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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


I posted in the PC thread... so here is my questions.

I have a bit weird question.... maybe some GAFer can help me.

I found €5 in my EU PSN account today (the last time I added found to this account was in 2011) and now I want to expend this money on Warframe but my use to play it the US PSN account (my master account).

1. If I purchase Platinum on EU PSN account it will show on my Warframe account (US PSN)?

2. Are there any way to transfer this money or Platinum from one account to another?

i don't think the plat is going to show up on your US account if you buy it with your EU account.

do you have 2 ps4s? you can easily trade purchased plat through the dojo. if you don't have 2 ps4s, you can ask a trusted friend to trade it for you (you trade the plat to him/her on your EU account, they trade it to your US account).


Grimløck;110834704 said:
i don't think the plat is going to show up on your US account if you buy it with your EU account.

do you have 2 ps4s? you can easily trade purchased plat through the dojo. if you don't have 2 ps4s, you can ask a trusted friend to trade it for you (you trade the plat to him/her on your EU account, they trade it to your US account).

So I will have to find a trusted friend because I don't have two PS4... or maybe wait if even happen the crossplay with PC.

I don't want to buy games because I'm focusing all my games on US PSN now... I don't have a place to spend these €5.


Allright, it is time to spill the beans a little...

U13 is gonna come with a lot of goodies, but the one that concerns this post are Dark Sectors and alliances.

Dark Sectors are player owned nodes on the map. Running them yields more credits, experience and resources than regular map nodes. Dark Sectors will be additional nodes, as in no node already on the starchart will be converted to dark sector status.

So, players can own it? How does it work?

Essentially the entitiy (clan or alliance) that owns a Dark Sector can tax it. It can also stablish different taxes for members and non members.

We as a clan are joining an alliance. For you as a member, it will impact you in two ways: first, you will access the alliance owned dark sectors at a low tax rate allowing you to accrue large amounts of resources. The second is that it is expected that you help defend the alliance dark sectors when they are contested by other alliances (do not fret, these do not involve PvP). Defending or attacking Dark Sectors works much like invasion missions work today, the difference is that instead of fighting for the Grineer or the Corpus you will fight for player alliances.

The Dark Sectors have massive bonuses when it comes to experience, credits and resources. It is well worth it to run them without being taxed. It will also accrue tons of resources for our clan and the devs have hinted that will play a part in the Proxy Wars factions that are to come.

There will be more details posted when U13 deploys.

Wait... invasion missions? As in the same invasion run-the-same-crappy-level-five-times missions that are in the game now? Oh man, those are the worst part of the game.

I don't know why DE keeps adding all this periphery stuff when they need to evolve the core gameplay of this game. We need new mission types that can rival survival and defense because for me that is where the game is at. I would love if they could evolve those mission types into something even more epic.
Wait... invasion missions? As in the same invasion run-the-same-crappy-level-five-times missions that are in the game now? Oh man, those are the worst part of the game.

I don't know why DE keeps adding all this periphery stuff when they need to evolve the core gameplay of this game. We need new mission types that can rival survival and defense because for me that is where the game is at. I would love if they could evolve those mission types into something even more epic.

It is funny you say that because I only do survival and defense missions now. I dont see how any other missions could compare to those.


I dont see how any other missions could compare to those.

They really don't. In a game where your goal is to get loot and then to use that loot to get more loot repeatedly, the other missions offer nothing in comparison to those two modes. Plus those missions are where all the complaints about the game originate from newbies since they are just rushed through. Newbies have no idea what is going on and don't get to participate in anything really since everyone else just rushes through them so fast killing everything in their path or not killing anything.

The freeform modes like defense and survival are where the game shines and what make the most sense in terms of what this game is trying to do. More of them should be made.


aka andydumi
I would like to see changing mission types within the same episode. Start off as invasion, then reach a goal at which point it can switch to survival, followed by VIP escort to the escape. But not in determined patterns. Say you reach the prisoner room, if you don't destroy the doors and escape in time, do a few waves of survival before you can try again. That way you have incentives to syat together, work together and focus together rather than rush rush rush.


It is funny you say that because I only do survival and defense missions now. I dont see how any other missions could compare to those.

Because they are the best. None of the other mission have the intensity of defense and survival and that's where the game really shines.

I would like to see changing mission types within the same episode. Start off as invasion, then reach a goal at which point it can switch to survival, followed by VIP escort to the escape. But not in determined patterns. Say you reach the prisoner room, if you don't destroy the doors and escape in time, do a few waves of survival before you can try again. That way you have incentives to syat together, work together and focus together rather than rush rush rush.

This is what I am talking about. Or start out as defense and then move the defense point to somewhere else, make it there in time, defend that spot then flip to survival until evac is available. They could escalate the rewards for each objective completed.

And throw in some bosses. Stalker and whatnot are really cool but so rare. Throw in a Hyena or two. Keep people on their toes. Maybe have optional side objectives ("Tenno, a rare gun blueprint has been detected at a location marked on your map. Extract it if you can."). There is so much they could do as they have all the building blocks already.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Wait... invasion missions? As in the same invasion run-the-same-crappy-level-five-times missions that are in the game now? Oh man, those are the worst part of the game.

I don't know why DE keeps adding all this periphery stuff when they need to evolve the core gameplay of this game. We need new mission types that can rival survival and defense because for me that is where the game is at. I would love if they could evolve those mission types into something even more epic.

No, the missions are mechanically different.

The gimmick of this mode is that you fight NPC Tenno.
I would like to see changing mission types within the same episode. Start off as invasion, then reach a goal at which point it can switch to survival, followed by VIP escort to the escape. But not in determined patterns. Say you reach the prisoner room, if you don't destroy the doors and escape in time, do a few waves of survival before you can try again. That way you have incentives to syat together, work together and focus together rather than rush rush rush.

This is what I am talking about. Or start out as defense and then move the defense point to somewhere else, make it there in time, defend that spot then flip to survival until evac is available. They could escalate the rewards for each objective completed.

And throw in some bosses. Stalker and whatnot are really cool but so rare. Throw in a Hyena or two. Keep people on their toes. Maybe have optional side objectives ("Tenno, a rare gun blueprint has been detected at a location marked on your map. Extract it if you can."). There is so much they could do as they have all the building blocks already.

Technically they already have this. I've played a couple of data mining, spy, and rescue missions that turn into an exterminate mission and deception mission, or an invasion where the corpus show up. I've actually experienced a mission wherein both the Harvester and the G3 showed up in one mission (and promptly dropped nothing of note....).

I do agree with you guys though. For a loot whore game there's quite a lack of differentiation in the mission types. Exterminate missions are some of my most hated in the game at this point due to the rush, rush, rush nature of it all. I think the 5 best mission types for me are Mobile Defense, Defense, Survival, solo Rescue missions where I stealth the whole way through, and those upload missions where I stealth the whole way through-I think they're called Deception?

In my opinion there's also quite a lack stealth mission as well, which is surprising considering this is a game about ninja's in space. It's my understanding they're working on that part but time will tell if it bears any fruit-and I don't see how they'll do it considering maybe 3 frames (Ash, Loki, Banshee) can actually stealth outside of the Shade sentinel.

I think the biggest thing that worries me right now though is this next update. For the most part melee pre-update 13 is worthless outside of the random charge attack or zorencoptering. The thing that worries me the most about it all is will there be enough momentum and reach per swing in the new melee system to make it worth while. That to me is the biggest problem in this game concerning swinging the sword. As it stands right now most melee weapons don't provide you with enough forward momentum during each swing to make melee viable at all even if your physically moving forward at the targets your trying to hit. You just never catch up. I was hoping the next update would be something similar to Devil May Cry or Dynasty Warriors where normal melee provides you with enough forward momentum that you don't have to constantly push forward on the stick to close the distance.

Maybe someone on the PC side would care to comment, but I've been watching Mogamu videos (particularly the Dragon Nikana and Dual Ichor re-review), and I can't tell if he's using normal swings or quick attacks but it doesn't look like normal melee swings are closing the distance.

On a lighter note I missed the Kara helm once again because reasons :(
You don't have to rush in extermination missions. I tend to do those the most for times when I just want to casually blow shit up - which is pretty often.

If your playing in a public game with people you don't know for the most part yeah its rush, rush, rush. I don't think I've played more than a handful of Exterminates or Invasions where this wasn't the modus operandi since I've started playing this game back in December. If I wanna do it at slower and steady pace it either involves playing by myself which I'm not a huge fan of except for stealthing, or inviting clan mates of whom don't even log on all that much anymore :/


Oh OK, then yes, I know exactly what you mean.

But I would still recommend them solo for stealth or going loud. I just really enjoy the combat and environments.

Someone was yelling at me through their mic to get to end cause they rushed through when I had my thiefs wit on and was looting everything farming for parts
Oh OK, then yes, I know exactly what you mean.

But I would still recommend them solo for stealth or going loud. I just really enjoy the combat and environments.

Stealthing a Non-Invasion style exterminate is ok as long as its not on a Grineer/Corpus ship. Those invasion exterminates though just kill the fun factor for me man, especially with Brakk farming :/

Someone was yelling at me through their mic to get to end cause they rushed through when I had my thiefs wit on and was looting everything farming for parts

Yeah you get those sometimes. If I have my mic on I usually ask why they're playing with people in the first place if all they wanna do is get in and out as fast as possible. Most missions can be soloed with the rush, rush style faster then going into a public lobby. It doesn't make any sense to me but to each his own-not gonna get me to extraction any faster than I wanna go.

Anyway I wish I'd leveled this Braton before I got all the good weapons out of the void. I hate Bratons already, and this rifle is super bad compared to the other stuff available. I have 3 more lvls to get on the Mk1 as well, but I sold it soon after I started the game and have to start from scratch ><
They need to get this update going! I leave for Austria in a week and will be gone for a month. Please dont delete me from the clan!!!! I want to see the new updates and take part in Blaise's crazy contest


I posted in the PC thread... so here is my questions.

I have a bit weird question.... maybe some GAFer can help me.

I found &#8364;5 in my EU PSN account today (the last time I added found to this account was in 2011) and now I want to expend this money on Warframe but my use to play it the US PSN account (my master account).

1. If I purchase Platinum on EU PSN account it will show on my Warframe account (US PSN)?

2. Are there any way to transfer this money or Platinum from one account to another?


I may can help you there, since I play Warframe PS4 on my DE account, but "purchased" it from AT Store, because it was free there and in the DE Store it was 0,49&#8364;

I got the PS+ Bonus and my Plat purchases all from the DE PSN Store, although I bought the AT version.

If you want to be on the (very) safe side, purchase plat directly from inside the game, it should always redirect you to the correct psn store (e.g. in Sleeping Dogs was this the only method to buy stuff which works, but that's another story)

on the other side: since I've 2 PS+ subscriptions, I (should) have extra 500 plats and 50000 credits lying around, anyone can help me trade? reward will be 20% of traded plat and credits. Also I've never traded before and would need instructions :>


Well I play on pc from time to time. We need a strong alliance up and we need to take the pluto dark rail ASAP. I swear 5 minute runs on sechura = 23k credits. GAF alliance called Spear on PC has this set up tax free and has slowly been taking over the other dark rails with this method.

I will never be broke again if we do this.

Also, you can switch to sword on the PC version and it has its own variation of attacks based on your stance. most of which have gap closers and added damage. You can also channel your sword so that it has a cool particle finishing effect.


on the other side: since I've 2 PS+ subscriptions, I (should) have extra 500 plats and 50000 credits lying around, anyone can help me trade? reward will be 20% of traded plat and credits. Also I've never traded before and would need instructions :>

If this plat you're talking about is from stuff like the 'welcome packs' and other free promotional means (I assume it is since you mention PS+ subscriptions), it can't be traded.

You can only trade platinum that has been bought, or obtained through trading with other players.


If this plat you're talking about is from stuff like the 'welcome packs' and other free promotional means (I assume it is since you mention PS+ subscriptions), it can't be traded.

You can only trade platinum that has been bought, or obtained through trading with other players.

ah ok, thanks for the info =)


I may can help you there, since I play Warframe PS4 on my DE account, but "purchased" it from AT Store, because it was free there and in the DE Store it was 0,49&#8364;

I got the PS+ Bonus and my Plat purchases all from the DE PSN Store, although I bought the AT version.

If you want to be on the (very) safe side, purchase plat directly from inside the game, it should always redirect you to the correct psn store (e.g. in Sleeping Dogs was this the only method to buy stuff which works, but that's another story)

on the other side: since I've 2 PS+ subscriptions, I (should) have extra 500 plats and 50000 credits lying around, anyone can help me trade? reward will be 20% of traded plat and credits. Also I've never traded before and would need instructions :>
Well I can help you if you help me :D... I don't need 20% of the trade... it will be free... just help me trade from my EU account to US account ;)

If this plat you're talking about is from stuff like the 'welcome packs' and other free promotional means (I assume it is since you mention PS+ subscriptions), it can't be traded.

You can only trade platinum that has been bought, or obtained through trading with other players.
But can you buy something like diagrams or weapons and trade them?
But can you buy something like diagrams or weapons and trade them?

Nothing that can be bought with platinum from the in game market can be traded. Only Mods and prime blueprints.

Well, I guess you can buy mod packs (?), but that definitely would not be a good return on investment given how cheap mods are to trade.


Nothing that can be bought with platinum from the in game market can be traded. Only Mods and prime blueprints.

Well, I guess you can buy mod packs (?), but that definitely would not be a good return on investment given how cheap mods are to trade.
Ohhhhh I understood... thanks.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
As we get closer to U13, it is becoming clear we will have to rush quite a bit of building in the dojo.

Once U13 deploys I will be at the dojo, please be there to bumrush construction with resources and platinum, thanks.
Well I play on pc from time to time. We need a strong alliance up and we need to take the pluto dark rail ASAP. I swear 5 minute runs on sechura = 23k credits. GAF alliance called Spear on PC has this set up tax free and has slowly been taking over the other dark rails with this method.

I will never be broke again if we do this.

I heard that people like to run these solo because it's more effective? Everyone says that if you fight for the other side and solo spam the mission you can have the rail down in as little as 12hrs, but its my understanding though that they're patching this with a 24hr grace period for the rail after its been conquered I think-if they haven't done it already. Apparently it's the same kind of tile set as the void and comes with the same hidden treasure rooms and drop pool. I'm looking forward to that aspect alone simply Coolant Leak and Sanctuary.

Also, you can switch to sword on the PC version and it has its own variation of attacks based on your stance. most of which have gap closers and added damage. You can also channel your sword so that it has a cool particle finishing effect.

No doubt. Closing the distance is what I'm concerned about the most. Hopefully stance farming will be worth it, but I've heard the RNG gods have been fickle of late with drops on those things.


As we get closer to U13, it is becoming clear we will have to rush quite a bit of building in the dojo.

Once U13 deploys I will be at the dojo, please be there to bumrush construction with resources and platinum, thanks.

Any indication of when? Hope it will be at the weekend...


I heard that people like to run these solo because it's more effective? Everyone says that if you fight for the other side and solo spam the mission you can have the rail down in as little as 12hrs, but its my understanding though that they're patching this with a 24hr grace period for the rail after its been conquered I think-if they haven't done it already. Apparently it's the same kind of tile set as the void and comes with the same hidden treasure rooms and drop pool. I'm looking forward to that aspect alone simply Coolant Leak and Sanctuary.
That was patched in(24 hour grace period) and they added specters and rescue 2.0 with the latest patch. Solo running is good for contesting the point(if you can) but then the period ends and your alliance can engage another rail. It is indeed a similar tile set as the void(in most places)

as long as we remain fair as an alliance, we can prevent the scumbags from taking over all of the dark rails


I don't have much platinum, but I will contribute the majority of my resources on this. This update seems pretty good, but I'm definitely looking forward to the Focus mechanic being added in U14 more.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I don't have much platinum, but I will contribute the majority of my resources on this. This update seems pretty good, but I'm definitely looking forward to the Focus mechanic being added in U14 more.

You are relatively recent to this game, we have more experienced players with the pockets to do this, so tread carefully. Use that platinum for reactors and catalysts and slots.

I will only contribute resources if bitmap records himself singing the spanish national anthem.

The spanish national anthem has no lyrics, so at most I would be humming it.

It was decided not to add lyrics to it to avoid a second civil war in the same century.


You are relatively recent to this game, we have more experienced players with the pockets to do this, so tread carefully. Use that platinum for reactors and catalysts and slots.

I've used most of my platinum on slots already, but I have plenty of other materials I have no problem dumping into this.

I'm really low on credits and I've noticed that they reduced the amount you get from invasions. Is there a good place for credit farming? I'm thinking Void missions are probably the best bet. It's not worth doing 3 of the same mission for 10k credits to me.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
You are relatively recent to this game, we have more experienced players with the pockets to do this, so tread carefully. Use that platinum for reactors and catalysts and slots.

I've used most of my platinum on slots already, but I have plenty of other materials I have no problem dumping into this.

I'm really low on credits and I've noticed that they reduced the amount you get from invasions. Is there a good place for credit farming? I'm thinking Void missions are probably the best bet. It's not worth doing 3 of the same mission for 10k credits to me.

Dark Sectors are gonna rock for credits. The best ones are like 18k credits for 5 minutes.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
So I just started this an hr ago and now it says it lost my progress. It also keeps getting disconnected from the server. Do I have to start over or will it update later cuz I'm really not impressed if the game is gonna reset my progress randomly. The menus freeze for ten seconds half the time too.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
So I just started this an hr ago and now it says it lost my progress. It also keeps getting disconnected from the server. Do I have to start over or will it update later cuz I'm really not impressed if the game is gonna reset my progress randomly. The menus freeze for ten seconds half the time too.

They introduced a bug in the last patch.

It should be fixed when the next update rolls.

Essentially that message says nothing you do saves on the server, so it is like you did nothing.

I am also affected by this and it blows.
That was patched in(24 hour grace period) and they added specters and rescue 2.0 with the latest patch. Solo running is good for contesting the point(if you can) but then the period ends and your alliance can engage another rail. It is indeed a similar tile set as the void(in most places)

as long as we remain fair as an alliance, we can prevent the scumbags from taking over all of the dark rails

I'll fight for the underdogs as long as they offer good payouts. My sword belongs to the highest bidder.

Thx for the info. Do we have an eta on this update? Glad I only did one mission. How do the servers hold up usually?

If a miracle happens maybe sometime Friday. Otherwise all signs point to next week sometime during the week day most likely.
So update 13 with melee 2.0 will drop any week now. How are you guys preparing?

I have saved up about 1 mil to use on transmute to try to get some rare stances and i have lvl one of most weapons types sword, dagger, axe and so on. This weekend ill try to get either ash or loki and i should be ready to go.


You are relatively recent to this game, we have more experienced players with the pockets to do this, so tread carefully. Use that platinum for reactors and catalysts and slots.

The spanish national anthem has no lyrics, so at most I would be humming it.

It was decided not to add lyrics to it to avoid a second civil war in the same century.

I have a bunch of plat sitting around from the PS+ promotion. You can have most of this.

A national anthem without lyrics? You crazy Spaniards.


I have a bunch of plat sitting around from the PS+ promotion. You can have most of this.

A national anthem without lyrics? You crazy Spaniards.
As Bitmap said, use that plat for catalysts, reactors and slots. I think Grimlock and I can handle the rushing when it's due. :)


As Bitmap said, use that plat for catalysts, reactors and slots. I think Grimlock and I can handle the rushing when it's due. :)

how much plat is approx. needed for the "rushing"?

What else is needed?

currently I'm pretty active and have to rank up my Trinity and main weapon, so I could do that while getting the right ressources at the same time.

//edit: also where can I get all those +power duration and -energy cost mods, like narrow minded and constitution? currently I only have Streamline


As Bitmap said, use that plat for catalysts, reactors and slots. I think Grimlock and I can handle the rushing when it's due. :)

Well I don't buy reators or catalysts or anything gameplay related so there isn't a whole lot I can spend it on (I have all the colours I need right now he he). But it's up to you anyway. It's there if you need it.
how much plat is approx. needed for the "rushing"?

What else is needed?

currently I'm pretty active and have to rank up my Trinity and main weapon, so I could do that while getting the right ressources at the same time.

//edit: also where can I get all those +power duration and -energy cost mods, like narrow minded and constitution? currently I only have Streamline

+/+ mods (Nightmare Mods) like Constitution are earned through completing nightmare mode missions or the occasional alert. If you really don't want the grind, you can also get many of those mods cheap through the purchase tab/user market.

Certain +/+ mods, such as Toxic Barrage will remain exclusive to those who participated in earlier events. Those mods will most likely be made available to players in the long distant future, similar to ammo mutation mods. Again, can be purchased through the market.

+/- mods (Corrupt Mods) like Narrow Minded can only be obtained through the Orokin Vault. The Vault is a special room that is only accessible through ODExtermination, ODSurvival, ODCapture missions (not in Defense or Assassination.) To open the vault, you must have 3 other teammates and make sure everyone carry a unique Dragon Key of their own. The game will randomly select one of the 4 keys to be the vault key. The usual advice regarding Vault runs is to do ODE -> find the vault room -> have the vault key holder stay at the vault room but not take the mod -> clear out all enemies -> take mod -> complete mission. The reason for the order is that 1) harder enemies will spawn after you take the mod, 2) extermination missions do not spawn enemies after mission objective is completed.To a certain extent, some may find it easier to just buy these mods through the market.
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