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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


Early on, soloing doesn't seem to go far when you start off. My estimation is maybe Earth. Definitely more doable once you get better mods and weapons.

I think I grabbed every ammo mutation, so if anyone wants a shotgun or sniper one let me know. I still need that serration. D=
Early on, soloing doesn't seem to go far when you start off. My estimation is maybe Earth. Definitely more doable once you get better mods and weapons.

I think I grabbed every ammo mutation, so if anyone wants a shotgun or sniper one let me know. I still need that serration. D=
Does the ammo mutation let me pick up all ammo drops on the ground as the ammo type I'm using? That's what it sounds like in the wiki.

Also, can anyone clarify the Grakata's status rate? Is it 10% like the game says, or 20% like the wiki says? I don't want to blow a bunch of materials on something I can't use for my plan.


Could have told you this well over a month and a half ago. It's worthless.
Throw your money and materials towards the Kunai and the Vasto/Dual Vastos.

Oh, yeah, I've known forever. I just never got around to warning the thread about how awful it was until now. I saw people start bringing it up more and more and figured I should say something before too many people invested in it.

Seriously guys, don't get a Grakata.

Also, I disagree on the Kunai. It's just my personal opinion, of course, but they don't feel right. if I'm throwing a projectile like that, I want it to feel like it has some weight to it, and neither the Kunai or the shuriken (forget the actual name) have that going for them. Some people like them for that reason, but I can't stand it. I need some sort of "weight" to something if I'm throwing it at a guy and dealing big damage per hit.

Even in the Ninja Gaiden games, the base shuriken felt like they had heft, simply due to how they controlled. By being able to handle them like any other weapon, that factor is completely missing in Warframe. As such, I'd much rather have an actual gun as a secondary.

The Vastos are awesome, though. I can't argue against them at all.


Does the ammo mutation let me pick up all ammo drops on the ground as the ammo type I'm using? That's what it sounds like in the wiki.

Also, can anyone clarify the Grakata's status rate? Is it 10% like the game says, or 20% like the wiki says? I don't want to blow a bunch of materials on something I can't use for my plan.

the wiki is the pc version. The Grakata is garbage on the ps4 right now with the 10% status and low crit chance. While I agree with skipping it right now, once it is patched it is a really solid gun.


Fun game, starting to get a handle on things, but in solo, my dang Ps4 went from NAT 2 to STRICT, can't figure out what happened on the router.. No fun to play a online mission just fine, and then at the end, CONNECTION LOST.. :)

On a sidenote, just how far can you get w. soloing?

Soloing can be tough, bro. Depends on your build but, yeah, things can get hairy. But it's highly doable. I often start the mission solo and sometimes people join, sometimes they don't. But you will struggle with defense though. Those aren't really doable for me.

Sooooo... the working week is drawing to a close. I have fulfilled my evening commitments throughout the course of the week and now my mind is turning to Warframing. Think I might slack of the gym this evening and get on it.
Soloing can be tough, bro. Depends on your build but, yeah, things can get hairy. But it's highly doable. I often start the mission solo and sometimes people join, sometimes they don't. But you will struggle with defense though. Those aren't really doable for me.

Sooooo... the working week is drawing to a close. I have fulfilled my evening commitments throughout the course of the week and now my mind is turning to Warframing. Think I might slack of the gym this evening on get on it.

Soloing defense is totally doable if you have the right frames.
Namely mag, nova, rhino or any other decent AoE spammer.

It's soloing rescue that I hate, since you're vulnerable while hacking consoles.


Part of me feel like making a thread about this game in the OT again.
It doesn't seem to be getting the attention it deserves among the ps4 launch up simply because of the fact that it's F2P.


Soloing defense is totally doable if you have the right frames.
Namely mag, nova, rhino or any other decent AoE spammer.

It's soloing rescue that I hate, since you're vulnerable while hacking consoles.


Part of me feel like making a thread about this game in the OT again.
It doesn't seem to be getting the attention it deserves among the ps4 launch up simply because of the fact that it's F2P.

Yeah I don't think I have the frame for it. A Loki running solo defense isn't going to end well I reckon :).

Yeah I reckon this game is getting overlooked in the launch titles. But really if people do have to boot it up then it isn't really the most welcoming experience. It's only if you persist and seek out knowledge outside the game that you realise what makes it awesome.

Anyway I try to big it up when I can so hopefully people will give it a go.
Edit: Undoubtedly, the best PS4 game is F2P. That is really saying something, and I think the game could use some love out there. It's not a 10/10 game, but it is enjoyable.

Loki running solo defense is difficult, no doubt.

the wiki is the pc version. The Grakata is garbage on the ps4 right now with the 10% status and low crit chance. While I agree with skipping it right now, once it is patched it is a really solid gun.
Ah okay, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to get the Grakata going now to have it ready for when it's patched? Roughly how long do we think it will take to get caught up to the PC version's current state?

Also, I would love advice on what kind of Sentinel to make for Loki. I have most of the materials, and I have 100K credits for a blueprint. I would like to make a wise investment. I plan to focus on Radiation damage with a Grakata to cause chaos mixed with my abilities. Which Sentinel would best compliment that?


I am about 25 maps away from having opened up everything. Then I can finally start leveling up some of my gear! I have a ton to start using.

I am starting to have anxiety about the upcoming patch. I am finally getting used to the game and I have a feeling a ton is going to change again. Anyone else feel that way? I mean, it will be cool and all ...
I am starting to have anxiety about the upcoming patch. I am finally getting used to the game and I have a feeling a ton is going to change again. Anyone else feel that way? I mean, it will be cool and all ...

Care to elaborate? I don't recall any earth shattering changes in the next updates for PS4.


the wiki is the pc version. The Grakata is garbage on the ps4 right now with the 10% status and low crit chance. While I agree with skipping it right now, once it is patched it is a really solid gun.

It really isn't, man. Even patched, the benefit is just for status and crit chance. You still have a rate of fire that is too high for its own good, slow reload speed, and miniscule damage per round. There are so many other options that can do the same thing better.


Just with numbers on weapons changing, moving item drops around and isnt hand to hand getting a total work over?

Hand to hand isn't going to happen for a while yet. And the weapon drop changes are a routine deal at this point, just a part of the game when new stuff comes along. They either stuff them into a new void or something, or shuffle the planet drops.

It'll hurt at first, but you'll live.
Just with numbers on weapons changing, moving item drops around and isnt hand to hand getting a total work over?

Sure, some weapons are going to change a bit, nerfrs and buffs, and yes there will be some drop movement, but I really don't think you should be worried about it. They won't change the game drastically unless there's a frame you really wanted that you didn't get that suddenly only drops through login rewards.

I don't think the melee change is happening yet. I was under the impression that it was a long term plan. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong.)


It really isn't, man. Even patched, the benefit is just for status and crit chance. You still have a rate of fire that is too high for its own good, slow reload speed, and miniscule damage per round. There are so many other options that can do the same thing better.

I disagree..my sons grakata is so close to his soma, and vs corpus with his magnetic damage it takes them down quicker...and his soma has 4 formas on it and the grakata 3...


I disagree..my sons grakata is so close to his soma, and vs corpus with his magnetic damage it takes them down quicker...and his soma has 4 formas on it and the grakata 3...

You're glossing over the part where he put 3 formas on it. That's a lot of investment in a weapon to get it to perform at that level.

By default, the Grakata has no polarities, and as such, modding it to best take advantage of its strengths is a bit of a challenge. With 3 forma in it, that challenge is completely gone. You can absolutely make the gun work at that point. The thing is, I don't feel like a player should need to invest 3 forma just to get a gun working efficiently.

I'm glad your son has a loadout he enjoys using, and it makes me happy to know there's a father and son duo out there playing a game I enjoy enough to have funded from the beginning.


Soloing defense is totally doable if you have the right frames.
Namely mag, nova, rhino or any other decent AoE spammer.

It's soloing rescue that I hate, since you're vulnerable while hacking consoles.


Part of me feel like making a thread about this game in the OT again.
It doesn't seem to be getting the attention it deserves among the ps4 launch up simply because of the fact that it's F2P.

Man, my Rhino is so OP right now. I feel like I can tackle most missions solo including defense. I traded to get an Energy Siphon aura and I'm also using the Fleeting Expertise (lvl 4/5) that I got with the Clan.

I can do 5 Rhino stomps (50 energy each) and 10 Iron Skin (25 energy) at max energy... plus there's the constant energy regen from the Aura. When I max Fleeting Expertise, the cost will be even lower.

PS. I used the Iron Stomp glitch and farmed the hell out the Phobos BOSS. I got both the Gremlins and the Milter cooking in the over. I think people should use the glitch before it is patched as it is the fastest way to make money IMO. Each run is 1-2 minutes long and nets 2600 credits. In an hour, you can make quite a large chunk of change.


Edit: Undoubtedly, the best PS4 game is F2P. That is really saying something, and I think the game could use some love out there. It's not a 10/10 game, but it is enjoyable.

Loki running solo defense is difficult, no doubt.

Ah okay, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to get the Grakata going now to have it ready for when it's patched? Roughly how long do we think it will take to get caught up to the PC version's current state?

Also, I would love advice on what kind of Sentinel to make for Loki. I have most of the materials, and I have 100K credits for a blueprint. I would like to make a wise investment. I plan to focus on Radiation damage with a Grakata to cause chaos mixed with my abilities. Which Sentinel would best compliment that?

IMO Shade is the best Sentinel. The cloak ability lets you rest up in tough spots, revive fallen allies and crit for insane damage. I made him randomly, but I'm so glad I chose him over DethCube or something else.


Does the ammo mutation let me pick up all ammo drops on the ground as the ammo type I'm using? That's what it sounds like in the wiki.

Also, can anyone clarify the Grakata's status rate? Is it 10% like the game says, or 20% like the wiki says? I don't want to blow a bunch of materials on something I can't use for my plan.

Yup. I have an extra rifle too i forgot to mention. I do also need an elecrifle mod as well. I need that acid element so i can wipe the floor with grineers


IMO Shade is the best Sentinel. The cloak ability lets you rest up in tough spots, revive fallen allies and crit for insane damage. I made him randomly, but I'm so glad I chose him over DethCube or something else.

I dunno man, Dethcube tears shit up. It's always amusing to watch a big Grineer rush me and just disintegrate from a single laser out of Dethcube.


I dunno man, Dethcube tears shit up. It's always amusing to watch a big Grineer rush me and just disintegrate from a single laser out of Dethcube.

That's pretty sweet. Can it do that to high level mobs or just the trashy mobs? I may need to build one later and swap the gun into my Shade.


You're glossing over the part where he put 3 formas on it. That's a lot of investment in a weapon to get it to perform at that level.

By default, the Grakata has no polarities, and as such, modding it to best take advantage of its strengths is a bit of a challenge. With 3 forma in it, that challenge is completely gone. You can absolutely make the gun work at that point. The thing is, I don't feel like a player should need to invest 3 forma just to get a gun working efficiently.

I'm glad your son has a loadout he enjoys using, and it makes me happy to know there's a father and son duo out there playing a game I enjoy enough to have funded from the beginning.

my point was not that it took 3 formas to be good but that vs corpus it holds it own vs a 4 forma soma..Like the soma it requires a crit build, but unlike the soma the status chance is so high that you basically always proc your effects. In the case of a magnetic build that means no enemy has shields ever when you fight them.


Also I guess viral damage on the updated grakata is godly. I have not seen it yet, but when you have a modded weapon that procs 40% of the time, and has that sort of fire rate...spamming the weapon means all enemies have only 50% health for 6 seconds at a time.


That's pretty sweet. Can it do that to high level mobs or just the trashy mobs? I may need to build one later and swap the gun into my Shade.

Eh, nothing super tough, but reasonably so? It seemed to go for targets it would one-shot, otherwise it'd use whatever minigun it has built into it, so I can't really tell you how "effective" that disintergration beam is.

Foxdie, I get that wasn't your point. It still took 3 forma to get there, is mine.


I want to make a Latron Prime next, but haven't done any void missions so far. Anyone want to help on some void missions?


Got my Frost Prime out of the oven. Yay! Now to keep hunting the Ember Prime. Man I can never get Capture III keys for the systems part. I have every other key in spades. Seems to be the rarest to join on the region chat too.


Shout out to Dave1988 for hooking me up with Shotgun Spazz against his better interest, and shout out to foxdvd because

You guys are some badasses. Just wish I could use the PSN chat, but mine is hard broken.


Well I've cleared all the nodes in Mercury, Venus and Earth. Haven't tried any of the nightmare missions though. It's nice to go back to these earlier missions and own those Corpus bastards that used scare me :). But I saw that Latron needs 5 morphics which is like the one thing I don't have... *sign*

Any Loki users have an opinion on switch teleport? I've actually removed it from my frame but I am missing something? It says it confuses the enemy but it confuses me just as much so not sure what the point is.


Yup. I have an extra rifle too i forgot to mention. I do also need an elecrifle mod as well. I need that acid element so i can wipe the floor with grineers

I'm pretty sure I have some spare rifle elemental mods, I'll let you know when I'm on.
How much should I expect to pay for an Energy Siphon mod?

IMO Shade is the best Sentinel. The cloak ability lets you rest up in tough spots, revive fallen allies and crit for insane damage. I made him randomly, but I'm so glad I chose him over DethCube or something else.
That seems a little superfluous for an eventual energy-efficient Loki build, though. Am I missing something there?

Yup. I have an extra rifle too i forgot to mention. I do also need an elecrifle mod as well. I need that acid element so i can wipe the floor with grineers
I wish I had an elecrifle mod to give to you for it - I actually need one myself. :p

I actually want to try doing electric + fire on a gun for the confusion effect...I need to look into where to get those.

Are enemies resistant to an element resistant to the status effect in any way?

Well I've cleared all the nodes in Mercury, Venus and Earth. Haven't tried any of the nightmare missions though. It's nice to go back to these earlier missions and own those Corpus bastards that used scare me :). But I saw that Latron needs 5 morphics which is like the one thing I don't have... *sign*

Any Loki users have an opinion on switch teleport? I've actually removed it from my frame but I am missing something? It says it confuses the enemy but it confuses me just as much so not sure what the point is.
Nightmare levels are way harder than normal ones. I tried one and would have been slaughtered if I weren't essentially escorted by a team of beefcakes.

Switch Teleport isn't about switching you with an enemy. At least, I can't think of how that would be useful. Switch Teleport is about switching yourself with your Decoy or with an ally. Potential uses for Switch Teleport (I am actually not using right now, but only because energy is so sparse for me at the moment - I plan to add it in later for good fun):

1) Swap places with a teammate in trouble and go invisible - you both get out safe.
2) Swap places with a dead teammate surrounded by enemies.
3) If you are surrounded, and there is an enemy far away, swap places with the far away enemy to get out of a bad situation.
4) Place a clone in an area that cannot be reached through normal means, and swap - you now have a great vantage spot in Defense missions.
5) Place a clone in a far-off area and swap places to save significant travel time.
6) Troll teammates if you are a jerk.
7) Crazy idea that might not work: suicide jump and swap places with an elite enemy to kill that enemy. I have not tried this, but it just occurred to me.

It's not a game-changing ability like Loki's other three abilities, but it has some interesting uses.

Another crazy idea: when an enemy is dialing in to alert everyone of your presence, maybe you can swap places with him to stop it? Maybe another Loki player can chime in on that one.


How much should I expect to pay for an Energy Siphon mod?

That seems a little superfluous for an eventual energy-efficient Loki build, though. Am I missing something there?

If you play this game for any amount of time, you will use other frames besides Loki :) Your sentinels will need to be useful for any situation/build. I think the Shade is awesome for that.

PS. I traded 20plat and a Rejuvanation Aura for a level 4 Energy Siphon. Otherwise I think you may have to shell out 50-60plat for it. It is by far the most useful of the auras.

PPS. I am available for Void runs tonight. I am hoping that someone has Void exterminate keys so that I can start collecting the other Frost Prime parts :)
If you play this game for any amount of time, you will use other frames besides Loki :) Your sentinels will need to be useful for any situation/build. I think the Shade is awesome for that.

PS. I traded 20plat and a Rejuvanation Aura for a level 4 Energy Siphon. Otherwise I think you may have to shell out 50-60plat for it. It is by far the most useful of the auras.

PPS. I am available for Void runs tonight. I am hoping that someone has Void exterminate keys so that I can start collecting the other Frost Prime parts :)
Woah, that price is crazy. o_O

I plan on making Vauban, but none of the other frames really interest me all that much. I love highly strategic gameplay, and most of the frames seem pretty whizz-bang-boom in design. I'm open to suggestions, though.


Got my Soma out of the oven today. After getting a few levels on it and popping in my crit mods all I can say is "WOW".


Got my Soma out of the oven today. After getting a few levels on it and popping in my crit mods all I can say is "WOW".

i feel that bro. i've got my 3rd forma on my latron prime then it's time to forma a few on the soma to make it the ultimate murder machine.

synapse will be cooking soon too. this game just keeps on giving.


Bah. Damn game crashed in the middle of an alert mission. Going to bed.

How much should I expect to pay for an Energy Siphon mod?

That seems a little superfluous for an eventual energy-efficient Loki build, though. Am I missing something there?

I wish I had an elecrifle mod to give to you for it - I actually need one myself. :p

I actually want to try doing electric + fire on a gun for the confusion effect...I need to look into where to get those.

Are enemies resistant to an element resistant to the status effect in any way?

Nightmare levels are way harder than normal ones. I tried one and would have been slaughtered if I weren't essentially escorted by a team of beefcakes.

Switch Teleport isn't about switching you with an enemy. At least, I can't think of how that would be useful. Switch Teleport is about switching yourself with your Decoy or with an ally. Potential uses for Switch Teleport (I am actually not using right now, but only because energy is so sparse for me at the moment - I plan to add it in later for good fun):

1) Swap places with a teammate in trouble and go invisible - you both get out safe.
2) Swap places with a dead teammate surrounded by enemies.
3) If you are surrounded, and there is an enemy far away, swap places with the far away enemy to get out of a bad situation.
4) Place a clone in an area that cannot be reached through normal means, and swap - you now have a great vantage spot in Defense missions.
5) Place a clone in a far-off area and swap places to save significant travel time.
6) Troll teammates if you are a jerk.
7) Crazy idea that might not work: suicide jump and swap places with an elite enemy to kill that enemy. I have not tried this, but it just occurred to me.

It's not a game-changing ability like Loki's other three abilities, but it has some interesting uses.

Another crazy idea: when an enemy is dialing in to alert everyone of your presence, maybe you can swap places with him to stop it? Maybe another Loki player can chime in on that one.

Hmmm... I didn't know you could swap with a decoy. But the problem there is all the enemies are attacking the decoy so swapping with him will put you right in the hot seat. That's exactly the opposite of why I use the decoy.

The ability seems like it's all about putting me in the hot seat but I'm actually trying to avoid that so I am not so sure. Otherwise it's just a convoluted means to teleport from one place to the other. I think I will leave it off. I don't think I have the spare power for such shenanigans anyway.


i feel that bro. i've got my 3rd forma on my latron prime then it's time to forma a few on the soma to make it the ultimate murder machine.

synapse will be cooking soon too. this game just keeps on giving.
I'm 3 Forma deep on my Soma and it's getting to the point where I'm going to stop soon and just leave it at lvl 30 because I've got the mods that I want to run it with. Now, to just get it to 30 this last time..


floating head



Grimløck;97396244 said:
floating head
They're really commonplace in Tower missions too, against Corrupted enemies. I think the majority of the issues come from either the Heavy Gunners or the Corpus Infantry troops.


Might be a bug then.

Ggs guys i would post in the chat but it's stuck rebuilding the database whenever i try accessing my messages. No idea what is going in with it. Too many messages maybe
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