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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


Forma is the rarest and oft requested material to build rooms in the dojo. Technically forma isnt available til later in the game but since everyone has free plat given cause of ps+ we could meet those requirements to expand the dojo and have more members that can contribute so that we can research for exclusive gear

Beat a survival level solo. Feels good man. Now i can get some plastids on saturn
Forma is the rarest and oft requested material to build rooms in the dojo. Technically forma isnt available til later in the game but since everyone has free plat given cause of ps+ we could meet those requirements to expand the dojo and have more members that can contribute so that we can research for exclusive gear

Beat a survival level solo. Feels good man. Now i can get some plastids on saturn

Ahh interesting. Is it used in any/many other things than dojo expansions?


So I joined a game with Helscream and The_BONG_420 and ran into this thing. I don't think I put much of a dent in him and for awhile it seemed like they weren't either. But then suddenly it lost half its life and died pretty fast.

Then I saw this at the end and Helscream said "eff this guy I'm out" =(

lol j/k. I just jumped in because he was part of the clan. I didn't know they'd be fighting such high level stuff. That place was so crazy.


Access to certain things, such as blueprints and events. No clan events are running, as far as I know. We also don't have any weapons researched, yet.

If your PSN is Mrcapcom, it says you're already in a clan.

omg everyone says that i'm not in one lol how do i check to see if I am and if so how do i leave?


The current situation is this - the labs are building first, before increasing the clan size is considered. There is only one lab left, and all we need is the one Forma, I believe. After which, we'll need an additional Forma to build the Storm Barracks, to increase clan size.

The reason why is because increasing the clan rank is going to linearly increase the cost of nearly everything we do in the dojo - namely the weapon research - roughly 3.2 times the current cost. This step is not reverseable, and could end up stifling progress as far as researching the most powerful weapons in the game.

It comes down to whether or not members contribute. Right now it's not too difficult for one person to complete a room, or research something, but as soon as the rank goes up, it's going to become unreasonable.

omg everyone says that i'm not in one lol how do i check to see if I am and if so how do i leave?

On the main menu, press the Options button on the controller and then scroll down to the icon that looks like a shield, or badge. You should be able to leave/decline/accept from there. I believe there is a bug that prevents invites from working if you already have one pending.


I'll chip in another forma later tonight. Just got done with a session trying to level upa grakata. What a piece of shit. Eats ammo like nothing


I'll chip in another forma later tonight. Just got done with a session trying to level upa grakata. What a piece of shit. Eats ammo like nothing

lol. Yeah it sounds like a bad guy. I guess the only real use for guns that suck is leveling up mastery.

Trying to get enough plastids to build a Latron. Man plastids come in such small amounts. =l


Alright guys im considering downloading this, and giving it a shot on PS4. So I thought I would drop in here and ask how people are enjoying it? I saw some rumors around launch that the game may have been causing some issues with a few PS4s, but its looks like it could be pretty fun from the videos I have seen.


Alright guys im considering downloading this, and giving it a shot on PS4. So I thought I would drop in here and ask how people are enjoying it? I saw some rumors around launch that the game may have been causing some issues with a few PS4s, but its looks like it could be pretty fun from the videos I have seen.

The only real issue I noticed people having is when you download it and start it up it'll update. Basically don't try to back out and do something while it's updating. Just let it update and things should be okay. When I tried backing out and going back in, it froze. I just had to shut down my PS4 by holding power for like 10 seconds until it turned all the way off and then turned it back on and let it check for errors.

Me too. I need them plastids. ;-;

I need about 357 more plastids to build my Latron. I just got an Orokin Cell from fighting a boss. I was like yes! lol. Now my Trinity Warframe has been put into production. Gonna take 72 hours for her to be built. Need more blueprints for other Warframes.

EDIT: Now I need 62 plastids. Gonna grab that to start my Latron and call it a night. And I have all the Ember blueprints. And another orokin cell. =D

Only thing that sucks about Ember is it says she's sort of fragile. So I guess I'd just use her for missions where fire kicks ass.


Would love an invite to the clan. Looking to get into this a bit more after sinking a few hours into it and liking it so far. Some more explanation of the frames, weapons etc would've been nice though. Game is a little overwhelming in that way.


So I'm a new player.. Level 11... The only blueprint i have is banshee chasis.. Is that worth building? Or wait for something better.?
Banshee is a stealth/ sniper frame. Good for boss fights, solo runs and as long range support. But no, it's not worth building the chassis because you're still missing the other two component blueprints. Don't build Warframe parts unless you have all blueprints and mats for all parts.
Banshee is a stealth/ sniper frame. Good for boss fights, solo runs and as long range support. But no, it's not worth building the chassis because you're still missing the other two component blueprints. Don't build Warframe parts unless you have all blueprints and mats for all parts.

What warframe should i be looking to build? Are blueprints just random drops? What level should i b, before i start even thinthinking about another warframe? Is the only way to gget Platinum is to buy it?


How do you add slots for more warframes?
Inventory slots for frames and weapons are the only things you have to pay real money for.

What warframe should i be looking to build? Are blueprints just random drops? What level should i b, before i start even thinthinking about another warframe? Is the only way to gget Platinum is to buy it?
Banshee, (post U11) Volt I think and the Prime frames are more or less random, Vauban blueprints are only available as rewards from alert missions, and all other frame blueprints are boss drops.

Pretty much all frames are viable, it really depends on your play style. My personal favorites (and generally considered top tier) are Mag and Nova. Mag is a great all around frame with strong shields and powerful skills, and Nova is simply a walking WMD. Both drop from higher level bosses though (unless you chose Mag as your starter) - Nef Anyo on Mars drops Mag, Raptor on Europa drops Nova. Early on, Rhino is easy to get and considered really good. Drops from Jackal, the Venus boss.
So for the PS4 version, when Update 11 goes live, we'll be able to get discounts on Platinum packs! If they do the 75% off deal, I'll totally buy that $150 pack.


invite to the GAF clan?

Reporting a clan invite request for the PS4 group.

Can I get invite to the NeoGaf Clan?

invite, any chance of getting one?

You should all have invites. If you don't know how to accept them; Main menu, press Options on the controller. There are 3 icons that pop up on the top-ish right - A speech bubble, a crowd, and a badge/shield - chat, frendlist, clan. Go to clan, accept from there.

I removed 3 people based on their playtime and missions complete.
Inventory slots for frames and weapons are the only things you have to pay real money for.

Banshee, (post U11) Volt I think and the Prime frames are more or less random, Vauban blueprints are only available as rewards from alert missions, and all other frame blueprints are boss drops.

Pretty much all frames are viable, it really depends on your play style. My personal favorites (and generally considered top tier) are Mag and Nova. Mag is a great all around frame with strong shields and powerful skills, and Nova is simply a walking WMD. Both drop from higher level bosses though (unless you chose Mag as your starter) - Nef Anyo on Mars drops Mag, Raptor on Europa drops Nova. Early on, Rhino is easy to get and considered really good. Drops from Jackal, the Venus boss.

Yeah i picked mag as my starter frame... So basically what should i be doing now other than completing missions.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
You should all have invites. If you don't know how to accept them; Main menu, press Options on the controller. There are 3 icons that pop up on the top-ish right - A speech bubble, a crowd, and a badge/shield - chat, frendlist, clan. Go to clan, accept from there.

I removed 3 people based on their playtime and missions complete.

Thanks, accepted!

Started building the clan key, I got to see that dojo!

What's the protocol on joining people's sessions in the clan?


Thanks, accepted!

Started building the clan key, I got to see that dojo!

What's the protocol on joining people's sessions in the clan?

There really isn't one. Sessions fill up with randoms quickly, and the peer list updates slowly, so it's hard to actually get into someone's game unless you coordinate before hand. The chat system is not user-friendly, either, so if you type in clan chat, you probably won't recieve a reply for a good while, if at all.

If you see someone is in a session, try to jump in. If they wanted to solo, they could set it to solo anyway.


Yes, but how? I don't see extra Warframe slots as an item in the store is what I'm saying.

Go to Arsenal in the main menu and then Inventory pretty sure. At the Warframes section, it'll say "Press R2 to buy warframe slots" or something. Costs like 20 platinum each.


Any of you architectural planning tenno have a bigger barracks planned in the dojo yet? Would definitely help with invites.


So certain warframes can only use certain mods? I have a lot of mods that I'm not allowed to equip.
Only skill mods are frame specific. They're easy to spot, they have a = symbol in the upper right corner and the name of the frame they're meant for below the picture.

Anyway, you mentioned what many consider Warframe's biggest problem: There is no point in anything, and there is no real endgame either. There's no story to complete, no high end missions or bosses, no epic raids or anything. You're really just playing for fun or to fulfill goals you made up yourself. You see a funky weapon in the inventory or a cool looking frame and try to get it. That's why there are content updates every week and events all the time, to keep people interested.

Sure, there are strong bosses, and there are the T3 missions, but really, if you're playing with a capable party, it hardly matters if you forgot to bring your best equipment - or didn't have high level equipment in the first place. You really only need the best equipment if you want to solo high level missions, or if you want to set new records in survival and defense missions. But there's no reward for that other than having fun doing it and bragging rights.


My friend and i have been playing this on the ps4. For a f2p game I must say its nice way to spend the time while waiting for other games to come out.

The Kunai weapons are so damn fun when you have attack speed and reload speed & armor piercing mods equip.

So far we have our own clan (Clan of the Toad) & dojo, unlocked all 3 of the crafting stations and are awaiting the first unlocks in each station. 2 more days to go! We usually run in the evenings if you see Vincen09(Me running a Volt warframe) or Vinset(running a Vauban warframe) say hello to us! Or if you want a small clan to hide in feel free to message me in game. We usually use party chat, so unfortunately we don't hear others speaking to us in game. So send a message!


You guys waiting for an invite could always create a NeoGAF II clan. That way we avoid building more barracks and research costs stay low.


You guys waiting for an invite could always create a NeoGAF II clan. That way we avoid building more barracks and research costs stay low.

The idea is to build as much as possible atm then increase the size. Instead of 1 Forma per room it would be 3 Forma with the 100 people.


So I joined a game with Helscream and The_BONG_420 and ran into this thing. I don't think I put much of a dent in him and for awhile it seemed like they weren't either. But then suddenly it lost half its life and died pretty fast.

lol j/k. I just jumped in because he was part of the clan. I didn't know they'd be fighting such high level stuff. That place was so crazy.

Feel free to follow me around. You'll net alot of EXP which will help you rank up faster than you would solo.

I will be doing alot of Survival/Endless Defense for fusion core farming to upgrade the mods I have. If anyone needs experience/fusion cores feel free to send me a message and we can get a group going. I opened the ports 3960/3963 so I should be able to host without any issues. And don't worry if you can't contribute, I am here to help the clan out.



Yeah, Forma isn't the issue. We're done with Forma, apart from the one needed to build the barracks and any superfluous rooms. It's just the weapon research.

PC GAF clan is Storm tier (100). We still have the 1 Forma price to build everything.

Could you post the cost of a weapon research? I'd like to have a hard number to compare to our current cost. As far as I know, it should be a linear ~3.2x increase to most materials, but I want to be certain.

I also want to be clear I'm not arguing against expanding, I'm only concerned about the cost associated with the increase.
Tried this on PC but couldn't get into it, just tried it on my ps4 and liking it. A lot.

It's very confusing menu wise though, any sort of beginners guide for the ps4 version?
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