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Warhawk - The Official Thread

I happened to notice this on irc:

[14:39] * Speevy ([edited]) has joined #[edited]
[14:40] <Speevy> I wasn't complaining about my member status in any thread, and I resent the implication. My mother was just diagnosed with cancer, and I was trying to explain to the group why I was posting about it in there, and why I wouldn't be on the Warhawk clan anymore. My banning has to be one of the most callous and heartless thing I've ever seen done by a forum moderator, and I won't be back.
[14:40] * Speevy ([edited]) Quit (Quit: )

Then i read this thread. For the record, i don't own warhawk or a ps3, i'm here only because of that irc quote.

Thats fucked up man, there was nothing inflammatory about the last 2 posts he made, what the hell.


Yeah, sorry to hear that Speevy, I hope your mom will get better. Cheers man.

(and wtf @ ban)


OT. Haven't been able to play in a few days, and won't probably play until tomorrow (any GAFu meeting planned guys ?)
So did yesterday's (or today's, can't remember) maintenance actually fixed stat stuff ? And what about connection problems, did FW 1.93 help ?

S. L.

Raist said:
OT. Haven't been able to play in a few days, and won't probably play until tomorrow (any GAFu meeting planned guys ?)
So did yesterday's (or today's, can't remember) maintenance actually fixed stat stuff ? And what about connection problems, did FW 1.93 help ?
i played two matches today and it didn't update my stats.
i got that stat reset/timeout bug while playing too (getting "promoted" from Sergeant to Airman)
my last stats update shows 9/11 even thou i have been playing daily :/


S. L. said:
i played two matches today and it didn't update my stats.
i got that stat reset/timeout bug while playing too (getting "promoted" from Sergeant to Airman)
my last stats update shows 9/11 even thou i have been playing daily :/

me too (i didnt get reset, they just didnt get updated, yet)... But I am seeing pppl constantly added to the leaderboards (111,000 ppl now) so they are actually getting updated...


Well, my stats are updating now. And the join game issues seem to be fixed as well.

WTF @ Speevy's ban. Maybe there is more to the story, but for now I'll file that under "that's fucked up. :/"


Raytow said:
Okay finally played on a ranked server, so could the euro leader, please, send me an invite.

What's your PSN? Not that I can add you to the spreadsheet you hear that Killthee?

Will see if clan invites are fixed but you're not exactly front of the queue with this.

User 406

Looks like the stats are working fine for me too, got those last two ribbons and they stuck. :D

Holy shit, I'm in the top 200. I honestly didn't think I was playing that much. :X


I don't understand how the ranks system works. Its says the requirement to be a wingmen is 5000pts but I have nowhere near that amount. So why am I a wingmen?


Junior Member
Sea Manky said:
Looks like the stats are working fine for me too, got those last two ribbons and they stuck. :D

Holy shit, I'm in the top 200. I honestly didn't think I was playing that much. :X
That's cuz everyone's stuck at Recruit. :D


wait did Speevy get banned because his mother has cancer?

may as well just kick him in the balls as well, jesus fucking christ

also, I'm looking forward to the GAFu meetup tommorow!

S. L.

Pharmacy said:
wait did Speevy get banned because his mother has cancer?

may as well just kick him in the balls as well, jesus fucking christ

also, I'm looking forward to the GAFu meetup tommorow!
when was the GAFU meet supposed to be? 1800 GMT ?


*sigh* My stats are still missing a full week's worth of games and it hasn't even added any games I've played since the 9th when it last updated.


I just got the boxed retail version and I'm having trouble registering the headset. I keep getting 80010009 error after I put in the pass key. Anyone know how to solve this?

Also, how do I get in on the GAF action? PSN: Alske


alske said:
I just got the boxed retail version and I'm having trouble registering the headset. I keep getting 80010009 error after I put in the pass key. Anyone know how to solve this?

Also, how do I get in on the GAF action? PSN: Alske
By passkey, do you mean 0000?


alske said:
Yeah, I put in 0000 and then the PS3 sits there for a while saying "Registering..." and then I get the afforementioned error.
That sucks then. I had no problem registering mine - with my PS3 or my cellphone. The only other thing I could suggest it to make sure you're registering it as a headset and not another bluetooth device, but that's sort of obvious.

I did a quick search on Google for "PS3 80010009 Headset" and other people have had this issue with the Jabra. The people at AVS for instance didn't offer a solution.


Did I mention it's time to cancel my Ratchet and Clank preorder yet?
My stats are showing up now, but it claims that I haven't earned any ribbons, even though I know I have. Do they only update stats every so often or something? Because I earned, like, 10 ribbons, and it says 0.

User 406

I seriously have to stop getting into planes with other people. Nobody knows how to fly. They go up, bank around aimlessly for a bit, don't boost, and then when shot at, start freaking out with the canned evasion moves and then we die. And these are people who are OFFERING to give others a lift. Even when they fly towards their destination, THEY DON'T BOOST. God, I can cross the entire map in ten seconds and these guys just tool along at the default speed until every enemy in the sky decides to go for th easy kill.

BOOST, people! Even if you think you're no good in a warhawk and just use them for transportation, you can go into hover mode just as easily when you're going fast as when you are going slow. Just boost towards your destination, then hover when you get there and land quickly.

This has been a public service announcement from the passenger who is bored out of his skull watching you fly. >:|

Neo 007

No stats of mine have updated since the 10th.And they are suppose to be fixing this pretty much as I post this.
I feel like giving the game a rest for a few months so they can get their s*** together but the games just too much dam fun.


Nos_G said:
I'm experiencing the same issues Neo 007, my stats have not updated since 9/9/2007


Yeah. At least on my side, it seems that no point or ribbon was recorded from 9.9 to 9.13. I've been playing all day though and the stats go right up.
Baker said:
Haha. I just refreshed the page to ask the same question.

I'm still sick and I'm still bored. Tired of being on crappy teams though.
Well, there's only the GAFu server up and it's limit is 8 people. It's full as well.

Get well soon.


Well, I'm going to hop back on in a couple minutes.

PSN is Forensick if anyone wants to friend add so we can get into the same SCEA server.


Finally got a chance to play this today, seriously fun

I need to spend some more time with it to form a stronger impression, but so far, I like the overall feel, the infantry combat feels a little weak, the ground vehicles feel sort of pointless, and the warhawks are awesome

I also like the theme and atmosphere

I don't like the utter lack of coordination on pub games. I spent one match doing nothing but sitting next to control points deep in enemy territory uncapping them. At one point I uncapped their base to level 1, and the only node they controlled was the 'front line' right outside our base, after I'd uncapped all the rest of their nodes. And this was in one of my first games! I wound up scoring top for my team o_O

I don't like the horrendously cluttered minimap. I suspect I'll get used to it with more playtime. I just felt really confused at first, trying to figure out where the nearest node was (playing Zones). I had to constantly bring up the full map to figure out which way to go. Later, I wound up using it as early warning if I felt like defending a node in a turret to spot incoming warhawks early (usually pointless, since I'd defend one node and we'd lose the rest while my teammates did... something)

I need *major* practice to not suck balls in a Warhawk, but its fun to fly.

I want to play a game or two where there's actual node defense going on. What do I need to do to get into the GAF group? (or one of them)

I suck ass right now, but I'd really like to play an organized game or two.

Is it just me, or are the maps large even for 24 players? I counted 9 nodes on one map, that's not quite 3 players per node at most, which means 1v1 or 1v2 fights (at least in Zone, where it doesn't seem to make any sense but to constantly push on uncaptured nodes, rather than defending your own).

I suppose in an organized game you could just go for a majority, and actually play defense, but even holding 6 nodes is 2 players per, which won't resist a real push, and even 5 nodes is still a very marginal point lead, with 3 players at (presumably) the two forward nodes.

I'll reserve judgment on whining about that though, I want to play more :)

edit: reading back through the thread a bit, the amount of stat whining amazes me. people really care that much about epeen stat tracking?


icechai said:
you can set how large maps are, some only have 3 nodes :p

ah, that'd go a long way towards creating chokepoints

are the node layouts different in ctf/other modes? I only played zone

also, what's with the 'mini spawns' near main nodes? are they just periphreal spawn points available once that node is held by your team?


I need to start playing this game some more. I've just been distracted by Lair and Heavenly Sword, as well as a few other random games. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for those connection problems early on, though. Kind of put me off to the experience for a bit, even though I love the game itself.


vehicles are very useful for CTF, or grabbing far off nodes in zone. I strongly prefer CTF to zones.

Some servers run smaller maps than others, some also run small player limits on big maps.

I think the point of nodes is to leave some open but have larger battles over others. At least on a pub. If you have more than the other guys than they have less spawns for you to worry about.


Victrix said:
ah, that'd go a long way towards creating chokepoints

are the node layouts different in ctf/other modes? I only played zone

also, what's with the 'mini spawns' near main nodes? are they just periphreal spawn points available once that node is held by your team?
yes. a lot of them are near a group of vehicles and weapons or an AA turret.

The layouts are the same in all modes but you can pick sub layouts with different parts of the map active. Full maps are always the same though
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