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Visual Novels Community Thread | A Little Something for Everyone


Best auto mode I've found was Steins;Gate. Written dialogue moves at the same pace as the spoken dialogue, meaning you finish reading when they finish talking.


Curious to see how many of us use the auto-read feature frequently. I guess I'm in the minority? Used to just click away using the mouse, but then my hand would get tired and I'd get irritated with the constant button presses, so I switched to a PS3 controller and went wireless, but that didn't really solve anything. Maybe I'm just too lazy to press the buttons LOL.

But yeah, Steins;Gate's auto-read that synced with the voice was nice. I had that toggled on for almost the whole game, so my overall playing time may be significantly higher than most people here since I finish almost every single voice over.
My favorite auto mode is in VLR.

Unlike most others, VLR doesn't wait for several seconds after it displays the text. It's faster than most, which I really like. Danganronpa, for example, waits for way too long on non-voiced lines, which is very immersion breaking for me.

VLR's much better in that regard.

Normally I don't use auto though, advancing the text myself feels better.


I can't stand any text speed other than instant, but I wait for the voices to finish anyway before I advance. A model of efficiency.


Admittedly, I switch to manually advancing the text once something heavy plotwise comes up or if there's a twist so I can soak up all the info, but it's on auto mode 99% of the time for me.

Rewrite's auto mode (or the auto mode for most Key VNs) is my favorite out of everything I've played so far. Tweaked it for a couple of minutes and it's gotten to the point where it advances the text almost immediately when I want it to advance. Great for eating while playing.


Depends on the kind of game and how fine tuned the autoread settings are. Muv Luv, with it's heavy focus on dialogue and presentation, is great with autoread. F/SN on the other hand, with tons of inner monologuing and a simplistic novel-style presentation, is terrible with it.
About the only real time I can remember using auto was if I was reading while eating dinner or something. Aside from that, I always advance manually. It just feels better.


I've never skipped anything even in H-scenes. Except in Nekopara but I'd already seen a number of the H-scenes so I was kind of tired of it. Other than that, never. I also always wait until the voices have completely finished. Of course, when I'm replaying to get different endings, yeah I will skip then. As I said earlier, I never use autoread either because, I usually can't read fast enough. I'd also never use it in an untranslated game, because trying to keep up with text while figuring out what it means in TA, is an exercise in frustration. I know because I've played a number of old VNs that have some forced autoscrolling text.


I use auto-read if it's close to matching the voice. Steins;Gate was probably the closest thing to perfect.

F/SN was my first anything with H, and I blitzed through that crap.
The thing I can't take is when the auto delay is proportional to the amount of text. So even if I set the text display speed to my own reading speed, for some reason they think I need time to read the entire thing again... twice. Or if I set the auto delay to really fast, it's bearable for large amounts of text but practically instant for two-word sentences. Can't I just have a fixed delay after the text finishes displaying?


I don't play many voiced VNs so I normally just click all the way through it, as for h-scenes...I watch all of them. That is unless I have already seen it when going for a different route and I'm not particularly fond of it.


I don't really used auto-read, because either I read it faster than the auto-scroll goes, or I get distracted and miss something. Might as well click away at my own pace. I also usually set the text to instant, and if someone's talking and (I feel) are taking too long, I'll click ahead. :p I can't understand Japanese, anyway.

So, a few days ago I finished Saya no Uta, which was certainly... interesting, haha. Very good game for October ;p I still can't decide which of the endings is the worst, all of them have a fair deal of melancholy about them.

I'm gonna give Phenomeno a try when I can (thanks for linking the game and patch, Yuuichi and Jazz! :3), but right now I'm playing Code: Realize. It's pretty good so far, imo. I've heard that you can't take
\o/ Lupin's \o/
path until the other paths are completed, which is a tad disappointing, but the story telling in Victor's path is good regardless thus far. I'll have to see if the other routes hold up, though.


I was on VNDB and I just saw that GIGA is working on a new title. I wouldn't get my hopes up, since it's probably just a moege, not that there's anything wrong with moege.


So Sekai Project's Japanese School Life thing is getting a Kickstarter too.

Another Kickstarter? How about they do some translation/upgrades without relying on other ppl money for a change.


We want this kids to play this game too so there aren't any intimate scenes! Oh, but we do have tits....


Shame I think TYPE-MOON is too backward for working together with publisher for Muv-Luv like project.

they could shake the world if they wanted too >_<
I'd all but given hope that we'd ever see this thing translated. Maybe one day we'll get to a point where TypeMoon brings official translations to Steam or something. I guess I can dream.

Mahoyo is too short and too popular to never get translated. Though this patch seems likely to never get finished either.


Shame I think TYPE-MOON is too backward for working together with publisher for Muv-Luv like project.

they could shake the world if they wanted too >_<

Nah the problem is that the license for the Fate/stay games is super expensiv. Type-Moon is known for being greedy as fuck.
World End Econ is the only thing in that bundle I'd really recommend, but even then it's only a dollar cheaper than just buying it off of Steam (and that's not counting sales). Though I haven't played all of those titles.


I thought the entire Sakura franchise was nukige.

Yeah, it's pretty much borderline at least until the latest game with outright H-scenes. Not worth your time at all.

Anyways, Loren is supposed to be good. I can't say anything for Asphyxia. The Royal Trap is from Hanako who made Long Live the Queen. And of course if you played WEE Ep. 1 and you liked it, Ep. 2 is good.
There's also TyranoBuilder if you're interested in making your own VNs. Apparently it's a lot easier to use than RenPY.
Sekai Project has another Kickstarter for you. This time it's for Narcissu.

We've partnered with Stage-nana to remake and bring over the the remaining untranslated content of the series. But we're not satisfied with just that, we're also creating a completely new chapter. On this journey, we've already spent $60,000 on development, translation, and licensing. Now we need your help to make the final game the best it can be.

For this project, we're commissioning new artwork and music, voices, and funding development. To get to the quality level we think this series deserves, we need to raise $150,000.

The games will support both English and Japanese and will be released as separate stand-alone titles to get the games into your hands as quickly as possible. Translations have been going on for over a month already, so assuming the game assets come in on time and testing goes smoothly, the first release could be as early as November for "Himeko's Epilogue". "A Little Iris" would release a soon after that, followed by "Zero" near the end of the year or early 2016. The new chapter "Sumire" would follow in early 2016.

After fees and taxes, the money is planned to be distributed as follows (Figures are ballpark estimates)

$40k for voice licenses
Development, translation, art, testing, misc costs:
$8k Himeko Epilogue Chapter
$20k Zero Chapter
$20k Little Iris Chapter
$40k Sumire Chapter
Remaining funds will go towards production and fulfilment of physical goods with Sekai Project covering any shortfalls and unexpected costs in the budgeting.
150k goal.
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