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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


No raids on the console yet - performance isn't up to par. Designed for 4-8 players and no matchmaking support last I knew.

Cool so what have I missed I tried to get back into things a couple months ago but the fonts were soooo small I could barely read anything. I think they just got the puppies last time I attempted to play and the archwing.
Cool so what have I missed I tried to get back into things a couple months ago but the fonts were soooo small I could barely read anything. I think they just got the puppies last time I attempted to play and the archwing.
Of the top of my head: Player relays/hubs, including a new void trader who appears in the relays every two weeks or so(?) and trades nifty stuff for extra prime parts, a librarian of sorts (Cephalon Simaris, who has issues with violating your personal space) who gives new scanning/trapping/digitizing quests (second floor on the right), more PVP, and the usual new stuff like warframes and weapons and customizations.


Of the top of my head: Player relays/hubs, including a new void trader who appears in the relays every two weeks or so(?) and trades nifty stuff for extra prime parts, a librarian of sorts (Cephalon Simaris, who has issues with violating your personal space) who gives new scanning/trapping/digitizing quests (second floor on the right), more PVP, and the usual new stuff like warframes and weapons and customizations.

Sweet. Have mods changed alot? Do you have the link to the update about the mods? I thought I saw somethign where you can modify them now.


Guys i have a question, cuz my friend plays warframe also and i want to trade some prime parts to him, my question is can i trade items when hes offline cuz i we play on 1 ps4 and we cant be login at the same time, is there a way to trade via offline players? thanks.


Guys i have a question, cuz my friend plays warframe also and i want to trade some prime parts to him, my question is can i trade items when hes offline cuz i we play on 1 ps4 and we cant be login at the same time, is there a way to trade via offline players? thanks.

Can't trade offline, but you could have somebody sign into one of your accounts on their PS4 as a guest...provided there's somebody you trust to do it.


Can't trade offline, but you could have somebody sign into one of your accounts on their PS4 as a guest...provided there's somebody you trust to do it.

Thanks for info bro, do i need to pay for platinum to trade stuff with other players or do i just pay for credits ingame?

just completed the prime rhino set for me and i want to give my oberon set to my friend, real sucks when your stock with your starter.


Thanks for info bro, do i need to pay for platinum to trade stuff with other players or do i just pay for credits ingame?

just completed the prime rhino set for me and i want to give my oberon set to my friend, real sucks when your stock with your starter.

Trading doesn't cost platinum, only a tax of in game credits based on the rarity of the item being traded for. But platinum is tradable, and it's possible to fund the game entirely through trading for plat.

Oberon isn't tradeable, only platinum, mods, prime parts, syndicate and other special weapons, Kubrow imprints, and arcane helmets...generally anything you can't purchase from the in game store. The amazing thing to me for a free to play game is that the best content isn't available in the store and can only be obtained from other players or by playing the game.

And the starter frames are fine. All 3 are as good or better than Oberon at any rate.


Those random alerts with Conclave requirements and / or weapon restrictions? I dunno, something about them really rubs me the wrong way.


Those random alerts with Conclave requirements and / or weapon restrictions? I dunno, something about them really rubs me the wrong way.

Well, They're kind of stupid. You can still walk all over these things blindfolded if you just limit yourself to an single, but extremely powerful weapon and a warframe that has exceptionally useful powers. The heavy melee weapon alert for example, was absurdly easy with a loki, nova and nyx. The 4th Warframe in this situation is entirely optional.


Man I got so close to the 50 minute mark, this was a tower 2 survival



I'm moving to the UK tomorrow to work there and there's a chance I'm not gonna be able to play WF for some time. Plz don't kick.
But maybe I'll start my own clan because I don't like how our dojo looks with all these colors. :/ Frizby, you did a good job with the rooms, but those colors, man...


I'm moving to the UK tomorrow to work there and there's a chance I'm not gonna be able to play WF for some time. Plz don't kick.
But maybe I'll start my own clan because I don't like how our dojo looks with all these colors. :/ Frizby, you did a good job with the rooms, but those colors, man...

All colors are temporary. Open to suggestions.

Edit: Thought it was the yellow you didn't like. Was the red. It's just the steps. Will see what options I have, but leaving seems extreme for red steps! ; )


All colors are temporary. Open to suggestions.

Edit: Thought it was the yellow you didn't like. Was the red. It's just the steps. Will see what options I have, but leaving seems extreme for red steps! ; )
It's not just the colors of course. Me and my friend were talking about making our own small clan and I actually designed a really cool clan logo, too. I considered leaving many times due to clan activity or the reason above, but something just keeps me in the GAF clan. I think it's the clan trophies and knowing I was there and contributed to said trophies. :) And our beautifully designed, minimalist dojo. A lot of the big clans have overcrowded rooms and I like how simplistic ours is. But the colors... They are just not for my taste, I guess.


It's not just the colors of course. Me and my friend were talking about making our own small clan and I actually designed a really cool clan logo, too. I considered leaving many times due to clan activity or the reason above, but something just keeps me in the GAF clan. I think it's the clan trophies and knowing I was there and contributed to said trophies. :) And our beautifully designed, minimalist dojo. A lot of the big clans have overcrowded rooms and I like how simplistic ours is. But the colors... They are just not for my taste, I guess.

Well I'd certainly hate to see you go. We're just about all that's left of the original crew.

As for the colors, I actually have a new paint job cooking...maybe see what you think if you happen to be around when it's done.

I do know what you mean about a smaller clan. If we could downgrade to 30, I'd do it in a minute. But I've been working hard to get the GAF clan functional again after it was more or less abandoned, and I'm committed at this point. You could always, you know, bring your friends into NeoGAF. That's what I did anyway.


Well, They're kind of stupid. You can still walk all over these things blindfolded if you just limit yourself to an single, but extremely powerful weapon and a warframe that has exceptionally useful powers. The heavy melee weapon alert for example, was absurdly easy with a loki, nova and nyx. The 4th Warframe in this situation is entirely optional.

I think the part that bugs me is I hate what feels like an arbitrary limit. That and that heavy melee alert, I did it as well and none of us even used our heavy weapons really, so it's like.....pointless.


I think the part that bugs me is I hate what feels like an arbitrary limit. That and that heavy melee alert, I did it as well and none of us even used our heavy weapons really, so it's like.....pointless.

Yeah thats exactly what I feel here. They could stand to test players actual skillsets rather than just place a silly limit on what you can bring and coming in the mission. Its like they cant think of any other way to challenge the player except by tying their hands behind their back in some way. What about a tactical alert that wants players to avoid touching the floor as much as possible by mastering wall running? Or an alert that requires players to kill certain targets only through headshots, or an alert where certain special enemies can only be killed through finishers, an alert that forces the player to rely on enviromental objects and such to kill targets. Instead, all they ever do is give the enemy a huge buff of some kind, then forces the player to go into a mission with some sort of limitation or massive debuff, and that's the end of it.
So I watch the dev streams and really get a sense that DE wants to remove a lot of RNG elements in favor of quests, and repeatable quests at that. They also speak to removing the need to replay the exact same mission type again and again and again for a reward, which has something to do with them "destroying the void", which relies upon exactly that when it comes to its rewards.

But then we get something like this Chroma quest where you have to collect specific parts for three other Warframes to make one, and its in every way super repetitive and RNG/luck based.

I'm starting to rankle at how their words don't seem to match up with the content they release. Still love the game, but man, if they want to reduce repetition and RNG they're going about things exactly backwards.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I really, want to believe that they A)Know what they're doing B)Want to reduce the RNG but it looks just they throw stuff at the wall till it sticks and are replacing RNG with yet more grind. No thx.


So I watch the dev streams and really get a sense that DE wants to remove a lot of RNG elements in favor of quests, and repeatable quests at that. They also speak to removing the need to replay the exact same mission type again and again and again for a reward, which has something to do with them "destroying the void", which relies upon exactly that when it comes to its rewards.

But then we get something like this Chroma quest where you have to collect specific parts for three other Warframes to make one, and its in every way super repetitive and RNG/luck based.

I'm starting to rankle at how their words don't seem to match up with the content they release. Still love the game, but man, if they want to reduce repetition and RNG they're going about things exactly backwards.

The chroma quest is pretty much a head scratcher as its just out of sync with how players have always obtained their warframe parts though its better than getting mesa and hydroid still. And I dont know what made them think akjagara was a good idea with how many weapons you need and how much time it takes to build what seems to be an average set of dual pistols. Making the tipedo and tiburon were painless and no one really complained about it and they were useful weapons with useful characteristsics.

As far as them reducing grind, thats just 1 more thing in the things they've promised either to address or at the very least look into. Being this is the year of quality, I'd be surprised if they were even able to get through half this stuff:

- to deal with revisiting player primary weapon progression (particularly the serration mod)
- add a much more flexible and robust version of their quest system
- making melee more viable in the end game
- making shotguns and sniper rifles viable toward the endgame
- making a place for utility mods
- addressing movement (in the works with parkour 2.0)
- polishing PvP
- adding more innate characteristics to each warframe
- making more weapon specific augments and faction specific weapons-
- reworking each tileset to be unique (they've been excellent about this as we regularly see a new tileset every 6 or so months)
- reworking more placeholder bosses
- adding sentient faction
- adding the remaining community designed enemy units and weapons
- expanding archwing further
- greatly expanding on lore
- applying physically based rendering to all the old assets
I don't even mind the grind as the core gameplay is what draws me in - all I need is a flimsy excuse to blow shit up and I'm golden. Its just that every time I listen to DE on the dev streams they sound like a different group of people than whoever is designing these quests.

That and Ordis not shutting up, ever, is slowly driving me insane. Even worse are his comments on my loadouts and colors, which I not only have to listen to, but also get to see his image block the screen I'm currently fidgeting with. I'm starting to think this is all a setup for some 250 platinum item in the store that lets you disconnect his ass and toss him out the airlock.


What they need also is trading 2.0. Just have a chat channel is still like dark ages. They need a tenno consignment shop. Put stuff up for sale with a fee to lotus or baro or whoever they get to have it. It'll stop people from trying to sell a Frost prime set to noobs for 300plat and allow your stuff to actually be seen.


That and Ordis not shutting up, ever, is slowly driving me insane. Even worse are his comments on my loadouts and colors, which I not only have to listen to, but also get to see his image block the screen I'm currently fidgeting with. I'm starting to think this is all a setup for some 250 platinum item in the store that lets you disconnect his ass and toss him out the airlock.

FWIW, Ordis has his own volume slider in options.

You're welcome. :)


So I watch the dev streams and really get a sense that DE wants to remove a lot of RNG elements in favor of quests, and repeatable quests at that. They also speak to removing the need to replay the exact same mission type again and again and again for a reward, which has something to do with them "destroying the void", which relies upon exactly that when it comes to its rewards.

My understanding is that "destroying the void" has more to do with not wanting veteran players to spend the majority of their playtime in one tileset, fighting one faction than reducing the grind.


My understanding is that "destroying the void" has more to do with not wanting veteran players to spend the majority of their playtime in one tileset, fighting one faction than reducing the grind.

Yeah, and I actually agree with the idea. I hate the disparity between credits and rewards between the planets and the void. Other than helping new players and the occasional alert, void and dark sectors is all I play, and I regret that I don't spend more time on the more interesting tilesets like Jupiter, Ceres, Eris, Earth and Phobos.
This Chroma questline continues to sap my will.

10 assassination missions in between Sedna and Ceres and not one single necessary part has dropped. I have plenty of leftover Frost and Saryn components though - just not the Saryn Systems and Frost Chassis I've been looking for.

And I'm marked for death several times over for the attempts. Great. I look forward to getting murdered the next few times I solo with lower level frames and weapons.

Outside of scanning plants in that one event last year this has been the exact kind of slog that'll end up making me take a good long break. Grinding boss runs is kindof the worst.


This Chroma questline continues to sap my will.

10 assassination missions in between Sedna and Ceres and not one single necessary part has dropped. I have plenty of leftover Frost and Saryn components though - just not the Saryn Systems and Frost Chassis I've been looking for.

And I'm marked for death several times over for the attempts. Great. I look forward to getting murdered the next few times I solo with lower level frames and weapons.

Outside of scanning plants in that one event last year this has been the exact kind of slog that'll end up making me take a good long break. Grinding boss runs is kindof the worst.

Lol sounds like you had as much fun as I did trying to build a miter. Only this morning after a solid week of trying did I finally get the last part out of five needed to build it, only to use it as materials for the panthera. I have to go back and grind more for the akjagara...
I wish DE changes the Argon crystals to not decay, just getting some new toys and some requires argon crystals I no longer own because those died off just 20 mins ago.


I have greedy pull, pilfering swarm, and eternal war. Are there any other must have warframe augments? Are there any must have syndicate weapons since they nerfed gammacor?
Lol sounds like you had as much fun as I did trying to build a miter. Only this morning after a solid week of trying did I finally get the last part out of five needed to build it, only to use it as materials for the panthera. I have to go back and grind more for the akjagara...
The Akjagara is worth the effort. That thing slices and dices in all kinds of entertaining ways, it just kicks like a mule.

RNG has forsaken me so to Hell with the Chroma for now - I still haven't run Mirage's Hidden Messages questline so that's next on the list, and just the thing for boss-run/RNG fatigue.


I have greedy pull, pilfering swarm, and eternal war. Are there any other must have warframe augments? Are there any must have syndicate weapons since they nerfed gammacor?
As for the augments: Irradiating Disarm for Loki, Resonance for Banshee, Chilling Globe for Frost (if you have a Loki on your team), Greedy Pull for Mag, Total Eclipse for Mirage, Repelling Bastille for Vauban and Jet Stream for Zephyr.
Weapons: The Rakta Ballistica and Vaykor Marelok are my favorite syndicate weapons and the Telos Akbolto is alright, too.


As for the augments: Irradiating Disarm for Loki, Resonance for Banshee, Chilling Globe for Frost (if you have a Loki on your team), Greedy Pull for Mag, Total Eclipse for Mirage, Repelling Bastille for Vauban and Jet Stream for Zephyr.
Weapons: The Rakta Ballistica and Vaykor Marelok are my favorite syndicate weapons and the Telos Akbolto is alright, too.

Yup. Vaykor Marelok is my favorite secondary in the game at the moment.

Also agree with all augments, except that I've put Irradiating Disarm away. I find that when I disarm enemies, I generally want to melee them, and having level 100 enemies swinging around wildly is a recipe for accidental deaths. I much prefer them disarmed and converging on another objective or a decoy.

monkey pickle

Neo Member
So for the last week I've been pretty addicted to this game but i got some questions.

What is a good primary to upgrade to from the gorgon/braton?

What is a good secondary to upgrade from the Aklato?

It just seems that these guns are shooting peas and it takes forever to kill folks, while everyone else is just mowing them down.

Is there anyway I can join the Gaf clan? psn monkey-pickle
What is a good primary to upgrade to from the gorgon/braton?

What is a good secondary to upgrade from the Aklato?
Properly setup that Gorgon is a beast, but early on at least you'll get more use out of it with an extended mag and quicker reload mods. The Gorgon was actually my first real upgrade from the Braton and I used it mostly for Corpus missions (because of the weapon's impact).

But overall, my personal favorites for primaries are the Soma (high fire rate and criticals), the Latron (semi-auto but extremely ammo efficient. Modded this thing is a beast), and just about any of the bows and crossbows for silent, over-penetrating takedowns.

Secondaries-wise I don't know what I'd do without my dual Magnus and dual Vastos. I set up the Magnus with magnetic damage and criticals, and I buff the slash damage with the Vastos and usually slot in corrosive.

Those are my go-to picks but there's a ton to choose from and every item you craft helps level up your mastery ranks so you're rewarded for experimentation.


So for the last week I've been pretty addicted to this game but i got some questions.

What is a good primary to upgrade to from the gorgon/braton?

Lots of high end options, but for where you are now and given what blueprints are available in the market at your mastery rank, I'd probably look at the Karak or the Kohm and not worry about high end guns too much.

What is a good secondary to upgrade from the Aklato?

Same here. Until you get to mastery rank 6 or so, just grab whatever and level it up for mastery xp. While you're doing that, work on leveling up the Steel Meridian syndicate, because their pistol (Vaykor Marelok) is an absolute monster.

It just seems that these guns are shooting peas and it takes forever to kill folks, while everyone else is just mowing them down.

It will feel that way for a little while, but don't let it stop you from running void towers. People will carry you for a while, and that's fine. From the towers, you'll get prime parts, which are useful in a wide variety of ways.

Is there anyway I can join the Gaf clan? psn monkey-pickle

Invite sent. Welcome!


Hi all has anyone tried to do a trade with someone and it appears as if the trade goes through but when you get back to your ship you don't have the part you traded. It's unreal I was trading a rakta ballistica for a loki prime system but when I checked my inventory the rakta was gone but I didn't have the loki part what the hell.


Hi all has anyone tried to do a trade with someone and it appears as if the trade goes through but when you get back to your ship you don't have the part you traded. It's unreal I was trading a rakta ballistica for a loki prime system but when I checked my inventory the rakta was gone but I didn't have the loki part what the hell.
Are you 100% sure you traded for a Loki Prime Systems?


If I had played the game, I've never experienced that, in however many hours I may have played the game, and would perhaps suggest your only solution would be a support ticket.


Have you ever played the game?

just to add I have over 250 hours in the game.

It was a reasonable question. No need to be rude.

In 2K+ hours, I've also never seen nor heard of anything like that.

Hope there's not another scam that people have figured out. Price changing was annoying enough.
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