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WaPo: Trump recorded bragging about his fame letting him violate women in 2005

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I think there is a societal undercurrent that is deeply resistant to admitting inherent racism / sexism in this country (or any other).

It's almost like if you admit it, it's true, so deny at all costs, type-of-thing.

Denial got Trump all the way to within a month of the election, but I don't see denial flying in the face of this news.
Ya, I think that's a reasonable explanation.


Lack of safeguards and an overabundance of mediocre candidates that he used as human shields throughout the primaries

The candidates are shit but the real problem is the base. The base is the problem. This is what they want. Republican pols are afraid of the base. It's the people who are rotten. If the republican base had higher standards then the republican politicians would too.
I know Trump is on the ballot already, but could the GOP somehow produce a new candidate and just urge everyone to write him in? Would that work? Has there ever been anything like this in the history of presidential elections?


Yeah, I know the reasons, I guess I just can't comprehend he thought it would be anything other than completely damaging to his brand.
His brand was never much of one. He's hitting 70. This was the most open year. He had the top issue.

Is it possible for the republican party to end his campaign over this? Im not from the US.
Yes. But it's arguably not worth it if he has no shot to win.

I know Trump is on the ballot already, but could the GOP somehow produce a new candidate and just urge everyone to write him in? Would that work? Has there ever been anything like this in the history of presidential elections?
They don't have to write him in, just instruct the electors otherwise.

But this is only worth doing if Trump will drop out AND another candidate could win. If Trump stays in the race and keeps the GOP ballot line, then him and the new candidate would simply split the vote anyway.


The candidates are shit but the real problem is the base. The base is the problem. This is what they want. Republican pols are afraid of the base. It's the people who are rotten. If the republican base had higher standards then the republican politicians would too.

Yeah, this isn't a problem that's going away any time soon. Trump is epiphenomenal; Trumpism is not.


Not much point discussing this in great detail. He's done. Anyone defending this video should look at everything Trump has happily said on record then look at his apology for this one.



I never realised just how far off the deep end the Dilbert creator had gone:

He went off the deep end from the start in regards to philosophy, this Trump kick just happened to line up with his latest nutty theory THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING ABOUT HOW THE WORLD WORKS. Which is persuasion.

He used to be a major supporter of the true power of affirmations and probably still is. He went hard into pandeism for like five years. He created an alternative theory of gravity.

He created this based of his concept of a proper diet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilberito
Adams himself noted "[t]he mineral fortification was hard to disguise, and because of the veggie and legume content, three bites of the Dilberito made you fart so hard your intestines formed a tail".[4] The New York Times noted the burrito "could have been designed only by a food technologist or by someone who eats lunch without much thought to taste."

This was on his blog all summer:
However, Adams officially announced his endorsement of Hillary Clinton in June 2016, stating that Clinton had paired "the idea of President Trump with nuclear disaster, racism, Hitler, the Holocaust, and whatever else makes you tremble in fear" and that he would be "a top-ten assassination target" because he "wrote about his (Donald Trump's) persuasion skills in positive terms."[32]

As of July, 2016, he routinely places variants of the following disclaimer at the bottom of his posts:

"Note: I endorsed Hillary Clinton – for my personal safety – because I live in California. It isn’t safe to be viewed as a Trump supporter where I live. My politics don’t align with either candidate, but backing Clinton reduces my odds of dying at the hands of my fellow citizens. (And yes, I am 100% serious. It just happens to be funny by coincidence.)"[33]

Adams later clarified that his endorsement of Hillary Clinton was purely out of fear for his own life, saying, in part:

"Some of you watched with amusement as I endorsed Hillary Clinton for my personal safety. What you might not know is that I was completely serious. I was getting a lot of direct and indirect death threats for writing about Trump’s powers of persuasion, and I made all of that go away by endorsing Clinton. People don’t care why I am on their side. They only care that I am....If you didn’t believe me that I endorsed Clinton for my safety, perhaps the recent shooting of police officers changed your mind. That’s the sort of tragedy you expect to happen when Team Clinton frames the national debate as a race war."

His joke about Erick Erickson's name was worth visiting the link though, so thanks.


I guess, people are willing to believe things as long as they get a recording. There were so many Trumpisms that were crazy bad prior, but no audio.
I never realised just how far off the deep end the Dilbert creator had gone:


Okay I was already rolling my eyes at everything but then I got here

8. If the LGBTQ community wants to be a bit more inclusive, I don’t see why “polyamorous alpha male serial kisser” can’t be on the list. If you want to label Trump’s sexual behavior “abnormal” you’re on shaky ground.

... What the fuck even?!
He went off the deep end from the start in regards to philosophy, this Trump kick just happened to line up with his latest nutty theory THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING ABOUT HOW THE WORLD WORKS. Which is persuasion.

He used to be a major supporter of the true power of affirmations and probably still is. He went hard into pandeism for like five years. He created an alternative theory of gravity.

He created this based of his concept of a proper diet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilberito

This was on his blog all summer:

His joke about Erick Erickson's name was worth visiting the link though, so thanks.
I remember getting a book by him as a kid because I thought Dilbert was funny. It talked about how writing things down every day would make them come true and there was a thing about gravity in there too. I think he said that all matter was constantly expanding and growing and so everything is just pushing against each other as it grows and that's what makes things attract? I thought it was really stupid even as a teenager.


I know Trump is on the ballot already, but could the GOP somehow produce a new candidate and just urge everyone to write him in? Would that work? Has there ever been anything like this in the history of presidential elections?

No, they cannot retract their existing nomination. Trump has to relinquish it, basically. Which he won't. They are wonderfully fucked.


I remember getting a book by him as a kid because I thought Dilbert was funny. It talked about how writing things down every day would make them come true and there was a thing about gravity in there too. I think he said that all matter was constantly expanding and so they were pushing up to each other and that's what makes things attract? I thought it was really stupid even as a teenager.
Right, The Dilbert Future! Same place he came up with the Dilberrito.

It was a part of his larger explanation for the universe and our perceptions. That from our perspective everything expanding would appear to function the same way as gravity (if you ignore like the math parts) because everything would expand to close the gaps.

That and when I started reading the Dilbert Newsletter is when I realized he was kinda nuts outside of Dilbert itself.

The Joy of Work is a funny book though, and so was the strip for a long time. The Dilbert Principle was where he first tried to build grand philosophies out of ideas that didn't deserve them. It was still not as crazy as Future.

And the TV series was fucking amazing.
Is it possible for the republican party to end his campaign over this? Im not from the US.

We're already voting. Something like 40% of the country votes before election day via various methods (it's different by state). The election has already started.

This is why Hillary having a 5-6 point lead in the polls for the last two weeks has been such a big deal - it's already costing him votes. So, no, there's no mechanism for actually getting somebody else on the ballots and no politician in their right mind would try - they'd get destroyed.

I mean, if only someone could have anticipated this kind of implosion back during the primaries. Oh, wait, they did. Absolutely everyone anticipated this.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!

'Don't tell me your offended when I say pussy, but your not offended when Donald Trump says it!'

This election is hilarious as well as embarrassing. Don't judge us :(
Holy shit. Can't say I'm a fan of Navarros politics, but man does she have my admiration for sticking to her principals when so many of the GOP have displayed this season that they have none.


I know Trump is on the ballot already, but could the GOP somehow produce a new candidate and just urge everyone to write him in? Would that work? Has there ever been anything like this in the history of presidential elections?

They could technically support Evan Mcmullin for president even though he is not registered in all 50 states.. They could find a way to get the more moderate GOP voters that despise hilary to vote for him.They won't do this because the GOP leadership still supports trump and evan mcmullin is doing terrible.

So are we just gettin one of these vids a week now or

From what I heard more stuff similar to what was released yesterday will be released sometime next week.
I never realised just how far off the deep end the Dilbert creator had gone:


He has the best insight! Here's an example:

For starters, Trump and Clinton both seemed “presidential” enough. That mattered more for Trump. We haven’t seen him off the teleprompter lately. So Trump passed that test by being sufficiently serious.

Clinton looked (to my eyes) as if she was drugged, tired, sick, or generally unhealthy, even though she was mentally alert and spoke well. But her eyes were telling a different story. She had the look of someone whose doctors had engineered 90 minutes of alertness for her just for the event. If she continues with a light campaign schedule, you should assume my observation is valid, and she wasn’t at 100%.

Some will say Clinton outperformed expectations because she didn’t cough, collapse, or die right on stage. That would be true if she also looked healthy in general, and her campaign schedule from here on out is full. We’ll know more this week, based on her schedule.


Trump was defensive, and debated poorly at points, but he did not look crazy. And pundits noticed that he intentionally avoided using his strongest attacks regarding Bill Clinton’s scandals. In other words, he showed control. He stayed in the presidential zone under pressure. And in so doing, he solved for his only remaining problem. He looked safer.

By tomorrow, no one will remember what either of them said during the debate. But we will remember how they made us feel.

Clinton won the debate last night. And while she was doing it, Trump won the election. He had one thing to accomplish – being less scary – and he did it.
Really Dilbert guy? This is your line of thinking? I'm kinda like shocked that someone who created an awesome comic like that has such horrible ideals.

Btw, is Trump going to make it for all men who have small hands to not be ridiculed? I'm a 6 foot tall, male, that weights 190 lbs, but my hands are the same size as Trumps i think: ( Maybe not that small, but does anyone remember that Burger King commercial when the guy is trying to eat a whopper but his hands are too tiny to hold the burger? That's what I'm like.. It's totally embarrassing lol


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Who is the Trump supporting woman in pink? Sorry not from US have never seen her before.
Scottie Nell Hughes, a Trump surrogate on CNNs payroll. Shes one of ~5 Trump supporters they have on staff that they bring out to comment on mostly political stories. They have Clinton surrogates as well that serve the same purpose for Clinton.


I can't remember, has Pence responded?

Has he denied Trump ever said what he said?
He hasn't commented. Story broke while he was eating lunch today, his press pool got kicked out for the rest of the day so he wouldn't have to comment. He's doing some event tomorrow with Paul Ryan after Ryan disinvited Trump.
And today I learned that the creator of one of my favorite Sunday comics is a right-wing nutjob. What a damper to an otherwise hilarious day...


Wow, so the race is basically over at this point? I feel incredibly relieved. Trade wars and a crashed stock market would have sucked so much.


And today I learned that the creator of one of my favorite Sunday comics is a right-wing nutjob. What a damper to an otherwise hilarious day...
No, no, he's just a nutjob. There's an elaborate nutjob theory behind the Trump stuff, but it isn't really because of political ideology as much as it is fitting into his weird cult like beliefs about how reality operates at a fundamental level.

I note this probably doesn't make anyone feel better.
No, no, he's just a nutjob. There's an elaborate nutjob theory behind the Trump stuff, but it isn't really because of political ideology as much as it is fitting into his weird cult like beliefs about how reality operates at a fundamental level.

I note this probably doesn't make anyone feel better.

I always thought that he was conservative though?


What I really want to see is Pence bail on the ticket, not Trump. Do it Pence. How are you going to sign legislation leading to the creation of the Sentinels if you're only Vice President, god damnit. How are you going to stop the mutant menace?


The Atlantic has a good piece up, about what separates these sorts of comments from normal sex talk. Since a few assault apologists have popped up in this thread I thought it would be worth sharing.
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