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WaPo: Trump recorded bragging about his fame letting him violate women in 2005

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Deliverance- don't like it
Midnight Cowboy- never seen
Runaway Train- never seen
Heat- never seen
Rosewood- never seen
Anaconda was fun. I still don't like him as an actor. *shrugs*

As a person I like him even less.


dude dont be that guy, at least go see Heat, shit is legendary, and one of the main leads in that is DeNiro who tore the Gop a new asshole today.


I'm fine with the GOP dying out and liberals ruling America forever.

I would too, but we're a two party system so watching the GOP go completely off the rails to elect a lunatic has not been fun. I was actually suffering from depression worrying about all the harm that asshole was going to cause. I feel pretty great right now though!
What's up with these people acting like everyone brags about sexually assaulting people? It happens because people are horrible, but if you hear that shit everyday you need to meet new people.

(Response to Voight tweet)

I think the most likely scenario is that people aren't referring to the claims of sexual assault, because most of the attention from the media is on "grab the pussy" and the overall vulgarity of his statements. Even this thread's title originally was about Trump making "lewd" comments. In this context, the vileness buried in Trump's conversation is easy to miss.

TatorTots - who is still being dogpiled - admitted to making this mistake.
So we're officially down to 1 electable candidate, vote Hillary or stay home and pout. Great system we have here. Hopefully this disaster of an election pushes for more reform, but given how quickly it's forgotten I'm feeling pessimistic.
Then vote for reform if you want it don't cry about it to us.
Those Voight tweets are hilariously terrible. Young men in their 60s don't know better and talk like that?

Crying about DeNiro's 'foul' words? Wow.
Those Voight tweets are hilariously terrible. Young men in their 60s don't know better and talk like that?

Crying about DeNiro's 'foul' words? Wow.

DeNiro's just a kid, Voight should be more understanding

Then vote for reform if you want it don't cry about it to us.

The only reform that we need is for the GOP to die so that further-left Democrats can splinter off and the competition can between "progressive" and "more progressive"

eh, i apologize if the poster was female, ima semi-drunk, i say 'dude' and 'guy' out of instinct even when referring to females sometimes.

No problem, just something to take to heart.


I think the most likely scenario is that people aren't referring to the claims of sexual assault, because most of the attention from the media is on "grab the pussy" and the overall vulgarity of his statements. Even this thread's title originally was about Trump making "lewd" comments. In this context, the vileness buried in Trump's conversation is easy to miss.

TatorTots - who is still being dogpiled - admitted to making this mistake.

Then a lot of people have reading comprehension problems or are selectively reading what they want.
DeNiro's just a kid, Voight should be more understanding

The only reform that we need is for the GOP to die so that further-left Democrats can splinter off and the competition can between "progressive" and "more progressive"

We already have the Democrats as the pro-family values, pro-veterans, possibly pro-big business party somehow this election.


You guys have lost it if you think we're gonna have Hillarycrats vs. Berniecrats going forward. The best outcome we can hope for is a slightly more moderate GOP.
I imagine Trump walking out on the debate stage tomorrow to go something like this.


Then shouldn't a decent candidate have been able to do better than Trump in the GOP? Again, the problem isn't the system in this case, it's that Fox News and the GOP created a monster they can't control. Your comment seems like an excuse to stick in a "smh this system" with no relation to this news.

Meanwhile, the fallout from this may result in the GOP having to seriously rebrand in the next four years (like they did in the past), which is basically the same as allowing a new party to be on the national stage.

Reforming the GOP means minimizing or attenuating the the role that Fox News, Drudge, a constellation of bloggers, a dozen radio hosts, and Newsmax et al. have within the Republican sphere of influence, all of which think that they are the leaders of the Conservative movement. Add in a commentariat that has been fostered and encouraged since the dawn of the internet age. The RNC has so lost control of the narrative that even Russia Today has encroached and ceded message control from the party establishment.


Hey listen now folks, Voight is a generally good actor, he has been in a bunch of important good movies. It is a shame he is a piece of shit but lets not go 'book burning' now if you get what i mean.

I'll "burn his books" and shit on their ashes if I damn well please. You don't get to use your star power to push a misogynistic agenda without consequences.
Saying a woman has a nice ass or that you'd like to do real dirty things with her, sure, that's "locker room banter." Even women talk like that among themselves about people they fancy.

The distinction here is Trump brags about sexually assaulting people and getting away with it because of his power. They're not comparable.


Strap on your hooker ...
Just saw this pretty sickening
I just don't understand this deep-seated persecution the right wing thinks the media has against them. If any Democrat denigrated veterans or women or minorities the way Trump has, if any gleefully admitted to tax evasion and stiffing their employees on payday, their ass would most certainly be against the wall, with liberals and conservatives alike. But a Republican does it and every 'liberal' network hosts plenty of apologist counterpoints to dilute the impact, while Fox and talk radio serve to underreport and bury these Republican indiscretions altogether.

If the 'liberal' media held onto legitimately bad Republican news and worked to keep it in the headlines as doggedly as conservative media has held onto insipid pet issues like Benghazi, e-mails, baby parts, and birth certificates, the viability of the Republican party would be proper fucked. The fact that they can still control half the county's votes speaks volumes on the media being far, far too lenient towards putting up with conservatives' shit.


Just because you and your male friends talk about fucking women and comment on their tits doesn't mean you talk like Trump did in this video. The main problem isn't that he is talking crudely, but that he's doing so in the context of women not being able to say no to him because of his celebrity status. Unless you hang around chauvinist millionaires frequently you probably don't hear people talking like this simply due to context.


They need to move more center and rework their platform. Won't happen, I know.

None of that will matter if outsider candidates keep coming in and moving far right, getting the crazies to get them through the primaries.

Even establishment candidates will still move further right to get through primaries after trying to "rework" their platform to be more center. The crazies WILL vote for someone if there's a crazy candidate they like.
There's no saving anything.

Trump is their face.

Yeah, assuming that some members of the party are genuinely angry about what he said, then they've got to be really concerned about just how many within their party are supportive of his actions. They have a party that's been labeled as racists, sexists, homophobic etc. in the past and now their presidential nominee has admitted to sexually assaulting women. And many in their party are now excusing it and saying that it's normal.

Trump is really the culmination of everything that people have criticized the Republican party for in the past. And now they can't run from those accusations because he's literally the face of their party.


I'll "burn his books" and shit on their ashes if I damn well please. You don't get to use your star power to push a misogynistic agenda without consequences.

well, hey im cool with that just saying he was in some good movies is all. Other people were also in those movies that hold literally the exact opposite position.
Maybe its uncommon on GAF or something, but a lot of guys talk like this in private. A presidential nominee though? Fuckin lol. Dude has way too much shit under the rug to even sweep.

I have been in locker rooms, bars, and have a particularly rowdy group of friends, and not once has anyone happily talked about forcing themselves on a woman or grabbing their fucking vagina

It's gonna be Trump apologizing for his behavior and Hillary apologizing for hers and Bill's. It's gonna be sad.



So what happens tomorrow if Trump decides to go after Bill Clinton and bring up his scandals?
Trump's not going to be able to thread the needle of "b-b-but Bill Clinton did bad things and that reflects badly on Hillary because reasons" without losing his train of thought halfway through and flying off on some useless tangent. Then Hillary responds with some retort she's focus-tested for the past three weeks and makes him look like an idiot.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
None of that will matter if outsider candidates keep coming in and moving far right, getting the crazies to get them through the primaries.

Even establishment candidates will still move further right to get through primaries after trying to "rework" their platform to be more center. The crazies WILL vote for someone if there's a crazy candidate they like.

Yep. They're very very fucked, to put it bluntly. I can already see the same thing happening in 2020. The debate stage is going to have 15+ people on it again, and they'll be grasping at any chance to get attention. The career folks will go way too far right just to have a chance at winning the primary, and then they'll be screwed trying to walk to the middle over the summer. Or some outsider takes notes out of Trump's playbook and flames out when they're matched up against actual politicians.

I honestly don't know what the solution is because the people that they're trying to appease during the primary aren't representative of the demographics of the country now. You won't win the primary being moderate. But you probably have no mainstream appeal if you get the nomination. They're already heckling Paul Ryan. The party almost couldn't choose a Speaker of the House because nobody wanted it and every other option was getting denied by the whackos in their own party who were threatening to revolt.


So what happens tomorrow if Trump decides to go after Bill Clinton and bring up his scandals?
It's pretty ballsy to attack a woman that is a victim of cheating when he's just been proven to be a misogynistic and potentially cheating scumbag. Bill Clinton is not running for President. Bill Clinton was impeached because of that. Hillary was a victim and she forgave Bill and I believe she forgave Monica too.

It also will go terrible in a Town Hall setting. He'll get crucified.
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