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WaPo: Trump recorded bragging about his fame letting him violate women in 2005

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I always thought that he was conservative though?
He was openly apolitical for a long time because of his weird belief system, he was all over the place for much of the 90s and early 2000s to where he probably was a Nader guy if he voted, it wasn't until around 2007 that he started to really formulate a corresponding ideology out of it. And he backed Romney, but couldn't really explain why. IIRC, it was the first time he had voted.

He's actually had a bit of a long paranoid streak about "powerful forces" as well, that Hillary is going to kill him thing is only slightly surprising.

Part of his affirmations thing was that they can repel these forces.

said in December 2011 that, if he were president, he would do whatever Bill Clinton advised him to do because that "would lead to policies that are a sensible middle ground"
ok Americans, please tell me this is it, finally. right? no way out of this? the Supreme Court is saved?

i'm just an outside observer but i do care.
What is truly saddening about this whole election is that many in this nation seem to have lost all bearing of moral grounding and framework. Our morals and values are descending into relativistic depravity. These comments made by Trump are disgustingly abhorrent by any measure, and need to be vehemently fought against despite what the other side has done. Yet they are viewed as acceptable by more people that can lend me comfort, and worse, touted as morally superior simply by virtue of contrast to things committed on the flip side that are dispicable as well.

Neither are superior, they never will be, and none of this is morally justifiable. We are so reduced to the "lesser of two evils" that we've convinced ourselves we can do no better, and hence, act disgustingly in turn constantly searching for the new low to "one up" the preceding one.

Have we lost all semblance of standard? Do we no longer accord dignity and respect in values and morals but only look upon and relegate them to ammunition to drive our agendas by the lowest means available? This utter fiasco of an election exemplifies the growth of moral bankruptcy, or at best, exposes it. It is symptomatic of a much more worrisome and deeper rooted issue in our culture than the banter of derision between candidates can ever hope to demonstrate.


ok Americans, please tell me this is it, finally. right? no way out of this? the Supreme Court is saved?

i'm just an outside observer but i do care.

He was already in a weak position before this tape hit, and now this cuts off any possibility of recovering with suburban women. He has no demographic path to victory. He's done.

I promise you we won't Brexit this.
The only legit sources said that there is more recorded footage by Access Hollywood.

No indication that it's necessarily salacious, and certainly no indication that someone in the D camp might be implicated in something slimy.

It has nothing to do with Access Hollywood. Like I said, I don't believe it'll see the light of day. Clinton doesn't have to go there.

But in terms of audio let's not forget NBC has hundreds of hours worth of Trump material, much of which is ugly. Add in underpaid staffers who wouldn't mind making extra money and you have the political equivalent of loose nuclear material.
What is truly saddening about this whole election is that many in this nation seem to have lost all bearing of moral grounding and framework. Our morals and values are descending into relativistic depravity. These comments made by Trump are disgustingly abhorrent by any measure, and need to be vehemently fought against despite what the other side has done. Yet they are viewed as acceptable by more people that can lend me comfort, and worse, touted as morally superior simply by virtue of contrast to things committed on the flip side that are dispicable as well.

Neither are superior, they never will be, and none of this is morally justifiable. We are so reduced to the "lesser of two evils" that we've convinced ourselves we can do no better, and hence, act disgustingly in turn constantly searching for the new low to "one up" the preceding one.

Have we lost all semblance of standard? Do we no longer accord dignity and respect in values and morals but only look upon and relegate them to ammunition to drive our agendas by the lowest means available? This utter fiasco of an election exemplifies the growth of moral bankruptcy, or at best, exposes it. It is symptomatic of a much more worrisome and deeper rooted issue in our culture than the banter of derision between candidates can ever hope to demonstrate.
You say this about a nation and a society that has risen from eras where the public lynching of minorities were family events. Historical perspective is so lacking in the opening of your post I didn't bother perusing the rest of it. At a cursory glance it seems like some longwinded both sides nonsense.



The thing that strikes me as interesting here is the second debate. The second debate is meant to have an audience of undecideds delivering the questions and hearing the responses first-hand. A neutral audience.

They must have already been selected by now, surely?

No way it's a neutral audience come Sunday.

El Topo

Did any of the Republican candidates ever bring up shit like this during the primaries? Did they just not know, or did someone like Ted Cruz deliberately hold back?
No, no, he's just a nutjob. There's an elaborate nutjob theory behind the Trump stuff, but it isn't really because of political ideology as much as it is fitting into his weird cult like beliefs about how reality operates at a fundamental level.

I note this probably doesn't make anyone feel better.

Well, behind all the hypnosis mumbo jumbo Adams was one of the first ones pointing out that Trump's strategy of saying outrageous things for press made sense in a crowded primary field. Had that been a calculation he might even have been right, but his conduct in the general shows that that's just who Trump is and his natural way of campaigning, if you can call it that, was uniquely suited to exploit the field.


The thing that strikes me as interesting here is the second debate. The second debate is meant to have an audience of undecideds delivering the questions and hearing the responses first-hand. A neutral audience.

They must have already been selected by now, surely?

No way it's a neutral audience come Sunday.
It's okay, they're probably never really undecideds these days.

The world should never forget Ponytail Guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8rp-tlgqa4

Where is our Ponytail Guy?


What is truly saddening about this whole election is that many in this nation seem to have lost all bearing of moral grounding and framework. Our morals and values are descending into relativistic depravity. These comments made by Trump are disgustingly abhorrent by any measure, and need to be vehemently fought against despite what the other side has done. Yet they are viewed as acceptable by more people that can lend me comfort, and worse, touted as morally superior simply by virtue of contrast to things committed on the flip side that are dispicable as well.

Neither are superior, they never will be, and none of this is morally justifiable. We are so reduced to the "lesser of two evils" that we've convinced ourselves we can do no better, and hence, act disgustingly in turn constantly searching for the new low to "one up" the preceding one.

Have we lost all semblance of standard? Do we no longer accord dignity and respect in values and morals but only look upon and relegate them to ammunition to drive our agendas by the lowest means available? This utter fiasco of an election exemplifies the growth of moral bankruptcy, or at best, exposes it. It is symptomatic of a much more worrisome and deeper rooted issue in our culture than the banter of derision between candidates can ever hope to demonstrate.
There aren't even "two evils" at play here. Just a career politician who's fallen afoul of a decades-long conspiracy-driven smear campaign with largely sexist origins, and a fascist cheeto who found a way to tap into the discontent of the working class, and exploit a laundry list of people's worst impulses, from tribalism to celebrity worship. You're not witnessing the decline of morality, but an upsurge of the long-festering ugliness that the GOP nurtured and legitimized in recent years when it was taken over by the extremist fringe.

These things come in waves. It's not the first or last time toxic conservatism has threatened progressive values. Get a grip, god damn.
There is something slightly poetic about Trump being brought so low due to a conversation he had with Jeb's cousin a decade ago after all the trash talking he has lobbed at the Bush family.
ok Americans, please tell me this is it, finally. right? no way out of this? the Supreme Court is saved?

i'm just an outside observer but i do care.

It's not looking good for Trump, but I suppose there's an outside shot he hits back with mud flinging about Bill's rape accusations and Hillary's role in protecting him, the whole thing devolves into a scrum of character assassination, and Trump emerges from the heap.

Expect to hear the name "Juanita Broaddrick" a lot before this whole thing is over.
You say this about a nation and a society that has risen from eras where the public lynching of minorities were family events. Historical perspective is so lacking in the opening of your post I didn't bother perusing the rest of it. At a cursory glance it seems like some longwinded both sides nonsense.

Why, because I didn't focus on the world of racism you obsess in? Historical perspective encompasses a hell of a lot more than race.

One could almost believe your little tirade against that Ghandi supporter (enabled in part through the accomplishments of MLK Jr. and the CR movement) had you thinking our values and morals had largely progressed past the point you predicate your dismissal of the rest of my post upon. My mistake. We don't view it as acceptable as a nation to publicly lynch anymore, do we? Woman's rights have evolved, haven't they? Give our nation some credit. Unless that "historical perspective" you accuse me ignorant of is only cited in convinient context when it serves your best interests in its revisionism and grudge-holding, yes?

The funny thing is, you use the term "risen from", implying progress in our morals and values, yet then immediately proceed to insinuate my post is rambling nonsense absent the support of those very things due to my lack of historical perspective.

So yes...whatever.


I never realised just how far off the deep end the Dilbert creator had gone:



He has started to sound like Dilbert's boss.

Joe Molotov

Did any of the Republican candidates ever bring up shit like this during the primaries? Did they just not know, or did someone like Ted Cruz deliberately hold back?

Apparently the other candidates didn't do much oppo on Donald Trump because they didn't think he was a real threat until it was too late.
Did any of the Republican candidates ever bring up shit like this during the primaries? Did they just not know, or did someone like Ted Cruz deliberately hold back?

I presume they did not know since Cruz and co didn't seem to be pulling any punches. I mean the dangerous Donald thing more or less started there after all.


It's exactly what you'd expect from the crazies he has been riling up. There's nothing Trump can do to dissuade them. I have to wonder about the state of America post-elections. How are these people going to react?
It's why it's important he is defeated in a landslide. A message must be sent that deplorable thinking is not welcome in our politics.


Did any of the Republican candidates ever bring up shit like this during the primaries? Did they just not know, or did someone like Ted Cruz deliberately hold back?

The Republican candidates were only focused on each other and Hillary Clinton and didn't take Trump seriously until it was way too late. Why they didn't take Trump seriously until it was too late can only be explained by stunning incompetency.
The Republican candidates were only focused on each other and Hillary Clinton and didn't take Trump seriously until it was way too late. Why they didn't take Trump seriously until it was too late can only be explained by stunning incompetency.

It's more like an unspoken rule that you don't go ham on opposition research during primaries for the good of the party. If Cruz had gone nuts pulling this stuff out and still lost, it would have crippled the Republican's out of the gate. You essentially go for surface attacks so your entire party doesn't get tanked because a bad candidate slips through. The problem is, there's so much shit on Trump that Democrats basically just have to sit back and wait.


The Republican candidates were only focused on each other and Hillary Clinton and didn't take Trump seriously until it was way too late. Why they didn't take Trump seriously until it was too late can only be explained by stunning incompetency.
Marco and Ted wanted Trump to take out Bush, and he did. Then it was Marco's turn and Ted kept quiet, and then he came for Ted and there was no one left to support him. Kasich was in his own world dreaming about being made the nominee at the convention.
It's exactly what you'd expect from the crazies he has been riling up. There's nothing Trump can do to dissuade them. I have to wonder about the state of America post-elections. How are these people going to react?

Go back to pulling down their SSA/disability payments in some rural county while smoking meth and ranting about big government and criminal brown people with no morals on Facebook.


From how fast this thread grew overnight it seems to be a much bigger deal than any business failings of Trump. I just wonder what it can matter if there are enough raving lunatics to vote for him to make his chances not zero. He hasn't disappeared yet so i don't see this circus as an excuse to not go voting.


It's more like an unspoken rule that you don't go ham on opposition research during primaries for the good of the party. If Cruz had gone nuts pulling this stuff out and still lost, it would have crippled the Republican's out of the gate. You essentially go for surface attacks so your entire party doesn't get tanked because a bad candidate slips through. The problem is, there's so much shit on Trump that Democrats basically just have to sit back and wait.

That might be true in general, but in this case I dunno.

I don't think this and other Trump scandals coming out are things that the party heads knew about and just sat on so it doesn't ruin the party. A lot of it seems to be the party not properly vetting their candidate and being completely unprepared when it leaks.

And like you pointed out there's so much stuff on Trump, everyone knew he would be a disastrous ticket anyway, why not go all out to prevent that from happening?
I remember when a few years ago a comment about how a female journalist "can fill out her dress real good" ended a german ministers political career.
Unfathomable what Trump got away with so far.
The damage from this should be enough to finish him off, but...

I dunno, the irrational part of my brain is worried that instead of making undecided voters go Dem they'll just say "screw it, not voting" and some dem voters will stay home laughing because they think the polls should be a sure thing...
This will mobilize people. We are going to vote this disgrace into irrelevance.


Why, because I didn't focus on the world of racism you obsess in? Historical perspective encompasses a hell of a lot more than race.

One could almost believe your little tirade against that Ghandi supporter (enabled in part through the accomplishments of MLK Jr. and the CR movement) had you thinking our values and morals had largely progressed past the point you predicate your dismissal of the rest of my post upon. My mistake. We don't view it as acceptable as a nation to publicly lynch anymore, do we? Woman's rights have evolved, haven't they? Give our nation some credit. Unless that "historical perspective" you accuse me ignorant of is only cited in convinient context when it serves your best interests in its revisionism and grudge-holding, yes?

The funny thing is, you use the term "risen from", implying progress in our morals and values, yet then immediately proceed to insinuate my post is rambling nonsense absent the support of those very things due to my lack of historical perspective.

So yes...whatever.
I think you think you sound a lot smarter than you do.


It's terrible audio, but it's really reinforcing the whole concept of being a rich bully who doesn't have to follow society. I think something like that appeals to some people, because that's what they wish they could be, and that's terrible.

But, the real test to see if people are willing to overlook it will be this Sunday I think.
UK news keeps cutting of the Bill threats at the end. It's without doubt the craziest thing about the 'apology' and they're not even talking about it.
The gymnastics to get around saying Pussy on breakfast TV kinda makes up for it though.


Did any of the Republican candidates ever bring up shit like this during the primaries? Did they just not know, or did someone like Ted Cruz deliberately hold back?

Even if they did have access to it, Republican primaries are such a complete clownshow that it probably wouldn't have mattered. This is the kind of thing that, while it will kill Trump in a general, might not have even dented him in a primary. This is and will continue to be the fundamental catch-22 of GOP politics.


I got like three hours of sleep last night, but I feel like I've got a lighting bolt trapped inside me right now. Like I want to go to the zoo and jump in the grizzly bear pit and fight the grizzly bear and handedly win. And then I want to drive around the neighborhood and see how many Trump supporters have pulled their stupid fucking yard signs and stand shirtless in the driveways of those who haven't and call them out to fight. This fucking election.


the defense that makes me go " wtf" is people saying its "locker room banter" .

Even your liberal socialist media sites have said " it's just 'locker room banter' like trump said but it's not something you expect from a presidential candidate "

Wtf!?!? No you assholes

I'm the biggest jackass on neogaf and I hung out with the most deplorable people (intended) and if someone even in a drunken rant was like "yo just walk up to a girl and finger them" we'd all be like wtf man get the fuck out of here you rapist

He's not like us. He's worse.

So my thinking is, no way Trump voluntarily drops out.

He's going to have to be abandoned by the RNC brass.

And I honestly DO think that will happen, perhaps w Pence at the top of the ticket.

If that doesn't happen, there goes the last remaining grasp I have on reality when it comes to this election. How does that NOT happen at this point? Trump's behaviour up to this point has been inexcusable, but now? GET HIM OFF THE TICKET!
From how fast this thread grew overnight it seems to be a much bigger deal than any business failings of Trump. I just wonder what it can matter if there are enough raving lunatics to vote for him to make his chances not zero. He hasn't disappeared yet so i don't see this circus as an excuse to not go voting.

The problem is he can't disappear until after the election, unless the Republican Party dissolves.
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