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Warhawk - The Official Thread

Yes, WarHawk Tuesdays sounds awesome.

I'm really digging this game, especially when your team behaves like a team. Good times today, especially killing a tank by driving around it in circles while my teammate riddles it with bullets. So awesome.


teepo said:

Like I said earlier, I'm willing to pitch in $4, and I'm sure there are at least 100 others willing to do the same, to buy a GAF PS3 server. All we need to do is find a user with a real fat pipe to run the server. I mean, it would be useless if we didn't get a 32p server.

I haven't been on in a while because I've been busy, and I'm hoping they iron out the issues they're having in the meantime. I hope I'm still on the team! (GAFw)

User 406

Had some great games tonight with the SKS crew again! Our opposition started off awful, but they got more tenacious over time. Some great battles over certain zones.

Oh, and if you guys need a laugh, check out the top few players on the leaderboard. One guy has over 50,000 points for only 20 hours of play, almost all of them from CTF. So far I've encountered a few of these 2nd Lieutenants, and they clearly haven't had much practice since they were all easy meat. So if you see a vertical lieutenant bar over someone's head, he's free beer. Just like real life, the officers don't know shit. Frag the LT!


johnFkennedy said:
Good games today carlos. Killing newbs is fun.

yeah, I felt bad for them , but at the same time was practicing some air to ground moves.....and I didn't want to quit the server, seeing as how it takes me around 8 tries to connect, on average.

Anyway, GG
So I had a weird experience yesterday. I was on a SCEA TDM server where a couple of guys were chatting about their plans to buy Halo 3, at some point this kid starts talking about Heavenly Sword and suddenly there is a console war going on. Anyone else had this?


Man since Unholy handed off leadership of GAFe to LJ11, I haven't seen our leader on Wowhawk at all or here even!

LJ11 were are you? :lol


burnfout said:
Warhawk tuesdays sounds good.
Tuesdays would be awesome for me too. I can try my best to be the "Kittonwy" of GAF Warhawk Tuesdays but my time on this forum is pretty limited these days. I basically only have time to hop on at night after work.

Tuesdays I get back around 7pm so we could have a GAF Warhawk mash-up around 8pm est.

I am currently in GAF clan east. My tag is Beamber. I will make some room in my friends list for anybody who wants to add me. Just let me know and we can get this ball rolling. It's too bad the game doesn't make things a little easier for us but I think it's worth putting in the effort to get people organized and create or own "parties" of sorts.

Let me know what you guys want to do.

User 406


The top guy on the leaderboard has 200,000 points.

And when I sorted the server list by name, there were two servers named a variation of "10K_POINTS/HOUR".

Looks like rank scumming has really taken off. I wonder how these kids are going to get all the medals they need to get to general rank? It would be funny if some legit players got past the lieutenant ranks before these scummers because of this. :p
Is there some kiind of rank bug? Or does the points needed to go up a rank stat on the screen that lists all the ranks meaningless?

Think I only have like 700 points, but I'm at the rank that needs like 3000 or 5000 points something like that...
CSSer said:
It's currently broken. Most people jump up to 3 times past their 'real' rank level.

Doh... hopefully everything goes back to normal instead of me really needing a massive portion of points to go up another rank :p


This has indeed been sent here to die. :(

Anyway, sorry to people on the GAF server around 3am EST this morning. I racked up 5 or 6 teamkills via TOW missle b/c I was hammered and kept confusing the colors. I kept apologizing after each one too, and than after the last TOW missle that killed two of my guys for one flag carrier, I apologized and quit. It's funny, b/c I was aiming very well, and I meant to get those double-kills, but I was just retarded and kept forgetting I was on the blue team. Never again...I swear. PEACE.


Thought this should be put up here, but Wowhawk is one of the games that is backwards compatible with the DualShock3.

Hopefully, we're all still playing Warhawk when Sony finishes translating the X button from Japanese to English for the NA and Euro release of the controller.

(for those that don't know, the controller is being released in Japan in November, while NA and Europe were given "Spring 2008" dates)

This thread being in the Online forum has really killed it... sigh.. we had such a good run you guys!


I think its the real problem is the broken party/clan system; it's too difficult to find anyone online.

(and when I do find a room with someone, they leave, and since its not updating instantly, its impossible to find them again.)

User 406

Man, had a great string of games today on one of the SCEA variable servers. Good team, good communication. :D

Saw a guy there with a [GAF] clan designator, do we have a generic GAF clan, or is this something else?

mr stroke

Greg said:
I honestly haven't played Warhawk in a week, and the moving of this thread is the reason why. :lol

I guess this and Halo maybe??? I haven't played in a week as well but its weird to see it off the sticky....
oh well let just hope Sony and Ingoc give us some new maps in the next couple of months for free! : ):D

User 406

Okay, the vehicle stealing after a flag return/zone capture is really starting to piss me off. This last game, THREE TIMES I flew in, cleared out the opposition, then landed and got out to return the flag/capture the base, and someone else showed up to help. Immediately afterwards, the fuckers take MY plane. Thanks a lot you fucking pricks. At one flag return, the other guy was inching towards my plane as the bar got near the end. I'm considering taking up teamkilling for this shit.
I just hop back in when the bar is almost finished. They'll take my damn jet thats fully armed and manage to go get shot down in 10 seconds. :lol


Didn't check the official PS boards in a while so this post is a bit old (09/18), but still some interesting stuff...

Dylan Jobes on the US playstation boards said:
Its time once again for a new set of Incognito-Dev Servers for you guys to beat on!

We hare going to be hosting 3 servers tonight with a latest real-time. Two of them will show-up as Incognito-Dev1 and Incognito-Dev2...these are standard ranked-dedicated servers.

The third, is named Incognito-Dev3 and will not be displayed as an official blue SONY server. Why you might ask? Because if you look closely in your join game list, you will notice that it is a Ranked-Player server. Meaning that yes, some one is playing on the same ranked game they are hosting. This is a prototype and is NOT a commitment. But you guys did ask for it so we're giving it a whirl :)

These servers are also logging data for our engineers to analyze so please hammer the hell out of them. Again, we want as many connections/disconnections as possible so please play for awhile, then leave, then join again. Hop into another game, leave it, come back...you get the gist.



Also, Jobes posted this in the same thread

We've seen the posts :)

I'm not prepared to make any comment about it just yet. We're not out of the woods on our connection issues just yet, which are our top priority (along with stats).

Clan battles is something that I personally feel we need to adress, but I cant talk about any of that just yet. Nothing is concrete. I hope you and the community can understand.

Please know that while we are focused on core connection and stat issues right now, we are not lossing sight of other very important updates like specific/official clan games.

We'll keep you all posted!

Edit : looks like SCEE has finally added some more servers today.

Lestrade from the official EU boards said:
Hello there,

The successful launch of Warhawk on 30th August has resulted in a huge demand for games hosted on SCEE servers. In response to this and to get ready for this weekend’s play, we have substantially increased the number of European ranked servers available to you. This will allow you to join ranked multiplayer games more easily. We will continue to monitor the number of servers required on a regular basis, and will be further increasing the number of SCEE servers over the coming weeks.

We would love your feedback on how you are finding the experience of logging into the game (especially on the SCEE ranked servers). Thanks for your time,


Can't log in right now so I don't know if it's applied yet


lol, there is shit load of SCEE servers...

like there is +90 dedicated SCEE servers with 12 players or more right now....



wow, nice.

Even if the game still has flaws, they're really doing their best and try to have a good community support so far.

Setting up test servers to grab network data, cranking up the number of servs (it went from ~30 to ~130 last time I checked for SCEA servs, ~15 to 90+ for SCEE. SCEAu put some servs up also), and nice communication with the community (too bad Dylan Jobe doesn't post here, but I know he reads the thread, hello Dylan :p)


Looks like TTP will be able to host a server tomorrow for the GAFu meeting, 6pm GMT.

Try to join, guys. Stop caring about stats for a few games, and join some GAF fun :D
Why the hell has this thread been moved here? Mods,please move it back up to Gaming Discussion.Or move all other online game threads down here as well including Halo 3,Resistance, Team Fortress 2,and the COD 4 BETA.


Raist said:
wow, nice.

Even if the game still has flaws, they're really doing their best and try to have a good community support so far.

Setting up test servers to grab network data, cranking up the number of servs (it went from ~30 to ~130 last time I checked for SCEA servs, ~15 to 90+ for SCEE. SCEAu put some servs up also), and nice communication with the community (too bad Dylan Jobe doesn't post here, but I know he reads the thread, hello Dylan :p)


Looks like TTP will be able to host a server tomorrow for the GAFu meeting, 6pm GMT.

Try to join, guys. Stop caring about stats for a few games, and join some GAF fun :D

thing is since they added shitload of servers, no more connection problems for me, since they are not overloaded anymore :)


johnFkennedy said:
Why the hell has this thread been moved here? Mods,please move it back up to Gaming Discussion.Or move all other online game threads down here as well including Halo 3,Resistance, Team Fortress 2,and the COD 4 BETA.
Perhaps a mod had a bad experience with the game and banished this thread.


Since moving this thread, the traffic in here has died. This thread was going great before. It seems harder to find GAF players or servers as a result now too. Let's admit that the Online forum is a fucking graveyard and put Warhawk back where it belongs in the Gaming forum. Not even Resistance got this kind of treatment. :( PEACE.


Pimpwerx said:
Since moving this thread, the traffic in here has died. This thread was going great before. It seems harder to find GAF players or servers as a result now too. Let's admit that the Online forum is a fucking graveyard and put Warhawk back where it belongs in the Gaming forum. Not even Resistance got this kind of treatment. :( PEACE.


Finally starting to get the damn hang of this game... I wish they'd add in a party system though, make life so much easier to get into games with friends/clan mates... I only get into some of the games with you guys :(
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