titles that they don't release and while some of their projects take a while to translate, they're not notorious for stalling out like with JAST.


That best couple images makes me happy. I love that the VN and anime both embrace it, too. No harem shenanigans, straight-up canon.

Yeah. We had a contest. :p

We did a best girl and best guy one a few months back. :p

It's a fun sub. The mods are really reasonable people.
I've finished Kara no Shoujo and I have to say I ended up rather disappointed. It has nice art and music, and there's the base for a good story in here, but it fumbles a lot of the execution. The game overindulges in shocking moments to the point where one becomes numb to it. What
happened to Kazuna
was a gut punch, but eventually I just started to expect everyone to die horribly or be maimed. Even the characters in the story get over all of these horrible things happening really quickly. The mysteries in this get a bit silly too with
how everyone is secretly related to everyone else and/or committing incest.
Like Cartagra it had way too many pointless sex scenes that the game doesn't even acknowledge happened afterward.

The structure of the game is kind of a mess, too many vague decisions, and it feels meant to be played with a guide. You even get bad endings for pursuing the right lead too early! Even having beaten the game the way it branches feels arbitrary, not that there is really much divergence beyond what are essentially pass/fail states for bad endings. Even the true ending is nothing more than a few extra lines of dialogue that are a sequel hook more than any sort of satisfactory conclusion. The true route is essentially the same as the normal ending beyond
being able to save Kazuna, who I only care about because I read the previous game.
Cartagra was a better game, especially in terms of having a satisfactory ending that doesn't feel empty and anti-climatic.

All of this sounds rather harsh, but I did enjoy the game until the endings. I think my disappointment in the true ending is souring my opinion of the rest.


IFI has a betatest for Amnesia - Memories, starting July 29th. Betatesters get a free Steam key.

Edit: Filled out the survey for the beta. Wish me luck!

Edit 2: Sketches from defunct VN developer Dischan's unreleased VN, Cradle Song, released by artist Doomfest/Soft Mode:




Yes, .moe is indeed now a TLD. :p

Still sad about Dischan tho. ;(


Let's DO THIS! Seriously, good luck. Hope it goes well.

Think I'll post this on reddit.

No need to get so zealous, the last remaining issue I face is there's a hard character limit of about 132 per line (depends on character size) at which point attempting to trigger a new line will cause the game to crash. Gotta fix that first or this is gonna be one interesting translation.

Edit: and if anyone wants it, the tool I made can be found here. Not really designed for use by anyone without experience, but making it public doesn't hurt anyone.


Wow, this guy at Groupees solved all my issues, including my broken School Days code. They're awesome, I'm in for every visual novel bundle they release in the future.


So, Yuuichi, I posted news of your translation to reddit and it seems to be getting received well. Although, herkz has already made a comment, insulting you for using excel. :p Then again, it's herkz, so it's probably better to just not give a shit about anything he ever says. :p


Blick Winkel's up to something again: http://a.lemnis.ca/2015/07/17infinity.html


I know I'm late, but the timer counts down to May 1st 2017, the date Ever17 takes place.

On the topic of Ever17, I never gave my impressions after finishing the game, did I?

(Ever17 true end spoilers)
I got caught out by the game using the same plot twists multiple times. It did imply that "Kid" in Kid's route was different to "Kid" in Takeshi's route, using amnesia to hide it... It never even crossed my mind that "Takeshi" was different between the two routes as well. Retrospectively, I'm surprised Tsugumi didn't just snap at Kaburaki in Kid's route, rather than merely being massively distrustful of him.

I definitely liked the Kaburaki reveal - again, it's not something I'd ever considered, even though the explanation ended up being pretty simple. I thought that maybe You'haru' had been infected by Cure, explaining why she looked very young for a 35-year-old, but I didn't expect Cure to be invoked a third time to explain Kaburaki's identity!

My favourite part of the true ending was the hinting at Tsugumi's family (namely, Cure's relation to infrared vision, and the lullaby's name), and the subsequent reunion. Tsugumi definitely shot up in my estimation there.

I wasn't a huge fan of the things that happened after that - they seemed pretty contrived. Hokuto reviving Takeshi through the power of love was just dumb, Pipi's valiant rescue effort was super implausible, and the whole time loop thing was eh. Blick Winkel was a cool idea, but doesn't really make much sense. The paradox scene was pretty unnecessary, too. I'm glad the characters got a happy ending, but some of the things used to make that happen were pretty bullshit.

A bunch of the weird stuff in the game was still unexplained (the voices in the elevator? fluctuating life readings? who was counting down in Takeshi's route, or if it was BW imagining things, why did everyone else hear it? who kicked the can in Kid's route? etc)

The second countdown timer counts down to the start of the second incident, a.k.a. the plot twist that You's ending makes waaaay too obvious. I wish I hadn't gotten that ending first :p


blah blah blah

ok, I'm not sure how well I can explain this because It's been almost four years since I played it, but I'll see what I've got. (Ever 17 Spoilers)
The big thing that you're missing, which should help with quite a bit, is that YOU are BW. You're the outside observer that makes all the events possible. I don't remember how all of them work, but most, if not all of the things that you claim don't make sense (like the fluctuating life readings) are easily explained though the fact there are actually several timelines occurring at any given time which you, as BW, have knowledge of, and this causes some strange things to happen.

hopefully that helps, even if a bunch of it is probably wrong


ok, I'm not sure how well I can explain this because It's been almost four years since I played it, but I'll see what I've got. (Ever 17 Spoilers)
The big thing that you're missing, which should help with quite a bit, is that YOU are BW. You're the outside observer that makes all the events possible. I don't remember how all of them work, but most, if not all of the things that you claim don't make sense (like the fluctuating life readings) are easily explained though the fact there are actually several timelines occurring at any given time which you, as BW, have knowledge of, and this causes some strange things to happen.

hopefully that helps, even if a bunch of it is probably wrong

I got that, but
how come the other characters also see some of the weirdness? I get why the player character can see/hear things like the two voices in the elevator, but everyone else saw the life readings change and heard the out of place sounds in the 'kick the can' game. Not to mention that none of the timelines you know of have five life readings - assuming that the sixth life reading is BW/the player (the only way to explain the remaining life reading in the endings), then the correct number of readings is 6 or 7 depending on whether it can detect Chami.
So, Yuuichi, I posted news of your translation to reddit and it seems to be getting received well. Although, herkz has already made a comment, insulting you for using excel. :p Then again, it's herkz, so it's probably better to just not give a shit about anything he ever says. :p

Pardon my curiosity, but who is herkz in this...scheme of things if you can call it that, and why would it matter what program anyone is using as long as it isn't incredibly inefficient?

It's not like we talking about running a database query for 30 million lines instead or something, but perhaps I see things in programming lingo too much.


Pardon my curiosity, but who is herkz in this...scheme of things if you can call it that, and why would it matter what program anyone is using as long as it isn't incredibly inefficient?

It's not like we talking about running a database query for 30 million lines instead or something, but perhaps I see things in programming lingo too much.

herkz is a fan translator known for saying some pretty dumb things.

Here's a few of his online profiles, so you can get an idea of what he's like:



Any news for all the Chaos;Head teasing? Is Blick Winkel really that trustworthy after throwing so many teasers and nothing so far coming from them?


Any news for all the Chaos;Head teasing? Is Blick Winkel really that trustworthy after throwing so many teasers and nothing so far coming from them?

Nothing yet.

Also, Yuuichi, are you doing this translation all on your own or do you have a group?


He's not translator, he's an editor who works for commie and on some VN projects, most notably Grisaia and SubaHibi.

Sorry didn't realize he was an editor rather than a translator. :p Still remains that he likes to speak ill of translations he had no involvement with.


Nothing yet.

Also, Yuuichi, are you doing this translation all on your own or do you have a group?

It's just me. It could take me a few months or a few years to get it translated, at which point I'll grab an editor (I know several) and polish the translation for editing. How long it takes depends on how diligently I work (probably not very) and how busy I am with school and life. That said, I'm still working on finding a way to increase my character limit by any means necessary, which will delay me actually starting on it by likely a few more days.

150 characters the dream.


Finished Amane route in Grisaia no Kajitsu.

Not for the faint at heart but amazing ending. Manly tears were shed. Now playing Sachi route.


This feels like the appropriate thread to post it:

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This is a giveaway for the thread url: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=927445.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Lain, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

My Girlfriend Is The President -- MB-30147798620C225E - Taken by fertygo. 2 entrants total.



School Days HQ
Having finished the anime a couple days ago, I decided to stick with Kotonoha and not lie to every other character to stay on their good side like Makoto did in the adaptation. It was nice to see that by acting that way nobody has been getting into particularily complicated things, and I was sort of happy when Makoto automatically rejected Otome after hearing that Kotonoha was forced to man the desk at the fair attraction for the whole day while the rest had fun (and "fun" as well).

I saved before the obvious sex scene that's coming up during the school fair, but after watching the anime I was kind of surprised that the game actually had a route where Makoto didn't instantly bang whoever he could. I'm wondering what's gonna happen with Makoto and Kotonoha being recorded together in the break room (maybe Otome might get jealous and begin bullying Kotonoha a lot more aggressively or something), but then again it looks like nobody's acting all that weird, and perhaps Kotonoha and Makoto finally becoming a couple in everybody else's eyes might put a stop to all the misunderstandings that still appear to be around... or not.

Thinking about love interests, it's still a bit weird how none of the characters are all that interesting. Kotonoha's way too frail, and being nice to her makes it seem hypocritical because of Makoto's fixation with sex. It comes off as if he only wants to get on her good side to get in her pants. Sekai feels deranged right from the start due to not only playing around with Makoto and Kotonoha but with her own feelings as well, and kept trying to push herself onto Makoto. I haven't learned much about any of the other girls in this route, but I guess there might be a chance to get to know them and their motivations a bit better on later playthroughs.

So far things have been good, even though I know I'm playing in this specific way due to knowing what can happen if you let Makoto try to get away with everything. I was afraid the plot would get too porn-centric, but luckily it isn't that way if you don't want it to.


To those playing School Days...

Is the VN actually fully animated? Is the animation any sort of strain on a computer? I'm trying to decide whether to download this on my tablet or my computer, as I'm worried the low-end tablet can't handle it.
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