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WaPo: Trump recorded bragging about his fame letting him violate women in 2005

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Ok, let's cut the chase then. If somebody in that townhall straight up asked Hillary about how she insulted Monica Lewinsky - you don't think she will/should apologize for it?

No one is going to do it. All questions are approved beforehand by the debate comission, and that's not a productive question.


No one is going to do it. All questions are approved beforehand by the debate comission, and that's not a productive question.

Nice deflection. What if Trump says: "Folks, the way she went after Monica Lewinsky. Not nice. Not nice. Believe me."

How should Hillary react?


I have to hand it to whoever made this, you almost nailed it, but it's like something's not to scale. I can't put my fingers on it.
I'll try and knuckle down and figure out what is bothering me. Sigh.. *Facepalm*

I think it's the perspective on the sticker and its text being very slightly off



Couldn't help myself


Tagged as I see fit
Since he's outright telegraphed his plan to bring up Bill's cheating, it's not as if she doesn't have a half-dozen responses already prepared.

I suspect she'll just sidestep as gracefully as possible, rather than start a mud-flinging contest by bringing up Trump's history of being a scumbag. I suspect that there may be a "Mutually Assured Destruction" unspoken truce, where he might not go there unless she brings it up.

Also remember that this is a Town Hall, where they have to respond to questions from ordinary citizens. Somebody has to ask a question remotely related to the issue, otherwise he just looks like a lunatic bringing it up out of nowhere.

So you're saying he's probably gonna bring it up then?
I have no idea why Trump thinks that bringing up Bill Clinton's affairs is going to be some kind of nuclear bomb that is totally going to ruin Hillary. Ignoring that bringing up this garbage only makes her look more sympathetic, if this was something that was going to drag her down it would have happened years ago.
Couldn't have said it better. Blaming Hillary for her husband's indiscretions is insane. Literally half the electorate is female - how do you think that sounds to them? I cannot figure out why people think this is a winning strategy.


Ok, let's cut the chase then. If somebody in that townhall straight up asked Hillary about how she insulted Monica Lewinsky - you don't think she will/should apologize for it?

Of course, and she'd be thrilled to get the question. She can knock that out in 20 seconds and then have the rest of the time to hit Trump on the issue and still be on topic. And no one will care, because a jilted spouse having words for a home wrecker is way different from a guy saying that his star power gives him a five finger discount with all women.

And honestly, if she said she wouldn't apologize for being angry at and insulting a woman who sucked her husband's dick, I wouldn't think any less of her.


Couldn't have said it better. Blaming Hillary for her husband's indiscretions is insane. Literally half the electorate is female - how do you think that sounds to them? I cannot figure out why people think this is a winning strategy.

Probably the same people who can't see why this is a huge deal. White, married women are a large voting block that generally vote GOP. The Dems haven't won this group since Clinton. Now they are fucking pissed at Trump. That's why the rats are frantically jumping ship now despite all the other horrible shit he's said. He is actively hurting the party and losing them one of their key demographics.


Nice deflection. What if Trump says: "Folks, the way she went after Monica Lewinsky. Not nice. Not nice. Believe me."

How should Hillary react?

If Trump has semi-legitimate accusations ("She said not nice things about Monica"), I don't see what's wrong with explaining the hurt and confusion she felt at the time and apologizing if she lashed out. I don't even see what's wrong with saying "I misdirected my anger and hurt at these women". I trust whatever response she has is better than what I can devise.

I think part of the problem with bringing this stuff up is that it gives Hillary a chance to look sympathetic and humanize herself. People like to hear someone triumphing over adversity. What they don't like is half-assed teleprompter apologies from douchebags.

So you're saying he's probably gonna bring it up then?

Yeah as soon as I posted that reply I thought, "Oh wait, Trump doesn't really understand how to not look like a lunatic." I think everyone in his campaign is probably telling him that it's a lose-lose situation for him to drag things into the mud like that, and it's really just a matter of how provoked he feels.


At this point I hop Obama or Garland remove him from consideration. No reward for being idiots.

Everybody here seems to think that Obama won't be nasty enough to rescind his nomination, since it would kinda screw over Garland. But if Senate Republicans don't see the writing on the wall and try to pull some bullshit and confirm him only after Trump has lost, then I totally think he should pull Garland from the running. They wanted this election to be about the Supreme Court, and they lost. Let the election's winner name the next justice. They wanted to raise the stakes so they should have to eat those losses.
Everybody here seems to think that Obama won't be nasty enough to rescind his nomination, since it would kinda screw over Garland. But if Senate Republicans don't see the writing on the wall and try to pull some bullshit and confirm him only after Trump has lost, then I totally think he should pull Garland from the running. They wanted this election to be about the Supreme Court, and they lost. Let the election's winner name the next justice. They wanted to raise the stakes so they should have to eat those losses.

Maybe Garland is in on the work and knew all along he would get pulled.
Can Pence beat Hillary if Trump stepped aside? As a gay man Pence being President scares me. He will round us up and make us go to his conversion camps.

Not a chance in hell. Trump supporters would openly revolt against the GOP and probably vote Gary Johnson in droves.

Hillary would win by a historic landslide and the GOP would be fractured for years.

Their literal best option is their only choice, let Trump go AWOL and try to distance themselves as much as possible.


Everybody here seems to think that Obama won't be nasty enough to rescind his nomination, since it would kinda screw over Garland. But if Senate Republicans don't see the writing on the wall and try to pull some bullshit and confirm him only after Trump has lost, then I totally think he should pull Garland from the running. They wanted this election to be about the Supreme Court, and they lost. Let the election's winner name the next justice. They wanted to raise the stakes so they should have to eat those losses.

They literally ran an ad saying "the next president chooses the Supreme Court Justice" as if it was an indisputable fact. Again, like with Trump, they made their own bed on this one.
Oh right, guys say stuff like that in their younger years. Trump was a naive young man in 2005. He's obviously grown out of it.

"He was just a young 59 year old teenager. You can't blame him for these things."

I really want to know when Trump stopped being a teenager. 65? 75?


Eh.. The guy straight up cried during the announcement because of how proud he was. Not seeing it.

Whatever contingencies are in place, I suspect that Garland already knows about them. Obama isn't just going to pull out the rug from under his feet. Garland is probably aware that if the current Senate doesn't confirm him, he is going back up on the shelf. He probably accepted the nomination with the awareness that it might not be certain. Because why wouldn't you? He probably thought this was his last and only chance to get on the Supreme Court, so you might as well roll the dice and hope that Trump's abysmal prospects force Republicans to confirm you. Given how quickly Republicans are abandoning Turmp, there's still a chance it might happen before election day.


Not a chance in hell. Trump supporters would openly revolt against the GOP and probably vote Gary Johnson in droves.

Hillary would win by a historic landslide and the GOP would be fractured for years.

Their literal best option is their only choice, let Trump go AWOL and try to distance themselves as much as possible.

This brings in mind a huge tradeoff:

Would you rather sacrifice your base in the short-term sacking Trump or let Trump continue on fracturing the party's electability in the eyes of the American public long-term? This assumes you lose either way. The first option saves candidates down ticket long-term whereas the second option harms the party in the short and long-term. It takes away the option to embrace the fringe elements moving forward lest you be labeled as another crazy Trump supporter.


Would you rather sacrifice your base in the short-term sacking Trump or let Trump continue on fracturing the party's electability in the eyes of the American public long-term? This assumes you lose either way. The first option saves candidates down ticket long-term whereas the second option harms the party in the short and long-term. It takes away the option to embrace the fringe elements moving forward lest you be labeled as another crazy Trump supporter.

People have short memories. As much as I like to think that Trump-supporting Republicans will have the rest of their careers poisoned, I don't think that will be the case for anyone other than those closely associated with his campaign (Pence, Christie). I'm actually surprised that so many Republicans came out against him in the last 48 hours, but that's really only because he forced their hand. I suspect most of the ones that have disavowed him are up for re-election this November. Anybody not up for re-election is probably silent, or denouncing his comments while not revoking their endorsement.


People seem to forget that unlike trump, Clinton actually prepares and takes this job seriously.

She probably had tons of top men, the best men, writing the best responses for all the obvious attacks.

Man I sfill would love to hear Hillary say pussy on TV. Doubt it would happen though.
People have short memories. As much as I like to think that Trump-supporting Republicans will have the rest of their careers poisoned, I don't think that will be the case for anyone other than those closely associated with his campaign (Pence, Christie). I'm actually surprised that so many Republicans came out against him in the last 48 hours, but that's really only because he forced their hand. I suspect most of the ones that have disavowed him are up for re-election this November. Anybody not up for re-election is probably silent, or denouncing his comments while not revoking their endorsement.

Most of the denunciations are from Republicans in safe districts or states that don't need to worry about alienating Trump voters to be reelected.


God, I hope this has completely destroyed the bastard's campaign. I'm amazed (and disgusted) he had, and still has, so much support in the first place.


I would love it if Hillary refused to shake Trump's hand at the start of the debate tomorrow. It wouldn't harm her standing at all and be the equivalent of a nuclear bomb in psychological warfare.

As long as she doesn't faint on stage tomorrow, she's got the debate in the bag.


Too soon to add this to the chalkboard of things that's going to end trump campaign?

People putting way to much faith this of all things is going to stop him. This is mild compare to stuff from just last week even.
Too soon to add this to the chalkboard of things that's going to end trump campaign?

People putting way to much faith this of all things is going to stop him. This is mild compare to stuff from just last week even.

I'm amazed to see these bad hot takes still coming out. Like admitting to sexual assault is somehow mild when women are the majority of voters. Hillary had a 5-6 point national lead before this broke, Trump was already toast. This is just the icing.
Too soon to add this to the chalkboard of things that's going to end trump campaign?

People putting way to much faith this of all things is going to stop him. This is mild compare to stuff from just last week even.

Mild my ass. Dozens of Republicans have publicly withdrew support of him and many have even called for him to step down. Yea there's no guarantee this stops him but this is easily the biggest blow his campaign has taken yet.


Too soon to add this to the chalkboard of things that's going to end trump campaign?

People putting way to much faith this of all things is going to stop him. This is mild compare to stuff from just last week even.

This has had Republicans with big names rescind their endorsements, and his own VP nominee won't defend him. While I agree that he's said worse and scarier things, this is a whole different situation.
Too soon to add this to the chalkboard of things that's going to end trump campaign?

People putting way to much faith this of all things is going to stop him. This is mild compare to stuff from just last week even.

people are going to be saying this weeks after hillary is elected. its okay, the nightmare is (most likely) over now. and with it we get spectacular gop'ers devouring themselves in civil war


Too soon to add this to the chalkboard of things that's going to end trump campaign?

People putting way to much faith this of all things is going to stop him. This is mild compare to stuff from just last week even.

stop him? he's behind in the polls currently and has been behind in the polls since the start of august. this will only increase hillary's lead if it has any effect at all.


Too soon to add this to the chalkboard of things that's going to end trump campaign?

People putting way to much faith this of all things is going to stop him. This is mild compare to stuff from just last week even.

Have you somehow missed the last 24-48 hours?

He's had numerous endorsements rescinded, many more republicans coming out against him clearly, he issued an actual (if obviously forced) apology video, his people have outright said they're at war with the GOP insiders.

How is this mild?
Too soon to add this to the chalkboard of things that's going to end trump campaign?

People putting way to much faith this of all things is going to stop him. This is mild compare to stuff from just last week even.

His campaign was already fucked.

Why is this so hard to understand?
Yeah,if it comes to that he WILL bring this up ,and it is a pretty bad case for Hillary.

why? she was a defense lawyer, that's what defense lawyers do.

Hillary Clinton did not volunteer to be the defendant's lawyer, she did not laugh about the case's outcome, she did not assert that the complainant "made up the rape story," she did not claim she knew the defendant to be guilty, and she did not "free" the defendant.
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