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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4

I could scan him now that I've got a full set of his gear - no idea where the bow came from, he must have gotten dropped somewhere in the chaos of an Invasion without me even noticing, maybe by a horde of NPCs? - but 20 times is a bit much, yeah.

That's about what I figured, though. A few of the things he says seem a little bit more... personal than just, "Oh hey you killed Lech Kril, I liked that dude. Dick!"


We are the Collective Unconscious

Beings in the games are archetypes

"User name" is the self

Tenno is the Persona

Warframes are the Anima and Animus

Corpus/Grineer/Infested are the shadow

Lotus is the consciousness

The whole game is Hayden Tenno's dream and hence explains why it's related but not direct cannon.
Karsticles is just his messed up mind.


A few of the things The Stalker says and the fact some of the major NPCs call the Tenno "The Betrayers" strongly suggests that they have a background in superdickery.

Mostly, though, it's the actual missions. Aside from the Exterminate missions - "Tenno, we need to send a message to the Grineer. Kill fucking everyone" - there's one Assassination mission that made me feel downright sleazy.

"Tenno, the target of this assassination is a brilliant geneticist making great strides in the gene repair of the Grineer. Left to continue his work, he could potentially reverse centuries of genetic damage done from overuse of cloning technology."
"Oh! So, we're going to rescue this guy, huh?"
"No, Tenno."
"... Capture?"
"Tenno, he must not be allowed to repair the genetic degradation of the Grineer. We need these guys having some super gross stillborn babies. For reasons."
"I, uh... I guess that makes sense. Um, Lotus?"
"Yes, Tenno?"
"... you'd tell me if you were a Nazi, right?"
"Of course, Tenno. Now hurry up and murder this doctor before he can save his race."

Ha ha ha!!! I don't question Lotus. And neither should you. :)


I'm just going to straight up post the Stalkers entry. It's one of my favorite pieces of written lore in a game in recent memory, and scanning him 20 times is a pain in the ass. Spoiled for your safety/sanity. If you don't want your perception of the Tenno challenged, don't read this.

"Some have walked these desolate worlds while you have slept. Some like me. I remember what you did. I remember the day.
The Tenno appeared at the Terminus, gleaming and victorious. Our cold and gold Emperors, breathless, bathed you in savior's silk. Then came the sound. Across all our worlds, all at once, the ceremonial Naga drums. A royal salute to the honored Tenno. Ten solemn beats to declare the suffering was over. I watched from a distance, with the rest of the low Guardians. With each beat terror began to crush my throat. The Tenno were not stoic and silent. They were waiting. They were poised. I tried to call out but only a strangled whisper escaped.

When the ninth beat rang a torrent of blood filled the stadium, loosed by Tenno blades. The drums, the Empire, fell silent forever.

Now I hunt, dividing your numbers. Watching from that dark place, cataloging your sins, I am the ghost of retribution. You may forget but you are not innocent."

My own thoughts:

There's a damn good reason we were asleep. This, combined with the Excalibur Prime entry, lead into some interesting possibilites. The entry in question:

"The Sentients had won. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater or losses. The war was over unless we found a new way. In our desperation we turned to the Void. The blinding night, the hellspace where our science and reason failed. We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend. Excalibur was the first."

Giving horribly mutated beings unspeakable power never turns out badly.

Reposting for new page. That's right, I'm doing it motherfuckers.

Dreamgazer, A+ post sir.

I've posted this before, but it got overlooked. Here's an interview between Steve and Patrick Klepek over at Giant Bomb about Warframe and how it came to be, and just how much of it stems from the original plans for Dark Sector.


It's a really great read with some fascinating details about both games.
I love the lore conversation this led to. Great point that the bosses call us both by our username and say "that Loki suit you wear", etc. Also, if they aren't just suits, then what the hell are we rescuing in each Rescue mission? I know the game says things like "Valkyr joined the Tenno forces", which makes her sound like an individual, but that's one thing against many other points in the game which suggest we are wearing suits.

That Stalker entry made me interested in the game's lore. I want them to give the worlds some kind of...plot meaning. Add more structure and story to the adventure.

Oh, and on that note, I only have 20 missions left before I have cleared the entire map - yay! Neptune is confusing me, though. It says that I have 12/13 missions done, but I don't see any unfinished missions. Is this a bug?

Just based on the look of it to be honest. If I find I start needing the range I might swap again. I just prefer the way the OG helmet looks.

It's fine in Uncharted or Tomb Raider because we are playing someone else's adventure but Warframe is an RPG so it would be great to create a player character and just have us don the Warframe as a suit. The bosses refer to us by our PSN ids and refer to the Warframe as a "suit" which goes against the idea of it being an individual.

I see now that you are Kartsicles. Sorry I was being slow and wondering what everyone was talking about. I'm on the right page now.
Hahaha, I thought you were joking about not knowing who Karsticles was. :)

Also, how much are Vermillions going for on the market? I saw someone trying to sell one for 80p, and honestly I would grind those out all night if I could make that kind of money. I didn't find their creation hard at all, and I could buy several Reactors and Catalysts for that to power up my experience. I'm also glad that I have 2 Catalysts - yum! The first went to Galatine, which is one mod away from perfection, and the second I am saving for whatever I decide Loki's final primary weapon to be. I like the Grakata, but Ignis will be done soon and I want to give that a shot. I think Ogris might work well for him also.
Poking around in the Codex, this one's from the Events section - I assume everyone has it, so it's not really a spoiler, but I'll blot it anyway:

They found us. Why did the Corpus think they could hide in the Void? Despite their heritage they seem blind to the Tenno's connection to that place. I know you are sour on mysticism, but I'm beginning to turn my view on it.

Every time we tear a Tenno corpse from its metal womb we find nothing to explain their power. Our Warframe engineers gesture wildly about nanotechnology, how reactive dissolution hides the answers. What if a Warframe is merely a lightning rod? A conduit for these demons of the Void? Consider how it could change our plan.

For now I await the Tenno's invasion of our Settlements. I have brought with me some reinforcements and your messages of encouragement to rile up the troops.


Granted, it's a not-entirely-reliable narrator, but it kind of hits on the crux of it.


Gold Member
Step 1: Build Synapse
Step 2: Acquire Synapse

Step 3: Go to work for 8 hours and not be able to try it out :(

Hopefully it isn't as disappointing as the Supra.
Step 1: Build Synapse
Step 2: Acquire Synapse

Step 3: Go to work for 8 hours and not be able to try it out :(

Hopefully it isn't as disappointing as the Supra.

The synapse is one of the best guns in the game. Once you forma it repeatedly and have the right mods on it anyway. It's pretty underwhelming at first, but once modded to have a 100% crit chance, crit multipliers, extra damage via serration, heavy caliber, and split chamber, and your element of choice, it turns amazing.

Plus, it looks like you are busting ghosts with a proton pack. Just don't cross the streams when grouped up with another synapse user. You don't want to be responsible for any total protonic reversal.


Gold Member
Plus, it looks like you are busting ghosts with a proton pack. Just don't cross the streams when grouped up with another synapse user. You don't want to be responsible for any total protonic reversal.

Hell yes, based on this description alone, i will not be disappointed.

Glad to hear that it is powerful though. The Supra was incredibly disappointing. Soma destroys it.


The Synapse is currently the best primary weapon in the game and will continue to be until the next patch. DE fucked up the continuous fire weapons on PC, but not yet on PS4! One of the few benefits of being behind on updates.
Soma's pretty ridiculous in general, though. If that's the standard you're holding everything else to, you're probably going to have a lot of disappointments.

Despair and Galatine are sort of in the same boat. They're all three weapons that, while other weapons may be superior to in specific situations, are just so easy to get to a crazy place because of good base polarities that you're unlikely to find many guns that are going to be better without a lot of time spent grinding them up.
The Synapse is currently the best primary weapon in the game and will continue to be until the next patch. DE fucked up the continuous fire weapons on PC, but not yet on PS4! One of the few benefits of being behind on updates.
So is Ignis going to be bad after we are caught up, too?


I had my best Nightmare runs in the past two days.

First, after 19 consecutive runs I got this

Five runs later I got this

and finally two runs later I got this

I know for a fact this'll never happen again.

Also first Gaf post ^_^


So is Ignis going to be bad after we are caught up, too?

Ignis is really only good now against Infested. I mean, you can make it work for the other factions but it's not optimal. What's going to hurt the continuous fire weapons is that DE is changing the rate at which they actually fire and the method in which damage is displayed and applied.

Right now all continuous fire weapons have their damage divided amongst 50 invisible "bullets" per second. Ignore what the "fire rate" of the item says, that's a placeholder stat that is absolutely meaningless on these weapons. This is why fire rate mods like Speed Trigger and Shred currently do nothing on the Ignis and Synapse and are a waste of a mod slot. Regardless of what your "fire rate" is, continuous fire weapons shoot 50 invisible bullets per second. No exceptions.

The 50 bullets per second (obviously much closer to 100 with Split Chamber) all have their own individual crit chance and status effect chance. The 10% status chance of the Synapse doesn't sound so bad now when you consider that the weapon is almost guaranteed to proc at least once per second. That's why Viral is also the best elemental for the Synapse right now. -50% reduced health on proc, with almost constant procs. Not to mention the incredible damage from 100% crit chance. Godlike.

After the patch DE is changing the continuous fire weapons, basically nerfing them. The weapons will now have individual fire rates that will be accurately displayed in game (theoretically, we'll see). They're also changing the way the damage is displayed to players to help them better understand the damage their dealing. That's why so many people feel like the Synapse sucks at first -- the numbers you're seeing are basically wrong. You should pretty much just ignore any numbers for continuous fire weapons. TTK (time to kill) is currently our only reliable metric for measuring damage on these weapons.

The problem is that rather than merely changing the way the damage is displayed they also changed the way it is delt. After the patch, damage won't actually apply to your targets until 1/3rd of a second has past. Meaning if you simply hold down fire and sweep across a bunch of level 0 enemies in an arc, none of them will drop. Status chance will also be changed to be "status per second," with varying values. The weapons will essentially no longer be "continuous" fire. The current strategy for PC players seems to be to "pump" the trigger on the weapons to try and reach their previous damage output, but it's obviously never going to get there. Soma seems to be king once again.

Regardless, these changes won't effect the Ignis as much as they'll effect the Synapse. The Ignis already has a terrible 1% proc rate, so nerfing that won't really do much. Especially considering that the Ignis should really only be used against Infested and speccing for Viral isn't even needed. The Ignis will still be a solid anti-Infested weapon, and the Synapse will still be okay... it just won't be the hands-down best primary against Grineer and Corpus anymore.


Poking around in the Codex, this one's from the Events section - I assume everyone has it, so it's not really a spoiler, but I'll blot it anyway:

They found us. Why did the Corpus think they could hide in the Void? Despite their heritage they seem blind to the Tenno's connection to that place. I know you are sour on mysticism, but I'm beginning to turn my view on it.

Every time we tear a Tenno corpse from its metal womb we find nothing to explain their power. Our Warframe engineers gesture wildly about nanotechnology, how reactive dissolution hides the answers. What if a Warframe is merely a lightning rod? A conduit for these demons of the Void? Consider how it could change our plan.

For now I await the Tenno's invasion of our Settlements. I have brought with me some reinforcements and your messages of encouragement to rile up the troops.


Granted, it's a not-entirely-reliable narrator, but it kind of hits on the crux of it.

Incoming wall of text. Somewhat bored and felt like going into the Lore.

Well the thing that is interesting is that if you ever read up on Dark Sector (or perhaps maybe have played the game before) it gives you a better grasp the relationship between Tenno and the Warframe they wear.

You see in Dark Sector the main character Hayden Tenno becomes infected by what is called the Technocyte virus.

What I have gathered is that the United States during the Cold War era somehow fell into possession of the Technocyte virus. The Dark Sector wiki says that the United States invented the virus, but if you play through the game there is nothing that directly confirms the origin of the virus.

Now pretty much everyone who becomes infected with the virus turns into a monstrosity of some kind. Hayden Tenno body somehow ends up assimilating with the virus. After the end of Dark Sector, earth ends up being overtaken by the technocyte virus and humanity is thrown into an apocalyptic world.

Fast foward [Insert Number] years and the Orokin Empire are a race of entities still yet unknown. (My personal speculation is that they were a spacing faring species that goes from Solar system to Solar System expanding their Empire.) We know from the Codex entry from Excalibur that the Orokin Empire waged War against another spacing faring species called "The Sentients". During this war the Orokin Empire were unable to defeat The Sentients with their current methods. So they turned to the ever-so Mysterious Void.

When they ventured into the Void the Codex Entry states;

"We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction."

Now when you compare this codex entry with that of Captain Vor's you start to get the idea that the Warframe's that the Tenno wear is not what gives the Tenno their power, but allows them to harness it as a weapon.

Now if you flash back to Dark Sector during a conversation with Hayden Tenno and his Commanding Officer Dixon states that the technocyte virus is a "weapon that changes everything". During the game Dark Sector Hayden Tenno finds and equips a Proto-Warframe(I use this term loosely) that looks very similar to Excalibur. When he wears this prototype his powers become more advance allowing him to perform actions that he could not do beforehand.

Getting back to the Orokin Era timeline. They discover that certain humans that return from the Void are changed. Something drastic has happened to them. Speculation is that the Tenno are actually a long line of descendants of Hayden Tenno (The first Tenno). And because they descend from Hayden they are able to assimilate the Technocyte Virus (which I personally speculate has its origins in the Void). The Orokin Empire being the race that apparently has mastered technology to the highest degree created the "Prime Warframes" which are the originals Warframes. Allowing these special unique humans (The Tenno) to harness their unique powers and push back and defeat The Sentients. So clearly one can speculate that the Orokin Empire "employ/use" the Tenno to win a war for them that the Orokin themselves could not. So at the very least we can discern the difference that there is a Tenno Faction that is separate and unique from other humans and the Orokin.

Now when you read the condex entry of the stalker you learn what happens after The Sentients are defeated. The Orokin Empire is victorious and throws a lavish celebration commending the Tenno on being the sole key to victory against the Sentients. When the Tenno return and are herald for defeating The Sentients they instead unleash a surprise attack on the Orokin Empire during this celebration. The Orokin empire fell silent forever and is no more.

Now here is where it gets really confusing. The is no definite information from Dark Sector or Warframe as to what the Orokin race was. Were they a species completely alien to our solar system? Were they a race of AI's? Were they an advance sub-species of Humans? We simply do not know and the same goes for The Sentients. And if the Tenno were victorious in over throwing the Orokin Empire why did they choose to go into Cryo sleep? Why did they not see fit to become rulers themselves? And why did they overthrow the empire at all? Was the Empire Tyrannical in their rule? Were they harsh and mean towards their lower subjects?

There is also the possibility that there may have been a split between the Tenno. Maybe some Tenno wanted to be faithful and serve the Orokin (like the Stalker). And others wanted to overthrow them. What we do know is that after this occured it created a power Vacuum and two humans factions rose to dominance. The Grineer and the Corpus. And both factions view the Tenno in a very negative light. The Grineer utterly hate the Tenno and refer to them as demons. While the Corpus refer to them as the "Betrayers". Meaning that the Corpus existed (as possibly the Grineer) during the time of the Orokin and practically still worship them. So the Corpus may have been subjects to the Orokin.

Also the Infested existed at this time as well. Which from playing Dark Sector we know that the infested is what becomes of those who are infected by the technocyte virus which are not Tenno. Speculation is that the Orokin Empire tried to use the virus as a weapon against The Sentients outside of the Tenno. And with the Orokin Empire being absent the infected are now spread unchecked across the solar system and now dwell inside Orokin Derelict ships.

One final thing I would like to bring up is the Lotus. Another entity we are completely clueless about. Is Lotus actually a faction or a person? Is she using the Tenno for her own means. Or is it a AI program set-up to awaken the Tenno from their cryo sleep for an appointed time and is giving them direction to help them operating at full capacity to achieve some ultimate goal.

What I can tell you which is really mysterious is that you can spot the Lotus symbol on somewhere on any of the Warframes.

Anyways this game has a lot of potential story wise, but holy shit its confusing.


I'm still diggin the penta, 5200+ blast damage and climbing (need to max out heavy cal for ultimate destruction). great farming weapon, especially in defense where you could camp from high up and one shot kill an entire group of infested for 30+ waves on solo. anyone know if it got nerfed on the PC yet? i haven't even forma'd the thing.
The Grineer and the Corpus. And both factions view the Tenno in a very negative light. The Grineer utterly hate the Tenno and refer to them as demons.

Actually, I'm pretty sure they call me "Tenno scuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmm!"

They also sound suspiciously like they're telling me to "Eat fuck!" sometimes, which frankly is just plain rude and uncalled for.

(I actually have Dark Sector squirreled away around here somewhere, but I never got through it. I loaned it to a friend when I wasn't very far in and never picked it back up - it was kind of conceptually interesting but wasn't quite "there" in terms of what I needed as a hardcore action game fan.)


My hunch is that the Orokin Empire was simply what arose from the ashes of humanity after the events of Dark Sector. Just future humans. I also think the "Sentients" could actually be a highly evolved strain of the Infested. Like Phorid, he's clearly sentient. The game also lists the faction as simply "Phorid" rather than Infested on the invasion boss nodes he takes over. The devs have also been teasing "Infested ships" on the streams -- not merely dormant Orokin ships that have been overrun (which is all the Derelicts are), but actual flyable ships that are being piloted by Infested.

This would all mean that there are no actual "aliens" in play here at all, just a bunch of humans at different stages of evolution. That'd be kinda cool IMO.


Giving horribly mutated beings unspeakable power never turns out badly.
But they always do lead to the best movie plots! :D

It always makes me uneasy that the assassinations are described as "contracts" by the Lotus.

Anyways, you should scan the stalker... his codex entry is, ahem, interesting...
How the fuck would you get him to stand still long enough to scan?! Or do you have to wait until he's doing his Houdini "floating in midair" act?

The synapse is one of the best guns in the game. Once you forma it repeatedly and have the right mods on it anyway. It's pretty underwhelming at first, but once modded to have a 100% crit chance, crit multipliers, extra damage via serration, heavy caliber, and split chamber, and your element of choice, it turns amazing.

Plus, it looks like you are busting ghosts with a proton pack. Just don't cross the streams when grouped up with another synapse user. You don't want to be responsible for any total protonic reversal.
I actually made a joke about not "crossing the streams" last night that got a laugh out of BitmapFrogs, while we were running ODAs with hypoetical.

But yes, the Synapse is bitterly disappointing when you start using it. Just take it into a few Derelict missions to powerlevel it and then chuck some high-level damage mods on it. Just be aware it doesn't come with any Polarities by default so you'll need to Forma it at least 3 times (but more likely 5).


Hi guys, i need some help. I am currently losing faith in the wiki, but it could be due to the different versions of the game between PC and PS4. I read that Synapse can only be bought at rank 6, so I've been grinding like crazy. However, today i purchased the blueprints for it and the embolist, which is listed as rank 8 on the Wiki. I am rank 5 currently. Anyways, this situation has damaged my faith in the wiki quite a bit.

Here is my question: where do i farm to get Paris Prime? Do the blueprints drop in Void Defence T1? I have heard different things from different players/Wiki and am a little frustrated :(


Hi guys, i need some help. I am currently losing faith in the wiki, but it could be due to the different versions of the game between PC and PS4. I read that Synapse can only be bought at rank 6, so I've been grinding like crazy. However, today i purchased the blueprints for it and the embolist, which is listed as rank 8 on the Wiki. I am rank 5 currently. Anyways, this situation has damaged my faith in the wiki quite a bit.

Here is my question: where do i farm to get Paris Prime? Do the blueprints drop in Void Defence T1? I have heard different things from different players/Wiki and am a little frustrated :(

Can't help you with info on Paris Prime beyond the wiki, as for the Synapse and the Embolist, unlike the marketplace you can buy blueprints in the dojo before you have the rank required to build them.

The Embolist blueprint (which I ground out the 5 Mutagen Mass for before buying it) still sitting in my inventory is a sad testement to that.


Can't help you with info on Paris Prime beyond the wiki, as for the Synapse and the Embolist, unlike the marketplace you can buy blueprints in the dojo before you have the rank required to build them.

The Embolist blueprint (which I ground out the 5 Mutagen Mass for before buying it) still sitting in my inventory is a sad testement to that.
Seconded, I sacrificed my Mutagen Masses to build the Synapse over the Embolist, after Mol raved over it.


Seconded, I sacrificed my Mutagen Masses to build the Synapse over the Embolist, after Mol raved over it.
If it makes you feel any better, both weapons were hit by the nerf bat on PC side.

On another note, our clan needs ~20k kills to take over second place in our tier. First place is leagues ahead of everyone. Maybe they have a bunch of Novas nuking the shit out of everything.



Nice, got quite the buffer between us and 4th place too.

I guess if we really wanted that number 2 spot a bunch of low level defence missions would be the quickest way to churn out kills?

Link to Carnage Clan Recruitment Page.

On an unrelated note, Test Clan Please Ignore (looks like a Reddit based clan) retweets me whenever I mention Warframe....


Grimløck;98926796 said:
If it makes you feel any better, both weapons were hit by the nerf bat on PC side.

aw hell, was gonna throw some formas on the synapse. fuck it then, I'll pass. any word on nerfing the penta?


aw hell, was gonna throw some formas on the synapse. fuck it then, I'll pass. any word on nerfing the penta?
only continuous-damage weapons have been nerfed. PC side is up to Update 11.9.1 and they still haven't fixed it. the penta is safe for now. if you enjoy using it, forma it!


Well, uh, this is concerning...

(PS4)frosty977 said:
i get a message saying Alad V has taken my stuff, so i try to find it in the level it sends me into, my weapons, mods, and warframe are not there. So i restart the app and it sends me to the tutrioal level, NEED help.

(PS4)RoninKambei said:
I'm experiencing this exact same issue, although on a couple of occasions I was able to get into the starmap. However any attempt to enter the foundry or mission attempt completely wiped out my entire inventory. Contacted Sony support about it on 3 separate occasions and was told that it is an issue with the warframe servers, basically beyond their control. I've submitted a support ticket to the staff onsite. Waiting on a response. ..

And a fix for the issue:

(PS4)ELIJAHIB88 said:
Yes, this has happened to me before;They wanted me to rescue the Excalibur Warframe I've never owned (Picked Loki). But as soon as it happens, What you have to do is: Go in the Arsenal> Go in your Gear> Access a blank spot then purchase a Codex scanner & Everything that was locked away from you will return. There is some form of glitch occurring with certain items (Also, the completion of missions and the awarding of items). My friend and I (my 3rd time so far) both experienced such after claiming forma. My first being after successfully completing Earth's Catalyst alert on PS4 some days ago as Vauban. When it went to tutorial, I hard reset the console a couple of times and waited a bit until I assumed the Servers stabilized.

Betaframe? Betaframe.
Grimløck;98926796 said:
If it makes you feel any better, both weapons were hit by the nerf bat on PC side.

On another note, our clan needs ~20k kills to take over second place in our tier. First place is leagues ahead of everyone. Maybe they have a bunch of Novas nuking the shit out of everything.

Wow, like 20k kills of anything? I never really looked before, but that is impressive.

Can we see where we are on the Cicero Crisis?

Nice, got quite the buffer between us and 4th place too.

I guess if we really wanted that number 2 spot a bunch of low level defence missions would be the quickest way to churn out kills?

Link to Carnage Clan Recruitment Page.

On an unrelated note, Test Clan Please Ignore (looks like a Reddit based clan) retweets me whenever I mention Warframe....
I think we should just keep doing our stuff. We will take it over eventually.

Well, uh, this is concerning...

And a fix for the issue:

Betaframe? Betaframe.
This confused and scares me.

I am so worried about missing another Vauban chassis that I have thought about giving everyone my cell if it pops up at an odd time. I would wake up at 3am just to get that last part.
Awesome reading about the lore. Great stuff guys.

I've got 50% of the anti toxin extracts. The night ones, hopefully I can get on when the sun's out and get the rest in the next couple of days.
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