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Warhawk - The Official Thread

carlos said:
gaf east )click's server) has a few gaffers on it now; join if you can !

IrishFigg! I'm really sorry about the TK :(

You TKed me twice! :lol
I was like "Shit, this guy must really hate me on GAF!" :D

It's ok. I accidentally tagged some dudes on accident, as well. Shit gets crazy when you're in a tank.


TheJollyCorner said:
You TKed me twice! :lol

It's ok. I accidentally tagged some dudes on accident, as well. Shit gets crazy when you're in a tank. :D

My apologies again, once was backing up in the tank (the camera didn't let me see you), the other was running you over in a jeep (when I was actually slowing down next to you to see if you wanted to get on) ....suddenly you went splat :(


I havent' picked up Warhawk yet, as my internet was down due to moving... I'm getting it tomorow however. (was in beta)

But are there any open spots? I live in central US. (montana :( )
so could there be any way that I'm screwing something up, which is why I'm not getting stat updates?

-Do I have to play a minimum time limit of two hours?
-Am I 'quitting' the wrong way?
-Do SCEI servers not rank, even though they say they do?
-Am I not logging out properly?

Fucking christ... there's gotta be something. I got a shit-ton (not bragging) of medals and ribbons tonight and it still says I haven't played since Aug. 31.


Same thing that's happening to me; it says I haven't played on a ranked server and all my stats are at zero (when it had previously recorded around 15 hours, out of around 25)
The stats issue was briefly solved on sept. 8, when the stats came back and updated instantly, but after a few games that same day they stopped updating instantly, and then they have been at zero since.

I don't think its a matter of logging out in a special way, or something we're doing wrong, it's just Incog and their bugs and shitty stats server.

If the stats that were recorded don't return when they get their act together, I'll seriously think of selling the game while its still got some value....

On an unrelated note; It's not possible for 2 people to have the same PSN name right? I ask because I've played against a "carlos" in Warhawk, and that's my PSN name...at the moment I'm [Gafe]carlos due to the clan thing, but if I left the clan and went back to plain "carlos"? what the hell? would there be 2 of us (or possibly more) with the same warhawk name/and psn name?
carlos said:
On an unrelated note; It's not possible for 2 people to have the same PSN name right? I ask because I've played against a "carlos" in Warhawk, and that's my PSN name...at the moment I'm [Gafe]carlos due to the clan thing, but if I left the clan and went back to plain "carlos"? what the hell? would there be 2 of us (or possibly more) with the same warhawk name/and psn name?

Another glitch.

I had an IrishFigg on my team once. Two of us. It was hilarious. We even got in the same jeep together... it was very surreal. It lasted for about two games. :lol


heh, that's weird, for a second there when "carlos kills carlos" I expected a time paradox or something...yeah...its happened on a couple of different occasions..he better not get my stats! :[

edit: no, it wasn't the 2 player online thing

mr stroke

RedeyeZZ said:
Are you guys still having problems with your profile updating.
I'm always getting bumped back to Recruit. Pretty shitty...

ya I know that they say they are working on a fix but come on Incog its been 2 weeks!!!!! my stats still aren't working right...errrr please fix them already


Yeah, those were some great games, and that OUTRUNNING A HUGE FUCKING FIREBALL OF EXPLODING TANKS AND JEEPS AND WARHAWKS right near the end of that last CTF match was the most spectacular thing I've ever been in, ever. So nice to be in a game with multiple gaffers again. <3 <3 <3

That was absolutely mental :D

I got in a tank with about 1 hit left one it, jumped out and had it explode 2 secs later, then EVERYTHING just seemed to go BANG and there was debris and explosions everywhere, I kept wondering "why am I not dead yet" only to survive the carnage and get shot by you.

Getting hit by Wasabi 1 second after lining his cockpit up in the sniper sights was also one of the most infuriating moments yet, nearly had a controller thru TV episode haha :p

I can't, I'm running it as ranked dedicated. I just leave it on overnight for people to play on. :X

Yeah Vennt, when I managed to get the flag the first time, there was no transport around, so I figured I'd run as far as I could, then OH SHIT A TANK then a warhawk tipped it to the side so it couldn't hit me and I was tossing grenades and there's two jeeps trying to run me over and more exploding tanks and warhawks and I can't BELIEVE I'm still alive and I manage to run along the edge of two of those big rock pillars to avoid the jeeps until I finally get gunned down.

Then I respawn quickly nearby, run back down to the battle and EVEN MORE shit is just piling up, everything is exploding all around, the flag gets dropped and I pick it up again and there's another tank but it's on fire and my grenade kills it and explosion after explosion and I'm still alive debris raining out of the sky from dead warhawks and BOOM I'M DEAD.

At that point there was hardly anyone left alive in the area and the guy who got the flag got it safely in.

Man, I need a cigarette.

That just about perfectly encapsulates Warhawk's insane CTF when 2 evenly matched teams working (at least somewhat) well together goes at it. :D I think it's the most frenetic and fun CTF I've ever played, even ahead of LM-CTF and the huge other Quake era mods. Sounds like you guys had a good time, I was as I mentioned pissing around in DM servers trying to awards. Wish I'd skipped it and looked for you guys.

And, whew on the bandit 4x4. I'm sure I got more than 5 guys that round but didn't get the badge (I did get a vehicle combat badge) but if it didn't count it than I least I know playing a plain DM server will work next time. As soon as I get that badge I go up like 3 ranks

Miguel: <MiG> haha
<Sea_Manky> I took out a tank with my grenades
<Sea_Manky> Fucking SICK
<MiG> I had warhawks on my ass for the whole fucking way back from the other base
<Sea_Manky> Too bad about our shitty chatty teammates
<MiG> yeah
<MiG> I think I'm done for right now
<MiG> that was intense
<Sea_Manky> Me too
<MiG> lol
<MiG> holy shit
<Sea_Manky> I can't top that last battle sequence. :X
<MiG> I'm flying down the roads on a jeep trying to evade warhawks<MiG> then I get blasted and I see the other team grab the flag I'm like fuck no not this late in the round...
<MiG> so I hunt him down in a warhawk
<MiG> recover
<MiG> and then narcotic scored
<MiG> :D
<priz> MiG: I hate you. YOu're making me want to buy the game. :)
<Sea_Manky> priz: It is THAT good.
<Sea_Manky> Seriously, I've never seen anything like that
<MiG> lol
<Sea_Manky> It was like being in the center of 10 action movies
<MiG> seriously like 20 people all in one spot
<MiG> jeeps
<MiG> tanks
<MiG> warhawks
<MiG> on foot
<ddk> shit
<Sea_Manky> tanks jeeps and warhawks all converging and blowing the fuck upo
<ddk> 10:45 and i'm still at home
<MiG> all trying to defend/capture the flag
<ddk> i need to go to work
<MiG> right near the base where we're about to score


Best fucking match ever.
Recap 4 years later of the best match ever...

User 406

carlos said:
If the stats that were recorded don't return when they get their act together, I'll seriously think of selling the game while its still got some value....

Nooooooooo, you're a good player! We need you to play and the teamkilling stat whores to quit. :(


Had some awesome Dog Fights last night, finally getting more kills. There are some insanely skilled guys out there, some guy named beernutz was on a killing rampage against me the other night! Can't wait to play more tonight!
so am i doing something wrong or does the headset really suck? or is just warhawk? I got the headset for prologue but it doesnt seem to be good at all...should I turn the volume to 5? will that make my voice louder to others as well? /20questions


Lion Heart said:
so am i doing something wrong or does the headset really suck? or is just warhawk? I got the headset for prologue but it doesnt seem to be good at all...should I turn the volume to 5? will that make my voice louder to others as well? /20questions

I'm not having a problem with headset at all. I'm getting everything pretty clear & people don't seem to have a problem hearing me either.


shagg_187 said:
WTF happened to the fucking game!

I was out for a week, and next thing you know, everyone is playing like complete assholes!

Everyone is team-killing. Killing for the flag in a ranked server! How fucked up can that be...

No teamwork, nothing...

I wanna play in GAF servers... SCEA servers are full of teamkillers :(

I started seeing this over the weekend on some SCEA servers too. It was quite unreal.

Well, not as unreal as the people who take the flag then run away (!!) instead of capturing it. Gah.


last night I saw some asshole rocket not one but 2 teammates that where in AA guns defending our base. So I walked up and stabbed him in the throat :lol

I've also had people empty a machine gun clip at me (not even carrying the flag mind you I was defending ours!) then I yell "SAME TEAM ASSHOLE!" into the mic, they reload and keep firing!

And yeah I checked this morning and none of the games I played on GAF_east tracked :(

Maybe they just got a little to ambitious with the stats? It is tracking a ton of shit (when it works) All I really need is K/D ratio and team points...


I'm starting to get bored with this game. Three vehicles, five maps, crappy teamwork on SCEA servers, and unreliable stat tracking is getting old. If they don't release more maps I'm probably not going to play it anymore after Halo 3 and the winter onslaught of games hits :(


y'all should be ashamed
Aleman said:
I'm starting to get bored with this game. Three vehicles, five maps, crappy teamwork on SCEA servers, and unreliable stat tracking is getting old. If they don't release more maps I'm probably not going to play it anymore after Halo 3 and the winter onslaught of games hits :(

What type of games are you playing? I got a bit fatigued after playing the 32 player maps...but try getting on the 24/16/8 player official maps. They're a whole new dynamic and a TON of fun, with a lot more strategy.


y'all should be ashamed
Steroyd said:
A party system is all it needs to survive the onslaught of new online games, the clock is ticking Incognito. :/

Unless it's built into the Home overlay, I doubt it'll make it's way into the game. It's just too large a feature to be magically added.


chubigans said:
Unless it's built into the Home overlay, I doubt it'll make it's way into the game. It's just too large a feature to be magically added.

Yeah but can't they just ask Sony for some help. Better yet ask Insomniac, I'm sure they would help them out especially if asked by Sony & given some cash!


I love the game mostly, but I'm not sure it'll attain the sort of long-term online following something like Resistance had/has. I'm going to assume the continuing stats bugs and other annoyances will be fixed soon, but the lack of a few matchmaking options and maybe another map or two will hinder it long term. I'm personally fairly sure that my Warhawk time will plummet once COD4 comes out for sure. ;)

I haven't had much in the way of totally awful matches, but you're always going to get some clunkers. Maybe COD 3 helped increase my tolerance for dubiously 'accidental' TKing and general chat bitchiness and whining.


What are the advantages of using 'pro' controls when flying warhawks??

I've read that it gives you a greater sense of your surroundings and helps keep your target in your sights easier, but when I tried using it I found one problem. Since the right stick is now used to pitch your aircraft how the hell are you supposed to perform the evasive manuevers??


Smokey Bones said:
What are the advantages of using 'pro' controls when flying warhawks??

I've read that it gives you a greater sense of your surroundings and helps keep your target in your sights easier, but when I tried using it I found one problem. Since the right stick is now used to pitch your aircraft how the hell are you supposed to perform the evasive manuevers??

The point of pro mode is that you can perform the evasive maneuvers MANUALLY, like a pro, by combining pitch with left stick AND right stick to give greater pitch and spin.


Steroyd said:
I've been recommended for a Wingman promotion what the hell does that even mean?
:lol There was disagreement among the officers apparently. General D.Jobe will make the final call.


one thing that is annoying about the pro flight mode is that it still auto turns for you. Why didn't they just make it like a true pitch/roll controls. I fucking hate push left to turn left flight controls. hmmm I just thought of something... if you swapped the L/R sticks would this give you no auto turn?

Isn't the pitch control on the right stick the quick loop though? might lose some precision but it would be worth it if I could fly like Chuck Yeager intended :D


Firewire said:
Play some Dog Fights, I have some missiles that want to say hello! :lol

Congrats & welcome to a great machine & great game!


It's my first 'new-gen' machine. I have a TV coming as well, but I'm standard def. for now.

I've been flying around just trying to get used to the Warhawk-- I think I'm going to spend some time flying around in local server. :D


Havoc said:
this stats nonsense is pissing me off. Wouldn't that have been the easiest part of the game to implement?
No, there are some difficulties when it comes to stat tracking - however, they shouldn't pride themselves on how many stats they can track (I remember a few videos/segments online were dedicated to how many stats they could track) if it's going to be like this.

I'm still giving them a month to fix the kinks before I move on to other games - it took Insomniac 3 weeks before my stats even kept even once, and that was during launch.


A month to fix the kinks, greg? I don't think I have your patience....not with all the fall games coming out; I fear the online community will decrease greatly with halo/uncharted/cod4/UT3/cough,cough...lair...and all the other newer games coming out

Is anyone gonna be online later today?

Also, can someone point me in the right direction to find those goddamn binoculars? I havent seen them once in over 30 hours, yet they're being used against me constantly :(


carlos said:
A month to fix the kinks, greg? I don't think I have your patience....not with all the fall games coming out; I fear the online community will decrease greatly with halo/uncharted/cod4/UT3/cough,cough...lair...and all the other newer games coming out

Is anyone gonna be online later today?

Also, can someone point me in the right direction to find those goddamn binoculars? I havent seen them once in over 30 hours, yet they're being used against me constantly :(

Depends on the map, but there often located in the same kind of places than sniper rifles
Flo_Evans said:
one thing that is annoying about the pro flight mode is that it still auto turns for you. Why didn't they just make it like a true pitch/roll controls. I fucking hate push left to turn left flight controls. hmmm I just thought of something... if you swapped the L/R sticks would this give you no auto turn?

Isn't the pitch control on the right stick the quick loop though? might lose some precision but it would be worth it if I could fly like Chuck Yeager intended :D

In pro-flight you have pitch/roll controls on the right stick, so you could just swap L/R if you like.


Suckin' dicks since '66
Havoc said:
this stats nonsense is pissing me off. Wouldn't that have been the easiest part of the game to implement?

Yes yes it is, its pissed me off as well if this game wasn't super great I would of quit already. They have not counted 4000 of my points I count them dammit every freaking session. I should be close to hitting wing leader this is really ticking me off! Come on Incog or what ever is left of it FIX IT PRONTO!


Suckin' dicks since '66
DemonSwordsman said:
my stats always update. but not right away. Theyll update the next time i log in. Besides its not a big deal. Who cares.

Its all about rank man and for me its hell of important.


DemonSwordsman said:
my stats always update. but not right away. Theyll update the next time i log in. Besides its not a big deal. Who cares.

Consider yourself lucky if they're updating;

"who cares"?

Go play Calling all cars online; you'll find hardly anyone

why? because there is no stat tracking, -and for many gamers, if not most- without stats, there's no reason to play it


Suckin' dicks since '66
carlos said:
Consider yourself lucky if they're updating;

"who cares"?

Go play Calling all cars online; you'll find hardly anyone

why? because there is no stat tracking, -and for many gamers, if not most- without stats, there's no reason to play it

Yes yes my sentiments exactly :D .


carlos said:
Consider yourself lucky if they're updating;

"who cares"?

Go play Calling all cars online; you'll find hardly anyone

why? because there is no stat tracking, -and for many gamers, if not most- without stats, there's no reason to play it
best post ever

CAC would have been cool with end round stats at least, steals, weapon usage, how you got the points, time holding the criminal. You'd have something to chat about after


i really cant stress enough how fun this game is. i always keep grinning when i'm playing, despite incognito's best efforts to fuck it up through their shoddy network system.
is it just me or is it really scary watching someone run after you with a knife, with the that creepy noise it makes making:lol
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