Well since I'm the resident SP employee in here, I'll just chime in with some stuff here. Everyone is entitled to opinions so I don't mind seeing any of the criticism in here (I write everything down and discuss it in our meetings actually) so please don't stop being honest about how you guys feel. We're all friends be it a stormy night or a sunny day.
First off, I work with dovac every single day, have been for quite some time. Now I'll be honest myself and say that sometimes, it takes me a while to understand his humor on some things but that's the thing, his sarcastic and dry sense of humor can sometimes come off wrong and make things sound bad. This is not an excuse on his behalf, but it is important to state very clearly that if anyone suggest that dovac somehow only cares to make money and doesn't care about fans/the product, then he spectacularly failed his Scrooge McDuck quest so far. He takes great care of us in the company, he always works hours extra when we all turn off the lights. He can be a bit bad at handling vocal minorities due to fatigue but eh, he's not Phil Fish just yet. The new PR and community team is doing stellar work and communication is getting much better by the day.
We are always under NDA, we are always answering to many stipulations, requirements and sometimes confusing requests, and while we love working with everyone it can sometimes cause a bit of a stumble getting this across to the general public. This affects some of the KS projects extensively, since we need final approvals on very small details that can take weeks to clear. Lately though, as I mentioned in the past, the company has hired new people to improve many aspects to SP. Then they hired me and undid all good they ever done.
Seriously though, I don't mind any comments made by any of you and welcome any discussions as free as the sky to take place. I write down many comments, I speak up for them, and its always taken seriously. We haven't had any falling outs or anything of the kind that has been suggested with any parties however. I don't handle the contracts, but I can tell you that we are on good terms with all parties we worked with so far, but we cannot take on every project and that leads to some trying different avenues seeing that there is a market for them even without us doing the work.
Thanks for writing this. You'll always be a cool guy in my book, mainly for your taste in VN composers.