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Warhawk - The Official Thread


I need to add some of you GAF'rs to my list since the clan thing is ineffective ATM.


Just some random incoherent thoughts..

It's too bad but since this thread was moved to the online forum, the popularity has really waned(sp?). I can't tell if interest in the game has also dropped and less people are playing Warhawk in general. Maybe just a result of no more discussions here.

I do feel Sony/Incog dropped the ball on the community aspect. I play EVERY day and I just end up jumping on random servers, what ever I can find without spending too much time getting a "can't join" message. If there was a reasonable team/clan aspect, with leader boards it could go a long way to retaining players....

Just my ramblings...a little sad that a great(balanced) game my not get the longevity it deserves

User 406

Nice games tonight with Carlos, PlayerBeyond, and JohnFKennedy. Well, except for the parts where I was on the other team and ALL of them huddled in the base. I wouldn't mind the whole sticking around to defend the flag thing if the people doing it were actually effective at killing the flag carrier. It's really fucking infuriating when we've got eight people sitting around our base, one enemy goes in, and I just know he's going to come out safely. :mad:

Even better would be if they bothered to kill people BEFORE THEY GOT THE FUCKING FLAG.

I was hoping the existence of scumming servers would have curtailed that kind of behavior. :/

And PlayerBeyond, I'm sorry I ran you over when you had the enemy flag. ;_;

BTW, was anyone talking in that match? I was doing my usual calling stuff out, but nobody responded, was wondering if there was a problem with chat there. I think I heard a couple people faintly once.


Wow what a horible night to be playing; I got around 6 different connection errors;

-Network shutdowns that also knocked me out of the PSNetwork (8 times!!)
-Network timeouts
-The PS3 froze while "connected" was flashing; had to do a hard shutdown
-Servers are not responding
-Getting stuck on the "processing login" screen
-Finally, freezing the PS3 again right after accepting the terms and conditions; I turned it off and might as well stop playing

I really hope these are game bugs and not something with the PS3
If it's gonna crap out hopefully it will do so before the warranty is up :(

edit: aside from that, good games, everyone;


Sea Manky said:
BTW, was anyone talking in that match? I was doing my usual calling stuff out, but nobody responded, was wondering if there was a problem with chat there. I think I heard a couple people faintly once.

I don't even remember hearing anyone's voice in that match. Running over me was fine because we scored in the end :lol


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?

Finally... It has taken TOO long to get this game... I hate you Europe.

Okay guys, I'm REALLY HYPED. I was supposed to join GAFu. When do I get an invite?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Steroyd said:
When the clan invite bug is fixed. :/
:( Aw damnit. Anyway, this game OWNS. Played 30 minutes in my own server. Got the hang of the controls and stuff.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Quick question, how long does it take for the stats to get updated?


Seiken said:
Quick question, how long does it take for the stats to get updated?

These days it updates within 30 minutes, sometimes within 10 if you're lucky (starting after round ends).

It doesn't seem like interest has waned that much because there's still a ton of full servers around and player servers. I think GAF has just stopped paying attention to it after it got moved here :( oh and if any of you want to add me since my clan isn't on much, PSN: icechai


alske said:
Didn't see you guys around tonight. What's the easiest way to find GAF games?

Filter by name look for server GAF. Other than that, look through your clan list and buddy list for members and join their game inside the Warhawk Community tab
HELLO Incognito Studios. Thanks for reading the forum, as Dylan has stated in his blog posts. I have one suggestion that will counter the CTF Flag killing, but I don't know if it is at all possible.

Many on the official forum have suggested to increase the number of negative points to ensure a negative point finish. That's not quite fair for an accidental kill.

Here's what you do: Dock the point for the kill, but the instant they pick up the flag, auto death. And they cannot pick up a flag for 5 minutes.

Possible? Unpossible?


WasabiKing said:
HELLO Incognito Studios. Thanks for reading the forum, as Dylan has stated in his blog posts. I have one suggestion that will counter the CTF Flag killing, but I don't know if it is at all possible.

Many on the official forum have suggested to increase the number of negative points to ensure a negative point finish. That's not quite fair for an accidental kill.

Here's what you do: Dock the point for the kill, but the instant they pick up the flag, auto death. And they cannot pick up a flag for 5 minutes.

Possible? Unpossible?
This would be perfect if they could implement it.


Haven't played the game in around a week [edit: two weeks, rather], back into it

Tried to join the games you were in, Wasabi, but kept getting *server full*s. The current status of players isn't updating as quick as it used to, either. Had some good games with one or two of ya GAFers but holy god...either everyone else got really good at flying warhawks or I completely forgot how :(


Actually while that's a good idea, just yesterday I accidentally ran over a flag carrier near our base( as I was trying to pick him up in a jeep) but close to the other team's spawn point.Had I not been able to pick up the flag I'm sure they would've been able to save it since I was the only one in the vicinity.

The guy shot me a couple of times after I returned the flag, but hey shit happens....It would suck for your team to lose a point because of an accident; the worst part of TK'ing is when they kill you yet are unable to capture the friggin' flag.

If what you mention could be implemented when close to your base, then it would be foolproof; there's nothing worse than being a couple of steps away and having an asshole in a missle turret blow you away just for him to pick it up and score; in that case there should be autodeath (and since its near your base there should be no problems for somebody else to pick it up and finish the capture).


This thread needs some presence in the gaming discussion.

Gattsu25 said:
Had some good games with one or two of ya GAFers but holy god...either everyone else got really good at flying warhawks or I completely forgot how :(

I know I play on and off for a week and I get owned by freethought. :(

We danced in the skies but I wasn't clinical enough to finish him off in the air and he was.
carlos said:
Actually while that's a good idea, just yesterday I accidentally ran over a flag carrier near our base( as I was trying to pick him up in a jeep) but close to the other team's spawn point.Had I not been able to pick up the flag I'm sure they would've been able to save it since I was the only one in the vicinity.
Well, TKing is the ultimate mistake in war, so you should pay. I really think it should implemented map wide. Plus if you did it accidentally, odds are you won't do it again, so it's a one-time deal.

The idea came to me in a game today with a player named PapaPlastic. This guy was a great team player, we flew Warhawks together and blasted enemy jeep flag carriers, all that stuff. So the guy works hard in capping the final flag, and some dude in a tank blasted him and I was in visual distance. I got out, threw a grenade that killed him, but I didn't pick up the flag, as PapaPlastic respawns to the area, then grabs the flag for the score. Negative 25 points, positive karma points, and I felt good about it.

Gattsu: no worries! Yes, I agree, the server update really messed that up. I would, however, try a few more times afterwards. My guess is that sometimes, when a map is changing, you cannot enter. I can be totally wrong, and only incog guys can confirm that. (YES, I AM SHAMELESSLY PANDERING!)

User 406

I think you guys are trying to come up with overly elaborate solutions to an unsolvable problem. Dickhead teamkillers are going to do what they do. All you can do without possibly screwing things up for the rest of the team is to give them a heavy points penalty for doing so.

You really want to know how to prevent teamkillers and rank scummers? Don't record stats. :p


I don't know what the fuck is wrong, but I just got Warhawk today, and I haven't been able to enter ONE online game so far. :~( Even if the server's listed as non-full (like 13 out of max 24 players), it still says "unable to join, the game is full" on EVERY fucking server. If I create an unranked server, A LOT of people are able to join my server.

What the fuck is wrong?


WasabiKing said:
HELLO Incognito Studios. Thanks for reading the forum, as Dylan has stated in his blog posts. I have one suggestion that will counter the CTF Flag killing, but I don't know if it is at all possible.

Many on the official forum have suggested to increase the number of negative points to ensure a negative point finish. That's not quite fair for an accidental kill.

Here's what you do: Dock the point for the kill, but the instant they pick up the flag, auto death. And they cannot pick up a flag for 5 minutes.

Possible? Unpossible?

Gets my vote no problem!


BeeDog said:
I don't know what the fuck is wrong, but I just got Warhawk today, and I haven't been able to enter ONE online game so far. :~( Even if the server's listed as non-full (like 13 out of max 24 players), it still says "unable to join, the game is full" on EVERY fucking server. If I create an unranked server, A LOT of people are able to join my server.

What the fuck is wrong?

Log out, and restart your system.


Didn't help, still says so for ALL servers. It takes a good while on the "joining game" screen before booting me back out to the server list.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wow. 8 ½ hours of Warhawk, without no break whatsoever...

This game is the best game ever. Seriously.


Seiken said:
Wow. 8 ½ hours of Warhawk, without no break whatsoever...

This game is the best game ever. Seriously.

Beedog, try resetting your router too; good luck;

and yes, I should've gotten tired of this game long ago, but it keeps pulling me back in; it's now third in my most played game list (by hours played)


BeeDog said:
Didn't help, still says so for ALL servers. It takes a good while on the "joining game" screen before booting me back out to the server list.

have you gotten into any of the servers? Are you trying the Sony servers (blue ones)?


Alright, turned off the SPI option on my router and rebooted it, then tried again. The same damn thing happened on many of the servers that were sorted at the top of the server list. Scrolled down a bit, chose a random non-full server, and it worked then.

Thanks for your help guys, but I really dunno what the fuck is wrong. Hopefully it will be a lot easier to start up games.


Incredibly Naive
alright picked it up this past weekend, would it be a problem to hop in with you guys? I'm pretty decent with a warhawk, I'm working on my ground game right now:D


I want to play this game so much :( Ever since I played it on my friends PS3 I've had the urge to play more

But I lack the $500 monster machine, and I'm not dropping the dough on it any time soon


maybe I can steal his, he won't notice


Oh man... Why was this game so hard to find? I kept waiting until and EB/GS in my area had the game in stock because a have a 100 bucks in credit, but none of them received anything after the initial shipment. I broke down and just got it from Bestbuy.

Controls took some adjustment, but the game is a blast. It looks a whole lot better then I imagined too (I thought the game looked kind of bad before it was released).

Does GAF have a server by any chance?
Anyone have any tips on not dying when someone locks-on?


there were a few gaf servers back near the release date (thanks to TTP, Click, and the many others who hosted), but nowadays, you'll be lucky to find one; usually if there's one, an announcement will be made in this thread. The clan invite bug and lack of party system have put a damper on playing as a whole GAF group.

To escape from a lockon, (aside from chaff), use a combination of boost, and the right analog stick; for me, boosting, going straight up, then barrel rolling left and right before straightening out and boosting to get behind some cover works pretty well. Try to not waste all your boost at once, since you have enough for 3 short bursts.


ummm...the speed boost I mean?
double tap R2

oh and speaking on the subject of controls, how does one shoot a charged lightning shot?
I've tried holding down L1 both in normal and hovering, and a number of variations, but all I get is the little lightning shock; incredible, 70 hours in and I still don't know...


carlos said:
ummm...the speed boost I mean?
double tap R2

oh and speaking on the subject of controls, how does one shoot a charged lightning shot?
I've tried holding down L1 both in normal and hovering, and a number of variations, but all I get is the little lightning shock; incredible, 70 hours in and I still don't know...

Just holding the L1 button should work... You will notice because the crosshair will change.


Suckin' dicks since '66
Damn haven't posted in a while I couldn't fine this thread for the life of me but I remembered that i have it in Subscribed threads.

This game keeps getting better and better the more I play it, just a quick question is there cheating points wise cause I see mofos with like insane score and I did the math and there is no way that many people play like lab rats to get that increment in points.


carlos said:
oh and speaking on the subject of controls, how does one shoot a charged lightning shot?
I've tried holding down L1 both in normal and hovering, and a number of variations, but all I get is the little lightning shock; incredible, 70 hours in and I still don't know...

Hold L1 till the white circle goes all the way round, the whole reticule turns red (instead of the little one in the middle) when it's fully charged pointing at the enemy.


Avalon said:
There is a burst? o_O

See that line in the middle of your boost bar? Try not to let your boost go past that line, then you can always use the boost. Just tap (or double tap? i forget its instinctive for me now) R2 again after boosting to stop boosting. So basically you can boost burst for longer distances than someone just boosting all the way.

Elbrain said:
This game keeps getting better and better the more I play it, just a quick question is there cheating points wise cause I see mofos with like insane score and I did the math and there is no way that many people play like lab rats to get that increment in points.

back up on this thread people talk about some of the dumb point whores, where they set up a server and just sit there and get points for themselves by recovering flags or switching up zones without killing each other.


I can set up a GAF server for a while, but I won't be around to kick those who don't belong.

Btw, I just climbed in rank from Sergeant Major to Commander. :lol I don't even have the Team Cross, nevermind the necessary points. Warhawk's ranking system continues to baffle me. :D


Had to take my serv down sorry folks :p

Nice couple of games Ceb, freethought, bugno

The TDM dogfight was terrible, I had an amazing noob team. You know there's something wrong when you score two thirds of your team's points :lol


Victrix said:
I want to play this game so much :( Ever since I played it on my friends PS3 I've had the urge to play more

But I lack the $500 monster machine, and I'm not dropping the dough on it any time soon


maybe I can steal his, he won't notice

Dude you have to hunt for a deal. My local EB was selling the 60GB PS3 for $199 when you trade in any 10 PS2 games, this is the stuff you have to look for if you want a deal. Also there is an independent that had the 60GB PS3 for $249 with an extra controller + Resistance with any 5 PS2 games traded in.

If you want it you can find it out there at good prices.


Sorry I couldn't host more than one rotation, guys.

I wish someone would put up an Acropolis only CTF server sometime. I really love that map. No TOW spamming, not a lot of zones to worry about - just a lot of tank-fueled carnage at the choke points. :D


Suckin' dicks since '66
icechai said:
back up on this thread people talk about some of the dumb point whores, where they set up a server and just sit there and get points for themselves by recovering flags or switching up zones without killing each other.

Damn is that freaking allowed? Thats bull no wonder they want to reset the freaking stats on the PSU forums.
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