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WaPo: Trump recorded bragging about his fame letting him violate women in 2005

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His campaign was already fucked.

Why is this so hard to understand?
There's this weird idea that Trump is immune to scandals when that hasn't been the case at all in 2016. David Duke, Curiel, Khan, and the debate/Machado have all dealt significant damage to him as evident in polling. He's not teflon.


I would love it if Hillary refused to shake Trump's hand at the start of the debate tomorrow. It wouldn't harm her standing at all and be the equivalent of a nuclear bomb in psychological warfare.

I would respect the shit out of her if she snubbed him on the handshake.


Have you somehow missed the last 24-48 hours?

He's had numerous endorsements rescinded, many more republicans coming out against him clearly, he issued an actual (if obviously forced) apology video, his people have outright said they're at war with the GOP insiders.

How is this mild?
It been like this almost every week. Oh course this is awful and my God look at all the illegal stuff he clearly already done.

People saying this is going to make him drop out. It's not going to happen.

Of course trump not going to win the election. I been calling this since he won.


Yeah,if it comes to that he WILL bring this up ,and it is a pretty bad case for Hillary.

WHAT'S FALSE: Hillary Clinton did not volunteer to be the defendant's lawyer, she did not laugh about the case's outcome, she did not assert that the complainant "made up the rape story," she did not claim she knew the defendant to be guilty, and she did not "free" the defendant.

I don't get it. She was an attorney.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
There's this weird idea that Trump is immune to scandals when that hasn't been the case at all in 2016. David Duke, Curiel, Khan, and the debate/Machado have all dealt significant damage to him as evident in polling. He's not teflon.

It's because his supporters are so fucking loud and he's been propped up by the media for the 'tight race' narrative.

Nelo Ice

I would love it if Hillary refused to shake Trump's hand at the start of the debate tomorrow. It wouldn't harm her standing at all and be the equivalent of a nuclear bomb in psychological warfare.

As long as she doesn't faint on stage tomorrow, she's got the debate in the bag.

I would be losing my shit if she does that. And yeah Trump will go absolutely ballistic if she ignores him like that. O man the debate is going to be so hype.
It been like this almost every week. Oh course this is awful and my God look at all the illegal stuff he clearly already done.

People saying this is going to make him drop out. It's not going to happen.

Of course trump not going to win the election. I been calling this since he won.

The only people that think he will drop are delusional NeverTrumpers. He's just going to lose badly. And this latest scandal will damage him like every other one has.

Tommy DJ

Too soon to add this to the chalkboard of things that's going to end trump campaign?

People putting way to much faith this of all things is going to stop him. This is mild compare to stuff from just last week even.

This difference is this is an actual recording, which you can't just handwave away because its simple proof that he actually said these things, that is obviously offensive to white women, which are a key voting bloc for the GOP. You can say that Donald Trump is misogynistic but I imagine most of the GOP wouldn't be too bothered since you can handwave that shit away by saying "boys will be boys". There's a difference from saying racist/sexist shit and basically admitting to sexual assault through abuse of power here.

The Alicia Machado mess was one where the surrogates could play a game of "she said, he said" and muddy the waters in the variety of ways. While I don't think they did a good job, since it did pretty much end Trump's campaign completely, its easy to dismiss her claims by arguing that Trump was simply "protecting his business asset" or somehow infer that her race makes her claims less trustworthy.

Same thing with the taxes/charity bullshit. That's why you get people deflecting with the Clinton foundation's taxes, Trump being a smart business man, and so forth.

This? This is recorded proof of Trump saying these things about white women and assaulting white women. You can't bring race into it and you can't play "she said, he said" because there's a goddamn recording of Trump himself saying that he did these things. That's why most of the women among Trump's surrogates can't even really defend his comments without resorting to Bill Clinton.

It been like this almost every week. Oh course this is awful and my God look at all the illegal stuff he clearly already done.

People saying this is going to make him drop out. It's not going to happen.

Of course trump not going to win the election. I been calling this since he won.

Evidently, most people don't really care about the illegal stuff he's done.

I don't think many people really think he's doing to drop out. If you look at PoliGAF, there's an idea that the GOP may try and force him out but its clear that Trump is too egotistic to actually quit.


The really big deal about this mess is that Republican politicians are publicly disavowing him. I get the feeling that a lot of them were already on the fence, and this tipped them over it. Unless Trump does spectacularly on Sunday's debate, I would expect the trickle to turn into a torrent.

Too soon to add this to the chalkboard of things that's going to end trump campaign?

People putting way to much faith this of all things is going to stop him. This is mild compare to stuff from just last week even.
Somebody doesn't seem to be paying attention to the news.


Well,it can be framed to work for Trump.He can get dirty with it.

The only people who will eat it up are Trump supporters. If any undecideds decide to look into to it for a second they'll realize it's nothing. And if it's brought up at the debate, the media will do some major fact checking. She can also reverse it and say "So you don't think every person has the right to an attorney?"


Too soon to add this to the chalkboard of things that's going to end trump campaign?

People putting way to much faith this of all things is going to stop him. This is mild compare to stuff from just last week even.

It's not going to end Trump's campaign because he is insistent on fighting this thing out until the bitter end, no matter how bad his polling numbers are and no matter how many Republicans denounce him or revoke their endorsements.

At the same time, it's ridiculous to claim that this won't affect him, or will only marginally affect him. His campaign is over in the sense that there's really nothing he can do to recover from this.


It been like this almost every week. Oh course this is awful and my God look at all the illegal stuff he clearly already done.

People saying this is going to make him drop out. It's not going to happen.

Of course trump not going to win the election. I been calling this since he won.

I mean he's not going to drop out, obviously, but if you can't see how numerous endorsements being rescinded and the absolute drubbing he's getting right now aren't major things, then I don't know what would qualify.
At the same time, it's ridiculous to claim that this won't affect him, or will only marginally affect him. His campaign is over in the sense that there's really nothing he can do to recover from this.

even if it doesn't affect him or only a litte it means bad bad news for him.
he's trailing big now, anything that's not a positive means doom for him as time is running out to turn this ship around.
538 has him at 18% win chance and it's going to take a week for the polls to represent this newest scandal.

he's done either way.


It's not going to end Trump's campaign because he is insistent on fighting this thing out until the bitter end, no matter how bad his polling numbers are and no matter how many Republicans denounce him or revoke their endorsements.

At the same time, it's ridiculous to claim that this won't affect him, or will only marginally affect him. His campaign is over in the sense that there's really nothing he can do to recover from this.
I'm not claiming it won't hurt him. I'm talking about the people saying this going to end his campaign.

Saying gop going to try and take him out or something.

IMO he never had a chance at winning.
Too soon to add this to the chalkboard of things that's going to end trump campaign?

People putting way to much faith this of all things is going to stop him. This is mild compare to stuff from just last week even.

Here’s The Long, Long, Long List Of Republicans Abandoning Trump

RNC lawyers look at options for replacing Trump

The party itself is rallying against him, most calling for him to step aside (some wanting Mike Pence take his place as nominee). Only one other time in history has a major party nominee not make it to the election, and he dropped dead while running against incumbent President Ulysses S. Grant. This is HUGE. This is history being made before our very eyes.


Too soon to add this to the chalkboard of things that's going to end trump campaign?

People putting way to much faith this of all things is going to stop him. This is mild compare to stuff from just last week even.
It's the right issue to bury him. Very hard to defend a bragging admission of sexual assault. The widespread condemnation and retracted endorsements speak for themselves.


Kills Photobucket
Hillary has a great chance for a one-two punch if Donald is dumb enough to bring up her defending a rapist while she was a lawyer.

Just mention that she was assigned to the case, and that everyone is entitled to a fair trial and legal counsel. Then if she want's to go for the knockout, close with, "...and Donald, if you had taken Mr. Kahn's advice and read the Constitution, you would know that."
His campaign was already fucked.

Why is this so hard to understand?

It wasn't though. Hillary got a huge bump after the conventions but the lead evaporated in the weeks leading up to the first debate. 538 had it back to being about a 50/50 percent chance. Then she got a bump after winning the debate, and that might have held until the election, but it could have easily been back to a toss-up in the week or two before the election. With this, I think her lead is safe but this election was going to be much closer than any of us care to admit.
The base is revolting, part #4574


They've always beem revolting. Now, they're rebelling!


Here’s The Long, Long, Long List Of Republicans Abandoning Trump

RNC lawyers look at options for replacing Trump

The party itself is rallying against him, most calling for him to step aside (some wanting Mike Pence take his place as nominee). Only one other time in history has a major party nominee not make it to the election, and he dropped dead while running against incumbent President Ulysses S. Grant. This is HUGE. This is history being made before our very eyes.

That sure is one long list. Either Trump support evaporates or the Republican party is splintering right now.

Tommy DJ

It wasn't though. Hillary got a huge bump after the conventions but the lead evaporated in the weeks leading up to the first debate. 538 had it back to being about a 50/50 percent chance. Then she got a bump after winning the debate, and that might have held until the election, but it could have easily been back to a toss-up in the week or two before the election. With this, I think her lead is safe but this election was going to be much closer than any of us care to admit.

538 is also including tonnes to garbage polls, accounding for trends, among other bullshit that caused the percentages to be stupidly volatile. I've been saying for ages, there wasn't really a 50% chance of Trump willing if you put your trust in Upshot or the Princeton Election Consortium.

The only real fear was that his obscenely huge lead among uneducated white voters would bring him over the line.


So does this mean Merrick Garland will finally make it to the Supreme Court? The GOP Senate has to see the writing on the wall...

The lame duck session is like three weeks long and there's a shit ton of stuff they have to do. It's extremely unlikely they will confirm him, plus Hillary isn't Obama, she probably wouldn't want to nominate anyone left of Garland.
I'm not claiming it won't hurt him. I'm talking about the people saying this going to end his campaign.

Saying gop going to try and take him out or something.

IMO he never had a chance at winning.

You're arguing against a bunch of delusional Republicans then. This will severely damage him, but the only people believing in fantasies of replacing Trump are NeverTrumpers.


I'm not claiming it won't hurt him. I'm talking about the people saying this going to end his campaign.

Saying gop going to try and take him out or something.

At this point it's pretty much impossible for the GOP to replace him as their nominee. Ballots are already printed, voting is already taking place. They cannot slide in someone else, even if they wanted to. At the same time they can totally suspend funding any efforts to get him elected, which it appears they have. They're trying to take him out, but through the only means available to them.

I don't think anyone claiming that "This is the end of Trump's campaign" really expects that he is going to quit of his own volition. He's basically going to be forced to either spend his own money to support the campaign, or limp through these few final weeks with the cash he already has on-hand. There's some small chance that he might start spending his own money and keep going, but it seems more likely that he realizes that is just throwing away cash. He will stumble towards the finish line on a shoestring budget, and blame the mainstream media and "The Establishment" when he eats a devastating loss in November.


The problem is that trump will bumble the execution and no one will have a clue what he's even saying.

This. His bringing up of Hillary's "superpredators" was so awkward during the first debate. When he himself doesn't think something is wrong, he has a hard time feigning outrage.


This is how I foresee the debate going
I know its bad photoshop

Why bring up my husband's infidelity. He is not running for president. Why say we should forgot about your past fondlings and forgive but then bring up Bill? Why the two contradictory statements?

You can't handle the tremendous truth! It's huge, bigly truth!

Did you grab the pussy!

You're damn right I grabbed the pussy!
Everyone talking about Jon Voight movies and not one single mention for the National Treasure flicks. Shame on each and every one of you.

I don't know how tinfoil hat this is but with people asking about Trump bringing up Bill, and people saying "It's a Town Hall he'd have to be asked" has nobody considered that the candidates could have plants in the audience to ask specific questions? Or is that just a little too conspiracy theory?
That sure is one long list. Either Trump support evaporates or the Republican party is splintering right now.

It's not splintering, it'd disintegrating. I'm sure there will still be Trump supporters, and I have no doubt Trump will be an option at the polls, but I'm willing to put money on a plurality writing in Pence or any of a number of "I don't kno, not Trump doe" noncandidates. We could very well see states that have been Red since the Civil Rights Act turn Purple or even light Blue due to the Republican vote fracturing while the Democrats hold strong behind Hillary. I'm telling ya, they will be talking in civics classes about this election long after we're all dust, and not just because we elected the first woman president of the US.


This is how I foresee the debate going
I know its bad photoshop

Why bring up my husband's infidelity. He is not running for president. Why say we should forgot about your past fondlings and forgive but then bring up Bill? Why the two contradictory statements?

You can't handle the tremendous truth! It's huge, bigly truth!

Did you grab the pussy!

You're damn right I grabbed the pussy!
Lol holy shit
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