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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


Capture missions sure did change. Now that one guy who runs ahead of the pack can actually fail the mission for us all if he doesn't capture the dude in time.
Yeeeeeeee-up. Capture missions now require getting two people though so you do get a 2nd chance. I dunno if getting both nets a better reward than only getting one though.


The more I play this the more I think that advanced players who are going to farm in this way should just form their own private groups rather than expect every public player to have the same goals or else. I mean, once you're at that level, and have a clan and/or chatting in-game why rely upon public groups?

Thing is, the game is designed to encourage you to constantly switch up your weapons and Warframes for mastery rank. I have my "main" gear stashed away for when we attempt more difficult missions in clan groups, but most of the time I'm running around in brand new shit just like everyone else in those missions. It doesn't really make sense for me to try and get three other gaffers to drop what they're doing and group up with me just because I built a new rifle. Especially considering that I build a new rifle like every other day. The smart thing to do is just to jump into a lower-tier Survival mission and play with randoms.

A lot of times I'll leave my game set to public just in case I run into some struggling new player who just needs to get past the mission (especially now that the yellow multiplayer doors have been removed from Survival missions). I feel like I'm kinda doing players like that a favor. I could solo the shit if I wanted so if some random is struggling to progress then he'll luck out by being placed in my game -- but if he runs off to extraction and dies then I'm not gonna just halt what I was doing and end the mission. I still want my XP and mission rewards, after all.


Frames are starting to flow in now lol.

I started with Loki - then built Trinity (which is now my main more or less). Trinity is devastating in certain situations. Loki was interesting for a while but got super boring.

Next up in queue is Valkyr, from there I apparently gathered enough parts for Nova and Ember.

Out of the original 200 plat given, I've spent 24 for inventory slots, looks like I'll be on the hook for 40 more for two more Frame slots in about a week.

I'm running into a wall though - most players are either not pushing out to all the further out planets or it's just super hard to find people playing on those planets when I play.

Edit - personal to do list :

Finish Paris Prime
Get an Energy Siphon somehow from one of the Alerts.


Get an Energy Siphon somehow from one of the Alerts.
I need one of these as well. Surely someone on GAF has secured more than one? I'm willing to trade for Rare mods, purely because all my character builds focus on PWR DMG+/PWR Range+/ENG Max+ and having constantly recharging energy is a must for me.

Oh, and FUME - I still have that mod you were after sitting aside. I'll see if I can organise the trade later tonight if you're on when I get home, otherwise it'll have to be on Monday. Remind me which one you were after?

Just as a side query as well - has anyone on here attempted Transmutation with their spare mods? What did you get, and was it worth the cost?


So we're trying to get a clan group going right now to farm Derelict Defense for Mutegen. We need a Nova/Ember for AoE and probably a Rhino for roar.

Any takers?


Is there a beginner's guide to Warframe? I have no problem admitting I'm lost and don't understand the currencies, map, equipment, upgrades, UI etc.


Is there a beginner's guide to Warframe? I have no problem admitting I'm lost and don't understand the currencies, map, equipment, upgrades, UI etc.

We've all been there. The game does an absolutely terrible job of explaining anything.

Start with the video here: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Beginners_Guide

The rest of the article is tailored for the PC version but most of the info is still relevant. You'll eventually become quite familiar with the rest of the Wiki if you continue playing for long. ;-)

EL Beefo

Got a Streamline doing mobile defense on Kappa. Now I just need fleeting expertise for a 25 energy rhino stomp. Guess I'll need to do some nightmare runs.
Does Warframe still have the issue of 'cannot suspend the game while update is downloading' from launch? Because it's updating atm and I'm wondering if I can leave the game and do something else. :/


Acrid done, started Embolist research in the Bio Lab. Dump your Mutegens, people! Also don't bother with the Acrid blueprint for now, it'll require 50 Mutegens to craft and we need that shit for research so we can finish everything up and increase the clan's member cap.


Acrid done, started Embolist research in the Bio Lab. Dump your Mutegens, people! Also don't bother with the Acrid blueprint for now, it'll require 50 Mutegens to craft and we need that shit for research so we can finish everything up and increase the clan's member cap.

35 mutagen and a few hundred circuits.
Capture missions sure did change. Now that one guy who runs ahead of the pack can actually fail the mission for us all if he doesn't capture the dude in time.

The problem is, sometimes that guy running ahead is the only chance the group has. You'll also lose the mission if everyone else decides they need to explore every nook and cranny for storage lockers after you get the message that the capture target has started to run, and you get swamped during th chase.

You just need good coordination now, on both ends of the spectrum.


The problem is, sometimes that guy running ahead is the only chance the group has. You'll also lose the mission if everyone else decides they need to explore every nook and cranny for storage lockers after you get the message that the capture target has started to run, and you get swamped during th chase.

You just need good coordination now, on both ends of the spectrum.

I love my Loki for these missions. A few times I have managed to sneak in through the door he locks himself in to extract and murder him. :D Still a very annoying mission type if you spend all your time running after him and cannot down them quick enough.
I spent way too much time yesterday doing 20min runs in Phalan in hopes of getting a multishot mod. Now I ran a solo T2 exterminate and what do you know, a Split Chamber pops from one of the treasure rooms. I was really hoping for Hell's Chamber but I'm not complaining.

Then I had to abort a rescue mission because the idiot just wouldn't find her way out of a room. Escort missions, ruining games since forever.
I opened a new slot the other day, almost level 30 on my rhino, but I can't decide on what frame to go for next.. wouldn't mind something with better crowd control.. any suggestions would be helpful I have a full ash just ready to build, but I wanted to see what a few of you guys suggested before I dedicate a new slot..


I opened a new slot the other day, almost level 30 on my rhino, but I can't decide on what frame to go for next.. wouldn't mind something with better crowd control.. any suggestions would be helpful I have a full ash just ready to build, but I wanted to see what a few of you guys suggested before I dedicate a new slot..
Nyx seems fun for CC. I currently have her in the oven. Gonna give her a try after I get my Saryn to 30.


Something wrong with game servers? Twice today I've been logged out after mission with 'couldn't save progress'. The second time I lost my first Provoked, Rending Strike and Serration mods... Argggggg
I just solo'd my first T3 survival (10 mins without hp damage) and got two forma blueprints. If I knew it was this easy with the soma, I would have done it sooner.
Something wrong with game servers? Twice today I've been logged out after mission with 'couldn't save progress'. The second time I lost my first Provoked, Rending Strike and Serration mods... Argggggg

Not sure, last night I seen they where having problems with the alerts (was mentioned on twitter..)
It could be server load but not sure..
By the way if anyone has an Android phone there's a really helpful app called Warframe Wiki guide. I use it all the time now to find out how to get certain parts.


So I got a blueprint for a part of the Rhino to drop! Yay!
I cant build it yet as I have none of the parts! Boo!

If I run the boss, will the same blueprint have a chance of dropping? Or is it one and done?


So I got a blueprint for a part of the Rhino to drop! Yay!
I cant build it yet as I have none of the parts! Boo!

If I run the boss, will the same blueprint have a chance of dropping? Or is it one and done?

The Jackal assassination gives you a Rhino part every time...not really a drop, but rather a mission reward. If you do it between 3-7 times, you'll get all of the parts. You will still have to buy the blueprint for the actual frame though.

Most of the bosses work the same way, giving you parts of one specific Warframe.


I opened a new slot the other day, almost level 30 on my rhino, but I can't decide on what frame to go for next.. wouldn't mind something with better crowd control.. any suggestions would be helpful I have a full ash just ready to build, but I wanted to see what a few of you guys suggested before I dedicate a new slot..

I'm enjoying Mag Prime, and I never feel overwhelmed with Frost Prime, but I suspect a lot of people will suggest Nova. If you need to kill a lot of enemies quickly, accept no substitutes. She's fragile though.
Now I know why I'm not getting any redirection drops. I'm simply not fighting the right guys. It's from an elite grineer at level 15. This is gonna be tough I think.

qcf x2

I finally got enough items to upgrade from my inadequate Excalibur warframe. Built and claimed an Ember and a Rhino in the foundry.


And now it doesn't (expletive) show in the Arsenal. It's asking me to buy. Wtf? I tried closing the game out and re-opening, no dice. I hope I didn't waste those hours, if so I'm done with the game.


I finally got enough items to upgrade from my inadequate Excalibur warframe. Built and claimed an Ember and a Rhino in the foundry.


And now it doesn't (expletive) show in the Arsenal. It's asking me to buy. Wtf? I tried closing the game out and re-opening, no dice. I hope I didn't waste those hours, if so I'm done with the game.

You only start the game with two Warframe slots. If you want more than two, you've gotta buy more slots with platinum. They're 20p a piece. You can always just get rid of an old Warframe to clear up a lot... but you should really just buy more.

Where do I get the components for the Rhino? Should I get and farm earth?

Each planet has four primary resources that can be acquired from it. The game lists them for you under its name on the Star Map.


i need to spend more time in the higher end planets, i never have enough control modules.

EDIT: 50 Mutagens? jesus.

Will donate the few i have.

If you need control modules, any of the void missions will give you tons, especially defense or survival where you kill tons of dudes.

qcf x2

You only start the game with two Warframe slots. If you want more than two, you've gotta buy more slots with platinum. They're 20p a piece. You can always just get rid of an old Warframe to clear up a lot... but you should really just buy more.

Each planet has four primary resources that can be acquired from it. The game lists them for you under its name on the Star Map.

I only have one in use, the default Excalibur. Either I don't have another slot or I don't see where to toggle.

Edit: to be clear, I'm going to Arsenal then pressing X (equip) on the Warframe (which is Excalibur, the only warframe I had prior to claiming 2 in the foundry). And the other warframes that show there require purchase, including the 2 I built and claimed (ember and rhino).
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