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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


How often does it appear?

About once per day...maybe a bit less.

If you scroll down (or up, depending on your settings) the thread, you'll see a few posts from myself and others saying "coordinate on xxxxx" and maybe a %. These are what we're talking about.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone know if the new infested show up on eris? The redeemer stance only drops from broodmothers but I've not seen any of the new types in standard invasion missions.


Speaking of platinum, I sold another Synoid Gammacor this morning. I think it's my fourth or fifth. I guess if you're patient, you can get ~200p for them, but I like to get them sold quickly and move on, so I've been selling them for 140-160p. These syndicate weapons have been quite a bolster to my platinum supply, and I had planned to just trade for the others, but with the Gammacor selling for a bit more than the others, it might make more sense to just buy the two that I won't get in game (Loka and Perrin) with the proceeds from Gammacors and Akboltos.

Another active clan night with 12 or so on and doing various activities. A few of us helped Undignify with some vault runs for Mirage and got atrocious mod drops, and I helped somebody else farm some plastids.

I also want to welcome Helscream back to the clan. He is old school GAFframe, and promotion is forthcoming. I also sent Das Mookid an unsolicited invite, because come on home Mooks!


Does anyone know if the new infested show up on eris? The redeemer stance only drops from broodmothers but I've not seen any of the new types in standard invasion missions.
I don't think they do. You can always try transmuting it if you have some spare credits though. I transmuted a Crimson Dervish, Gleaming Talon and a High Noon yesterday.


Does anyone know if the new infested show up on eris? The redeemer stance only drops from broodmothers but I've not seen any of the new types in standard invasion missions.

From what I understand, they'll be everywhere like they are on PC right now probably with the next update.


What he said.

And in the absence of something productive I can do for my profile, I extend the game's life by mentoring newer players and helping them through the basics.

My most recent recruit (mmcareen) went from zero to mastery 17 in about 5 weeks. Dude is an animal!

man that is some true dedication. I went from like 3-11 in about 8 weeks lol
Is it normal that I've gotten nothing but Odonata wing blueprints 5 times in a row? Am I supposed to build it before different components will drop, or is RNGesus just against me?


Equip it in the Arsenal. During a mission you can access your inventory and use it there. I think the default button is up on the directional pad.


So, any clans one could join here? Just started this again after a hiatus since the first week or so and boy is this game different. Better different.


Finally earned my first Prime gear tonight (though what I wanted was a Soma Prime). Started Mag Prime, Latron Prime and Reaper Prime and have no clue if they will be better then my current void build of Rhino, Soma and Orthos but the fact that I finally have Prime gear makes me happy.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Alad V nav coordinate on pluto. DEF.

Speaking of does anyone still need mesa? Cuz I'll have 3 keys after this last nav comes in. Would be interested in getting a group together.

Also looking to farm G3/argon crystals(not sure the best place for either of these) if other ppl need as well.

Lastly looking to trade for loki prime helm(or ppl to run t4 surv with. got 40+ keys lol), huras kubrow imprints and possibly glaive prime disc.


Hey GAF! Long time lurker here. I've gotten into Warframe in a big way and was hoping I could get a clan invite.

Edit: Forgot to include my PSN ID. ^^ It's W0Wbaggr.
Any beginner guides out there? I began playing last night and am really enjoying it so far, but would like to get a better grasp of the economy, resources, etc.

PSN: OdysseusVA for clan/friend requests :D


Invites sent to Wowbagger and Odysseus. Welcome to GAFrame.

Business is picking back up in the clan. Nice to have new blood.


Just started this game due to fellow GAFfer also getting back into it. He has like every Frame, of course, so jealous, but tried it on my own when he wasn't around raging about Limbo....

At first I was like "eh".

Now I am about to go to the PSN store / devour all the info I can on it. I am about to lose all my money, aren't I?


Just started this game due to fellow GAFfer also getting back into it. He has like every Frame, of course, so jealous, but tried it on my own when he wasn't around raging about Limbo....

At first I was like "eh".

Now I am about to go to the PSN store / devour all the info I can on it. I am about to lose all my money, aren't I?
You don't have to. You can get everything except the cosmetic stuff without spending any money. You can also trade stuff for platinum with other players.


I am now convinced that the Orthos Prime Blueprint is not on T2 Exterminate. I've run it like 20 times now with no luck. Also how are some of you getting so many of the same void keys?


Sure, but I am impatient .... !!

You really just need a guided tour from somebody in the clan. Once you have someone explain how to get stuff and help you get access to locations for farming materials, you'll find that you always have something new to play with.

If you're super impatient, you can skip a lot of time by purchasing a couple of prime sets from the in game trading forum. You could probably get blueprints for a full Rhino Prime (perfect starter frame) and a solid primary prime weapon for 100 platinum or so.

I'd suggest the 370 platinum package which will carry you to the point where you are either ready to move on or you get completely obsessed, and if you get obsessed, you'll probably have stuff to sell for your platinum.

Overall, and I could go on a huge rant about this, I find that Warframe is the least gross free to play model I've ever seen, as it's most addicted players probably buy the least platinum...or at least that's true for the informed ones.


Invites sent to Wowbagger and Odysseus. Welcome to GAFrame.

Business is picking back up in the clan. Nice to have new blood.


If you're super impatient, you can skip a lot of time by purchasing a couple of prime sets from the in game trading forum. You could probably get blueprints for a full Rhino Prime (perfect starter frame) and a solid primary prime weapon for 100 platinum or so.

100 plat?!? Jesus... I sold a Rhino for 40 once and a Boltor for 20, but mostly I sell weapons for 12-15 and frames for 20-30, cause I'm in a hurry to get plat or feel guilty for taking people's money for stuff you can get by just playing. I guess I need to value my time spent grinding more.


100 plat?!? Jesus... I sold a Rhino for 40 once and a Boltor for 20, but mostly I sell weapons for 12-15 and frames for 20-30, cause I'm in a hurry to get plat or feel guilty for taking people's money for stuff you can get by just playing. I guess I need to value my time spent grinding more.
There are two types of traders. One sells for cheap because they can't be arsed/have no time to sit on trading chat while the other sits it out and waits for the right buyer. I'm the latter and that's how I amassed a ridiculous amount of platinum. Although it's worth noting that when I started trading prices were waaaay higher.


100 plat?!? Jesus... I sold a Rhino for 40 once and a Boltor for 20, but mostly I sell weapons for 12-15 and frames for 20-30, cause I'm in a hurry to get plat or feel guilty for taking people's money for stuff you can get by just playing. I guess I need to value my time spent grinding more.

I don't spend a ton of time on trading, but I'd guess that you could get 60-80 for a full Rhino Prime set even if he's pretty easy to get now. And depending on the primary weapon you want, I'd guess 10-40, provided you aren't expecting a Soma Prime.

I generally agree with your sentiment and didn't mean to encourage anyone to buy anything in the market, as I think the "farming" aspect is really at the heart of the game. I'd hate to miss out on the feeling of getting my final Rhino Prime or Nova Prime part. But some people enjoy that part less, or they are impatient, and who am I to tell them how to enjoy a game that can be enjoyed in a multitude of ways?


Why the hell did they make the old Vault mods so hard to get? I was helping out a friend yesterday and we did like 10 vault runs. Only one resulted in an old mod (Narrow Minded). Ridiculous...


Why the hell did they make the old Vault mods so hard to get? I was helping out a friend yesterday and we did like 10 vault runs. Only one resulted in an old mod (Narrow Minded). Ridiculous...

Yeah, was also surprised by that. Just about every vault run I've done lately has rewarded on of the new ones. That would be a very diluted drop table even if their drop rates were all equal, but if they've given the new ones a higher rate, that's going to be tough.

Luckily, I think vault runs are one of the more interesting modes in the game, but still.


Started building a Kadrak last night. Had two friends help me get all the blueprints for the Archwing, but don't have the mats / planets open to get all the mats.


Also, finished my first 20 minute survival with the same two buds. Starting to get a fair amount of fusion cores, but they have me paranoid and afraid to use them. When do you guys use them?

And I was advised to always xp everything to 30? Mastery bonus or something?


Started building a Kadrak last night. Had two friends help me get all the blueprints for the Archwing, but don't have the mats / planets open to get all the mats.


Also, finished my first 20 minute survival with the same two buds. Starting to get a fair amount of fusion cores, but they have me paranoid and afraid to use them. When do you guys use them?

And I was advised to always xp everything to 30? Mastery bonus or something?
Use your fusion cores to level up must have mods first. Such as Barrel Diffusion, Split Chamber, Serration, elemental damage mods, Redirection, Vitality, etc.. The first few levels are easy for the rank 10 mods, but after rank 7/8 they will need a lot of cores to rank up.

You should level up every weapon for your mastery rank. There are a few weapons that needs a higher mastery but AFAIK after mastery 8 there's no locked weapon. You should still work on it after 8 though, because you can deploy more resource extractor drones on planets, earn more syndicate reputation and trade more in a day.


Started building a Kadrak last night. Had two friends help me get all the blueprints for the Archwing, but don't have the mats / planets open to get all the mats.


Also, finished my first 20 minute survival with the same two buds.

Blaise addressed the other parts, but I think many of us would be happy to help you unlock some farming locations. You and your buds should join the NeoGAF clan, or if you're committed to another clan, I would hope that someone there would be willing to assist.


Although it's worth noting that when I started trading prices were waaaay higher.

Yeah, now it seems it's just the event mods and a handful of others, plus the latest and greatest gear, that go for anything noteworthy. I've been wondering if the relay trader will change this. Once people start dumping their older, less valuable prime parts, maybe prices for that stuff will go back up a bit.

I generally agree with your sentiment and didn't mean to encourage anyone to buy anything in the market, as I think the "farming" aspect is really at the heart of the game. I'd hate to miss out on the feeling of getting my final Rhino Prime or Nova Prime part. But some people enjoy that part less, or they are impatient, and who am I to tell them how to enjoy a game that can be enjoyed in a multitude of ways?

Oh, for sure. I just wish I wasn't such a pushover when it came to trading; selling for cheap in the first place, then caving in when the buyer inevitably informs me he only has half of my more than reasonable offer. Sigh.

Why the hell did they make the old Vault mods so hard to get? I was helping out a friend yesterday and we did like 10 vault runs. Only one resulted in an old mod (Narrow Minded). Ridiculous...

1 in 10? Count yourself lucky! I've done at least 30 runs since they added the latest bunch and gotten nothing but the new mods. At least there's been plenty of people willing to buy Transient Fortitude.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
If we dont get an email after does that mean we don't get it? Cuz I didn't count how many I had before but when it said I had mail it was just the alad v nav from last night. The mail box doesn't max out right?


If we dont get an email after does that mean we don't get it? Cuz I didn't count how many I had before but when it said I had mail it was just the alad v nav from last night. The mail box doesn't max out right?

Do you mean the catalyst?

If so, it's in your foundry. No mail for alerts.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Oh I'm dumb. I got confused with the the gifts you get without doing missions I think. When I get like boosters from lotus gifts they came in the mail. Nvm lol
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