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Visual Novels Community Thread | A Little Something for Everyone


After all these years, it's sort of funny to watch the industry implode on itself even though I've sort of moved to a different part of it. I know there are good intentions at work but SP has some of the worst community management I've ever seen going on.


Sigh, ok so I looked into this issue since I thought this looked like a strange development based on that single picture posted of the forums. Doubt the answers will make everyone happy but I tried my best.

- So apparently the person who started that thread had started similar threads before, and was told that we (SP) was asking for permission to speak about the development decisions of the game, since that is handled in Japan and not by us. Meaning we didn't make the resolution decision.

-Making another thread, someone just got tired of it and decided it would be a good idea to delete the thread (which it is not, discussions should be free and open). When the thread was deleted, the OP began to copy paste his posts into other threads and these were deleted as well,

-Most of us were unaware, and this just spiraled into silliness. The explanation is simply that this decision wasn't ours to make (CG cropping), but we actually been investigating if we can offer something in the future. That's all that was needed to be said.

So I apologize. Trust me I would have handled that much differently, but I wasn't around when it happened, I was singing Boyz II Men songs in the shower peacefully.
Sekai Project also posted an official response
Cropped CGs
As part of AKABEiSOFT2's standard renewal process of handling older games, the game was to be converted to 16:9 widescreen format. This was done with the same methods of how they converted another title from their sister brand, Akatsuki no Goei.

While some users are disappointed at how this was handled we will not be delaying the release but will ask if there is a way to enable original 4:3 support.

Further threads regarding this will be locked or deleted.
They could have handled this a lot better by saying this earlier instead of locking/deleting threads talking about it. It's also strange that they were blindsided by this considering they went through the exact same thing with Clannad and chose to keep the original aspect ratio.


Spreading too thin and trusting people that can't handle their jobs will be an issue for Sekai Project going forward. I don't follow the visual novel background closely, but I've read time and time the issues with the Sakura games not being to the taste of Sekai Project and a few translators who have a loud mouth. Get it together, Sekai Project. Once you become Phil Fish, you're dead.


So I apologize. Trust me I would have handled that much differently, but I wasn't around when it happened, I was singing Boyz II Men songs in the shower peacefully.

While I don't disagree with this, the problem is that this was even a problem in the first place. I feel like I'm watching this scene from monty python and it makes all of you look bad. You should probably figure out a way to standardize your PR policies before you hurt your image even more, there are already enough communication issues as is.


While I don't disagree with this, the problem is that this was even a problem in the first place. I feel like I'm watching this scene from monty python and it makes all of you look bad. You should probably figure out a way to standardize your PR policies before you hurt your image even more, there are already enough communication issues as is.

Oh we are working effortlessly with this. Our Twitter is now run by a very talented dude and I take care of a lot of outstanding issues that were prevalent before I stepped on board. Problem is that some keep forgetting they are not part of a fan community effort anymore and an actual company, so certain kneejerk reaction happen.

It's getting much better though.
Oh we are working effortlessly with this. Our Twitter is now run by a very talented dude and I take care of a lot of outstanding issues that were prevalent before I stepped on board. Problem is that some keep forgetting they are not part of a fan community effort anymore and an actual company, so certain kneejerk reaction happen.

It's getting much better though.

i guess i understand , but goddam, you have work to do.


I always work hard and it already requires long days and hours. Part of my effort is also be as open and transparent with you guys since I appreciate the community here and I know our company actually does really good work and treats everyone working with SP really really well, so I try to be here to at least keep everyone here up to speed.

Stuff like today frustrates me just as much as you, and it was dealt with lightning quick when everyone became aware.


that puzzling face
Stuff like today frustrates me just as much as you, and it was dealt with lightning quick when everyone became aware.

From our short time meeting, you and Chris are extremely cool people and I know will eventually sort things out. Hang on to your sanity.


Does Kara no Shojo 2 resolves the cliffhanger from 1? if so I might be tempted to pick it up, suppose there isn't a non-h version of it?


I don't exactly love SP, but even I can't get behind that one... (downvoting)

Not like I would buy the game, anyway. My finances are terrible right now. I haven't even been able to get KnS2!
Yeah, I don't think any of that is necessary. Their community management and communication is still terrible, but down voting reviews isn't going to accomplish anything.

Not like I would buy the game, anyway. My finances are terrible right now.
The timing is terrible, I'm already swamped with more games to play than I have time. It'll be on sale again in a few months, I'll see what they with do with the whole CG thing and think about it then.


I don't exactly love SP, but even I can't even I can get behind that one... (downvoting)

Why? SP deserves to be punished for their completely reprehensible actions. Censoring people? Do you really want to support that? If people see it has a negative rating, maybe they'll think twice after they find out why.


Today is a busy day, but I'll pop in here to answer some comments (and any questions should there be any)

So about the cropping. I spoken about this in the past, but the cropping was not done by us, it was done by AKABEiSOFT2 (they did this with their prior string of games as well). It was something we recognized earlier, and have been in constant discussion about with them, but we can't force their hands.

I understand the reason for and why you make light of this repeatedly, Shizuka, cause cropping can detract be it in movies, games or whatever medium. Not trying to take away that right in you feeling and expressing that, totally cool by me, but it's a double edged sword cause by encouraging to sit it out due to that issue, the dev is likely to say that there is no interest which makes our negotiations just that much harder.

And Jazz573, I believe doing call to action type posting like that is against GAF rules, and not to mention its a little childish to try to instigate such a thing. I was here talking extensively about that issue when it happened and cleared it up. So again, I have problem with any sort of feedback, negative or positive, and am always open to having a fine discussion. You keep saying "they" but everyone, including dovac who got the proper clearance to talk about it as soon as he was aware what had happened, quickly dealt with that situation. I'm sorry one person's irrational behavior in that situation soured you, but do try not to make my job so much harder, especially since you are always welcome to contact me either here or privately with any issues.


I understand the reason for and why you make light of this repeatedly, Shizuka, cause cropping can detract be it in movies, games or whatever medium. Not trying to take away that right in you feeling and expressing that, totally cool by me, but it's a double edged sword cause by encouraging to sit it out due to that issue, the dev is likely to say that there is no interest which makes our negotiations just that much harder.

It's not the only thing stopping me from buying the game at this moment. I have several other games to play, as a game reviewer, and most of the PC games I buy are always from sales, since they always get stuck at the end of my backlog. I was very interested in buying it, since it was highly-recommended by a friend, but the way it's now, at the end of the year, during the holidays rush, with several games to play before I'd ever get to it, it's just not feasible or responsible for me to buy the game right now. Oh, and it bears to mention that Clannad is also getting released this month, that'd come before G-senjou no maou in my list. (Not that I owe anyone any explanation, but I thought I'd share anyway.)


Rolling Girl
Honestly I still would have gotten it if it was Sharin no Kuni since I liked it more but it's not so waiting to see if this is fixed.
I understand the reason for and why you make light of this repeatedly, Shizuka, cause cropping can detract be it in movies, games or whatever medium. Not trying to take away that right in you feeling and expressing that, totally cool by me, but it's a double edged sword cause by encouraging to sit it out due to that issue, the dev is likely to say that there is no interest which makes our negotiations just that much harder.
On the other hand, that's the state you released the game in. Encouraging people to buy it based off some vague and perhaps unlikely hope that the CGs will be patched later on is hardly a great idea.

And to be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about a company employee coming in here and telling us not to discuss it because we might discourage people. It's a bit...heavy handed.


And Jazz573, I believe doing call to action type posting like that is against GAF rules, and not to mention its a little childish to try to instigate such a thing. I was here talking extensively about that issue when it happened and cleared it up. So again, I have problem with any sort of feedback, negative or positive, and am always open to having a fine discussion. You keep saying "they" but everyone, including dovac who got the proper clearance to talk about it as soon as he was aware what had happened, quickly dealt with that situation. I'm sorry one person's irrational behavior in that situation soured you, but do try not to make my job so much harder, especially since you are always welcome to contact me either here or privately with any issues.

My apologies for butting in, but yes, the actions of one worker absolutely reflects on the entire company, which is more than enough reason for the VN community to act they what they are towards SP. I understand it makes your life/job harder, and that sucks, but quite frankly that something to expect from a position of PR... the actions of one reflect on the whole.

Additionally, this isn't the first problem people are having with SP in general, so it's understandable if this may be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

I'm really thankful that you are going out of your way to come to places like here and trying to clean up your co-workers messes, but at current many's faith in SP are going to be low, especially since questionable actions are continuing to happen (explained or otherwise).

God I hope I haven't been reading the situation wrong
Why? SP deserves to be punished for their completely reprehensible actions. Censoring people? Do you really want to support that? If people see it has a negative rating, maybe they'll think twice after they find out why.
Downvoting people's honest opinions just to push an agenda against the publisher makes you just as bad as them. And the downvotes aren't going to make people more informed. How about upvoting reviews that point out the issues you're concerned about?


sales gonna flop hard anyway, ethusiast fan will know about this and VN release never get any attention from casual buyer from the first place, ain't gonna bother with your shitty product, SP.


Rolling Girl
Downvoting people's honest opinions just to push an agenda against the publisher makes you just as bad as them. And the downvotes aren't going to make people more informed. How about upvoting reviews that point out the issues you're concerned about?

This makes more sense than your plan Jazz.


that puzzling face
Not buying a product because it's not to expectations is pretty normal. In essence it's voting with wallet. (See: Significant number of people passing on Zestiria on Steam despite being something of a landmark historical event of Tales coming to PC because 30fps)

I dunno, I guess it sends a message to publisher and dev?

Mass-downvoting is just scummy though.

edit: Page was open for a while and was reading all the pre-edit stuff. Disregard last.


Could anyone tell me if there's any significant romance aspect in G-senjou? Once I've got a bit more free time I'm considering picking up the game, but I might push it back if there's a lot of romance.


Could anyone tell me if there's any significant romance aspect in G-senjou? Once I've got a bit more free time I'm considering picking up the game, but I might push it back if there's a lot of romance.

Each heroine has her own route, in which MC falls in love with her. No affection points as far as I remember, just pick the right choices for the heroine you want to go.

Usami is the exception though
Her route is the default one, since it is the main route.


Each heroine has her own route, in which MC falls in love with her. No affection points as far as I remember, just pick the right choices for the heroine you want to go.

Usami is the exception though
Her route is the default one, since it is the main route.

Thanks! That's what I was thinking it'd be. How many routes are there? I'm guessing 5, based on the number of girls in the promo pic on Steam.
Could anyone tell me if there's any significant romance aspect in G-senjou? Once I've got a bit more free time I'm considering picking up the game, but I might push it back if there's a lot of romance.

There's a lot of romance in it. The main route is mostly a thriller, but even there romance is important.


G-Senjou will be on my wishlist until the price gets cut to 70% although Malaysian prices are generous enough.
Voiced version:
MYR52.50 = $12.18

My currency is lousy...
WEE Update
Here's the latest on episode.03:

Our new translator has finished reading episode.01 and episode.02 and will start working on episode.03 full time next week. At this rate we're looking at an estimated 6 month turn around for getting the game out to backers.
So work translating episode 3 is just about to start...
And if nothing else goes wrong they'll get it out by the 2 year anniversary of the Kickstarter.
And WAS probably still won't be done.


that puzzling face
So Arcsys is putting a VN on Steam, but only in Japanese and no plans for an English release. Interesting decision.

I've been very interested for a long while now to see how big the JP-speaking VN userbase is on Steam (edit: In other words' Steam's value as purely a distribution channel vs other existing/established storefronts where people typically get these from), so I'm watching this like a hawk to see how well it does out of the gate.

Following up




that puzzling face
I mean, yeah, 100 and 10k is two orders of magnitude (and an extreme difference in either direction compared to e.g. comiket sales, heh) but even that information alone is information that's worth noting.
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