While farming for Frost Prime, I got all the parts for Dakra Prime. It sounds like a pretty nice sword, but get this...recipe calls for 15 Oriken Cells. Fifteen.
I'm off again today for weather, so hopefully a few of you accepted my friend requests.
I'd like to burn some more Void Keys today and tonight. I have at least 25-30.
Grimløck;93288025 said:Yo. Fuck that Raptor.
I usually read the comments section on the Wiki page to find out where to go. The comments seem reliable most of the time.Anyone any recommendation to farm some polymer?
While farming for Frost Prime, I got all the parts for Dakra Prime. It sounds like a pretty nice sword, but get this...recipe calls for 15 Oriken Cells. Fifteen.
I'm off again today for weather, so hopefully a few of you accepted my friend requests.
I'd like to burn some more Void Keys today and tonight. I have at least 25-30.
How do they compare to the kunai? I was debating between the two and chose the kunai for a little more oomph with each shot.Got a chance to use my Hikou? today....wow I love them!
Unmodded they do a sweet amount of damage with a fast fire rate!
Thinking of levelling them up while maxing out reload and fire rate just to see how fast they can really go!
I didn't know DE made Dark Sector and apparently Warframe is either the sequel or DE draws huge inspiration from their older game. I went back and watched some gameplay on Dark Sector and man does it look identical. Even the main characters last name is Tenno. Maybe DE wanted Dark Sector to be Warframe, idk just thought it was pretty neat.
Just tried this game out yesterday for the first time and got to say I really enjoyed it!
Extremely confusing at first though. The intro was simple enough for really basic things, but didn't really get where the story scenes were going at the beginning, and seemed to abruptly cut off before I was looking at the solar system.
Didn't really understand the online concept on the first level, but it started making more sense as we progressed. Got maybe about 4 missions in and got through the first assassination mission (which was hard as hell!). Was really stingy about my revives as well because I thought we only got 4 period, not 4 revives every 24 hours. Wish that was explained otherwise I would've helped my team out more on that mission.
Anyway, ID is: greatestjediever. Still really early though, so not sure if anybody is that new to the game to want to play. I don't get that much time to play either so it would only be in bursts.
Have no idea how the upgrade/RPG-like elements come in yet. I'm picking up random things during the game, but the only things that are useful to me are life and ammo. No idea what affinity and other crap does. Wish that part was explained a bit more but I'll probably have to read up on the wiki.
Grimløck;93355297 said:How do they compare to the kunai? I was debating between the two and chose the kunai for a little more oomph with each shot.
I didn't know DE made Dark Sector and apparently Warframe is either the sequel or DE draws huge inspiration from their older game. I went back and watched some gameplay on Dark Sector and man does it look identical. Even the main characters last name is Tenno. Maybe DE wanted Dark Sector to be Warframe, idk just thought it was pretty neat.
I didn't know DE made Dark Sector and apparently Warframe is either the sequel or DE draws huge inspiration from their older game. I went back and watched some gameplay on Dark Sector and man does it look identical. Even the main characters last name is Tenno. Maybe DE wanted Dark Sector to be Warframe, idk just thought it was pretty neat.
I also had a go with my Prova last night and it's a pretty beefy melee weapon, even with the slightly longer charge time from the basic swords. Now, when I get home today I can finally give my Nova a blast, even though I don't have any of his ability mods...
Parts of my Rhino are already being built. I also have all the Trinity blueprints, worth building?
Parts of my Rhino are already being built. I also have all the Trinity blueprints, worth building?
I can attest to this, as it was my jaw that did the dropping.Love my Rhino. Ran into a crowd of like 30 grineer on a platform. Yelled "I'm jumping in the middle of these guys!" to my friends. Iron Skin on, jumped in and rhino stomped. All dead. I believe I could hear my friends jaw drop over the mic.
I can attest to this, as it was my jaw that did the dropping.
Never had I seen so many Grineer troops all gathered up in one place just waiting for our appearance on the scene. We got a nice Batman-gargoyle-like vantage point from a vent tunnel above and were watching the scene unfold several stories below.
So we saw them gathering up en masse and shifting to various cover positions, heavy gunners moving up the middle.
"Holy shit that's a lot of guys down there"
"I don't think I've ever seen that many"
"So how do you want to handle this? Maybe we should- tr--"
"I'm going to jump right into the middle of em"
"Waitafuckingsecond what?--"
It was too late. I thought for sure Oktarb was going to pull off some nifty looking special move only to then fall before the dozens of survivors who would then wither him down to nothing in a hail of gunfire and flames...
But nope.
What I did see was a shitton of numbers popping up from the boiled and battered husks of what was once a Grineer army, moments before their spirits and matter departed in wispy particles and smoke.
So yeah, that Rhino's pretty good is what I'm saying.
I've got my Prova with the Rare Armour Penetrating mod (at 45%) and Fury at the moment, so thanks for the advice.They give you the ability mods when you craft/buy Warframes.
Molecular Prime. Use it. Love it. Feel bad. Feel good.
Figure out what your weapons excel in, and exploit that with mods. Prova has a relatively fast charge time, as well as decent charge damage, so you can equip melee mods that increase charge speed/damage to capitalize on it.
Regular melee damage mods (Pressure Point) do not increase charge damage. Elemental/Armor Pen do, though.
Fury increases the speed you can attack, but it doesn't effect charge speed. It does, however, effect the actual animation speed of the charge attack swing, so it does benefit charge attacks, somewhat.
A Mag which activates Bullet Attractor on an enemy can provide an extremely potent combo with this ability if Excalibur then activates this skill while standing next to the target. All javelins will be immediately attracted into the enemy, dealing massive damage (up to 87,800 armor-ignoring damage with mods).
I've got my Prova with the Rare Armour Penetrating mod (at 45%) and Fury at the moment, so thanks for the advice.
Also, has anyone seen this yet? It went up on the WarFrame FaceBook page about 20mins ago - Update 11 for PS4 incoming?
oh shit. saving mats for valkyr.
I'm using the Pull function with my Warframe to take out waves at a time. I may or may not be shouting GET OVER HERE while doing so.
Ermahgerd! I'm glad I have a 3-day weekend coming up for my birthday!
Grimløck;93392980 said:oh shit. saving mats for valkyr.
can someone give a simple explanation as to how dmg is going to work with the update?
oh god. invite meI'd like to get the parts for my Nova, but ... that means I'm going to have to fight Raptor a few more times. Anyone up for the horrible challenge?
I really hope this update crushes a ton of bugs. Wouldn't mind getting a graphical upgrade as well.
yeah we need those particle effects ASAP. I thought this was next gen?:-(
I'd like this though: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ua1vPfxjegLooks pretty good to me. *shrugs*