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Warhawk - The Official Thread


I'll put up GAF_GMT(#5)-CTF/ZNS around 12:00 GMT+1 if anyone wants to get in. Will only be around a little while to kick people.


Yixian said:
They really need to fix scoring on CTF. Defenders can rack up huge scores with far less effort than an attacker.

Place a mine by the flag, chill in the background until some poor bastard has fought his way over the entire map, dodging turrets, grabbed the flag, dodged gunfire all the way to a jeep, and then boom, he dies. The defender goes and stands by the flag for a few seconds, and boom -

Defender has 11 points for that.

Attacker has 5.




I just had a game where some guy called Turregan did exactly that the entire game, only he didn't even bother to plant mines, he just waited for other people to take down the carrier and then stood by the flag. He had 0 combat points, 0 flag captures, and 100-and-something team points... so that's all he did. He came first for doing that. I captured the flag twice and he came first, for standing by the fucking flag, 10 times.

Totally agree. It's the main reason why I don't really play CTF anymore; the scoring system is fucked :X

*goes back to playing Deathmatch :) *
Yixian said:
They really need to fix scoring on CTF. Defenders can rack up huge scores with far less effort than an attacker.

Place a mine by the flag, chill in the background until some poor bastard has fought his way over the entire map, dodging turrets, grabbed the flag, dodged gunfire all the way to a jeep, and then boom, he dies. The defender goes and stands by the flag for a few seconds, and boom -

Defender has 11 points for that.

Attacker has 5.

I'm all for spoiling the rewards for effective defense. I wish more objective based shooters did that in the past to be honest. It gives incentive to play both sides of the field.

And besides, if you haven't figured out you need to mine sweep the general vicinity of the flag by now you deserve to step onto your doom. ;) I get a kick chucking a grenade by a flag and seeing the campers' trap pop like Jiffy.


hukasmokincaterpillar said:
I'm all for spoiling the rewards for effective defense. I wish more objective based shooters did that in the past to be honest. It gives incentive to play both sides of the field.

And besides, if you haven't figured out you need to mine sweep the general vicinity of the flag by now you deserve to step onto your doom. ;) I get a kick chucking a grenade by a flag and seeing the campers' trap pop like Jiffy.

hm, i honestly rarely encounter mines in the games i play, and i mostly play in SCEA and GAF servers. Im usually in a hawk or turrets, but still. I dont even know where the mines are on the map :(

the occasional time that i go for the flag though, ive never run into a mine trap. weird...


Yixian said:
They really need to fix scoring on CTF. Defenders can rack up huge scores with far less effort than an attacker.

Place a mine by the flag, chill in the background until some poor bastard has fought his way over the entire map, dodging turrets, grabbed the flag, dodged gunfire all the way to a jeep, and then boom, he dies. The defender goes and stands by the flag for a few seconds, and boom -

Defender has 11 points for that.

Attacker has 5

I normally make a good defensive perimeter around my flag before I go out to capture the other flag. :p

It sucks sometimes, should get points for escorting the flag carrier on the ground, sometimes I play a supporting role in CTF and get crap all points to show for it because of my good gesture. :/

Zones are annoying sometimes though yesturday I was playing Archipeligro and I took a few Zones to extend the Zones in the middle of the map, but no-one took advantage of that and we eventually lost out that match after leading through most of it, I felt like screaming at times.


I think it was Yixian who said it, and I agree. People rarely go for the enemy base in Zones. I could see why in small maps, but otherwise?

Server will be up in like 5 minutes.


Ceb said:
I think it was Yixian who said it, and I agree. People rarely go for the enemy base in Zones. I could see why in small maps, but otherwise?

I didn't even know you could.


nofi said:
I didn't even know you could.

Yeah you can lower the enemies base to level 1 where you can make the ones next to it a level three if you've got a chain level 2 if you haven't, I broke the chain, but no-one else took advantage of it.

I'm getting the hang of how Zones work, but it's very hard to play when everyone else cuddles themselves together into one place.


Steroyd said:
Yeah you can lower the enemies base to level 1 where you can make the ones next to it a level three if you've got a chain level 2 if you haven't, I broke the chain, but no-one else took advantage of it.

I'm getting the hang of how Zones work, but it's very hard to play when everyone else cuddles themselves together into one place.

There's still the communication thing, IMO. Last night the only American I could understand was Safe Bet. Everyone else spoke too quietly/quickly/through paper towels. So I just sat at the base, weeping.


My talking is quick because I have it in my head that I only have a ten second window, and it doesn't feel right talking to my eye-toy, why doesn't my headset delivery hurry the hell up.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Yixian said:
I wouldn't mind equal points even, but 10 points versus 5 points is just... what was Incog thinking?

Maybe as an attacker you have more chances to get Team points and "assists" so that kinda compensate? Did you count the bonus points too?
Ooooo, I can make a 32 player server, fiber optic FTW

32 Player GAF_Asia server will be up in 10 mins

No password

BTW, if the server becomes full, how do I remove unwanted players? Is there some sort of admin menu?


marvelharvey said:
Ooooo, I can make a 32 player server, fiber optic FTW

32 Player GAF_Asia server will be up in 10 mins

No password

BTW, if the server becomes full, how do I remove unwanted players? Is there some sort of admin menu?

If it's a dedicated game, you'll see a list of players on both teams. You can select their name, and choose whether to kick or ban them from your server.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
marvelharvey said:
Ooooo, I can make a 32 player server, fiber optic FTW

32 Player GAF_Asia server will be up in 10 mins

No password

BTW, if the server becomes full, how do I remove unwanted players? Is there some sort of admin menu?

If you make a dedicated server you wont be able to play, but you can ban people from the Stats screen. I dont think u can do that if you set up a Player server (one in which u can play).
Well, I can't even log in, another quality evening provided by Incognito. Can not even ONE night go by without issues?

Sorry guys, I'm going to forget about running a GAF_Asia server until these bugs are ironed out. My patience has gone.


GAF_GMT(#1) is online now :) 12 players ranked. I won't be able to kick/ban anyone (leaving the house) so please grab spots while you can (lol)
My first game today was awful... Forgot about friendly fire an placed mines by our flag... -26 points! Finally managed to get +22 before the end of the round. Sorry for that!

User 406

The likely reason for retaking the flag being worth more than taking the enemy flag is because it takes 20 seconds of standing by your flag to return it, but you can just touch the enemy flag to pick it up. I've had a lot of moments where we had killed the flag carrier and were standing by the flag with just seconds to go, when some guy from the other team just runs through with knife equipped or just hopped down off a wall so we didn't see him coming and snags it. Then we have to start the process all over again.

Picking up the flag is easy, returning it is hard, and the score reflects that. Those of you who love to do kamikaze solo warhawk drops on the enemy flag without taking out the base defenses for an easy five points and low percentage chance of getting out of the base need to understand that you're handing the defenders a very high percentage chance of an easy 10 point flag return. :p And to be fair, those runs are very necessary to keep the pressure on. But when you're playing as a team, it doesn't matter how many rank points or whatever the enemies are getting, what matters is whether you get more flag captures or more zone points or more team deathmatch kills. If they want to sit in their base all day and scum rank points that's fine with me, because that makes it easier for my team to win the game.


Yixian said:
Depending on the map it can be easier or harder. Eucadia is a piece of piss for example.
Really? I think Eucadia is the easiest, especially getting out of the base since there are many jeeps around and you can easily spot the mines. The area around the flag is so mountainous, it's easy to sneak in and take it. The only hard part is the long drive back but if you have support it should be easy. Badlands is impossible to get out effectively and there is usually many mines around. Same with Destroyed Capitol. Island Outpost is a little easier but again, hidden mines and lack of vehicles. Archipelago is very hard to get a vehicle if the other team actually uses the jeeps but this map is the easiest to capture with no support. There is always a lot of people around that flag too.

Yixian said:
I wouldn't mind equal points even, but 10 points versus 5 points is just... what was Incog thinking?
Hey, this is the least of the problems, how about stats that record? :lol

Yixian said:
That's true, you can find ways to clear the way, but I don't think we're rewarded enough for that. 5 points for the preparation, grabbing the flag, getting to a jeep, getting past the tank that is invariably waiting at the gates, possibly getting all the way to the other end of the map before being taken out, still only buys you 5 points.
Always take out tanks from the air if they are there.. if your team doesn't have many bases and the map is on large mode, fortunately, the other team is not likely to be camped at their own base as driving a tank from there is slow to the other side.
Yixian said:
That's another thing, you should have points for how long you hold the flag or something, because if you drop it even a meter from your own flag, some other dude picks it up and scores 25 while you've still got your measly 5.
Yeah, that'd be good but likely abused to raise stats if you are on a friendly server.

Yixian said:
I'm ranting, but that game with Tarregen was so lame, he literally did nothing but stand by the flag. He didn't kill a single person, he didn't grab or capture the flag once, he just chilled at base until someone else's mine took out the carrier then went and got 10 free points for it.
Well someone has to do the boring work, I bet those points didn't even record anyway.


kay said:
Oh it looked like complaining it was hard from the tank comment.

NP. I need to play this more offline I think before going back onto online games. I realised last night I have no idea what I'm actually doing, and my lame defense skills, whilst good enough against noobs, make me look like a prick when it's Yixian and Click bearing down on me avoiding every single missile.

I ventured out once, in the gun turret of a full tank, for about 2 minutes at the end of one game and it was an enormous rush of excitement, I even killed a few guys with my assault rifle. Maybe I should play more like that.
dangit! All those great ribbons i earned, and rank i leveled last night still didn't show up in my profile this morning :( It still has me as never played a rank server.



nofi said:
NP. I need to play this more offline I think before going back onto online games. I realised last night I have no idea what I'm actually doing, and my lame defense skills, whilst good enough against noobs, make me look like a prick when it's Yixian and Click bearing down on me avoiding every single missile.

I ventured out once, in the gun turret of a full tank, for about 2 minutes at the end of one game and it was an enormous rush of excitement, I even killed a few guys with my assault rifle. Maybe I should play more like that.
My advice would be to focus on doing one thing depending on game type and learn from what others are doing and how they are successful. Back in the beginning, I could never use the TOW missile or even fly that well. But as I started just focusing on the flying aspect in some games, even in CTF, it became much easier. I already knew how to handle ground situations from a while ago since the pistol and grenades were a lot more powerful in the beta so I chose that usually when attacking.

Don't sit in turrets either, you can't get any better doing that.


gketter said:
dangit! All those great ribbons i earned, and rank i leveled last night still didn't show up in my profile this morning :( It still has me as never played a rank server.

It hasn't been updating for days, I wouldn't play for stuff right now.


Did PSN just take a dump? There's so many empty ranked servers right now it's not even funny.

And I got promoted to Sergant for my second time in a row.

User 406

To expound further, rank/point scummers are going to scum, no matter what the point scale is. There's no magic point balance that is going to make these people suddenly become effective team players. If both flag captures and returns were changed to an even 5 points each, that guy Yixian mentioned that hung around his base would probably start just boosting in a warhawk into the enemy base, touching the flag, and waiting to die so he could do it again.

Trying to adjust the scoring to account for point scummers that are abusing the current system is just going to make them change to a new way of scumming. Far better to have scoring values that make sense when playing the game properly.

If you're still thinking about how hard it is to get that flag back to base, think of the poor bastards on defense who get cleared out in a proper base attack. After respawning, they have to scramble to get in warhawks to catch the jeep that's now a good distance away and in the meantime the team on offense has a screen of warhawks already covering the jeep. Now they have to kill the jeep, defeat or drive off the screen, and then stand by the flag for a solid 20 seconds deep in enemy territory, all for a measly 10 points. :p

User 406

Oni Jazar said:
I just got back from my vacation over the long weekend and I see I got an invite to GAFe II? Did GAFe get split in two?

GAFe II is the temporary solution to the clan invite problem. We're still all GAFe, but for the moment we had to be split into two groups. Once they fix the invite bug we can consolidate.


kay said:
My advice would be to focus on doing one thing depending on game type and learn from what others are doing and how they are successful. Back in the beginning, I could never use the TOW missile or even fly that well. But as I started just focusing on the flying aspect in some games, even in CTF, it became much easier. I already knew how to handle ground situations from a while ago since the pistol and grenades were a lot more powerful in the beta so I chose that usually when attacking.

I hate flying, and probably always will, but I know I need to get out there more and actually attack. I guess I play it like I only have one life, if that makes any sense.

kay said:
Don't sit in turrets either, you can't get any better doing that.



Sea Manky said:
GAFe II is the temporary solution to the clan invite problem. We're still all GAFe, but for the moment we had to be split into two groups. Once they fix the invite bug we can consolidate.

Didn't know this, but thanx for the info!


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I'm sorry this guy Tarregen was a lamer in the game you played Yixian, but when I'm on base/flag defense, I'm ACTIVE about it. So I want my points.


HAHAHA,I was playing some server and I was pwning the other team with binoculars and sniper rifle at base #4 overlooking the enemy base.They tried to kill me but I suffer no deaths at all so they kick me out instead.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
nofi said:

I don't get it.

I don't get it, either. Who spends money on a PS3, buys Warhawk, and then spends his time Team-killing? The other night I witnessed an even more bizarre occurrence. On one of the archipelago maps some douche on my team climbed the ladders up to where the missile turret and such was and repeatedly kept blowing them up, along with anyone who happened to want to use them to, you know, combat the enemy.



nofi said:

I don't get it.

Is there not an option to turn team kills off for ranked games? This is why I play with clans now. Gaf mostly. I hated socom for this.

That's it. i'm giving in. bestbuy.ca is taking forever to ship my copy. I'm just going to have to get it at their B&M store at full price. :(

I don't want to miss out on any more action.


Big Nate said:
I don't get it, either. Who spends money on a PS3, buys Warhawk, and then spends his time Team-killing? The other night I witnessed an even more bizarre occurrence. On one of the archipelago maps some douche on my team climbed the ladders up to where the missile turret and such was and repeatedly kept blowing them up, along with anyone who happened to want to use them to, you know, combat the enemy.


I think its kids that can't achieve anything in the game so along with there friends try & find ways to disrupt others playing & enjoying the game.
I had one of these idiots (on my team) in a Dog Fight server last Thursday. He kept trash talking & screaming in his headset, I told him to shut up, and he spent 15 minutes trying to shoot me down, so lame!


djkimothy said:
Is there not an option to turn team kills off for ranked games?

No idea, but it's always happened on games I've played in. Especially ones were you're allowed to switch teams - if you're hiding out someone will switch to your team, TK you, then fuck off back to their own team.

I just switch it off and play Piyotama with the chickens.

Scumbags. I wonder if the PSN 'block players' thing works with Warhawk?


i dont think you can turn team kill off for ranked games. There were games where i wish i could have reached through the TV and beat the shit out of the asshole who would wait until the flag was about 5 seconds away from being captured, come knife me, and get the 10 pts. After i fucking hunted the son of a bitch down who took the flag, and killed 3 guys in order to be able to stand next to it for the 20 seconds it takes.

Anyway... i didnt get a chance to play this long weekend, too many things on my "list" to get done around the house. Nights for the rest of the week are all mine though!


Yixian said:
They really need to fix scoring on CTF. Defenders can rack up huge scores with far less effort than an attacker.
Place a mine by the flag, chill in the background until some poor bastard has fought his way over the entire map, dodging turrets, grabbed the flag, dodged gunfire all the way to a jeep, and then boom, he dies. The defender goes and stands by the flag for a few seconds, and boom -
Defender has 11 points for that.
Attacker has 5.
I just had a game where some guy called Turregan did exactly that the entire game, only he didn't even bother to plant mines, he just waited for other people to take down the carrier and then stood by the flag. He had 0 combat points, 0 flag captures, and 100-and-something team points... so that's all he did. He came first for doing that. I captured the flag twice and he came first, for standing by the fucking flag, 10 times.

Well i'm sorry but i work hard for my points... I hate the douchebags who just sit in the base and wait for the flag to be captured and then walk on the flag for 10 easy points.. but do nothing to prevent the actual flag capture..

At least I'm strategically placing mines... Manning the turrents ... then launching rockets on foot when I hear the TOW missle coming.. Avoiding the lightning strikes to make it to the rocket spawn so I can take out the Warhawks... Dumping the jeeps so the attacker can't escape easily... flaming the attackers and their tanks and other vehicles if they get to close...

And after all of that when Click and Yixian and Freshair finally get the flag.. I have to jump in a frickin war hawk... Try to kill the 3 warhawks that are providing cover for the flag carrier in his jeep... THen Kill the flag carrier with just my Machine gun... Then jump out 2 feet from enemy territory to try to reset my flag because the other douchebags wont come to help... I fight for every defense...I deserve my points :D


PS3 update 1.92 change list

-More network time out errors
-No Warhawk for MiG
-We are Sony. Love us MiG. We gave you PS and PS2.


kaching said:
I'm sorry this guy Tarregen was a lamer in the game you played Yixian, but when I'm on base/flag defense, I'm ACTIVE about it. So I want my points.

I'm not saying you shouldn't get points for defense, but not a full 100% more than what we attackers get. And they should swap the big points from "saving the flag" to "killing the dude with the flag", that way only the guy who has actually done anything gets the points, ie. you and not Tarregan ;) Grabbing the flag can often be very easy, but no easier, and no harder than littering the place with mines - the two should get 5 points a piece, 10 points for either one of them is too much, 10 points for one and not the other is just mental.

Also, support gets practically no reward for it's efforts. I don't know how you'd fix that, but they have it worst of all.
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