Yixian said:I'm not saying you shouldn't get points for defense, but not a full 100% more than what we attackers get. And they should swap the big points from "saving the flag" to "killing the dude with the flag", that way only the guy who has actually done anything gets the points, ie. you and not Tarregan Grabbing the flag can often be very easy, but no easier, and no harder than littering the place with mines - the two should get 5 points a piece, 10 points for either one of them is too much, 10 points for one and not the other is just mental.
Also, support gets practically no reward for it's efforts. I don't know how you'd fix that, but they have it worst of all.
the reward is that warm fuzzy feeling you get inside that no matter what the score says, your role was greatly appreciated in the overall scheme of things. Hey, if i can help get a flag back to base, or run down a flag carrier while someone is in our base waiting with teh enemy flag, i'm happy to do it, points be damned