One thing I've observed in CTF games: Why are people not attacking the invading vehicle immediately?
- You're destroying their escape-with-your-flag vehicle.
- You may kill the driver as well.
Unload your grenades, the map will spawn more and you'll keep your flag safe. Machine gun and pistol are last ditch efforts against a vehicle, use them grenades. Although I managed to take out a Warhawk with my machine gun while my team mates were drawing fire.
Also, it's funny how many ground troop teamkills, that aren't accidents (
HAY GUY LET ME JUMPS IN FRONT OF UR JEEPS!), happen in this damn game.
I was waiting for invaders near our camp, when my own douchebag team mate ran up and grenaded the shit out of me. Guys. Guys.
Get off your 13" Black & White television! Incognito couldn't have made the visual differences between Eucadian and Chernovian troops any more distinct. >:O