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Visual Novels Community Thread | A Little Something for Everyone


Grisaia common route was great, I thought it was hilarious. Some of those military stories man. Yuuji is definitely the best "super-MC" I've seen in a VN (though I only know like 2 others)

Hoping to get into the sequels in the future too
This pricing would seem like it's due to licensing costs, but I don't think Japanese voice licenses are typically paid as royalties off of the number of sales....


Unconfirmed Member
I'm guessing they think they'll make the same amount of money between both sales? Do voices really cost that much? Crazy

From the stories I've heard about contract hell with licensing some, you have no idea :x It was probably "higher price or bust" for them.


looks like i'll finish the common route tomorrow, no idea which route i'll pick, i was set on amane but sachi and michiru have both been tugging at me


G-senjou no Maou - The Devil on G-String will have 2 versions on Steam $39.99 with voices and $19.99 without voices.

Uh, that's a strange pricing strategy.

I understand that licensing voices is costly. I remember that getting voices in Kara no Shoujo, after the fact, was like $5 or $10 more. Though the voices costing as much as the game seems... a bit too much. At least to me.


Unconfirmed Member

Coming out very soon and I'm glad that progress is finally working out for SP :) I figured that they just had a lot on their plate, but I never did doubt that they would come out eventually. I just wanted something to show for it, and even the Fault update showed that the artbook had a deadline of the end of the year (which indicates that they are waiting on Japan to finish it up).

Can't wait until my mailbox gets flooded with VNs and their goodies^^


G-senjou no Maou - The Devil on G-String will have 2 versions on Steam $39.99 with voices and $19.99 without voices.

Uh, that's a strange pricing strategy.

So there won't be a physical release?


After a long break from VN, I finished Baldr Sky Dive 1+2 (Chinese translation only sorry). Took me 80 hours to get most of the ending and true ending. The game is a hybrid VN, and 2d action game, it is pretty addicting figuring out combo, doing upgrade and stuffs, unfortunately since it is a 80 hours game, you get burn out pretty quickly.

Beside that the story is great, you started the game with an amnesia, chasing after your lost memory and objective. When you replay the game using New Game Plus you start with more of your memory, which gain you access to more routes. I think my favorite route is Rain (best girl), and my least favorite is Chinatsu. The true ending is okay, the twist is great, but it got drag on for too long, with too many battles.


Started on the Sharin no Kuni fandisk. Surprised in a good way so far,
it's looking to be a full on origin story for both Hozuki and Saburo, I expected something somewhat simpler
Started on the Sharin no Kuni fandisk. Surprised in a good way so far,
it's looking to be a full on origin story for both Hozuki and Saburo, I expected something somewhat simpler

This story should explain some of the rough edges of the original game, and should change your prespective on at least 1 character


Hatoful Boyfriend for $2.49 is an insane steal and everyone should buy it.
Pass. For whatever reason, this game is too weird even for me. I heard the concept and got really skeeved out by it. I just don't... get it. And then I saw a video of one of the bad ends and my brain 'NOPE'd right out of there.


I definitely didn't expect it to explain so much. Pretty much necessary to the experience I think, it was an independent story and another chapter to the original VN, good times.

My only tiny gripe is that I wanted a bit more on Saburo, we didn't see almost anything from him. He didn't get to look impressive as a cadet either, wish he had some spotlight. He could almost use a chapter on his own if the story on the girl he wanted to save is big enough.
Seeing Ken really threw off my perception of everyone's ages, I thought Hozuki was like in his early 50's. But I did know it was Ken the moment he showed up with the baby. I was really surprised that Hozuki had that connection to Ken, it really does clear up everything about his behavior towards Ken in the main VN. Some of Saburo's actions are cleared up too.

I enjoyed it, like I said it went a lot farther than I expected for extra material, and it doesn't really lose to the main game in any aspect. There's still plenty of problems with the story, like why would Hozuki take after Ari's brand of violence and bad-ness when he hated her for it, or the fact that Mina got the obligation + concentration camp again after being free, but it's whatever at this point.


Gave in and bought Grisaia on Steam. 1hr30mins in and it's been good so far. Michiru trying to pose as a tsundere was funny as hell.

One complaint, though: is there a more customizable setting for the game's auto-read speed? If I increase the speed to 16x it sometimes skips the character's voiceover, but the 8x speed is too slow. I'm sorely missing Key's auto-read settings.


Gave in and bought Grisaia on Steam. 1hr30mins in and it's been good so far. Michiru trying to pose as a tsundere was funny as hell.

One complaint, though: is there a more customizable setting for the game's auto-read speed? If I increase the speed to 16x it sometimes skips the character's voiceover, but the 8x speed is too slow. I'm sorely missing Key's auto-read settings.
nope, eventually i gave up and started advancing manually


Does anyone know if Stein's Gate is dual language?

Also, since I'm just getting into visual novels to help supplement my Japanese learning I would appreciate any recommendations you might have, this is all new to me :)


Wait, has Grisaia always had awful auto read settings or is that a side effect of the port?

I'm literally failing to think of a game that doesn't start the auto timer until after voice plays.


Wait, has Grisaia always had awful auto read settings or is that a side effect of the port?

I'm literally failing to think of a game that doesn't start the auto timer until after voice plays.

I made this exact complaint when we still dreaming if VN can come to Steam, so its not a port thing.

Literally made me stop playing.


Never really used auto mode actually, I like sitting back with a controller. I tend to lose focus randomly so auto mode would keep me on my toes too much.

Weird that it doesn't wait for voices to finish, they usually do (or have a box to check for "wait for voices to finish in auto mode")
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