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Warhawk - The Official Thread


TTP said:
Well, whatever it is, I hope they fix it cos I can barely play with all that tearing going on my screen.

i noticed it once and never again... played 3-4 game w/o issues, maybe restart PS3?


TTP said:
Well, whatever it is, I hope they fix it cos I can barely play with all that tearing going on my screen.
I never noticed when I played today. I noticed it in split screen before, but never when playing by myself.

User 406

Well, I just had a nice set of games with the SKS crew until I was inexplicably switched over to the blue team with only Teepo to keep me company, and OH HOLY SHIT THEY WERE BAD. No matter what the two of us did, our team managed to fuck up and lose it. Every time I took a spawn point or zone, I'd check the map and all the others we had had been taken. Man that was irritating. :p

Oh, and a point of etiquette. This little bit of rudeness has been happening to me quite a bit lately. Miss Fucking Manners says, "When a group of your teammates gathers to retrieve your flag, and you've succesfully recovered it, don't immediately appropriate a vehicle or aircraft that you didn't bring, you selfish bastard prick."

The Jer

Avellon said:
Hmm, my points in my profile are listed as over 9000, and I have the bandit 4x4 badge under awards, but I still haven't been promoted to wing leader.

I have 51 points and I'm now ranked Wing Leader. Yes that's right, 51 points.

Reset the ranks.

User 406

Hmm, a stats reset. I'm torn. On the one hand, some of those medals and ribbons I earned will be a pain to get again. On the other hand, it'll piss off all the people who have been rank scumming up to now, which would be nice. On the other other hand, I already hear too much bitching about how hard it is to get the 4x4 Bandit badge over my headset, along with lots of desperate entreaties from kids who want everyone else to let them do all the capturing or whatever so they can rank up or get an award. A stats reset would increase that noise. :/


noes, I don't want a stats reset. I've logged almost 80 hours, and am not one of those flag campers. Just change the point system so that a flag recover is worth less points, or limit it to 1 person who can get those points so those people team kill eachother.


Suckin' dicks since '66
Grayman said:
I don't really care if there is a stat reset but it does defeat the point of having long term stats to reset them.

Yeah I just got kicked in the nuts and my stats reset it sucks, I mean come on the have almost had 1 month and they still cant fix this issue every time I go back to my stats page its like a kick in the groin 2x. This discourages from me play more hours cause I don't it its stable enough.


Suckin' dicks since '66
WasabiKing said:
I'd rather they reset it just to see people complain, lol. They should allow you to keep the badges/medals/ribbons though.

That would be a knife to my heart man a bowie knife to my heart :D


wow tonight i logged in the game went all "shit man you got the warhawk recruiting rank the day after the game came out! we'll make you sergent now" and then I was like thanks dog and went and played a few games.


johnFkennedy said:
Who is playerbeyond from GAFe? He murdered me tonight.

CSSer, if I'm not mistaken, and yeah, he's ranked around 12th, so umm...yeah try to be on the same team as him if you want to avoid the murder issue

so...when will the clan issues be worked out...I'm itching for some clan battle :)
(not to mention my patience is getting worse every time I join a game and get tk'd, or everyone takes a warhawk and im stuck on an island for 5 minutes -.-)


Oh noes this thread has been condemned to the forum of death. :O
I was like where the **** was the Warhawk thread? Teaches me to subscribe to threads.

Lince said:
European GAF Warhawkers please add me


I'll try and see if the clan invites work, like last time where it allowed me to add 2 more people no promises.

User 406

Man, skimming that stats reset thread, people have some really strange logic. Like wanting a stats reset because a couple games (some guy actually said this) weren't recorded, and so therefore the stats aren't "accurate". Sooooo, you'd rather invalidate every other ranked game you've ever played, and this will make things more accurate? Couldn't you just pretend you were in a couple unranked games? The people opposing a stats reset because they don't want to lose their progress I can understand, but this weird OCD shit of wanting to reset everything because a fraction of the data wasn't collected baffles me.

Great, now I've got two opposite groups of people I'd like to be pissed off by whatever happens. :X


TheJollyCorner said:
ok.... what the hell is that green sight that eventually ends with some shit blowing up?

Is it some kind of secondary firing feature for one of the guns?

Whenever I see the green line of death I run. Far, far away!
:lol fucking Binoculars ftw

User 406


I just joined a ranked CTF server, and saw that the center base was unoccupied, so I set out to take it. While I was doing that, our flag got taken, so I headed back to our base. Lo and behold, there was our ENTIRE TEAM, standing around not shooting at the flag carrier, and bitching over the mic when someone did. So I watched in disbelief as the flag carrier dropped the flag, then everyone recovered it, then he picked it up again, and so on.

Organized rank scumming. Sickening. I suppose I should have cottoned on to it when I noticed that the utterly ineffectual guy I encountered at the center base was a 2nd lieutenant, the first I've ever seen in a game. Got out of there in a hurry.

Yeah, let's do that stats reset thing. Fuck, that was disgusting.


CSSer said:
I actually consider myself pretty terrible at dogfighting, and just constantly spam the tow missile :lol

Damn, I had friends over last night & they wanted to play Wowhawk, bastards killed my stats, one buddy played for 30 minutes and had like 15-20 suicides. Its so f'n depressing!

User 406

Firewire said:
Damn, I had friends over last night & they wanted to play Wowhawk, bastards killed my stats, one buddy played for 30 minutes and had like 15-20 suicides. Its so f'n depressing!

Why didn't you just put them in an unranked game? I had my friend do that when he wanted to try it out.

Are unranked games invisible or something? That stats reset thread also seemed to have trouble with the concept of games that don't give you points. :X


johnFkennedy said:
I've yet to kill someone with the tow missle. I suck with that thing.

keep the weapon on, dive towards a bunch of tanks or people running, hover, unleash the weapon and hold accelerate :lol

on another note, stat reset is needed but will be so sad considering he put the vote up on the forums. Imagine your everyday non forum browsing gamer logging in to play warhawk only to find he has no stats and a big msg saying stat reset..


Junior Member
Firewire said:
Damn, I had friends over last night & they wanted to play Wowhawk, bastards killed my stats, one buddy played for 30 minutes and had like 15-20 suicides. Its so f'n depressing!
Unranked ftw.


Sea Manky said:
Why didn't you just put them in an unranked game? I had my friend do that when he wanted to try it out.

I went on a beer run, and the bastards just started playing in a bunch of different servers. After they left I checked out the stats and my mouth dropped. I think there were about 50 additional suicides compared to before, & of course my death ratio took a serious hit as well.
No one is touching my Wowhawk again!

I'm so depressed now.
Sea Manky said:
Yeah, let's do that stats reset thing. Fuck, that was disgusting.

I think if they do a stat reset it may just wind up encouraging even more of that kind of douchebaggery. The choads will be desperate to get their rank back up as quickly as possible.

I think there were about 50 additional suicides compared to before

Even as newbies I'm wondering how you could achieve that without trying. :lol Lots of wrong turns on Archipelago perhaps.


How do promotions work? Is it points or badges?

I'm having trouble telling ranked from unranked games in the server list. I think I know, but my stats haven't always been updated despite the fix. I was promoted to Airman at one point last week, but when I logged back in, I was still a Recruit with one ranked game (the first online match I got into when I first installed the game). I had hit 100 points, so the promotion in rank made sense.

Today, I decided I'd give ranked servers another shot and went on some SCEA Zones matches and was handling myself pretty well. Lots of air-to-air kills and a few clever TOW moments. Lo and behold, I am bumped up to Wing Leader eventhough I only have 112 points overall. I got some badges and ribbons, but that's it.

Anyone know what's up? Are the stats getting all wonky again? PEACE.


Firewire said:
Holly crap the sent this thread off to die! So Sad!
Yeah, this thread should have stayed in the Gaming forum. We totally owned the Bioshock thread, and I think we beat the Halo3 thread too. Wowhawk rules! PEACE.


So, are there weekly meet-ups for Warhawk like Resistance? Is someone in charge of a GAF clan? How do I get in? I want to play some Warhawk!


Ok, GAF.

We need to have a Warhawk meet-up night.

We did this with Gears of War. We got together every week for Gears Wednesdays. This game is dying for some good communication.

I would love to get everybody together for Warhawk Tuesdays. I'm not sure how much longer I can hop in and out of games with random retards who run around and do their own thing. It would probably be best if we kept our games to a 20-player count, as it'd be easier to coordinate.

So who wants in? GAF Warhawk Tuesdays?

BTW, I think this is easily the best looking game on the console. Amazing engine these guys have created.


Maybe a stats reset is fine if they lower the global point requirements considerably. If you play legitimately for 80 hrs, you'll have around 30,000 pts, which is a far cry from 275,000 pts.

However, everyone seems to be gaining 10,000 pts daily by spamming on private servers though...


JB1981 said:
Ok, GAF.

We need to have a Warhawk meet-up night.

We did this with Gears of War. We got together every week for Gears Wednesdays. This game is dying for some good communication.

I would love to get everybody together for Warhawk Tuesdays. I'm not sure how much longer I can hop in and out of games with random retards who run around and do their own thing. It would probably be best if we kept our games to a 20-player count, as it'd be easier to coordinate.

So who wants in? GAF Warhawk Tuesdays?

BTW, I think this is easily the best looking game on the console. Amazing engine these guys have created.

Tuesday's would work great for me. PSN: alske


JB1981 said:
Ok, GAF.

We need to have a Warhawk meet-up night.

We did this with Gears of War. We got together every week for Gears Wednesdays. This game is dying for some good communication.

I would love to get everybody together for Warhawk Tuesdays. I'm not sure how much longer I can hop in and out of games with random retards who run around and do their own thing. It would probably be best if we kept our games to a 20-player count, as it'd be easier to coordinate.

So who wants in? GAF Warhawk Tuesdays?

BTW, I think this is easily the best looking game on the console. Amazing engine these guys have created.
Tuesday is fine.

I wouldn't call it the best-looking game on the PS3, but the engine is really something else. The framerate never drops for me, no matter what's going on. And the clouds...these are really something else. For once, I feel like clouds in a game are more functional than aesthetic. My favorite thing is to activate the stealth and boost high into a cloud. I quickly go into hover and scan until I find an enemy. I then boost straight down at them, switching to homing missles just as they're getting into range. I have lynched many an unsuspecting bogey this way. :D PEACE.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the stealth is way underutilized by a lot of people.
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