Release Date: 05/26/2020
Publisher/Developer: My.Games
Platforms: Xbox One, Playstation 4
Install: 8.71 GB
Price: 19.99 (Standard) 29.99 (Deluxe Edition)
What is it?
Warface: Breakout focuses on a classic competitive game mode where one team has to plant the bomb while their opponents try to stop them. Players earn credits by defeating opponents and completing objectives — credits can then be spent on new weapons and equipment from at the beginning of each round. The rules are simple, but every match is a unique, heart-pounding battle of tactical wits.
I've played Warface. Is this P2W too?
Nah, and I don't see how they could really make it so given how to game works. There are microtransactions limited to strictly cosmetic items like camos, helmets, etc.
Is it any good?
Yeah. I think so. It's not mega AAA title, but it definitely scratches the CS GO itch on consoles. It is a little buggy on launch but the devs have communicated well on some forthcoming fixes. It certainly has potential. And it's only twenty bucks.
Pics and stuff