Alright, so here're some more School Days playthrough impressions.
I got to a point where Sekai's dating Taisuke, but she appears to not like being with him at all. Meanwhile, and in spite of my efforts to keep Sekai away, Makoto still manages to find a way to lust after her even after having become a stable couple with Kotonoha that others are finally aware of (so no more misunderstandings... right, guys?). All this is making me think I'm railroading too much and role-playing in an awful way, since the point is that he's still somehow into Sekai despite not giving her the time of day and only getting kisses stolen by her (because hormones, obviously). It's obvious that sooner or later something will happen with Sekai and I won't be able to avoid it, and that might end up into a situation where the Boat rears its Nice head...