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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


On another note I finally found an infected clip while clearing out Uranus.


Woah, and I almost didn't list that one because it seems so scrappy to me. 40% chance of unlocking a container seems "meh". Is it really that big of a deal?

My play schedule is dictated by work hours, so I will probably not be around for an energy siphon for a long time. It would really improve my play experience, while I won't need Master Thief for farming for a long time, and I doubt I would have the patience to use it properly.

Energy Siphon's price will continue to drop at a higher rate than Master Thief as time passes and more and more players pick up extras. Master Thief doesn't pop on alerts, I'd hold on to that. I saw Siphon's selling for a mere 20p today!
Woah, and I almost didn't list that one because it seems so scrappy to me. 40% chance of unlocking a container seems "meh". Is it really that big of a deal?

My play schedule is dictated by work hours, so I will probably not be around for an energy siphon for a long time. It would really improve my play experience, while I won't need Master Thief for farming for a long time, and I doubt I would have the patience to use it properly.

Master Thief is one of the mods I want (not that I have anything to trade for it). There are so many locked containers on maps that I think it'd really help with getting rare resources.


Ok, getting along and having fun, got a few questions:

The invisibility, and decoy, love theese two skills, but uhm, might have overlooked something, is there any way to increase duration of them?

And, replaced my first wep with a braton, seems to work well, and will last me along time according to what I've read, but, the pistol and the sword, what should I replace them with?

Been reading alot, but there seems to be alot of different ways to go, I guess it's part of the charm, but in the start it is just confuzzling... :)

Love our clan HQ btw!


Yes, you need a mod for it, Continuity.

For sword you can use Cronus from Vor or get the blueprints for Galatine. Pistol you can buy a Lex.
So I recently knew I got a huge loads of mods without use, then I get some called "fusion mods" that says its power ups other mods, how do i use them?


Go to your mods menu, select fusion, select a mod you want to power up, tab over to the fusion core tab on the far right, select as many fusion cores as you want, and then press square to apply
I PM'd you earlier. I have a spare energy siphon I'm willing to give you. Picked it up on the other night's alert.

On another note I finally found an infected clip while clearing out Uranus.
I responded. Thank you for telling me about the PM.
My phone is my primary posting tool, and PMs don't show up unless I check for them.

So I recently knew I got a huge loads of mods without use, then I get some called "fusion mods" that says its power ups other mods, how do i use them?
Basically, mods have levels. When you go to "Fusion", you can sacrifice mods to level up a mod of your choice. Fusion mods are made just for sacrificing. Pick the mod you want to level up first, then pick anything you want to sacrifice to it.


Well, they also look cooler, but yea that is the only difference between prime and non-prime warframes is that they have an extra polarity slot, not different.


Well, they also look cooler, but yea that is the only difference between prime and non-prime warframes is that they have an extra polarity slot, not different.

Cool thanks - I've got the frame and the systems for the prime but just unlocked Lt Lech Kril and ran him a couple of times and now I just need the helmet for Frost Classic


Didn't realize Master Thief was that rare. I had been farming for one (thought it would help for the 15k/30k Salvage for Dual Ichor/Synapse) a couple days with no luck but managed to grab a max master thief for 20p. On the other hand I had to drop the price to 25p before I was able to sale one of my spare Energy Siphons.

Do you have to go beyond the first 5 waves on tier 3 Corpus Defense (Narcissus/Outer Terminus) to have much of a chance at getting Stormbringer? or is there a better place to farm one?
Hmmm... when I test it just firing at nothing it never does it. But during combat and with enemies on screen it does it quite a lot. Suppose I could try without the mod and see but then it's so sloooooow.

Low framerate does that to semi-auto weapons. Firing is tied to screen updates, so when the game gets bogged down, the fire rate suffers as well. It really sucks in void missions with guns such as Latron, Bolto(s) and Vasto(s).


I love the twin vipers, with the multishot mods I have an effective fire rate of 112 rounds/sec, and it fires all of those in just under a second. You just have to treat them more as a semi auto than full auto though, as even a short burst will put
out more bullets than most weapons have a full magazine.

Yeah they make a really groovy sound while firing, like an arrow in flight :).

Low framerate does that to semi-auto weapons. Firing is tied to screen updates, so when the game gets bogged down, the fire rate suffers as well. It really sucks in void missions with guns such as Latron, Bolto(s) and Vasto(s).

Hmmm... I thought it might be that since it seems to happen mostly online when stuff is crazy. If that's the case then there is really no future for this weapon and I. I guess I'll keep levelling it for now while I look for the next hotness.


anyone experience a bug where something you were building in the foundry disappeared after selling extras of its blueprint?

the valkyr chassis I had in the oven is gone all of a sudden.


anyone experience a bug where something you were building in the foundry disappeared after selling extras of its blueprint?

the valkyr chassis I had in the oven is gone all of a sudden.

You sold off the blueprint that was being crafted. I think you need to quit the game and re-join for a blueprint that's in the oven to be removed from the inventory list to sell.

Make a ticket, DE will return it. I had to do that several times before I learned to just wait for the thing I'm crafting to be done before I sell off duplicates. Stupid thing to have to do, but, well... DE.
You sold off the blueprint that was being crafted. I think you need to quit the game and re-join for a blueprint that's in the oven to be removed from the inventory list to sell.

Make a ticket, DE will return it. I had to do that several times before I learned to just wait for the thing I'm crafting to be done before I sell off duplicates. Stupid thing to have to do, but, well... DE.
For future reference: how do you open a ticket?


You sold off the blueprint that was being crafted. I think you need to quit the game and re-join for a blueprint that's in the oven to be removed from the inventory list to sell.

Make a ticket, DE will return it. I had to do that several times before I learned to just wait for the thing I'm crafting to be done before I sell off duplicates. Stupid thing to have to do, but, well... DE.

That blows, man.


Ok, getting along and having fun, got a few questions:

The invisibility, and decoy, love theese two skills, but uhm, might have overlooked something, is there any way to increase duration of them?

And, replaced my first wep with a braton, seems to work well, and will last me along time according to what I've read, but, the pistol and the sword, what should I replace them with?

Been reading alot, but there seems to be alot of different ways to go, I guess it's part of the charm, but in the start it is just confuzzling... :)

Love our clan HQ btw!

I've been avoiding asking for an invite until I learned all the ropes and leveled higher, but if you are taking new players sign me up : )

PSN ID Dunlop75

Also is there a trick to doing alerts? I would see them pop up on the map but when I try to scroll to them they would always disappear


Ok, getting along and having fun, got a few questions:

The invisibility, and decoy, love theese two skills, but uhm, might have overlooked something, is there any way to increase duration of them?

And, replaced my first wep with a braton, seems to work well, and will last me along time according to what I've read, but, the pistol and the sword, what should I replace them with?

Been reading alot, but there seems to be alot of different ways to go, I guess it's part of the charm, but in the start it is just confuzzling... :)

Love our clan HQ btw!

Yes, decoy and invisibility duration can be increased by leveling that mod via fusion.

The Braton is really great. I love it.

For secondary you should look at the available blue-prints in the market and make your choice. People like Vastos, Viper and Furis so maybe look at those. Check the codex for weapon stats.


GAF parliamentarian
Are there any plans of adding a mailing system? Girlfriend and I have a bunch of mods we'd like to give one another, but there's only one PS4 in the house.
I love the Twin Gremlins, they rip through the enemies super quick.
But, once they get to level 35+ in Survival/Defence etc they become a lot less effective, like their power goes off a cliff and you're shooting foam darts at them.

I finally got Magnetic on them, the Corpus are like butter to my Gremlins hot knife :)


I love the Twin Gremlins, they rip through the enemies super quick.
But, once they get to level 35+ in Survival/Defence etc they become a lot less effective, like their power goes off a cliff and you're shooting foam darts at them.

I finally got Magnetic on them, the Corpus are like butter to my Gremlins hot knife :)

Twin Gremlins have equal damage in all three basic damage types, so they are a very generalist weapon, you need to use elemental modifiers in order to kill anything high level with them.


For future reference: how do you open a ticket?


"Submit a Request" in top right.

I've been avoiding asking for an invite until I learned all the ropes and leveled higher, but if you are taking new players sign me up : )

PSN ID Dunlop75

Invite sent.

To anyone else who's interested, there are open spots in the clan at the moment. Shoot me a PM on GAF with your PSN ID and I'll send along an invite.
Decision time:

Ignis or Ogris?

I'm building a Synapse at some point in the far flung future once I've constructed the needed mutagen masses. For now though, I'm trying to decide what's worth it between those two.


What melee should I do next? (I've got a Galatine, Fragor, Scindo, and Orthos already maxed.)

I'd love to build a glaive as people suggest they're fun and effective, but I really don't feel like I should given that the glaive prime exists. But that's likely unattainable for quite some time given the need to run OV missions and lacking the keys. Still, sinking the mats into the garden variety glaive seems like a waste given its existence.


You sold off the blueprint that was being crafted. I think you need to quit the game and re-join for a blueprint that's in the oven to be removed from the inventory list to sell.

Make a ticket, DE will return it. I had to do that several times before I learned to just wait for the thing I'm crafting to be done before I sell off duplicates. Stupid thing to have to do, but, well... DE.

just sent a support ticket. hope they sort this out in the update.


I fell in love with my Excalibur all over again. I set up his mods to focus on Radial Blind (still need continuity) and it practically trivialized survival and defense missions. With stretch and overextended it literally stops every single enemy in the room and then some. I have a bad feeling this skill is going to be nerfed in some way soon.
Need some advice regarding Nova and her powers.

I'm now at level 28 and a half with her and thinking she might be the one, the one I use my first forma on.

I basically use molecular prime only, maxed out streamline helps (what other mod do I need for efficiency and where do I get it?)

Used null star a couple times, same with antimatter drop, and only just equipped worm hole as a "what the hell, I have spare points, just as well stick it on there"

Now I'm thinking of changing her power polarity into either tactic or defence and probably again after.

Convince me Warframe GAF of the qualities of Nova's powers so I might actually keep them.
Nightmare mods question: can I get any nightmare mod on any stage? I want Focus Energy for my Galatine, but I don't want to grind stages I can't get the reward from.

Are there any plans of adding a mailing system? Girlfriend and I have a bunch of mods we'd like to give one another, but there's only one PS4 in the house.
I am sure someone here would be willing to help you out.
Ignis is more effective, Ogris is more fun.

A word of advice, I wouldn't use the Ogris with anything that isn't a Rhino or a Frost...

I definitely would ere on the side of efficiency, but does that efficiency hold up long term? Would the Ogris be a better bet for the future?

If it makes a difference, my favorite class is definitely Mag with probably Trinity second (I know the "Link" power has bee suggested to synergize well with the Ogris, but I'm also not sure I like that play style, so I don't think I would use it like that.). Rhino is up there, but certainly not my favorite.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I definitely would ere on the side of efficiency, but does that efficiency hold up long term? Would the Ogris be a better bet for the future?

It it makes a difference, my favorite class is definitely Mag with probably Trinity second (I know the "Link" power has bee suggested to synergize well with the Ogris, but I'm also not sure I like that play style, so I don't think I would use it like that.). Rhino is up there, but certainly not my favorite.

Ogris is a charge single shot weapon, which means bad shots really sink your kill rate. Ignis is easier to get going, just point and hold the trigger for mass damage.

Ogris does a lot of damage, but it's a friendly fire weapon (although it only hurts yourself) so unless you're on a beefy warframe it's easy to blow yourself up...


Decision time:

Ignis or Ogris?


Also, I don't know if this is common knowledge yet but the bug that causes you to not be able to trade mods unless they're ranked lvl 1 or higher? Also affects mods that have no rank, like Coolant Leak. However, it appears that having a duplicate of the mod will allow you to trade it without issue.

So, anyone got a spare Coolant Leak? :D

qcf x2

I've got an Ash cooking...think I want to go for Nyx next, but nobody ever plays the missions in that planet system when I'm on.

I currently have a level 28 Nova that I still am not feeling. Weird, she just doesn't click for me. Got a level 29 Valkyr that would be awesome if the melee system in the game didn't effectively render her (in my opinion) only useful ability nerfed. I still beat shit up with her but I don't like all the swing-and-a-miss stuff.

Gonna work on Trinity next. If only she didn't look like a roach. Yuck.

Edit: would be cool if Valkyr could exchange her left over time for one energy blast with sizable range or something.
Ogris is a charge single shot weapon, which means bad shots really sink your kill rate. Ignis is easier to get going, just point and hold the trigger for mass damage.

Ogris does a lot of damage, but it's a friendly fire weapon (although it only hurts yourself) so unless you're on a beefy warframe it's easy to blow yourself up...

Thanks for the info! This has been helpful. I'll go for the Ignis then as that was my first instinct anyway, and sounds like a better fit for my play style.

Any melee suggestions?

The question is simple.
Do you like getting killed in tight situations, tight rooms, tight corners, tight teammates who love standing in front of you? If you say "yes", then Ogris is the weapon for you.

Well... Now you've got me doubting myself...


Nightmare mods question: can I get any nightmare mod on any stage? I want Focus Energy for my Galatine, but I don't want to grind stages I can't get the reward from.

I am sure someone here would be willing to help you out.

Yes, it also doesnt matter what planet since nightmare enemies are high level anyway.


want to get a laugh? Put on a level 0 Bastille, and a high level narrow minded mod on....then go into a match with your friends (don't ruin some random persons game) and tell them how you are going to lock down the map with your Vauban...then cast your 2 meter Bastille and listen to the roars of laughter..mostly your own.


Why do folks use PSN chat instead of in-game guild chat?

Not sure if I understand what the in-game guild chat is...but if you are talking about game chat..when I play with my friends, we want to be able to communicate at all times. Even when not in a game. We tried setting it to Party chat/game chat setting so we could hear randoms when the actual game started...but found that

A: it was glitchy as hell, and many times ended up with us unable to hear each other

B: The ps4 mic is so sensitive and everyone has their settings to near max resulting is MASSIVE feedback from randoms, or players that are way to loud.

In the end it is so bad, even when I solo, I set up a private chat so I don't get blasted...


Why do folks use PSN chat instead of in-game guild chat?

If I misunderstood you and you were actually talking about the text chat feature, the reason many people don't use it is the game erases all chat messages when you load a level/dojo/game..so if you send a message to someone trying to trade, they might lose it when loading the dojo or a level..
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