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WaPo: Trump recorded bragging about his fame letting him violate women in 2005

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top kek

its getting savage


Junior Member
For attacking the women that Bill was associated with. Didn't she call Lewinsky a looney toon or something?

Not sure but comparing calling someone a "loon' or "crazy" to actually admitting to sexual predatory behavior is laughable.


Not sure but comparing calling someone a "loon' or "crazy" to actually admitting to sexual predatory behavior is laughable.

False equivalency.i have never said that it's comparable to what Trump said - all I said is that Hillary probably will have to apologize for going after those women the way she did.


Worth remembering it was Kellyanne Conway who advised Trump to not bring up Bill Clinton's past indiscretions against Hillary:
Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, said she’s not advising the Republican nominee to bring up former President Bill Clinton’s past infidelities as a way to attack his opponent, Hillary Clinton.

“I’m not advising him to go there,” Conway said in an interview on “The View” Thursday, adding, “It’s fair game to think about how Hillary Clinton treated those women after the fact. She called Monica Lewinsky a loony toon.”

If she's gone, or at least her role within the campaign reduced ... hoo boy.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Maybe its uncommon on GAF or something, but a lot of guys talk like this in private. A presidential nominee though? Fuckin lol. Dude has way too much shit under the rug to even sweep.

No. Not like this.


So what happens tomorrow if Trump decides to go after Bill Clinton and bring up his scandals?

It will set Clinton up to put a spotlight on his own infidelity and more recent sexual assault cases, which reinforce including this video. And it would be attacking her husband, not her. It won't go well.

It's pretty ballsy to attack a woman that is a victim of cheating when he's just been proven to be a misogynistic and potentially cheating scumbag. Bill Clinton is not running for President. Bill Clinton was impeached because of that. Hillary was a victim and she forgave Bill and I believe she forgave Monica too.

It also will go terrible in a Town Hall setting. He'll get crucified.

This. It's telling that Trump thinks it's a great idea.


For attacking the women that Bill was associated with. Didn't she call Lewinsky a looney toon or something?
Maybe she could apologize but I wouldn't begrudge her to do so... again, Hillary Clinton was the victim in these situations. She didn't talk about how she wanted to openly sexually assault them. Bill Clinton paid the price for his transgressions.
Maybe she could apologize but I wouldn't begrudge her to do so... again, Hillary Clinton was the victim in these situations. She didn't talk about how she wanted to openly sexually assault them. Bill Clinton paid the price for his transgressions.


She should be empathized and sympathized with, not held in a negative light for what Bill did


Maybe she could apologize but I wouldn't begrudge her to do so... again, Hillary Clinton was the victim in these situations. She didn't talk about how she wanted to openly sexually assault them. Bill Clinton paid the price for his transgressions.

Bill was the bad guy here, tho. Those women didn't not cheat on her, it was him. And it's poor form to go after them.


It also will go terrible in a Town Hall setting. He'll get crucified.

Yeah, this is the aspect of this that folks are forgetting. It's really, really important to actually answer questions in this format rather than trying to pivot to what someone who isn't even running did 20 years ago. This is the worst possible forum to try that line of attack. If Trump has anyone other than yes-men surrounding him now they are desperately trying to convince him not to go there.
Yeah, this is the aspect of this that folks are forgetting. It's really, really important to actually answer questions in this format rather than trying to pivot to what someone who isn't even running did 20 years ago. This is the worst possible forum to try that line of attack. If Trump has anyone other than yes-men surrounding him now they are desperately trying to convince him not to go there.

I thought his 90 second "apology" confirmed he's surrounded by nothing but sycophants.
Can we talk about how much more disgusting that makes the whole thing? Like it's just so gross. I keep imagining if he had said "mint", but the tic tac comment just makes my skin crawl even more.

Not to sound like a prostitute, but his weird focus on "kissing" is what makes it weird to me. Probably because it means he doesn't even begin to comprehend how gross and unwanted his behavior is, and pictures it as being somehow analogous to romance and human intimacy in his diseased brain.

Like, at least when someone's projecting a thug persona and talking about what a sleazy shit they are they don't cap it off with, "I'mma get me some smooches too, and tickle those ribs girl."


I think the Republicans might still recover but they need to tow a fine line. Part of the reason Trump was so competitive was because initially he was competing with 16 other people in the primaries all siphoning votes from each other. It gave the crazies (and people that didn't fully see what Trump was) way too much power and Trump kept winning with pluralities.

If they're going to have an establishment candidate, they need to have only one or else they're going to find themselves in a similar scenario to this one. And the base that could elect a candidate like Trump to the White House, is thinning every year. I mean look what the dems did, they all pulled behind Clinton as the establishment pick and Sanders was the maverick and it was a much more interesting competition and a lot of people could've lived with both candidates. GOP had like 10+ candidates on a debate stage, ridiculous.

They'll also have to veer to the center in a lot of their policies if they want a future in America on the national stage. Alienating minorities and millennials is not going to do them any favors at all. Don't know how they push out the crazies, but they need to figure out how to control them for sure. Having a thinner field will help with that. Include a superdelegate like system too. They clearly need it more than the Democrats.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Yeah, this is the aspect of this that folks are forgetting. It's really, really important to actually answer questions in this format rather than trying to pivot to what someone who isn't even running did 20 years ago. This is the worst possible forum to try that line of attack. If Trump has anyone other than yes-men surrounding him now they are desperately trying to convince him not to go there.

Yeah, Town Halls are when you're supposed to come off as reasonable and caring. Regular people ask you regular questions. What are the odds someone asks Trump a question about Bill Clinton? Like 0.005%. So Trump spinning a question into a rambling attack against Hillary for things her husband did won't play well. Zero chance of working out well. When I think about how this will go, the term "unmitigated disaster" springs to mind.

And even beyond that! Trump attacking Bill opens the door for Hillary to respond and lay out this recent scandal on the table. It's such a stupid move that I wouldn't be shocked it the Trump team attempts it


Yeah, Town Halls are when you're supposed to come off as reasonable and caring. Regular people ask you regular questions. What are the odds someone asks Trump a question about Bill Clinton? Like 0.005%. So Trump spinning a question into a rambling attack against Hillary for things her husband did won't play well. Zero chance of working out well. When I think about how this will go, the term "unmitigated disaster" springs to mind.

And even beyond that! Trump attacking Bill opens the door for Hillary to respond and lay out this recent scandal on the table. It's such a stupid move that I wouldn't be shocked it the Trump team attempts it

But Grizzly I heard Woman loved being blamed for the failings of their husbands....


Bill was the bad guy here, tho. Those women didn't not cheat on her, it was him. And it's poor form to go after them.

A person isn't allowed to be angry at someone that fucks their spouse and then publicly attacks them? Hillary having choice words for these women (along with Bill) would be one the most human things she's ever done.
That means nothing to be honest. And most will either vote for Hilary, or won't vote at all. Most of them probably wouldn't have voted if Bernie was the candidate either to be honest (Bernie's demographics were notoriously unreliable voters, and many didn't even vote in the primaries)

Okay, I hope that it won't mean much. The fact that people are still calling these two candidates equivalent is just mind-boggling. I understand that a person may not like Hillary for whatever reason and if you ignore all of the racist / sexist / xenophobic / etc. comments that Trump has made (not that you should, just for arguments sake), one fundamental issue still remains: Only one of these candidates is a serious threat for the security and stability of this country and the world: Trump

The people that support Trump seem to be living with the philosophy: "Burn it all down"

So what happens when you burn everything down? What happens when you deport everyone you don't like? What happens after you... If Trump is elected, the probability of the United States going to war is guaranteed. With which country / entity I can't foresee, but I guarantee that he will be the instigator of nuclear warfare.

I feel like this scene from Doctor Who is relevant and every Trump supporter should watch.

A man who repeatedly asks why we don't use our nuclear arsenal is the most dangerous candidate to ever run for the office of president.

God help us all if he is elected.

TRUMP - Let me explain. Let me explain. Somebody hits us within ISIS — you wouldn't fight back with a nuke?
MATTHEWS: OK. The trouble is, when you said that, the whole world heard it. David Cameron in Britain heard it. The Japanese, where we bombed them in 45, heard it. They`re hearing a guy running for president of the United States talking of maybe using nuclear weapons. Nobody wants to hear that about an American president.

TRUMP - Then why are we making them? Why do we make them?

Trump Tells a Bewildered Matthews He Can’t Rule Out Using Nukes in Europe:

Donald Trump : I Will Never Take Nuclear Weapons Off The Table Even In Europe:

Trump wants to be 'unpredictable' with nuclear weapons:

Trump reiterated that it was important to be “unpredictable” with nuclear weapons:

Trump not worried about more countries getting nukes:

GOP Debate Trump flails when asked about nuclear triad:

Trump wanted to start a nuclear arms race in Asia:

Trump OK with Saudi Arabia acquiring nuclear weapons:


Lets cone to appreciate that a nominee like Trump came after the Internet was established.

I wont be surprised if he was elected if this happened 2, 3 decades ago.
So what happens tomorrow if Trump decides to go after Bill Clinton and bring up his scandals?

I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I think that--depending on what he says and how he says it--an attack on Bill Clinton could hurt Hillary Clinton just as bad as any rebuttal she may fire off at Trump.

Although these last few hours since the release of the audio have been brutal to Donald Trump (and rightfully so), his affairs and the rumors of his sexual misconduct have been relatively unknown with the voting public, although whispers and accusations have existed for quite some time. So if Clinton comes out swinging with reports that he was accused of raping his ex-wife or talks about accusations of him accosting other women, I wonder how many among the uninformed, uninitiated, and undecided voting public will believe her and how many will just shrug and assume she's lying or over-reaching to capitalize on this recent news.

Meanwhile, Bill Clinton's affairs have been made a part of our shared American story for the past 20+ years. Whether any of those affairs and indiscretions (aside from Lewinsky) actually happened is beside the point. The point is that we've heard about him and his insatiable appetite for so long that many just accept that it's all true. This exact reaction from the public toward a non-stop barrage of rumors and stories is the same stone that currently hangs from Hillary Clinton's neck, and which prevents much of the voting public from feeling like they can trust her.

If Trump "reminds" the viewers that Bill Clinton is a pervert who raped women and that Hillary Clinton attacked any of his victims who dared speak up, it doesn't matter whether any of that is true. What matters is that his words might touch some subconscious part of some people's brains and make them feel that everything he's saying must be true because it's all they've ever heard about Bill and Hillary Clinton. So he gets to skate away with "Yeah, I talked about touching women. But Bill? He couldn't walk ten feet without raping someone, and Hillary helped him hide the truth."

That's my fear anyway.
Not sure why Jon Voigt is upset över the way De Niro talked, since it's really not different from the way his presidential nominee has been talking since the start of the campaign.


So what happens tomorrow if Trump decides to go after Bill Clinton and bring up his scandals?

Fuck all. Hillary will deny any false allegations, tell the audience that she's here to talk about real issues rather than false tabloid bullshit and come out looking better for it.

I have no idea why Trump thinks that bringing up Bill Clinton's affairs is going to be some kind of nuclear bomb that is totally going to ruin Hillary. Ignoring that bringing up this garbage only makes her look more sympathetic, if this was something that was going to drag her down it would have happened years ago.
repubs better figure out something quick. their presidential prospects don't look good long-term with Julian Castro and Cory Booker waiting in the wings

I was annoyed that so few in the party wanted to take on Hillary, but the benefit is people like Castro and Booker are fresh and ready to go for the next round. And I'm sure a few more young bloods will be joining them.

If Hillary can lay the groundwork via judicial appointments those guys might actually be able to enact a lasting progressive agenda once they're in office.
The people that will decide this election don't give a shit about Bill and if it was such a winning strategy the many people she has debated would have tried it before.


A person isn't allowed to be angry at someone that fucks their spouse and then publicly attacks them? Hillary having choice words for these women (along with Bill) would be one the most human things she's ever done.

It's not a good look.
I feel like this scene from Doctor Who is relevant and every Trump supporter should watch.

A man who repeatedly asks why we don't use our nuclear arsenal is the most dangerous candidate to ever run for the office of president.

God help us all if he is elected.
Damn, that is scary. :(

And hearing Trump surrogates trying to spin this and defend Trump is both hilarious and cringeworthy.

lord pie


I have to hand it to whoever made this, you almost nailed it, but it's like something's not to scale. I can't put my fingers on it.
I'll try and knuckle down and figure out what is bothering me. Sigh.. *Facepalm*


It's not a good look.

I don't care. You're driving a weird false equivalency narrative where she has sex stuff to apologize for too. She's not even in the same solar system as Donald Trump and people see that. Her handwave "difficult time for my family but we got through it" is more than enough. I'm sure they've got their fingers crossed that Trump tries to put out this fire with gasoline.


Since he's outright telegraphed his plan to bring up Bill's cheating, it's not as if she doesn't have a half-dozen responses already prepared.

I suspect she'll just sidestep as gracefully as possible, rather than start a mud-flinging contest by bringing up Trump's history of being a scumbag. I suspect that there may be a "Mutually Assured Destruction" unspoken truce, where he might not go there unless she brings it up.

Also remember that this is a Town Hall, where they have to respond to questions from ordinary citizens. Somebody has to ask a question remotely related to the issue, otherwise he just looks like a lunatic bringing it up out of nowhere.
Since he's outright telegraphed his plan to bring up Bill's cheating, it's not as if she doesn't have a half-dozen responses already prepared.

I suspect she'll just sidestep as gracefully as possible, rather than start a mud-flinging contest by bringing up Trump's history of being a scumbag. I suspect that there may be a "Mutually Assured Destruction" unspoken truce, where he might not go there unless she brings it up.

Also remember that this is a Town Hall, where they have to respond to questions from ordinary citizens. Somebody has to ask a question remotely related to the issue, otherwise he just looks like a lunatic bringing it up out of nowhere.

For all those reasons and more, I'd be interested in seeing him try.


I don't care. You're driving a weird false equivalency narrative where she has sex stuff to apologize for too. She's not even in the same solar system as Donald Trump and people see that. Her handwave "difficult time for my family but we got through it" is more than enough. I'm sure they've got their fingers crossed that Trump tries to put out this fire with gasoline.

Ok, let's cut the chase then. If somebody in that townhall straight up asked Hillary about how she insulted Monica Lewinsky - you don't think she will/should apologize for it?
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