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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


I liked this game but I miss trophies support.

Yeah, considering everything Sony has done correctly with the PS4 it baffles me that some games are being released without trophy support. It's 2013... f2p or not, every single motherfucking game on the PS4 should have trophies.


Platinum seems to have gone on sale with the Tuesday PSN update. Looks like 25% off

I wish I had more time to know if I plan to stick playing this game or not to invest! I like is so far.

Although I am having problems with the defined mission on Mercury. I am trying it solo but it is tough!


I wish I had more time to know if I plan to stick playing this game or not to invest! I like is so far.

Although I am having problems with the defined mission on Mercury. I am trying it solo but it is tough!

Mobile/Defense and Survival missions are much easier in a group, until you are high level with the right equipment and warframe. Even then, it sometimes just isn't going to work. You need to take the attention from the defense objective, but it's too much to do solo. Find a group, get it done, move on to the next map.


Yeah, considering everything Sony has done correctly with the PS4 it baffles me that some games are being released without trophy support. It's 2013... f2p or not, every single motherfucking game on the PS4 should have trophies.

Relax, a recent update (11.1 I think) added achievements to the pc version, so Warframe has the scripting and setup for them, it's all on sony whether or not trophies are implemented.

P.S. some people still don't know that this game is still completely in beta, and is far from a finished product, meaning that there WILL be features missing for the time being.
I didn't know it was beta, I hope they don't ever switch to subscription.

Anyone wanna do some mutagen runs? I need some for myself but will gladly donate the rest to the clan.


Relax, a recent update (11.1 I think) added achievements to the pc version, so Warframe has the scripting and setup for them, it's all on sony whether or not trophies are implemented.

PC got achievements long before update 11, before the build that eventually launched on PS4. Warframe's lack of trophies is due to Sony's silly rule about f2p games not being allowed to have them. It has nothing to do with DE or the fact that the game is in beta.

As for this "beta," fuck that. Maybe on PC that was made clearer but on PS4 the game I downloaded was called Warframe -- not Warframe Beta or Warframe (Beta). It wasn't in a "beta" or "demos" section, it was in the games section. I downloaded a full game that is freely available to anyone and has a fully functioning cash shop just begging to take your money. This shit is released, whether DE wants it to be or not. It's high time that they got their shit together and started working on bug fixes and optimization rather than arbitrarily overhauling gameplay mechanics that are already working just fine. And for fuck's sake, stop adding new Warframes.



Nova frame finally finished being built last night.
So far leveled up to rank 12 from just tonight playing around in survival missions.

First ability is pretty nice! great for those sneaking up on you.
Second ability i cant seem to get it to work right. The orb never detonates when i want it to and it drives me nuts.
4th ability is pretty nice, i really need to level up the mod for power range though, i feel it would make this one a ton of fun.

Tomorrow Rhino should be finished in the foundry. Im excited to play around with this frame a lot.

*note* i usually run a Volt frame, and i love the living hell out of it.


Would anyone happen to have any extra Seer Receivers? I have like 4 barrels and 3 blueprints. Probably not good trade bait, but I figured here at GAF we are more about trading to help each other than looking to get the best deal like fantasy football.

All I need to start a Seer build is the receiver!

Also, does anyone have the rest of the parts for the Dakra Prime? Pretty sure I have the handle, but would like to build that as well.


Yeah, considering everything Sony has done correctly with the PS4 it baffles me that some games are being released without trophy support. It's 2013... f2p or not, every single motherfucking game on the PS4 should have trophies.

Curious how you think Trophies would even play out in this game?

I'm actually glad it doesn't have trophies. Discourages trophy hunting and encourages people to play the game the right way.


Curious how you think Trophies would even play out in this game?

I'm actually glad it doesn't have trophies. Discourages trophy hunting and encourages people to play the game the right way.

Head-strong: Acquire 5 duplicate Warframe helmet blueprints consecutively.

Systematic: Acquire 5 duplicate Warframe systems blueprints consecutively.

Chassi-ty: Acquire 5 duplicate Warframe chassis blueprints consecutively.

Experienced: Obtain the bonus affinity log-in reward for either your Primary or Secondary weapons 5 days in a row.

Stoned: Have 5 Gorgon blueprints in your inventory at one time.


Can anyone with access to this node pls invite me?

Monolith (Phobos): Transmit Corrupt Data To Computer Core - 82m - 7600cr - Orokin Catalyst (Blueprint)

nvm. Rushed through Phobos and got 'er done.
I'm actually glad it doesn't have trophies. Discourages trophy hunting and encourages people to play the game the right way.
Considering the effect achievements and trophies have had on multiplayer gaming I'm inclined to agree. I like them for additional meta-objectives in single player though or just to act as milestones for comparison with friends.

As for this "beta," fuck that. Maybe on PC that was made clearer but on PS4 the game I downloaded was called Warframe -- not Warframe Beta or Warframe (Beta). It wasn't in a "beta" or "demos" section, it was in the games section. I downloaded a full game that is freely available to anyone and has a fully functioning cash shop just begging to take your money. This shit is released, whether DE wants it to be or not. It's high time that they got their shit together and started working on bug fixes and optimization rather than arbitrarily overhauling gameplay mechanics that are already working just fine. And for fuck's sake, stop adding new Warframes.
So agreed it hurts. They're charging real money for plat so the "its in beta" description is a little too convenient for DE to hide behind.

What they have here is a tremendous core though, and I do look forward to seeing this game evolve. Its one of the best looking next gen games on the consoles and its also one of the most fun in terms of moment to moment gameplay and in terms of strategic planning. There's a lot to like here, especially gamers with my tastes - where story take a back seat to action and combinations and symmetries in co-op.


Apparently ran into some other GAFers tonight while tackling the Tyl Regor assassination. Went without a hitch.

If there's any room in the clan, I'd love an invite. PSN ID is Rorschach. Usually on at night (EST).


Curious how you think Trophies would even play out in this game?

I dunno, probably exactly like they currently "play out" in the PC game?

Head-strong: Acquire 5 duplicate Warframe helmet blueprints consecutively.

Systematic: Acquire 5 duplicate Warframe systems blueprints consecutively.

Chassi-ty: Acquire 5 duplicate Warframe chassis blueprints consecutively.

Experienced: Obtain the bonus affinity log-in reward for either your Primary or Secondary weapons 5 days in a row.

Stoned: Have 5 Gorgon blueprints in your inventory at one time.



GAF parliamentarian
I really don't think Sony has a 'free to play games can't have trophies' rule. Vita has multiple free to play games with trophies available.

It is, however, a beta and betas certainly can't have trophies given how volatile they are.


Awesome, it should still be up. Trying to rush through the system for now.

I'm home now, looks like the alert is still active for 17 more minutes. I need to take care of a few things and then I'll send you an invite. If anyone else needs one, post here or message me in-game (PSN: molnizzle) and I'll see it when I get back on. As long we START the mission before the countdown ends we're good to go. Don't worry about being low level or ungeared, I can carry you. With Murometz I can take 2 others.

Also, it looks like the event is over and Alad V is unlocked! I'll likely be farming him for Valkyr parts after we finish the alert.


Did it expire yet? BTW, I don't know your PSN ID

Fuck. Missed it by mere seconds. Sorry man, that alert caught me totally off guard while I was out running errands. =(

EDIT: A spot opened up in the clan though, you have been invited. Check my handy guide from last week for instructions on how to accept it if you don't already know.

If there's any room in the clan, I'd love an invite. PSN ID is Rorschach. Usually on at night (EST).

Same goes for you. Accept that shit!

Grimløck;93961822 said:
The fight with Alad V is so bugged. We knocked him off the stage twice and instagibbed him.

Yeah they've been hotfixing the shit out of it on PC. I believe at one point Mag could actually use Pull to yank him (or his minion thing) around the map. I wonder if we can still do that on PS4 since we're not quite up to date? Gonna try it, lol.
man, just having no luck getting a serration mod.

Been farming T2 defense, i hear thats the best place for them to drop. The wiki says grineer but i've seen loot tables that say otherwise. Hope this info is accurate, ive been running without it for too long.


Anyone get Graphical issues with Warframe? I think it might be my PS4. I made a short clip that shows the issue right at the start. It occurs during my missions and only recently started a few days ago.

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I can invite now for this one, at least. I'll hold off for a few minutes before starting in case anyone needs an invite. Reply here or post in clan chat in-game if you want in.

man, just having no luck getting a serration mod.

Been farming T2 defense, i hear thats the best place for them to drop. The wiki says grineer but i've seen loot tables that say otherwise. Hope this info is accurate, ive been running without it for too long.

I have several extra Serrations and I'd be more than happy to give you one. Hit me up in game.


Apparently ran into some other GAFers tonight while tackling the Tyl Regor assassination. Went without a hitch.

If there's any room in the clan, I'd love an invite. PSN ID is Rorschach. Usually on at night (EST).

I think you already have an invite and is pending
Anyone get Graphical issues with Warframe? I think it might be my PS4. I made a short clip that shows the issue right at the start. It occurs during my missions and only recently started a few days ago.

Facebook Link

I've had that happen but it was when zoning between two areas of the large Grineer area with the trains, though it looked exactly like that, it only effected me for that one room.

I have several extra Serrations and I'd be more than happy to give you one. Hit me up in game.

Love mate, sent you a PM.


that 1000 plat is tempting because I see myself playing this for a long time. just don't know what the hell I'd spend it on.


Small issue.
Last night i booted warframe for the first time.

Said something about my NAT type being strict, however my NAT type in my ps4 settings says "type 2"

Is that not accurate?

There was a message in warframe which said what to do to fix that ingame, but i accidently closed it and couldnt find where to go.


I've had that happen but it was when zoning between two areas of the large Grineer area with the trains, though it looked exactly like that, it only effected me for that one room.

For me its more than one room. For that mission, I was happening off and on during the entire mission.

I'll have to throw Killzone in to see if it happen there too.
So finally got enough credits and resources to put the Volt frame in the oven, along with the start of dual Furis (cooking the first of the two single Furis now), and a Wyrm sentinel. Once I'm decked out with nearly all new gear and re-running earlier missions for kicks and leveling up I'll have reached a milestone with this game.

Its also been fun to go back and actually survive Defense, Mobile Defense and Survival missions, though I'm still only tackling the early ones. Still, I can see why people could get hooked. It the performance doesn't go to shit - which is hasn't in these early ones - then it can make for some crazy battles without much downtime at all.

Basically, good times. I may be over the hump, or near enough as doesn't matter.
Small issue.
Last night i booted warframe for the first time.

Said something about my NAT type being strict, however my NAT type in my ps4 settings says "type 2"

Is that not accurate?

There was a message in warframe which said what to do to fix that ingame, but i accidently closed it and couldnt find where to go.

It's asking you to forward two ports, if you boot the game up again it'll tell you. I can not for the life of me get that message to go away, and seem to have a lot of NAT issues with the game despite the PS4 and other software saying i'm in a none strict NAT. Rather frustrating. (even tried switching out routers)

For me its more than one room. For that mission, I was happening off and on during the entire mission.

I'll have to throw Killzone in to see if it happen there too.

Lets hope its not the PS4, but very likely just warframe. Being in beta and a bit rough around the edges.


that 1000 plat is tempting because I see myself playing this for a long time. just don't know what the hell I'd spend it on.
Unless you really love colors and scarves, I don't think there's ever a reason to buy that much plat. I think the 370 plat would suffice.


that 1000 plat is tempting because I see myself playing this for a long time. just don't know what the hell I'd spend it on.

Well, there are currently 19 Warframes that can be acquired in the PS4 version of the game. At 20p a slot, that's 340p total if you want to make room for all of them (and new ones seem to be added every other month or so). There are like 80+ weapons, but you obviously don't need to worry about acquiring all of those at the same time.
Unless you're OCD like me...
Still, an extra 20ish weapon slots would give you some decent breathing room. There's another 120p (price is 12p for two slots), so we're now looking at 460p just for slots.

Then there are potatoes and Forma, obviously. Forma you shouldn't buy until you actually need it as it can be acquired fairly easily running Survival missions in the Void. Still, you'll probably end up buying some if you play the shit out of the game and like to maximize your gear. I had to Forma my Ignis 5 times to give it enough breathing room for when my Serration and Heavy Caliber are maxed. So let's assume that's 100p reserved for Forma. Now we're at 560p. As for potatoes, let's assume you end up getting 10 Orokin Reactors through in-game means (unlikely, but I'm being generous here). That means you'll need to buy 9 more Reactors if you want to potato every Warframe (and you should want to potato every Warframe). There's another 180p, bringing our running total to 740p. The remaining 260p can be your buffer to use on Orokin Catalysts for the weapons you decide to potato, color palettes, scarves, helmets, etc.

tl;dr - The 1000p for $37.49 is a pretty solid deal.

I wish that I had possessed the foresight to buy a bulk platinum pack like that rather than slowly chipping away at it when I needed stuff. I especially wish that I had waited until now so that I could take advantage of this 25% off sale. $37.49 might seem like a lot of money to spend on a game like this, but if you play it like I do then it's really not a bad value. I've already logged over 200 hours with no end in sight. I haven't even unlocked half of the Warframes yet! This is already my most-played game of the past five years.

So finally got enough credits and resources to put the Volt frame in the oven, along with the start of dual Furis (cooking the first of the two single Furis now), and a Wyrm sentinel. Once I'm decked out with nearly all new gear and re-running earlier missions for kicks and leveling up I'll have reached a milestone with this game.

Its also been fun to go back and actually survive Defense, Mobile Defense and Survival missions, though I'm still only tackling the early ones. Still, I can see why people could get hooked. It the performance doesn't go to shit - which is hasn't in these early ones - then it can make for some crazy battles without much downtime at all.

Basically, good times. I may be over the hump, or near enough as doesn't matter.

Hit me up in game if you need someone to carry you through some of those Defense missions. I actually still need a few of the new Damage 2.0 mods that drop from some of the low level Corpus and Grineer so I don't mind. I'm always leveling up new weapons too. At the very least, I can bring you along on some Void missions so you can get Control Modules and help you clear a path on the Star Map so you can farm the right components. I can help get you over the hump a bit faster, if you want!
man, just having no luck getting a serration mod.

Been farming T2 defense, i hear thats the best place for them to drop. The wiki says grineer but i've seen loot tables that say otherwise. Hope this info is accurate, ive been running without it for too long.

I have a spare seration... Do you have split chamber by any chance?


I was beginning to lose interest in the game but that quickly passed now that it's beginning to open up more. I've gotten to rank 2, unlocked more planets, and got a Rhino frame in the works. I can feel the hooks digging deeper. Lord, it's like monster hunter all over again.


Grimløck;93967288 said:
I've had the most fun using Ash from the frames that I have (Mag, Rhino, Volt, Ash). Got Saryn in the oven and Valkyr on deck.

What's a good gun for Ash? I got systems and chassis cooking up at the moment... For melee I suppose Galatine could work and I also got a blueprint for Dark Sword which I hear works for him.

Next up: Saryn. That frame looks so awesome.
I was beginning to lose interest in the game but that quickly passed now that it's beginning to open up more. I've gotten to rank 2, unlocked more planets, and got a Rhino frame in the works. I can feel the hooks digging deeper. Lord, it's like monster hunter all over again.

Same happened to me last weekend. I was pretty over it right away, came back a few weeks later and tried again because I had nothing else to do and boom, once you get over the opening hump it gets you.

They might want to readjust the opening though if they want more people to stick with it longer. It seems to turn a lot of people off fairly quickly.


I'm really struggling with my Loki frame..

its so squishy, i got like 300 shield and 280 hp with 100% shield / hp mod at rank 29.

I'm mostly using it to go invis and revive people and slash stuff up.

other then that, i just shoot and stay back.
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