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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


Looks pretty trivial to m--oh 15 Forma, ouch.

are those resource requirements proportional to clan size?

You think this is bad? Look at this shit.

holy shit. PS4 players, try to get banshee before U12. hope zephyr's requirements aren't as ridiculous.
Why do they start out making it look like the list of materials is in descending order by value/rarity, and then drop the nut-punch one at the very bottom? That's just rude, man.

That's like getting your dinner bill and seeing a 500,000% automatic gratuity as the last item.


Grimløck;99817199 said:
are those resource requirements proportional to clan size?

holy shit. PS4 players, try to get banshee before U12. hope zephyr's requirements aren't as ridiculous.

You need 80k Oxium to start researching her. Welcome your new grindwall overlord XD
You need 80k Oxium to start researching her. Welcome your new grindwall overlord XD

Yeah, but 80k at what clan size? 80k for a Moon clan is only 8k for a Storm clan like us. We also don't know in what quantities oxium drops. I've got 500k nano spores and 10 orokin cells; all materials aren't equal. Let's not overreact just because of a couple out of context screenshots.


Just wanted to thank Dave and Daggrr for hosting the Stalker alert. I alread had Dread and got Hate and Despair yesterday. Despair was probably my most wanted weapon in the game.

The best thing about it is that I now feel liberated to run and level up some of my weaker frames for mastery without the fear of "wasting" a Stalker appearance. Frames like Saryn and Banshee don't look all that appealing, but I'd like to at least run them to 30. I also need to grind out regular Frost and Mag.


Getting up on the Lex and Braton, what are good next weps to get?

And, the sword, will be the 3rd melee wep, any suggestions?


U12 impressions from /wfg/:

>UI looked great in screenshots, is absolutely horrendous in actual gameplay
>Markers on the map and overlay are hideous, too big, obtrusive (non transparent) and don't match the aesthetic whatsoever, look like something off of a star wars gamecube game
>Same objective marker for tiny dropped life support and large life support capsules makes it literally impossible to distinguish the two when searching for the life support container, spams the screen up with dozens of objective markers at once, extremely disorienting
>Spawn rate for scorpions has gone through the roof, they now also stunlock on single hit
>Spent a good 25 seconds being juggled between a triangle of three scorpions knocked back and forth with no way to get out before someone managed to help me
>Melee breaking still not fixed (after 3 updates of it being a major problem)
>Team health indicator should be enabled by default since it's not nearly as hideous or obstructing as it was initially (just a personal opinion, not really a problem but it doesn't make sense anymore for the team-based game)
>Enemy spawns broken, now spawn in walls and under things (especially corpus) makes for invisible guns shooting at you all the time, had to kill with explosives (thankfully worked, I imagine this breaks a lot of exterminate missions)
>Nice new icons for market, items, etc.
>Interception feels like a massive chore that will make grinding infinitely more boring
>Text on indicators is legitimately too small for me to read at anything less than stopping and staring directly at it, especially bad with the defaultly enabled UI movement. Very hard to track objective status (scaling fix?)
>Icons indicating ownership of capture targets on interception are too small/too similar to tell apart (you really couldn't just make them a different color???)

Additionally, Steel Charge got upgraded to 10 ranks so that's 28 ability points in total when slotted into the correct polarity slot.



Getting up on the Lex and Braton, what are good next weps to get?

And, the sword, will be the 3rd melee wep, any suggestions?

if you can get the blueprint as a login reward try the gorgon out. i highly recommend orthos for melee weapon. not sure what rank you need to be to use them, however.


Grimløck;99820403 said:
saryn immortal looks great! she was always one of the cooler-looking frames.

some of those impressions are worrying. hopefully our patch includes the hotfixes. speaking of which, are we jumping straight to U12 in the next patch?

No idea.

Looks like Valkyr might not be complete shit after update 12...


* Regular damage from melee affects it;
* Mods like Pressure Point and Spoiled Strike will increase its damage, elements and IPS mods are not accounted for;
* Crit chance and crit damage are affected by weapon stats aswell;
* Steel Charge and Power Strength mods will increase its strength.

Recommended Weapon: Dual Zorens or Dual Ichors
Recommended Mods: Fury, Pressure Point, Spoiled Strike, True Steel, Organ Shatter

Enjoy your Valkyr.
I'd further request people to not run in front of someone when they're spamming Penta grenades down a narrow corridor that Infested are pouring through. No, friendly fire isn't a thing. No, the grenades won't hurt you - they'll bounce off the back of your head and kill me, and then the Infested will kill you because those grenades were holding back a tide that your impatient ass wasn't even half ready for.

I'm starting to hope they nerf the shit out of Rhino, actually. It seems to be a large part of what's enabling/encouraging this completely brain-dead, inattentive play style that I see every time I hop into a random Alert or Invasion group. I normally don't care if something's "OP" in a game where I don't do PVP, but it is actually starting to impact my enjoyment of the game having other players act like complete morons because the game doesn't punish them sufficiently for it.
Nerf Nova. That character is so OP and dumb.


To the guys asking for Nova and Rhino nerfs: you do realize that DE are absolutely fucking incompetent when it comes to balancing Warframes (vide the new Snowglobe nerf), don't you? It's more likely than not, that if DE ever got around to "balancing" these frames they'd end up either completely situational or completely useless.

Zephyr's alt helmet:

Where do I get Banshee parts? The wiki is not accurate anymore for the PS4 version.

Helmet from formerly infested defenses on Eris (Xini), >2% chance wave 15+.
Systems from all tier 2 defenses, 1% drop, tier 3 grineer defense at 2%. Allegedly also a spy mission reward at 7%.
Chassis from tier 3 corpus defense at 2%.

If you don't have any of the parts yet, you are better off just waiting for the research lab, unless you really want them now.


Helmet from formerly infested defenses on Eris (Xini), >2% chance wave 15+.
Systems from all tier 2 defenses, 1% drop, tier 3 grineer defense at 2%. Allegedly also a spy mission reward at 7%.
Chassis from tier 3 corpus defense at 2%.

If you don't have any of the parts yet, you are better off just waiting for the research lab, unless you really want them now.
I only need the helmet. So no way of getting it now?
Nerf Nova. That character is so OP and dumb.

AoE spam is pretty bad at the moment, but that's more a result of their other design decisions - ie, every significant/beneficial part of the game being "horde mode" and "big enemies" outside of planet bosses being only very slightly stronger than the weakest minions - so there's a lot of levers that need to be adjusted there.

If you don't make it so the only missions people have any desire to do are the ones where you throw a hundred weenie enemies at them all at once, you greatly reduce the attractiveness of frames like Nova. The complete lack of defensive stats in exchange for AoE becomes an actual trade-off, rather than one made meaningless by the fact that AoE in and of itself is the only thing worthwhile.

You'd probably still need to adjust Nova coming out the other end, but it doesn't do much good to balance the AoE damage warframes right now until you give players a compelling reason to do something other than spam AoE skills. If you nerf the AoE skills, you're just going to have groups of four Rhinos using Pentas as melee weapons, because you haven't actually removed the need for/value of AoE, you've just made it harder to get.


Zephyr inital impressions:

We Armored Core now.

Some interesting info about her:
- She has roughly half the fall-rate of other frames by default and has full air control. It's to the point that you can helicopter with the Zorens and not only stop yourself in the air, but start moving backwards if you hold back.
- If you jump with her 1: everything around you is knocked down and takes damage. I'd have some numbers for you, but you fly up in the air so fast it's hard to track them easily.
- Once you jump in the air with her 1: if you do nothing you go into a 'glide' mode where you fall at roughly the speed with roughly the control and velocity of an AC hoving down in AC5. Note that his mode is exited if you use the second stage of her 1.
- The second stage of her 1 can be spammed while in the air with almost no restriction (besides power), moves extremely fast (1.5x slash-dash easily), and can move in any direction (even up).
- You don't have to launch yourself into the air with her 1 to start the second stage, just being the air keys it off.
- The second stage of her 1 feels almost exactly like quick-boosting from AC, only with much more control as to the direction.
- The distance that you travel with the second-stage of her 1 is based on power duration much like Excal's Slash Dash.
- The hit detection and impact radius of her 2 is significantly better than shown in the preview video.
- Her 3 seems to reflect a certain percentage of projectiles so you'll still take damage while it's on, but it's a very good percentage. It does not affect melee or AoE what-so-ever.
- The only thing I have to say about her 4 is: Viral Tornadoes.
I get so irate when someone comes to resurrect me and stands there getting hit by 5+ guys, resulting in their own death. Where is your goddamn brain?!
I'd further request people to not run in front of someone when they're spamming Penta grenades down a narrow corridor that Infested are pouring through. No, friendly fire isn't a thing. No, the grenades won't hurt you - they'll bounce off the back of your head and kill me, and then the Infested will kill you because those grenades were holding back a tide that your impatient ass wasn't even half ready for.

It is the Penta user's own responsibility to keep track of where grenade lands and when to detonate. If you detonate a grenade while it's bouncing back to your head, that's your own fault for spamming without looking. Always use bright colors for the grenade and move back a little as you fire.

Not to mention, if you can't even keep track of where your own grenades are flying, how do you expect others to know? People who are rushing in front of you don't exactly have eyes grown on their back or side.

2%? I'll just wait then...

Yeah...Banshee is quite horrible right now anyway.
Quiet isn't as effective as Loki's invisible.
Sonar is useless outside of bosses or situations where you can take your time to aim (duration is short too.)
You can't move for ~10 seconds during Sound Quake (ultra) and the damage + range is a joke even with focus + stretch equipped.


Not to mention, if you can't even keep track of where your own grenades are flying, how do you expect others to know? People who are rushing in front of you don't exactly have eyes grown on their back or side.

Okay, but it is also on the people who are playing with you to know that you are using a grenade weapon. Fuck the idiots who charge in front of me while using it so my grenades hit them and fly back at us.


From what I've observed with Valkyr's Hysteria buffs, I don't believe this statement is *necessarily* true:

* Mods like Pressure Point and Spoiled Strike will increase its damage, elements and IPS mods are not accounted for;

I believe that if you apply elemental damage mods to a melee weapon that does ONLY elemental damage (i.e. Dual Ichors or the Lecta whip) then the damage will factor in since it's adding to the weapons BASE damage (which in this case is also elemental).

This is an example of my Valk and her (NON-Forma'd) Dual Ichors with elemental mods I just haphazardly added on.

Now add to that the damage bonuses from a rank 10 Steel Charge as well as damage from hysteria and all the other mods that can boost the skill power and you can start to see how silly this can get.....

Hopefully they don't change it because Valk in U12 is SUPER fun to play in survival.
Okay, but it is also on the people who are playing with you to know that you are using a grenade weapon. Fuck the idiots who charge in front of me while using it so my grenades hit them and fly back at us.

Yes, someone is using a grenade weapon, so what?
Do you expect other people to keep track of your aim sight or projectile for you?
On high level corpus missions, people can't even keep track of one another in the neon blue lights + whatever crazy colors people choose to have their abilities in.

Heck, if we're going to start these complaints, I guess I should blame gaffers for not noticing my stug bubbles on their bodies while they're running toward me?


Yes, someone is using a grenade weapon, so what?
Do you expect other people to keep track of your aim sight or projectile for you?
On high level corpus missions, people can't even keep track of one another in the neon blue lights + whatever crazy colors people choose to have their abilities in.

Heck, if we're going to start these complaints, I guess I should blame gaffers for not noticing my stug bubbles on their bodies while they're running toward me?

I could say the same thing, it takes two to tango. Do you expect the grenade user to keep track of everyone else in the crazy color patterns they choose?

This thread has really turned into a bitch fest sounding board lately. This is a co-op game with no friendly fire. This is not a super strategic PvP MMO and should not be treated as one. Nothing worse than joining a PUG and having someone bark orders at you.


Okay, but it is also on the people who are playing with you to know that you are using a grenade weapon. Fuck the idiots who charge in front of me while using it so my grenades hit them and fly back at us.

Erm. No, that's on you. If you're the one using the Penta then it's your responsibility to aim your grenade appropriately -- or mod your Penta so that they pass through allies. It's not the responsibility of the group to tailor their play style to fit your loadout. What if they're using a melee-focussed loadout? Honestly now...


Erm. No, that's on you. If you're the one using the Penta then it's your responsibility to aim your grenade appropriately -- or mod your Penta so that they pass through allies. It's not the responsibility of the group to tailor their play style to fit your loadout. What if they're using a melee-focussed loadout? Honestly now...

So if I am sitting in a hallway, shooting my grenades and killing the mobs, and a melee-focused Rhino runs in front of me and starts swinging, causing my grenades to bounce around, that is my fault?

Or is it the fault of the Rhino for not paying attention (which always happens, which is why I no longer use that weapon)


So if I am sitting in a hallway, shooting my grenades and killing the mobs, and a melee-focused Rhino runs in front of me and starts swinging, causing my grenades to bounce around, that is my fault?

Or is it the fault of the Rhino for not paying attention (which always happens, which is why I no longer use that weapon)

Continuing to shoot after allies run in front of you? Your fault, yeah. Hell, shooting the Penta in a hallway is asking for trouble to begin with. ;-)
I could say the same thing, it takes two to tango. Do you expect the grenade user to keep track of everyone else in the crazy color patterns they choose?

The thing is you don't have to keep track of everyone else.
You just have to keep track of your grenade and not kill yourself.

It's the same for everyone else, so why ask them to pay attention to a Penta user?

This thread has really turned into a bitch fest sounding board lately. This is a co-op game with no friendly fire. This is not a super strategic PvP MMO and should not be treated as one. Nothing worse than joining a PUG and having someone bark orders at you.

This is the main reason why I'm arguing.
Everyone is responsible for themselves, why are we calling others "idiots" because a Penta user has to have their way?

So if I am sitting in a hallway, shooting my grenades and killing the mobs, and a melee-focused Rhino runs in front of me and starts swinging, causing my grenades to bounce around, that is my fault?

Or is it the fault of the Rhino for not paying attention (which always happens, which is why I no longer use that weapon)

The same goes for a melee-focused loki, ash, or valkyr.

You can't tell them "sorry Loki/ash/valkyr, don't use invisibility/bladestorm/hysteria cause you'll bounce my grenades off."


Grimløck;99807188 said:
paging mol. advice for rank 13 test pls.

Method #1: Semi-Cheese - Mag, Energy Siphon, Overextended, Stretch, Pull.

Method #2: Full Cheese - Any Warframe/weapon, get to the top platform in the center. It'll disappear but you won't fall. Take your time shooting the enemies from your invisible perch.

Method #3: Legit - lol idk


Are mods locked to the frames that they are installed in?

i.e when I start leveling my 2nd frame, if there are mods I want from my Trinity do I need to remove them?
Just wanted to thank Dave and Daggrr for hosting the Stalker alert. I alread had Dread and got Hate and Despair yesterday. Despair was probably my most wanted weapon in the game.

The best thing about it is that I now feel liberated to run and level up some of my weaker frames for mastery without the fear of "wasting" a Stalker appearance. Frames like Saryn and Banshee don't look all that appealing, but I'd like to at least run them to 30. I also need to grind out regular Frost and Mag.

Saryn with reduced duration bug on miasma is one of the most powerful frames in the game. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Continuing to shoot after allies run in front of you? Your fault, yeah. Hell, shooting the Penta in a hallway is asking for trouble to begin with. ;-)

Eh? Versus Infested on a Defense mission it's basically AFK farming, man. You get a cadence down so that the explosions barely overlap and there's literally nothing they can do; that hallway is now completely sealed and every mob moving through it will die. Yes, I'm probably paying enough attention that I won't blow myself up when the Rhino waddles his fat ass in front of me, but I'm also going to break cadence - I can't detonate again until I've repositioned and re-fired, which means that sealed choke has just become a gaping hole that Infested are pouring in through.

The only reason another player has to be going down that hallway is to collect mod drops, and it doesn't seem like that much to ask for them to pay attention to what's actually killing all those enemies to make the drops happen and not putz it up on the way.


The Cicero Crisis is over! Our final, cumulative clan score is 22,065.

(those who donated additional Vermillions have been promoted to Lieutenant)

I have no idea where that puts us compared to the other PS4 Storm Clans since the in-game event leaderboards are still completely blank. I also have no idea when we will receive our event rewards. We'll have to wait for DE's forum post to know for sure.

Regardless, I think that's a very impressive score given the nature of our clan. It's not like we have recruiting requirements and only accept certain players. We came together as a clan and ended up having over 50% of our members go on Vermillion runs. Not bad.


The only reason another player has to be going down that hallway is to collect mod drops, and it doesn't seem like that much to ask for them to pay attention to what's actually killing all those enemies to make the drops happen and not putz it up on the way.

Exactly, considering 90% of this game is hallway. More often than not, if I have the launcher, I turn into a revive bot. It is what it is.


I could say the same thing, it takes two to tango. Do you expect the grenade user to keep track of everyone else in the crazy color patterns they choose?

This thread has really turned into a bitch fest sounding board lately. This is a co-op game with no friendly fire. This is not a super strategic PvP MMO and should not be treated as one. Nothing worse than joining a PUG and having someone bark orders at you.

I think the important question is whether I can be an invisible Loki/Ash and hang out in front of Penta spammers. ;)

I bumped into a bossy Penta random the other day in ODD. He apparently wanted me to use Vortex instead of Bastille despite the fact that Bastille is cheaper and sustainable through entire rounds regardless of enemy levels while Vortex has diminishing returns. I muted him, and we went past round 70, but I almost bailed just because of his bossiness.

Sye d'Burns

I think the important question is whether I can be an invisible Loki/Ash and hang out in front of Penta spammers. ;)

I bumped into a bossy Penta random the other day in ODD. He apparently wanted me to use Vortex instead of Bastille despite the fact that Bastille is cheaper and sustainable through entire rounds regardless of enemy levels while Vortex has diminishing returns. I muted him, and we went past round 70, but I almost bailed just because of his bossiness.

Vortex and Penta in ODD is like peanut butter and jelly. He may have been bossy but he was right.
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