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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4

So, I just got this ... was excited until I found out it is a bug :/


Did you get it from an Eagle Pack or was it a random drop? Email DE they might give you some special to replace it :p
Same here. Started playing the game 3 days before. Currently on level 14 Excalibur, probably. Still need about 3500 point for Mastery Rank 2. Cleared Mercury and playing on Venus. I just wish I could change my default rifle. Looking to go for Barton Prime or Burston Prime but can't get it until Rank 2 (?) - Any other rifle someone can suggest or these are good overall?

I'm also aiming for the Rhino or Vubhan.

I'm currently fighting Jackal over and over again hoping he'll drop a Rhino part. I've had 3 runs and I have 3 Rhino systems. I have terrible luck.

EL Beefo

So my Galatine is a charged sword, but it takes ages to actually charge. I have reflex coil maxed at 60% and fury at 50%. Anything else I can add to speed things up? By the time I've charged and swung on the big guys I've been hit multiple times.

Do some nightmare runs until you get Focus Energy. It'll give you an extra 40% charge speed plus 60% electric damage.


I'm currently fighting Jackal over and over again hoping he'll drop a Rhino part. I've had 3 runs and I have 3 Rhino systems. I have terrible luck.

Don't hate, but I killed Jackal 3 times total and had all my parts. Took my buddy something like 20 kills...


Good day. Sayrn is out of the over. Just put the Nyx in and got all the parts for a Mag Prime. Need to save up some creds, I'm wiped out.


Holy shit, even the first nightmare mode mission is ridiculous.
Nightmare mode's difficulty depends more on which debuffs you get than the enemies. No shields is the worst. Of course, higher-level enemies will be harder. Try Nightmare survival. Survive for 5 minutes then bolt for the exit.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Good day. Sayrn is out of the over. Just put the Nyx in and got all the parts for a Mag Prime. Need to save up some creds, I'm wiped out.

I'm pernamently broke.

Between cooking up new gear and upgrading those expensive mods, my credits don't last long.
Just been searching on YouTube for good mod combos for my Warframe. Seems like this guy called Tits (lol) knows his stuff, but it's making my head hurt.


Just picked up serration from a random grineer in a Saturn capture mission. I tagged and stood by where it dropped for a good while but everyone just kept racing to the extraction point (I was in the back so I'm sure they all missed it).

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Just picked up serration from a random grineer in a Saturn capture mission. I tagged and stood by where it dropped for a good while but everyone just kept racing to the extraction point (I was in the back so I'm sure they all missed it).

Nice find, congrats!

Serration is one of those uncommon mods that can be quite elusive sometimes.


I never even knew it was rare. I must have had at least 10 Serration's before I even started farming the hard-to-find mods.


Nice find, congrats!

Serration is one of those uncommon mods that can be quite elusive sometimes.

Thanks. It's funny I had never gotten one to drop till now and I just now got another farming neurodes for my pendragon helm. I guess it's just that wacky rng.
The RNG in my copy of Warframe seems to be heavily skewed. I got all the Nekros and Ash parts in exactly three runs, but Orokin Cells are nowhere to be found. Four runs of Lephantis resulted in two cells total. Maybe I could calibrate it with a hammer.

Can you get the Banshee helmet from derelict defense? On the PC the defense reward tables have been changed due to the invasion system, but the PS4 seems to be in a sort of in-between state where most of the regular defense missions rewards have been dropped to tier 2.
Got Nova, Mag Prime and Vauban in the oven.

Only got Ash left to build and a shit load of different helmets, although I have zero parts for Ash so need to start farming for them, and the helmets are going to take a while.

Also need to farm mutagen samples big time, need like 150 of them for personal use and the rest for clan.

Also broke the 1 million credits barrier :D won't last long with the final step of maxing out some mods being 100,000+ credits in some cases.


Any good clans for euro gaf? Just made my first frame(nova) and will get mag prime on sunday.
Also, is latron prime worth for the 10 cells?


Don't hate, but I killed Jackal 3 times total and had all my parts. Took my buddy something like 20 kills...

Same with me today, but I was farming Raptor and got all Nova parts in 3 runs AND got a Split Chamber as the boss drop! Qatmaster and myself couldn't quite believe it :)

Any good clans for euro gaf? Just made my first frame(nova) and will get mag prime on sunday.
Also, is latron prime worth for the 10 cells?
There is no "different clans", only GAFclan, and there'll be more space soon once we finish the research and then upgrade to the next Barracks option.
And yes, Latron Prime is worth it.


Whoa, just downloaded and started playing Warframe.

I could not help but to be reminded of that realtime and/or CG tech demo and supposed game for PS3 that got shown over and over, then canceled, years ago, WarDevil (also called Project Kane) by Digi-guys.






Much like Dark Sector, a game that was an early concept for then-upcoming HD consoles in 2004, WarDevil was shown again & again over the years, but never got released (?).



Whoa, just downloaded and started playing Warframe.

I could not help but to be reminded of that realtime and/or CG tech demo and supposed game for PS3 that got shown over and over, then canceled, years ago, WarDevil (also called Project Kane) by Digi-guys.






Much like Dark Sector, a game that was an early concept for then-upcoming HD consoles in 2004, WarDevil was shown again & again over the years, but never got released (?).


Never heard of it but from skipping around the first trailer looks pretty cool


"@WFAlertsPS4: Mantle (Earth): Protect Sensitive Data - 61m - 5600cr - Orokin Cell (Resource)"

I cannot get it since I haven't unlocked it yet. But invite would be great.


I don't have all the frames but I thought I would review the ones I do have for those new to the game. The wiki provides great detail so always go there for specifics.

Mag: This was my starting frame and I loved it. At first, when I read the power Pull, I didn't see how that was useful but don't give up on that power. It also does damage. It feels wonderful to pull a horde toward and watch them twitch and die on the way. Bullet Attractor is great for several boss fights but I don't seem to use it to often in horde stand offs; normal enemies. I'd rather just pop Crush. The frame doesn't really look great, kinda bland imo. It's one of the starter frames so I wanted to get to the next one quickly.

Rhino: My second frame. This is still my go to "gotta get the mission done" frame. Iron Skin is ridiculously overpowered, one of the few abilities that isn't short lived. You pop it and it stays up until you absorb X damage. Only costs 50 so it's easy to immediately recast it. Rhino Stomp annihilates. It also stuns, great for capture missions. You have a Rhino Charge to get you around which is nice sense the frame itself is on the slow side. And then a team buff to damage output. You really can't ask for much else. I run it as a tank with shield, vitality and armor mods as high as possible. Toss in a Focus and Flow to make sure I can stomp several times. Plus when Iron skin is up he avoids knock downs, since its up pretty much 100% of the time it feels downright odd playing other frames and getting knocked down.

Nekro: Man I want to like this frame. He looks bad ass. I just don't like his abilities. Terror just does nothing for me. Never been a fear mechanic fan. Soul punch it okay but I find it hard to aim and get too many 'invalid target' messages. Usually faster just to shoot them. Desecrate, arguable the frames star ability, needs to be tweaked. The corpses in the game disappear so damn fast you barely have time to get it off for a chance at additional loot. So after a big fight 85% of the corpses have already disappeared by the time you can breathe. I have yet to see an extra mod pop. So ya its nice to have more health and power globes I find at higher levels these are kind of plentiful anyway. The super power summons a bunch of dead enemies to fight for you but you only get 50% of the exp for what they kill. That bugs me. When the Rhino or Nova pops their super power the whole area will die gloriously and they get full exp. I've set him up as a farmer, with Master Thief so he can open containers and Desecrate left and right but as a main stay frame I find him lacking. Looks bad ass I say.

Volt: Nothing quite says death like Lightning Death from the gods. This frame can wipe out entire rooms without even thinking about it. Tad on the squishy side so keep moving and us cover. Kind the classic mage/glass cannon setup unless you go out of your way to mod him for survivability. Though what is dead can't kill you and this frame excels at killing things first. The super speed ability comes in handy but mostly if your speed rushing through a level or saving time to exit the map. I rarely find it useful in the midst of a fire fight. Extra power and efficiency mods bring this guy to the next level.

Nova: Fun as hell to play, maybe its because I made her neon pink. Molecular Prime just devastates the enemy. Turns them all pink, they take 200% more damage and blow up triggering others to blow up when they die. Massive pink explosion of destruction. The Wormhole ability is just plain fun and has gotten me away from quite a few bad spots. The orb power is powerful but I don't find myself using it much. I have 400+ power so I use Molecular Prime a ton. Squishy yes. Null Star orbits little molecules around you which look cool and shoot out as enemies get close. Decent damage but you have to spam it to keep it up. I find that maintenance a little too much. i pop it for fun but not as a main stay ability.

Trinity: Blessing is a good old heal everyone, make them invulnerable and get out of a tight spot ability. The hidden super star is the Well of Life and Energy Vampire combo. Mostly used for boss fights, and not a whole hell of a lot of fun for those in your party. As I understand it, it goes like this. WoL buffs the target to 10 times their max health and any damage they take heals you. It essentially creates a huge health sponge. The heal part isn't what helps, we're focusing on the 10x health. So you cast this of the boss and now their health usually pops to 100% even if they were say at 50% (this confuses the hell out of your party). Then you wait and cast Energy Vampire, this does a percentage of damage based on the enemies max health (not current) and replenished your power with each pulse so you can cast it all again plus a Blessing if needed. So what you might say "his health is at 100%". Well hears the kicker. If you wait the right amount of time between casting WoL and Energy Vampire then WoL wears off but Energy Vampire is still ticking off on the calculation of that increased health percentage.Once that WoL wears off the enemies health drops back down to wear it was before, it doesn't heal them, its a temporary max boost but the EV keeps ticking away at these massive health hits. So the Trinity can destroy bosses but if you're playing with friends and like the action I doubt they'll like the fact they feel kinda useless. I'd much rather see Blessing revive fallen teammates or something.

Vauban: Still getting a feel for thus guy. I don't get Bounce at all. Tesla launches a grenade that sticks and then zaps anything that gets close, plus you can launch more than one. Bastille creates a area of stasis and Vortex sucks in everything close and crushes it. Essentially this frame shines of any defense style mission or survival where you're holding an area to get that time counter as high as possible. Didn't find him much fun for fast moving missions.

Now I have to test out my Nyx and Saryn.
Don't hate, but I killed Jackal 3 times total and had all my parts. Took my buddy something like 20 kills...

Speaking of getting all parts in 3 runs, I just did that this morning. Thought I'd fight Jackel a little and ended up getting the rest of the parts in my next 2 runs. Guess I got lucky there.

I've completed 5 missions so far. You playing solo or squad?

Solo, but online. I usually just team up with whoever the game matches me up with. Now that I'm a little further in the game, I'm meeting a lot of people that are very skilled and go to objectives. Online is pretty great later in the game.

Currently I'm on planet Earth, I think I'm 2 levels away from the boss. I'm trying to get to Saturn so I can farm the items needed to make Rhino.
So I see that you can also level up base powers mods (iron skin). What happens if I lvl up those mods for example Iron Skin? Does it affect their power at all or just their C value, is it a waste of time and money leveling those up?


Much like Dark Sector, a game that was an early concept for then-upcoming HD consoles in 2004, WarDevil was shown again & again over the years, but never got released (?).


Warframe takes place in the same universe as Dark Sector, just a few thousand years in the future. It's actually the game DE originally wanted Dark Sector to be before publishers (and reality) got in the way. The original design document for Dark Sector sounds an awwwful lot like Warframe. If you go back and watch that old first trailer for DS (before it was changed) you'll find that it's basically an Excalibur Warframe fighting off Grineer marines. I'm pretty sure he even calls them "Grineer" in the trailer. Hell, the extraction pod he gets in is practically identical to the ones we now have in Warframe.

EDIT: Here's that trailer from E3 2005. There was no actual game at this point, just this trailer.


Also be sure to check out Klepeck's article from back in February. Warframe is Dark Sector. But wasn't Dark Sector already released? Yes.

Pretty interesting journey this game has taken.
So I see that you can also level up base powers mods (iron skin). What happens if I lvl up those mods for example Iron Skin? Does it affect their power at all or just their C value, is it a waste of time and money leveling those up?

Iron skin absorbs more damage before being depleted as it is upgraded, from a base 400 up to 1200.


Iron skin absorbs more damage before being depleted as it is upgraded, from a base 400 up to 1200.

And that number is boosted by Power Strength Mods IE. Focus.

Speaking of Focus, it refuses to drop for me >.<

Same for Split Chamber. My Soma cries from the lack of Split Chamber.
So close to having every solar system node unlocked for alerts. . . just 4 left in Pluto and 1 in Neptune. Now if I could just never sleep or have to go to work.


So close to having every solar system node unlocked for alerts. . . just 4 left in Pluto and 1 in Neptune. Now if I could just never sleep or have to go to work.

Nice Bro I'm still trying to get all my planets open but I have a nice majority of things open I haven't missed a alert yet. Let me know next time u on we can speed run some planets or w/e


Warframe takes place in the same universe as Dark Sector, just a few thousand years in the future. It's actually the game DE originally wanted Dark Sector to be before publishers (and reality) got in the way. The original design document for Dark Sector sounds an awwwful lot like Warframe. If you go back and watch that old first trailer for DS (before it was changed) you'll find that it's basically an Excalibur Warframe fighting off Grineer marines. I'm pretty sure he even calls them "Grineer" in the trailer. Hell, the extraction pod he gets in is practically identical to the ones we now have in Warframe.

EDIT: Here's that trailer from E3 2005. There was no actual game at this point, just this trailer.


Also be sure to check out Klepeck's article from back in February. Warframe is Dark Sector. But wasn't Dark Sector already released? Yes.

Pretty interesting journey this game has taken.

Holy fucking shit, this is just too unreal.

Here I was thinking Warframe might be WarDevil, and it turns out it's that other game, Dark Sector, that was released, but.. damn. I need to do some reading, now.
Nice Bro I'm still trying to get all my planets open but I have a nice majority of things open I haven't missed a alert yet. Let me know next time u on we can speed run some planets or w/e

Back to work today, so I won't be on until later (PST), but we should be able to team up this weekend.
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