GOP is against the deal so...
Is this something that only needs 50 votes?
GOP is against the deal so...
The GOP doesn't want the deal.
GOP is against the deal so...
Is this something that only needs 50 votes?
Seriously someone needs to stop him.
As a reminder, the GOP breached all norms and told Iran they were going to do this before Iran even signed the deal
That will be interesting. Iran then can restart their nuclear program from next week which could then mean that by year's end we have another war in the middle east (or Iran has a bomb within the next 12 months). There could be some wiggle room if Iran can get Europe and the other countries who signed the agreement to put sanctions on the US for violating the agreement. For Europe this is a lose-lose proposition, either disconnect from the US or get even more wars and more refugees and more terrorism from the middle east. The only realpolitik option for Europe might be to help Iran to get a nuclear bomb, since once Iran has the bomb it is too late for Israel or the US to attack Iran.
Nikki Haley said the deal doesn't stop Iran from doing horrible things like testing missiles. So it's a bad deal.
This is a *nuclear* deal. Of course it doesn't stop Iran from testing ICBM and such.
Instead of pushing new deals on other things, Trump and friends try to decertify Iran even if they did comply by not developing nuclear weapons.
Decertifying would also make the NK situation worse: Kim can just say US is not credible and cannot be trusted.
How stupid
Why would the GOP want war so bad anyway? Trump launching missiles in Syria was one of his few moves his base was actually pretty unsure about. It's one of the few moves they can do that would actually turn a certain # of their base against them.
Why would the GOP want war so bad anyway? Trump launching missiles in Syria was one of his few moves his base was actually pretty unsure about. It's one of the few moves they can do that would actually turn a certain # of their base against them.> @POTUS warns of a "calm before the storm" after dinner with generals. Won't say what storm is on the way.