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Warhawk - The Official Thread


commish said:
I get tons of knife kills, and usually when you come at someone with a knife, they back straight up and are perfectly aligned for a one hit grenade kill.

Like someone else mentioned, landmines are mostly annoying because you can't determine if they are friendly or not until you get too close. Too annoying. TOW's are fine; sometimes I just patrol the air, and everyone knows where the TOW spawn points are, so if you see a plane not moving, usually you can assume it's guiding a TOW. Takes just a few seconds to take them down.

Pistol sucks. If I had a mouse, it'd be better. MG is awesome, flamethrower is good but too many people TK teammates with it.

Sniper rifle is useless. 99% of the time, the person sniping is not helping his team in the least bit. Sure, you get a kill here and there, but other than being temporarily annoying, it doesn't affect the outcome of the battle at all.

4x4's 50 cal should kill people a lot faster than it does.

Here's a few things:

1) If You have a knife and you come at me, I run in circles, or, I back up for a BRIEF moment, and hit YOU with a grenade, because you HAVE to chase me, I don't have to chase you.

2) A grenade will take out quite a few mines, if you THINK before you run (i.e. don't just blindly run somewhere you know someone is sniping, or into an enemy base) then you can usually throw grenades to take out all the mines, or use a tank to just blast yourself a pathway.

3) Snipers can be EXTREMELY effecitve in Zones matches, IF they know what they are doing.

Basically, as a sniper, you can protect the central base from a distance, and if you're smart enough to grab bino's, you can keep tanks and other enemy forces OUT of the central base. This is especially helpful in Zones matches and CTF, as it offers up a nice central location for team mates to spawn should they die and need to stop the enemy from getting a zone / flag capture. If you underrate the role that a defensive sniper can have, you're not really playing with a good team. Communication + team work with a sniper can almost always result in a landslide victory.


Is there any more information about the future of this game, with incognito split up do they have plans for more maps or anything ?
tha_con said:
Basically, as a sniper, you can protect the central base from a distance, and if you're smart enough to grab bino's, you can keep tanks and other enemy forces OUT of the central base. This is especially helpful in Zones matches and CTF, as it offers up a nice central location for team mates to spawn should they die and need to stop the enemy from getting a zone / flag capture. If you underrate the role that a defensive sniper can have, you're not really playing with a good team. Communication + team work with a sniper can almost always result in a landslide victory.

Yep, I've seen them work wonders up in the hills around the central base in 'badlands'. With binocs they can wreak havoc in defending/attacking that base.


tha_con said:
a nice pro tip: Always fly above or below the pickup. Or, do what I do, shoot the pickups if you see a mine at them. Friend or Foe, I blow it up, bad place to put a mine.

I love spamming air mines and I hate it when my teammates just keep shooting down my mines... :(


lunlunqq said:
I love spamming air mines and I hate it when my teammates just keep shooting down my mines... :(

Well where are you sticking them? If you're spamming them out on power ups and helath, then they deserve to be shot down.

But, it happens. I mean, you can't expect to get a kill with every mine you lay down.

The best way to get kills with land mines is to wait until someone is following you, fly around a corner, and then lay it. They WILL hit it 80% of the time.


$1148 Jack said:
I would love to be good in a wowhawk but I'll admit I just suck. I only use them for rapid transport or in dogfight matches because I have to :(
I usually get shot down within 20 seconds of hopping in one, even using chaffs like mad :lol

Practice! Join Dog Fight matches & don't worry about stats! Collect as many weapons from the start as possible. Learn the weapons & how to deploy them fast. Also use the terrain to your advantage, skim walls & cliffs, use tunnels, Also diving to the deck and skinning the ground is a great way to avoid missiles. To help your kill/death ratio use mines, place them in heavy traffic corridors, tunnels along the walls and on the enemy side of maps at there weapon pick ups! Also don't fly straight lines, pay close attention to were enemies are by using the maps. Use spins and boosts to avoid missiles as well.

Make sure your using Top Flight controls & before you know it, you'll be mastering the skies!


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
tha_con said:
Here's a few things:

1) If You have a knife and you come at me, I run in circles, or, I back up for a BRIEF moment, and hit YOU with a grenade, because you HAVE to chase me, I don't have to chase you.

2) A grenade will take out quite a few mines, if you THINK before you run (i.e. don't just blindly run somewhere you know someone is sniping, or into an enemy base) then you can usually throw grenades to take out all the mines, or use a tank to just blast yourself a pathway.

3) Snipers can be EXTREMELY effecitve in Zones matches, IF they know what they are doing.

Basically, as a sniper, you can protect the central base from a distance, and if you're smart enough to grab bino's, you can keep tanks and other enemy forces OUT of the central base. This is especially helpful in Zones matches and CTF, as it offers up a nice central location for team mates to spawn should they die and need to stop the enemy from getting a zone / flag capture. If you underrate the role that a defensive sniper can have, you're not really playing with a good team. Communication + team work with a sniper can almost always result in a landslide victory.

1 -> Yep, once you get a few feet away, just don't move in a straight line, so easy to avoid, yet sooooo many people don't. I usually don't bother knifing someone, or trying to, in wide open areas. But in confined areas, like around a flag or in a building, I'll win much more often than not.

2-> Yeah, which is what I do, but destroying mines doesn't exactly address my problem of them being difficult to see what color they are. I didn't say I get killed :) I just said I can't determine from a reasonable distance.

3-> I still don't buy it, and it has nothing to do with MY team. I played zones exclusively until this week, dozens upon dozens of games on the official server, and I've yet to see a single sniper do anything of value like you describe. Nothing even remotely similar. Sure, some hide with some binocs, but it's so easy to find a sniper. Plus, you kill me, only takes a few seconds to hop back in a jet and I'll either kill you or just retake the flag, all the while your team is losing flags while you got your one kill. I still say snipers are useless in this game. Maybe if they camera didn't tell you where they were when they killed you or something.


Distinguished Air Superiority
$1148 Jack said:
I would love to be good in a wowhawk but I'll admit I just suck. I only use them for rapid transport or in dogfight matches because I have to :(
I usually get shot down within 20 seconds of hopping in one, even using chaffs like mad :lol

You gotta learn how to deploy the chaff grenades within seconds of being locked on. Stay low when you're going towards a base. When you're in a dogfight, its best to let them try to lock onto you first and get them to run out of their missles. Afterwards they'll be powerless when you turn around and engage them.


I look at those MG nests at the bases and imagine the level designer meant them for squad-based defense. Two gunners could hold some of the bridges assuming well-placed mines.

I am so wanting to get some serious clan battles going. With 32 players on a team, you have a lot of jobs you can assign, and lots of different strategies you can employ. Seriously, I've had tight communication circles of maybe 4-5 people on a server that could coordinate good attack and support strategies. We weren't always successful, and none of us are particularly great, but just by synching up on our attacks, we were able to win zones maps quickly. The other 28 people were automatically benefitting from our small-group coordinating.

Anyway, the binoculars. I almost forgot the binoculars. The respawn time is fine, but the reload time is awful. I think the reload time is longer than an artillery strike in BF2. I know it's an "airstrike" but I can call in a Warhawk in less time than this. I can hop in a Warhawk and just bomb them myself. The binoculars need to be a little quicker on the reload. I think the long-range weapon of choice remains the sniper rifle over this weapon. I think the friggin turrets respawn before the binoculars reload. :lol

I like how the cluster bomb isn't a spamming weapon yet super-effective against turrets and vehicles. It's all about the release-point. I come in real close from below a turret and drop the bomb onto the turret before it even releases the cluster and it's an instant kill. It's easier to get tanks in hover, but I've been getting "tanked" way too often lately. But for ground troops, clusters kinda suck. All you have to do is jump, and you'll take a small bit of damage. Great game. PEACE.
My favourite vehicle by far is the Warhawk. I love all of the weapons but the machine guns and homing missiles are my favourites. I find the best thing to do is fire your guns while getting a lock then getting as close as humanly possible before releasing the missile. No way to avoid it. The machine guns are great on the Warhawk, makes mincemeat out of any troops or vehicles.

I'll admit I place mines on power-ups, but as long as you don't fly into them you can easily get close enough to get the power-up. I always try to keep a mine handy for anyone on my tail, going for them when you already have company is largely pointless.


I like the lighting bolt because it just gives a good light show:D



My preferences:

I love the Pistol most of all, getting headshots at close-mid range makes mince meat out of foot soldiers

The Flamethrower is a weapon I only just started to use, very effective, but I need more practice with it

Sniper Rifle I **ONLY** use to kill other snipers, very effective.

Machine Gun is a weapon I'm not a huge fan of..good balance, but I don't like the 'feel' of it.

Now the Rocket Launcher? Man, I love that weapon...great for taking down Warhawks and perfect for taking out tanks.

Mines I **LOVE** but I never get to them in time. I have no problem telling them apart on foot, and in a vehicle, I figure it works better if you can't tell unless you are fairly close to it anyway :b

The Warhawk I only use to take out other Warhawks, oddly enough. Nothing I would want to change about it...it's an easily shot down machine that has a great capability of raining molten death on the unaware (in the hands of an expert)...definitely not a vehicle to be used by novices.

The Jeep I love...so much of my time in CTF or Zones is spent in the driver's or gunner's seats. I also love how you can switch seats while still moving...I'm 90% sure that every single one of my 4x4 kills (not many) was in a situation where I was driving and while still moving I switch to the gunner and get a kill before the jeep stops moving.

The Tank I think is overpowered. It needs to be slowed down some...I wouldn't make it weaker as it really should instill fear, but slowing down it's movement and turret tracking speeds would help greatly. Easily my favorite vehicle. Most of my Zones kills come from this.

Ground Based turrets are worthless IMO

The Knife...pure death, wouldn't change a thing about it

I would make a new gametype where each team must protect indoor generators, capture points provide shields to the generators and an option can be set to make the capture points recapturable or--if you lose one--it's gone for good. Yes, I'm asking them to shamelessly rip off UT and Resistsnace
Firewire said:
Practice! Join Dog Fight matches & don't worry about stats! Collect as many weapons from the start as possible. Learn the weapons & how to deploy them fast. Also use the terrain to your advantage, skim walls & cliffs, use tunnels, Also diving to the deck and skinning the ground is a great way to avoid missiles. To help your kill/death ratio use mines, place them in heavy traffic corridors, tunnels along the walls and on the enemy side of maps at there weapon pick ups! Also don't fly straight lines, pay close attention to were enemies are by using the maps. Use spins and boosts to avoid missiles as well.

Make sure your using Top Flight controls & before you know it, you'll be mastering the skies!

TONX said:
You gotta learn how to deploy the chaff grenades within seconds of being locked on. Stay low when you're going towards a base. When you're in a dogfight, its best to let them try to lock onto you first and get them to run out of their missles. Afterwards they'll be powerless when you turn around and engage them.

I will eventually get better over time and with practice I hope, and thanks for the advice. But the fact of the matter for me is that I am having way too much fun on the ground atm :D


Distinguished Air Superiority
Gattsu25 said:
Sniper Rifle I **ONLY** use to kill other snipers, very effective.

Try shooting a rival team's mine with the sniper rifle when a jeep drives past it. its very exhilarating, and its shows as your kill :lol I do that alot in Eucadia.


Air mines are easy to distinguish spiked ones hell no non spiked I won't blow you up.

The range of land mines are rediculous by time you can tell it's not friendly you're dead sometimes you just die like you've been snipered.

Tanks piss me off they can somehow shoot round corners BAH!


What exactly does Chaff do? i'm a little confused by it and how to use it effectively.

My main gripe right now is the team killing. I've lost count of how many times i've had team mates come up and knife me for no apparent reason.

Mines - I hate these little buggers. I agree with the people in here in how hard they are to distinguish from each other.

Sniper Rifle - I've had the most success with this thing during CTF matches. Grab a high point in the map when someone on your team grabs the flag. If he drops it just pop the people standing around it that are trying to recover it. Very funny when there allies are dripping like flies and they stand there oblivious.
Sniping is where its at for zone matches. I can defend 4 or 5 flags from 300+ yrds away. Bridge zones are particularily exposed and easy to defend from a distance. I always carry binoculars as well in case the artillery rolls in.


S. L. said:
when you play a bit you develop a pretty good eye for landmines, i rarely get killed by them anymore. especially by the usually pretty uncreatively placed mines near the bases.

hur hur hur.
Steroyd said:
:lol awe man so many people couldn't just pick up the flag our attacks were shit.

Did your vein burst freethought? :lol

I think every person from that team TK'd you including me WTF!?

Nah, when it's a gaffer TK'ing you, it's easier to forgive. Plus it's pretty obvious when you've been caught in the crossfire as opposed to being deliberately taken out by some lowlife stat whore.


For the love. I thought GAF gave up on warhawk.
After a 15 minute search, I finally find the thread.

Smart move.


Glad to see people still playing. I was online a ton this weekend but didn't see a GAF room once.


commish said:
1 -> Yep, once you get a few feet away, just don't move in a straight line, so easy to avoid, yet sooooo many people don't. I usually don't bother knifing someone, or trying to, in wide open areas. But in confined areas, like around a flag or in a building, I'll win much more often than not.

2-> Yeah, which is what I do, but destroying mines doesn't exactly address my problem of them being difficult to see what color they are. I didn't say I get killed :) I just said I can't determine from a reasonable distance.

3-> I still don't buy it, and it has nothing to do with MY team. I played zones exclusively until this week, dozens upon dozens of games on the official server, and I've yet to see a single sniper do anything of value like you describe. Nothing even remotely similar. Sure, some hide with some binocs, but it's so easy to find a sniper. Plus, you kill me, only takes a few seconds to hop back in a jet and I'll either kill you or just retake the flag, all the while your team is losing flags while you got your one kill. I still say snipers are useless in this game. Maybe if they camera didn't tell you where they were when they killed you or something.

The trick to being a good snpier is moving. If you stay in the same spot, you'll die, but if you constantly move from spot to spot, you'll be very effective.

We should play some games online sometime, I'm sure you'd see the value in a sniper if one was working for your team. I mean, if there's a good sniper, holding zones is a lot easier than you think, especially when people "think" they are safe, and just stay still by a zone. Kill and capture, move to another sniping point (generally, I like to move to another spot, because most of the time whoever I killed will come right back to where I was...then I can kill them again).


G-Bus said:
What exactly does Chaff do? i'm a little confused by it and how to use it effectively.

My main gripe right now is the team killing. I've lost count of how many times i've had team mates come up and knife me for no apparent reason.

Mines - I hate these little buggers. I agree with the people in here in how hard they are to distinguish from each other.

Sniper Rifle - I've had the most success with this thing during CTF matches. Grab a high point in the map when someone on your team grabs the flag. If he drops it just pop the people standing around it that are trying to recover it. Very funny when there allies are dripping like flies and they stand there oblivious.

Chaffs redirects a missile targeted at you, so if you use it early enough (and not at the very last minute) you won't get hit. But dont rely on chaffs, learn to dodge missiles with some quick and sudden maneuvering.

As someone said earlier, the red team mines have spikes, and the blue team has a more round looking mine. If its an enemies' mine, theres a perimeter as where if you get too close, it will explode. If its ur teammates mine, you actually have to run into to die, and its counted as a suicide. The more you play, you'll start noticing the difference. and i play on a 24inch SDTV.
The only thing I hate is in big matches, people take all the vehicles from the base and hop out and leave them wherever so they they don't respawn for a while leaving you back at the base or running on foot to the fight

that and the assholes who base camp in TDM wtf


_RT_ said:
For the love. I thought GAF gave up on warhawk.
After a 15 minute search, I finally find the thread.

Smart move.


Glad to see people still playing. I was online a ton this weekend but didn't see a GAF room once.

No GAF rooms but a couple people still play together. Add us to your buddy list and join the game, today we had 6 GAFers in a game (GAFw, GAFu, GAFn, and GAFe all represented!), and like he said earlier, Sea_Manky was the odd man out on the other team, good effort though, but no one else could really play on his team... and it was painfully obvious in team deathmatch


freethought said:
Nah, when it's a gaffer TK'ing you, it's easier to forgive. Plus it's pretty obvious when you've been caught in the crossfire as opposed to being deliberately taken out by some lowlife stat whore.

onadesertedisland said:
The only thing I hate is in big matches, people take all the vehicles from the base and hop out and leave them wherever so they they don't respawn for a while leaving you back at the base or running on foot to the fight

that and the assholes who base camp in TDM wtf

Yeah, that pisses me off too. At least when im done with my vehicle I destroy it, so it respawns back where it needs to be.


onadesertedisland said:
The only thing I hate is in big matches, people take all the vehicles from the base and hop out and leave them wherever so they they don't respawn for a while leaving you back at the base or running on foot to the fight

that and the assholes who base camp in TDM wtf

they need to start giving points for transportation. i believe bf2 did this and it worked well.


WasabiKing said:
Merged Pimpwerx's thread to here. This is the OFFICIAL THREAD, let's not thread spam like the manbabies.
If you played this game, you'd understand what putting this thread here is doing. It's not like we're generating a billion threads for this game, we've always kept it in a single thread. But the Online forum is fucking dead, period. Putting a game barely a month old on this forum is sending this game to die. I mean, it's not like there are a ton of PS3 game threads cluttering the Gaming forum. Why is Warhawk the one game getting buried?

I tried to keep the discussion just to weapons balance and preference. That's got little to do with just the online aspects. Is all Warhawk discussion limited to this forum? Is this game going to be buried by wierd GAF policies? Seriously, you have no idea what you are doing to this game's already limited (by PS3 userbase) GAF community. :( PEACE.

EDIT: Leaving GAF South, boys. If there are openings in the East, let me know. Send an invite to MastaKiiLA. Any suggestions on non-official Warhawk forums?


Pimpwerx said:
If you played this game, you'd understand what putting this thread here is doing. It's not like we're generating a billion threads for this game, we've always kept it in a single thread. But the Online forum is fucking dead, period. Putting a game barely a month old on this forum is sending this game to die. I mean, it's not like there are a ton of PS3 game threads cluttering the Gaming forum. Why is Warhawk the one game getting buried?

I completely agree. Also, what about TF2 then huh ?

I mean, at the very least the mod that moved the official thread here could have left a notice for a few days or something. Or just make it so that the thread still appears in the previous boards with a "moved". I often see this for topic that were posted in the gaming forum instead of the OT. Why not for this one ? =|

There are still people that just saw that the thread has been moved (see a few posts above). I tried to help by PM'ing the whole GAFu clan, but I'm certainly not going to spend the time to PM the whole clan roster, especially since we can't PM several people at the same time.


Pimpwerx said:
If you played this game, you'd understand what putting this thread here is doing. It's not like we're generating a billion threads for this game, we've always kept it in a single thread. But the Online forum is fucking dead, period. Putting a game barely a month old on this forum is sending this game to die. I mean, it's not like there are a ton of PS3 game threads cluttering the Gaming forum. Why is Warhawk the one game getting buried?

I tried to keep the discussion just to weapons balance and preference. That's got little to do with just the online aspects. Is all Warhawk discussion limited to this forum? Is this game going to be buried by wierd GAF policies? Seriously, you have no idea what you are doing to this game's already limited (by PS3 userbase) GAF community. :( PEACE.

EDIT: Leaving GAF South, boys. If there are openings in the East, let me know. Send an invite to MastaKiiLA. Any suggestions on non-official Warhawk forums?

agreed... makes no sense at all.

User 406

Let's see, what would I change about Warhawk...

Not a god damn thing.

I don't think I've played an online multiplayer game that's so well balanced.

Addressing some of the gripes:

Mines - I've probably eaten more land mines than anyone else here, and I can see the color of the mines fine from outside their range. As long as you don't rush in, they're a snap to avoid.

Pistol - The pistol is better than the assault rifle at close range. I've killed many guys with rifles this way.

Air Mines - The shapes are so clearly different it's almost impossible to get them mixed up. I still run into them all the time. XD

Tanks - Tanks are meant to be monsters against ground troops. It's been mentioned already, warhawks can dodge missles, tanks can't dodge shit. Besides, with a flamethrower or a rocket launcher + grenades, a ground troop can take out a tank in seconds. I'll dumbfire a rocket, then throw a grenade while it's reloading, repeat. Tank blows up before the guy has time to figure out where he's being hit from.

Machine gun nests - I also don't find much use for these, but I've seen some people use them to good effect. When you don't have a better weapon and you have a point you need to defend, they're useful. Same goes for 4x4 turrets in a pinch. I've seen many people jump in a 4x4 turret to take on an enemy and I've done it myself.

TOW missiles - There's no more than two of these on the big maps, and they don't respawn all that frequently. It's not hard to spot when an enemy passes over one, so you can hunt him down.

Stealth - They are indeed getting the lock before you go into stealth, just because you've been in stealth for a bit doesn't mean the guy still isn't following the lock icon on your plane. Like freethought, I like to get as close as possible before releasing missiles to give the enemy less time to react.

Sniper Rifle - I'm utterly useless with this, since I need a mouse to do proper FPS aiming. However, there are some people who are quite skilled with it. You don't need to be a camper to use this, I've seen people use it in actual battle, and when you can take out troops and warhawks with equal facility, it's pretty damn good. Just today I had the flag and raced past an enemy in my jeep. A few seconds later, he sniped me out of the jeep. :X

Knife - Stealth fucking rocks. Don't want to get shanked? Don't depend solely on your radar/play against MiG. :p

Okay, time to play some more! :D


freethought said:
Just trying to get a dialogue going. This thread be dead.

And it worked too. Pimpwerx's thread saw more activity and new faces than this thread's seen in...uhh... days.

Sucks that some Warhawk-hating mod moved the official thread here.
Ceb said:
Sucks that some Warhawk-hating mod moved the official thread here.

Nah, Wasabi's been a big fan of the game afaik, just following protocol I reckon. The TF2 thread will probably be in here eventually
to die
as well.

On the fav/preferred weapon tip, gotta go with the rocket launcher. I use it for everything. Tanks, infantry, turrets, hawks, jeeps, mines. It's the Robitussin® of Warhawk.

In the jet I'm surprised I don't see more people using the lighting bolt's rapid fire. In a close quarters dogfight it's positively lethal, especially combined with a machine gun spread. You make quick work.


Crucify me for being lazy, but I don't want to sift through 20+ pages since I last posted.

I stopped playing regularly cause of the crappy clan situation. Have any clan meetups been successful? If so, count me back in for wowhawk.

*blush* I also didn't realize for about a week the thread got moved to the online section. I mean, who checks the online section?
dionysus said:
*blush* I also didn't realize for about a week the thread got moved to the online section. I mean, who checks the online section?

Seems to be a common problem. It's a shame because the eight of us posting in here have been having some good games together.
Norml said:
I like the lighting bolt because it just gives a good light show:D


Man, I love that paint job. What rank do you have to be to get it? I hope I get bumped to whatever it is tomorrow. Made Commander today, just skipped first lieutenant. Good thing too since I don't have my Team Cross yet. :lol I have nowhere near the points required either. Have Incog said anything about the bug yet? Am I now due a massive demotion?


Ceb said:
And it worked too. Pimpwerx's thread saw more activity and new faces than this thread's seen in...uhh... days.

Sucks that some Warhawk-hating mod moved the official thread here.
Meh, you guys can leave the trouble-making to me. I'll gladly get thrown under the bus for the rest of you. :) I already lost my new thread making abilities b/c I had a big argument on IRC. If nothing else, I've let the mods know how a lot of us feel about the move. It doesn't look like anything is gonna change though. :( PEACE.

EDIT: BTW, finally got first two flag caps today. Seems a lot of people know about carrying the flag carrier on the wing of a warhawk. I really wanted my team to try it on Archipelago, but we settled for getting our asses handed to us by wave after wave of tanks. Is there a trick to staying on the wing at speed?

EDIT2: Oh, something I'd change about the 4x4 is allowing the guy in shotgun to actually fire out the passenger side. It would convince a lot more people to work in 3-man squads. We badassed around in a 4x4 today, and I really wanted to lay down suppressing fire from my seat.


Pimpwerx said:
EDIT: BTW, finally got first two flag caps today. Seems a lot of people know about carrying the flag carrier on the wing of a warhawk. I really wanted my team to try it on Archipelago, but we settled for getting our asses handed to us by wave after wave of tanks. Is there a trick to staying on the wing at speed?

I haven't seen this succesfully done ever, just because we would knock any nearby warhawks out of the sky pretty quick.

User 406

Wheee, some good games with carlos there. My headset died. :X

I kept getting switched to the other team and they were fucking awful. These two kids kept jabbering on to each other, and nobody fucking helped do anything. >:|
Made Commander tonight, probably through a glitch, but hey, what the hell! :D

Unfortunately, tonight I also put multiple tank shells through a hovering Warhawk, to no effect. :( It's always something, I suppose.


Sea Manky said:
Wheee, some good games with carlos there. My headset died. :X

I kept getting switched to the other team and they were fucking awful. These two kids kept jabbering on to each other, and nobody fucking helped do anything. >:|

My headseat died as well during one of the games, I usually get around 6-8 hours to use it :( (that's not enough for even one warhawk session sometimes).

Yeah, and I noticed how little help you got from your team in that last ctf game, it ALMOST made me feel bad for taking you down :)

Anyway, I played horribly tonight, either because of rust from not playing the last few days, or the Sea Manky intimidation factor ;)

Unfortunately, my playing time is down lately, I'm not enjoying playing with random people lately, so please post here if some gaffer is out there, and I'll join ASAP.

Oh, and sorry for bailing after that last game, Trev, when the games start going to 10 or fewer people, I kinda start getting bored around those big maps.


What the crap!? :mad:

The merging of threads killed my subscription link I was wondering why 'nobody' was posting in this thread. >_<

What do people think of Warhawk Wednesdays would be nice to have an official meetup in the weekday.

I want to add 3 more configurations to the rotation of that server I made on Sunday, they were cool to play in.
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