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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


about 10 missions in and it feels like the frame rate has been improved. did a couple survivals to boot and haven't experienced any of that 5 fps bullshit that was happening before. who knows though, still pretty early to tell. mission loading doesn't feel faster, but at least major frame drops aren't occurring. it feels to be pretty stable at around 25-30 for heavy mobs/groups. crossing fingers. hope DE keeps optimizing.


Frame-rate is moderately better but still shitty. It maintains a solid 20-30 FPS now (with bloom and DOF -- fuck motion blur), though I haven't tested the Void yet. Progress.

Still, for a game that's supossed to run at 60 that's a ton of dropped frames. Much optimization still needed.



clan emblem looks slick.


So I found all the plants and made the Lapis Antitoxin. If we have 4 of us with ones worth 25, we can get the Wraith Twin Vipers, correct?

I'm down for a mission once more people have the antitoxin.
So I just want to sing the praises of this game. I downloaded right off the bat but I was busy playing other retail games. I have 5 days into it and I love it. If you have not played it what is wrong with you? ha

It has some of the best qualities of many of my favorite games.
1. The co-op is insanely fun and engaging. I play with my brother nightly and I am so happy when a couple others jump in to help out. Some of these guys that jump in have either dropped some good money on their warframe or have grinded the hell out the game.
2. There are many classes or warframes and they all have badass abilities. Today I saw some guy suspend all enemies in the air pretty much killing them instantly. I have seen fire bombs go off and wipe out baddies. I just saw some dude use some green Spawn looking plasma. There are so many possibilities that it is a truly unique experience for everyone.
3. There are so many weapons. You want assault, sniper, dual pistols, war axes, spears, swords, drones? All possibilities
4. Everything is up-gradable! Increase your rank and get more slots to upgrade your weapons. Mod everything with cards you find and then fuse those cards to make them more powerful.
5. Loot. Ah my weakness in games. Run around and hack open lockers and find weapon parts, mods, credits, ammo, health, and who knows what else.
6. Crafting. Yep buy blueprints collect parts build new equipment.
7. Login rewards. Its like the lottery! Are you going to get XP, credits, a weapon? Who knows!
8. They update the shit out of this game. Today they added a new warframe, 3 weapons per category, and other equipment. They added trophy support! They added new environmental graphics.

I dropped 20 bucks on platinum to buy a gun and some mods. They seem to use this money to reinvest in the experience.

I really hope all will play this and support the game. It has some frame rate issues at times but it is getting better. It can take a while to load and update. But it is a great product.

My name is Nick_or_Dawood on there if you want to add me. I hope those that are looking for something to play until March comes around gives this a shot.
Nice patch.

+ The system navigation and marketplace is much improved. New icons on the system map for each faction, drilling down works, and the marketplace has been reorganized.
+ Haven't noticed low framerates, but its not solid 60fps either. Need to play more missions and crazier ones to be sure. Did an infestation alert though, and the framerate was 40-60 I'd guess.
+ LOVE that Lotus talks less and has more appropriate things to say. But she still might wait a few minutes before telling you there's ice and by that point we already know it.
+ Like the new forest tileset, at least what little there is to see of it.
+ I've noticed some graphical improvements, small touches like rainbow lens flares, some more minor effects.

- More tearing. Maybe its always been there but I noticed it tonight, especially on the forest tileset and when using the codex scanner.
- A long held gripe, but if the mission has a mission-fail timer, Lotus needs to yell that, and the UI needs to make that more prominent. I failed yet another mission tonight because I didn't realize a timer was ticking down until there was 30 seconds left on the clock and there was no way I was ever going to make it. These timed-fail missions almost always come as a surprise and almost always end up with me failing them. Its annoying. Very annoying.
- Sometimes the PS store doesn't want to pop up so if you select the option to buy platinum (as I did) your game might get stuck in limbo. This seems more like a Sony OS thing than a Warframe thing but I do think that DE should put a timeout value on bringing up the PS Store, just in case. 90 seconds, tops.

Besides that I noticed more containers in groups rather than isolated and standalone.

The GAF clan sigil is awesome :)

next up for me is the Magnus. Just starting out with the Dual Vipers and just got an Ignis out of the oven. Lets get some Warframe on.


GAF parliamentarian
Really like that we can customize the controls now. With 'use ability' on R3, I may end up actually hitting with targeted abilities like Mind Control and Venom.


The tearing is more noticeable. I didnt notice it before the update but it's more apparent especially in the forest tile

Same here. Very annoying. The transitions to and from the Arsenal are more janky too. Meh.

Controller mapping is amazing though. I wish every game did this. I put all my Warframe powers on the d-pad. Much faster to trigger now and I can aim while I do it. I've lost the ability to create waypoints since DE's QA didn't notice that there's no option for it on the customization screen, but whatever. I'll live for another two weeks. Swiping down quickly toggles the codex scanner, block now on R3. Maybe I'll try blocking now at some point? lol


Slide attacks work now! Couldn't do it reliably when it was on second controller scheme.

Was comfortable with that but specials on the dpad sound godlike which frees up l1 so maybe I'll try block on that....
Frame-rate is moderately better but still shitty. It maintains a solid 20-30 FPS now (with bloom and DOF -- fuck motion blur), though I haven't tested the Void yet. Progress.

Still, for a game that's supossed to run at 60 that's a ton of dropped frames. Much optimization still needed.

Void is still fucking horrible. Last night in a mobile defense (only T1, even) it dropped into the 10 fps territory. It does get slightly better between fights, which is technically an improvement, but only to around 20-25 at best. The game also crashed for one of us and he couldn't get back because we had completed the objective. Sucks as I really like void and would like to run more of those. Void exterminates are mostly ok, or on par with normal missions. They really have to keep performance improvements at a high priority.

Good things, though:
- starmap fix (wooooooo)
- my Paris Prime has gone crazy with ragdolling power, in a good way
- the oven overfloweth with new fancy weapons
- controller remapping - will experiment more when we have more information on melee 2.0 (today's livestream?)
Threscones everywhere. This crisis can shove it

I've got a Vermillion Antitoxin cooked. You only need for one player to have one of these to get all the rewards from the event, if I'm understanding it right, so I can carry three people who would rather not waste the time with the pixel-bitch hunting part.

Be warned, though, the actual using the antitoxin part is a prolonged defensive stand. No idea how long exactly it is - it seems to vary based on how much/what kind of antitoxin you use - but it's easily ten times longer than the average Mobile Defense stand, and doesn't have Wave breaks like a normal Defense.

I tried it earlier with some pick-ups and only got about 75% of the way through before I ran completely out of ammo and couldn't manage to scavenge enough Energy to keep brawling, but a lot of that probably had to do with no one in the group having good AoE clear.

Edit: Oh, and if you want to farm it yourself, I recommend doing it the sleazy way. Set yourself to Solo, open up the mission, and check the area immediately around the spawn (ie, before you even meet the first enemy) to see if there's any Jadeleaf there. If there isn't, Abort Mission and start it again. Yes, it's pure tedium, but it's far less exhausting than running all the way through the mission just to find that there literally was not any Jadeleaf in it, period.


I've got a Vermillion Antitoxin cooked. You only need for one player to have one of these to get all the rewards from the event, if I'm understanding it right, so I can carry three people who would rather not waste the time with the pixel-bitch hunting part.

Be warned, though, the actual using the antitoxin part is a prolonged defensive stand. No idea how long exactly it is - it seems to vary based on how much/what kind of antitoxin you use - but it's easily ten times longer than the average Mobile Defense stand, and doesn't have Wave breaks like a normal Defense.

I tried it earlier with some pick-ups and only got about 75% of the way through before I ran completely out of ammo and couldn't manage to scavenge enough Energy to keep brawling, but a lot of that probably had to do with no one in the group having good AoE clear.
I would like a ride, if possible. I can't find any sunlight rares. I have most frames maxed to 30 and a bunch of weapons unlocked. Although in order to get the maximum 400 pts., four people should bring a vermillion antitoxin.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Grimløck;98287532 said:
I would like a ride, if possible. I can't find any sunlight rares. I have most frames maxed to 30 and a bunch of weapons unlocked. Although in order to get the maximum 400 pts., four people should bring a vermillion antitoxin.

I only need the daytime components now to make the vermillion.

C'mon GAF, we need to get the dojo bling!


srsly -- if you play this game even a moderate amount, please consider waiting for a 4x Vermillion run. We have enough active members to do extremely well in the Storm Clan division if everyone pulls their weight. Let's get ourselves a statue!


So I just want to sing the praises of this game. I downloaded right off the bat but I was busy playing other retail games. I have 5 days into it and I love it. If you have not played it what is wrong with you? ha

It has some of the best qualities of many of my favorite games.
1. The co-op is insanely fun and engaging. I play with my brother nightly and I am so happy when a couple others jump in to help out. Some of these guys that jump in have either dropped some good money on their warframe or have grinded the hell out the game.
2. There are many classes or warframes and they all have badass abilities. Today I saw some guy suspend all enemies in the air pretty much killing them instantly. I have seen fire bombs go off and wipe out baddies. I just saw some dude use some green Spawn looking plasma. There are so many possibilities that it is a truly unique experience for everyone.
3. There are so many weapons. You want assault, sniper, dual pistols, war axes, spears, swords, drones? All possibilities
4. Everything is up-gradable! Increase your rank and get more slots to upgrade your weapons. Mod everything with cards you find and then fuse those cards to make them more powerful.
5. Loot. Ah my weakness in games. Run around and hack open lockers and find weapon parts, mods, credits, ammo, health, and who knows what else.
6. Crafting. Yep buy blueprints collect parts build new equipment.
7. Login rewards. Its like the lottery! Are you going to get XP, credits, a weapon? Who knows!
8. They update the shit out of this game. Today they added a new warframe, 3 weapons per category, and other equipment. They added trophy support! They added new environmental graphics.

I dropped 20 bucks on platinum to buy a gun and some mods. They seem to use this money to reinvest in the experience.

I really hope all will play this and support the game. It has some frame rate issues at times but it is getting better. It can take a while to load and update. But it is a great product.

My name is Nick_or_Dawood on there if you want to add me. I hope those that are looking for something to play until March comes around gives this a shot.

Huzzah!! Welcome aboard, Tenno!!

So I finally got my big serration mod onto my Latron and I can say that this gun is starting to make sense to me now finally. It seems to misfire less after the update which is great. It just rips through Grinner now and it's great to be one shotting the bastards.

Started using Radial Disarm more after all the comments and it is pretty awesome (still expensive though). I really don't want to quit using Loki but I know I have to... *sigh*
Huzzah!! Welcome aboard, Tenno!!

So I finally got my big serration mod onto my Latron and I can say that this gun is starting to make sense to me now finally. It seems to misfire less after the update which is great. It just rips through Grinner now and it's great to be one shotting the bastards.

Started using Radial Disarm more after all the comments and it is pretty awesome (still expensive though). I really don't want to quit using Loki but I know I have to... *sigh*

You don't really have to, you can max Invisibility and Power Duration and run around just being 24/7 melee guy with the rest of your powers basically being emergency actions, though I can certainly understand why you might not want to.

I mean, it doesn't really feel like you need to ruthlessly optimize at this point, anyway. If you did you'd see people spamming "ODD Potato'd Rhino/Novas only plx."


Started using Radial Disarm more after all the comments and it is pretty awesome (still expensive though).

You're probably ready to start doing some Vault runs to get the Corrupted mods. Once you have both Fleeting Expertise and Streamline there's really no such thing as an "expensive" ability. ;-)


could never
So I've been playing this game solidly for a couple weeks now, man I love it! I'd like to play with some Gaffers in a clan though. Getting bored of Excalibur, I really must try and make a decision on what Frame to build.

Thinking of either Nova or Frost, though Oberon looks nice.

PSN: Assassio


So I've been playing this game solidly for a couple weeks now, man I love it! I'd like to play with some Gaffers in a clan though. Getting bored of Excalibur, I really must try and make a decision on what Frame to build.

Thinking of either Nova or Frost, though Oberon looks nice.

PSN: Assassio

Invite sent.

Oh, and build Rhino.


srsly -- if you play this game even a moderate amount, please consider waiting for a 4x Vermillion run. We have enough active members to do extremely well in the Storm Clan division if everyone pulls their weight. Let's get ourselves a statue!
I think this is the best route. I'll farm for my vermillion antitoxin and post here when I'm ready to party up with 3 other members.


You don't really have to, you can max Invisibility and Power Duration and run around just being 24/7 melee guy with the rest of your powers basically being emergency actions, though I can certainly understand why you might not want to.

I mean, it doesn't really feel like you need to ruthlessly optimize at this point, anyway. If you did you'd see people spamming "ODD Potato'd Rhino/Novas only plx."

I don't really melee that much to be honest. I prefer to shoot them. I heavily use decoy and invisibility already. I need to change because it will help my mastery rank if I am leveling a frame. Anyway it seems I don't have any control modules or enough spare credits so I'm not switching any time soon.

You're probably ready to start doing some Vault runs to get the Corrupted mods. Once you have both Fleeting Expertise and Streamline there's really no such thing as an "expensive" ability. ;-)

That sounds truly awesome :). I already have a streamline actually. It's my plan to boost is up but I need to clear some space first.


Grimløck;98293463 said:
I think this is the best route. I'll farm for my vermillion antitoxin and post here when I'm ready to party up with 3 other members.

Yup. If we can get the majority of our active members on board then we have an excellent shot at placing in the top 3 and earning a Dojo statue. Judging by the Kills leaderboard, we're easily one of the top 3 Storm Clans and we've been consistently closing the gap on the clans ahead of us on a daily basis. We started out ranked 7th or 8th on the leaderboard. We're now 3rd.

We definitely have the manpower to "medal" in this event and cement our name in the annals of Warframe PS4. We just need to get everyone on the same page!


Yup. If we can get the majority of our active members on board then we have an excellent shot at placing in the top 3 and earning a Dojo statue. Judging by the Kills leaderboard, we're easily one of the top 3 Storm Clans and we've been consistently closing the gap on the clans ahead of us on a daily basis. We started out ranked 7th or 8th on the leaderboard. We're now 3rd.

We definitely have the manpower to "medal" in this event and cenent our name in the annals of Warframe PS4. We just need to get everyone on the same page!

And what page is that? What needs doing? Might even a low ranking Tenno assist?


Lets talk custom controller setups. I am still sliding with the old, but I am thinking of remapping both my DS4 and Vita.

How do you have yours setup if you changed it?


And what page is that? What needs doing? Might even a low ranking Tenno assist?
Mol is referring to the Cicero Crisis, the current event in Warframe. Basically you'll want to buy the Codex Scanner from the Market. Equip it (it's under "Gear" in your Arsenal), then go to the Event on Earth, and start scanning (to equip it while in-game, you have to press down on the D-pad, I believe) the plants there. You should aim for the Vermillion Antitoxin (whose blueprint you can buy from the Market). Its components are:
4x Sunlight Jadeleaf extract
4x Moonlight Jadeleaf extract
4x Sunlight Dragonlily extract
4x Moonlight Dragonlily extract​
All four ingredients are rare, so it may take you awhile to gather them. After you have found all the ingredients, build the antitoxin in your foundry and then upload it into the injector during the mission. If you're successful in defending the injector while it's uploading, you'll be awarded 100 pts., which is good enough to get all the individual rewards (4x Mods and the Wraith Twin Vipers). However, since we're going for the best score in our clan tier, we're trying to get parties of four with 4x Vermillion Antitoxins to get the maximum 400 pts. per player. Since only the highest score counts, might as well go for 400 pts.

Edited the ingredients; the wiki is wrong.


Grimløck;98296688 said:
... very interesting and useful stuff ...

So is the gathering part best to do solo? If not in a guild group? I may try this tonight. Also, we should do this 4 times, for the 400 points?


So is the gathering part best to do solo? If not in a guild group? I may try this tonight. Also, we should do this 4 times, for the 400 points?
Foraging for ingredients is perfectly doable solo. The enemies are level ~10 or so. The only way to get the maximum 400 pts. is to team up with other people who also have the Vermillion Antitoxin; points do not accumulate.


Grimløck;98297582 said:
Foraging for ingredients is perfectly doable solo. The enemies are level ~10 or so. The only way to get the maximum 400 pts. is to team up with other people who also have the Vermillion Antitoxin; points do not accumulate.

Okay, so couple more questions. Sorry, I have limited play time right now and I want to maximize my guild support!

Can I farm until I have enough stuff for 4 Antitoxin, build them all and then run with people to get the 100 points?

If you have to defend while it uploads, and you fail ... do you loose your toxin?


Okay, so couple more questions. Sorry, I have limited play time right now and I want to maximize my guild support!

Can I farm until I have enough stuff for 4 Antitoxin, build them all and then run with people to get the 100 points?

If you have to defend while it uploads, and you fail ... do you loose your toxin?
Yes. You can build one Vermillion Antitoxin and carry three other people to get 100 pts., and thus, all the rewards for this event (save the dojo bling). Your party can also build the Lapis Antitoxin, where each members brings their own to get 100 pts. However, if you're building the Vermillion Antitoxin anyway, might as well save up to run with other members who have the same to get the max amount of pts. As for your last question, I have no idea, I'm sorry. Mol's going to have to answer that.


Grimløck;98298533 said:
Yes. You can build one Vermillion Antitoxin and carry three other people to get 100 pts., and thus, all the rewards for this event (save the dojo bling). Your party can also build the Lapis Antitoxin, where each members brings their own to get 100 pts. However, if you're building the Vermillion Antitoxin anyway, might as well save up to run with other members who have the same to get the max amount of pts. As for your last question, I have no idea, I'm sorry. Mol's going to have to answer that.

Okay I see. So what we should do is start a solo match, scan the starting area, and if there are no flowers, quit and start over?

How many flowers do you get on a map on average? I am assuming the map will have all types of the flowers and just not one per map load.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Okay I see. So what we should do is start a solo match, scan the starting area, and if there are no flowers, quit and start over?

How many flowers do you get on a map on average? I am assuming the map will have all types of the flowers and just not one per map load.

Jadeleaf is the really rare flower.

Start, check by the water (it grows in or near it). If there's no jadeleaf, abort and start again.

The other rare-ish flower is the lily, but it's way more common. If you scour the map you can always find 2 or 3.


Junior Member
I kind of wish Digital Extremes did not throw in 20 missions per planet (at least in the later ones). You do the exact same thing, over and over and over again.


Jadeleaf is the really rare flower.

Start, check by the water (it grows in or near it). If there's no jadeleaf, abort and start again.

The other rare-ish flower is the lily, but it's way more common. If you scour the map you can always find 2 or 3.

What is the jadeleaf for? I am looking at the wiki and it is not needed for the Vermillion Anti-toxin?

I kind of wish Digital Extremes did not throw in 20 missions per planet (at least in the later ones). You do the exact same thing, over and over and over again.

I agree. I just ran thought them once so I could clear the map. I have one node left on Pluto. No one is ever doing it. I found the outer planets very barren, to the point I am wondering if anyone plays this game besides our guild.


Grimløck;98296688 said:
Mol is referring to the Cicero Crisis, the current event in Warframe. Basically you'll want to buy the Codex Scanner from the Market. Equip it (it's under "Gear" in your Arsenal), then go to the Event on Earth, and start scanning (to equip it while in-game, you have to press down on the D-pad, I believe) the plants there. You should aim for the Vermillion Antitoxin (whose blueprint you can buy from the Market). Its components are:
4x Sunlight Jadeleaf extract
4x Moonlight Jadeleaf extract
4x Sunlight Dragonlily extract
4x Moonlight Dragonlily extract​
All four ingredients are rare, so it may take you awhile to gather them. After you have found all the ingredients, build the antitoxin in your foundry and then upload it into the injector during the mission. If you're successful in defending the injector while it's uploading, you'll be awarded 100 pts., which is good enough to get all the individual rewards (4x Mods and the Wraith Twin Vipers). However, since we're going for the best score in our clan tier, we're trying to get parties of four with 4x Vermillion Antitoxins to get the maximum 400 pts. per player. Since only the highest score counts, might as well go for 400 pts.

Edited the ingredients; the wiki is wrong.

Oh man. I played this level a few times last night but had no idea what it was about. I don't think it would have killed DE to put a little explanation at the beginning of the level.

Not so keen on gathering plants to be honest but I'll give this a go tonight if I can get all the gear together. I might get lucky. Who knows? This is all very Elder Srolls though...

Sye d'Burns

What is the jadeleaf for? I am looking at the wiki and it is not needed for the Vermillion Anti-toxin?

I agree. I just ran thought them once so I could clear the map. I have one node left on Pluto. No one is ever doing it. I found the outer planets very barren, to the point I am wondering if anyone plays this game besides our guild.

The wiki is wrong on this one. Check out the build requirements for vermillion in the marketplace.
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