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Warhawk - The Official Thread


dionysus said:
Marksman is the 25% medal right? I get that one alot, probably 50% of games. Its all about the rifle and the ground game.

I'm absolutely worthless with the rifle. I think I have like an 0.18 KDR with it. :lol It's usually the guy I'm shooting it out with who gets lucky and lives on with a sliver of health, or I get blasted from one of his warhawk buddies who appear all of a sudden.

freethought: Sorry if I didn't follow orders well in those games. I can barely hear you on the mic. That goes for just about everyone I've played against btw.


I could barely hear crap and the game put me on the other team when I finally joined up with you guys. Boy did those guys suck, I kept taking bases and had to ditch them because the red team was getting shoved into their own base. >_<

I must make note that if my K/D ratio ever goes below 1 just dive head first into the enemy base, I started dire with 1 kill 4 deaths somehow managed 7 for 7 at the end.

Lawl at mine and freethought's comments.
Ceb said:
freethought: Sorry if I didn't follow orders well in those games. I can barely hear you on the mic. That goes for just about everyone I've played against btw.

You seemed to be doing fine to me. And they're not orders dude, more like compulsory suggestions. I guess you missed the dude who wanted to "kill those n****rs", I pulled the old; "Sorry? No, I heard you, I'm just sorry". Then he switched teams.

edit: Yeah, that was just for you Steroyd, thought you'd like it.


Yeah, I didn't mean "orders" really. It's nice to have someone who's got a handle on things though. Manky is also good at keeping the team up-to-date with mic reports.
Ceb said:
Yeah, I didn't mean "orders" really. It's nice to have someone who's got a handle on things though. Manky is also good at keeping the team up-to-date with mic reports.

Damn right. It's the worst when I'm busy fighting over a spawn point in a CTF game and I suddenly see our flag go tearing right past having no idea that it was even taken.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
How competitive are is the reformed clan? I would like to play with people who aren't the dregs of society but I'm not very good. The ranking system really brings out the worst in some people.

And when are they going to fix ranks? I have to join games way out of my league and am getting slaughtered by 8 star general Warhawk ninjas.
Guileless said:
How competitive are is the reformed clan? I would like to play with people who aren't the dregs of society but I'm not very good. The ranking system really brings out the worst in some people.

And when are they going to fix ranks? I have to join games way out of my league and am getting slaughtered by 8 star general Warhawk ninjas.

I think the only thing the new clan requires is that you must be a NeoGaf poster.

User 406

Ceb said:
I'm absolutely worthless with the rifle. I think I have like an 0.18 KDR with it. :lol It's usually the guy I'm shooting it out with who gets lucky and lives on with a sliver of health, or I get blasted from one of his warhawk buddies who appear all of a sudden.

The rifle has really good auto-aim once you get used to it. Just get it centered on the enemy then just strafe around him, you shouldn't need to adjust your aim horizontally unless he zigs hard, then you just have to reaquire lock. Also, tap up a bit to get the dot on his head so you can do more damage. Once you get used to it, you can tear shit up with the assault rife. My deathmatch wins went from 1:20 to 10:1 once I got a handle on the auto-aim for pistol and rifle.

Edit: Sweet, just checked my stats and I'm only 3 hours of flight time and 2 hours of vehicle time from getting Warhawk Service, Air Combat, and Exemplary Air Combat! I'll play a lot!
I'm willing to play with people who actually use mics and stuff.. Is it just me though, or is it like we're all still playing the fucking beta? Ranks don't work, servers don't work, game glitches a lot... I mean what the hell. I played the beta months ago, and all I can really say now is that the games don't crash my ps3 anymore. Mic support is still horrendous along with the the other problems I mentioned.

This is a fun game but it is completely hampered by these stupid hang ups.

And I know I'm probably in dangerous territory saying this but.. dayum I miss match making. Sometimes I want to just start the game and let the game choose the stuff for me. Does it seem like everyone (except Resistance) has to draw some line in the sand between match making and server lists... why can't they coexist. Cause I appreciate the option for the server list, but I'm growing tired of joining games when there's one minute left... Sorry to break up the online get play time setting or whatever, but I just wanted to voice those concerns and hope that someone hears them.

BTW... psn name - Byakuya769 (just been playing the game a little bit since this week, so I'm not that good... but I'll catch on)


Byakuya769 said:
I'm willing to play with people who actually use mics and stuff.. Is it just me though, or is it like we're all still playing the fucking beta? Ranks don't work, servers don't work, game glitches a lot... I mean what the hell. I played the beta months ago, and all I can really say now is that the games don't crash my ps3 anymore. Mic support is still horrendous along with the the other problems I mentioned.

This is a fun game but it is completely hampered by these stupid hang ups.

And I know I'm probably in dangerous territory saying this but.. dayum I miss match making. Sometimes I want to just start the game and let the game choose the stuff for me. Does it seem like everyone (except Resistance) has to draw some line in the sand between match making and server lists... why can't they coexist. Cause I appreciate the option for the server list, but I'm growing tired of joining games when there's one minute left... Sorry to break up the online get play time setting or whatever, but I just wanted to voice those concerns and hope that someone hears them.

BTW... psn name - Byakuya769 (just been playing the game a little bit since this week, so I'm not that good... but I'll catch on)

lol, thats great intro to
adding you to the list... :lol
God, the random people who play this online are fucking worthless teamkillers. Friendly fire is one thing, but somebody who's just standing there, with no bad guys around, and just throws a grenade at me for the hell of it?

Fuck this.


Captain Glanton said:
God, the random people who play this online are fucking worthless teamkillers. Friendly fire is one thing, but somebody who's just standing there, with no bad guys around, and just throws a grenade at me for the hell of it?

Fuck this.
The game glitches at times IMO. Don't get me wrong. Most of my team kills are due to abuse of the TOW, mines and grenades. However, today I had a tk where a guy was in my base with no marker over his head. My first instinct is that he is an enemy with the knife equipped. I spaz and my first grenade lands off to his left, wounding him. The color and name showed up just as I released the second grenade. I felt stupid for about a second, but got on with it. It was zones, so I wasn't gonna get a 50 point reaming for it.

My neg points almost overtook my bonus points the other day. It was never very high until I started playing CTF. TOW spamming and blind cluster bomb drops are a big no-no. It's made me change the way I play. I'm still pretty bad with it, but at least I call in my TOW strikes now, and only deploy clusters when I'm sure friendlies are clear.

And my war-hawk story for today:

Today was the first time I feel I took command on a team win. I was playing with some friends on a zones server and we were getting slaughtered eventhough we were putting up a pretty good fight. After each loss we'd just go "that was just embarassing." Losing by world victory is harsh if you're actually fighting. It was the same small crew I usually play with, so we got our comm down. But you can't expect the randoms to do shit against a well-coordinated attack.

Well, we come to Archipelago, which some of you have heard me say I hate. Not no more. My tank skills have improved since I tried getting a tank badge. At the spawn I started yelling at people flying without passengers, and ordered someone out of the tank hatch so I could get in with the rox (more on this in a sec). We rushed down to the middle base blasting our way in. But then they made a good comeback, just like you expect. For a few waves we were just getting waxed, but we were also keeping a lot of their boys occupied there, including their tanks. We load two Warhawks just as they bring their tanks in to the middle base for another wave. We grab the other end of the island and I tell my boys to grab the tank and start attacking the nearby spawnpoint. I take the warhawk and grab TOW and drop it on the middle base flag where those tanks are still engaging in the melee. I grab the base and I'm yelling the whole time b/c no one is helping me hold it (you know, assholes flying around). As soon as someone spawned in the middle base, I told them to stay on the flag, and I took my tank up to the last spawn to help clear it.

It felt good b/c we beat a good team with some extra hustle and a little luck. I'd never been that solid in a tank, and that TOW strike really ended it for them. They were down to one tank. I know everyone has a zillion "war" stories like this, but I just had to share. Like I said, it's the first time I felt like I was actually in command of my team's efforts. 24p zone matches ftw. :D PEACE.

EDIT: About the tox in the tank. Why don't more people do this? I see so many odd tank/passenger combos. This is the best one IMO. I can almost ignore the blind spot and move forward with more confidence. The rox spawn so frequently that there's no reason not to make sure every tank that leaves the base has some anti-air defense on-board. Having the flamethrower as a backup is even better, as are mines and so on. The tank hatch...so underutilized.


Captain Glanton said:
God, the random people who play this online are fucking worthless teamkillers. Friendly fire is one thing, but somebody who's just standing there, with no bad guys around, and just throws a grenade at me for the hell of it?

Fuck this.
I hear you. while i was manning a turret, some douche named joesph00, i think that's his name, was throwing grenades, shooting rockets at me. I got out and killed that idiot. And he came back at me 3 more times. farking annoying as hell.

User 406

Heh, I was just in a game with Dionysus and he had the flag, and the entire team was escorting him. He asks, "Why is one of our team shooting at me?" Sure enough, there's some jackass on our own team high in the air plinking down at his jeep with machineguns and missiles. So I take him out. XD Then we get the flag back to base and have to do a quick flag return, and this numbnuts is trying to shoot us with his pistol completely ineffectually. :p Good team otherwise though.
@ Pimpwerx:

I've teamkilled for all kinds of reasons, including someone tonight who just spawned right in front of my tank. But I always apologize afterward, or if it's intentional [revenge for intentional, unexplained teamkill on me], I explain why in very colorful language. But this was a case where I was camping over our flag, playing defense, and the guy shot at me, then stared at me, then threw a grenade. And when I called him out by name [CoolJoe9, iirc] and said, "why the fuck did you teamkill me," nothing.

It just seems like every time the game fills its "awesome" meter, I end up getting intentionally teamkilled, or it freezes, or it's like tonight, where I'm defending the flag by myself in a 24 player CTF. I'm not in a state of rage like I was earlier, but I feel ready to move on to my next game now, and it sure as shit won't be online-only.


So... is anyone online/gonna be online for the next couple of hours?
if not, no biggie, I'll stay downloading the psn store stuff


johnFkennedy said:
I think the only thing the new clan requires is that you must be a NeoGaf poster.

The only requirements is that you haven't ditched Warhawk entirely and you've found the Warhawk thread to let us know you're still playing, the second requirement being the hardest. :lol


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Hey, I'm in GAFn now, can I get an invite to the new clan? PSN is Tigerheli. Thx!

I'll tell ya, CTF sure screws with a person's kill to death ratio :) But i finally got 3 flag captures by myself in a single round on a 32 person server, woohoo!


only played a couple of minutes tonight (apparently most TK'ers come out in the wee hours)
anyway, a weird bug happened once where I got into a warhawk (newly spawned) and the life meter on it started flashing intermitently, from full, to half life to one bar of health, back to full, etc;
then, no matter what item I grabbed, it made the sound that I got it, but nothing showed up in inventory , then I went to a manned missle turret, shot all 5 missles, and emptied the machine gun on it twice, and it didn't give it any damage!?!?

I got out and threw a couple granades at it, that caused damage, but then got killed, so I couldn't ride in the mystery warhawk again :/


Has anyone had that glitch where you absorb weapon pickups but don't pop up in your inventory.

I died a couple of times because of that.

And is... TTP alive? :O

Yay my Avatar works go me.

User 406

Steroyd said:
Has anyone had that glitch where you absorb weapon pickups but don't pop up in your inventory.

I died a couple of times because of that.

Yeah, that's happened to me several times with the cluster bomb on Island Outpost. Really aggravating when I boost into position over a nice juicy tank or group of troops, press down on the d-pad, press fire, and get a swarm missile. :|

The strangest bug I've ever gotten has only happened to me in one game. I was flying around and suddenly the screen starts flashing madly with the sound of me being hit by lots of machine gun fire, then everything in the world except the sky, powerups, and the names over peoples' heads goes black, and my health bar goes to zero. So for a little while I'm flying around in a black plane over a black world. Still managed to get a few kills, then everything snapped back to normal and my health bar returned. A little later, I was in a tank, and the flashing and machine gun fire happened returned, and the world went black again. In a way it was kind of neat, almost like a simulated Warhawk traumatic stress disorder hallucination a-la Silent Hill. :p
^^^Yeah, I've had that same thing happen to me. Can't say I managed to kill anyone though. Too busy freaking out!

I've had the power-up thing happen too, I just assumed it was lag.

User 406


Found a server with a TDM game with a 30 minute time limit, 300 kill limit. Got over 25 kills and 100 round points and got the Team Death Match medal. The server shut down after the game ended. Checked my profile after a while and it didn't register. >_<

S. L.

good CTF games guys,
in one of the first games Escalation and I had to deal with one of those invisible tanks on Badlands too
but we won nonetheless with 3:0 ;P
I was in a game the other day and someone was giving detailed instructions on some kind of tank glitch. I wasn't paying too close attention but it had something to do with holding square. I don't think it was invisibility though, the tank is supposed to be on fire (after performing whatever act causes the glitch, not before).
I encountered a weird glitch where certain people's names weren't showing up during the game at all.So when I got killed by them instead of a name, a number would show up."you were killed by 0",etc.However at the end of the round their names would show up fine.I noticed some gaffers in that game whose names weren't showing up til after the game was over.Did this happen to anyone else?

S. L.

johnFkennedy said:
I encountered a weird glitch where certain people's names weren't showing up during the game at all.So when I got killed by them instead of a name, a number would show up."you were killed by 0",etc.However at the end of the round their names would show up fine.I noticed some gaffers in that game whose names weren't showing up til after the game was over.Did this happen to anyone else?
yea this is a more or less frequent bug.
usually you will also have "yourself" in the enemy team without the clan tag


Invisible tanks? I'm glad I didn't run into any of that shit last night. I did play a few zones games late last night where my team literally quit on me. I'm running around with tanks and hawks trying to grab zones, then notice the enemy is cleaning house with no effort. After a melee to grab a zone, it'll be gone before I respawn. I finally looked at the leaderboard and see it's three people on my team and ten on theirs. One of the guys on our team had zeros across the board too, he wasn't even playing. So it was 2 on 10, and as a result, I have a nice 7 death streak going before I sat out the last 5 minutes to let time run out. I grabbed my Warhawk Team ribbon and got the fuck out. The red team guys are sitting there bragging about their stats in the post-game too. I'm like, "dude, you guys just took turns killing me a bunch of times." then left. I hate cheap shit like that. Switch teams to balance, or why even play? It can't be fun sitting around in a warhawk waiting for one of two people to respawn in the hopes that you can steal the kill from the 6 or 7 other guys all spawn-camping. If I had to tolerate invisible tanks too, I'd have smashed the controller. PEACE.


So we are trying to have a clan meet at 6 GMT tomorrow right? That's 12 PM CST for Americans.

Anyway, more people need to play warhawk. The gaming forum is such an utter disaster right now with the Bungie and PS3 threads, that I need some entertainment from this thread to get me to the end of the work week. :(

User 406

Hm, this might explain why I've been seeing guys on the ground lately who just stand there and don't move as I kill them. Haven't actually encountered an invisible tank yet as far as I can tell.

14 minutes of flight time left for my Air Combat medal! :D


Sea Manky said:
14 minutes of flight time left for my Air Combat medal! :D

In my vehicle stats, it says I have over 50 hrs in a Warhawk/Nemesis, but in my 'player' stats, it says I have considerably less in an aircraft. :(

User 406

CSSer said:
In my vehicle stats, it says I have over 50 hrs in a Warhawk/Nemesis, but in my 'player' stats, it says I have considerably less in an aircraft. :(

I'm going by vehicle stats - there's no way the player stats are accurate for troop/vehicle/warhawk times.


Sea Manky said:
Hm, this might explain why I've been seeing guys on the ground lately who just stand there and don't move as I kill them. Haven't actually encountered an invisible tank yet as far as I can tell.

14 minutes of flight time left for my Air Combat medal! :D
oh, you are lucky. I was in a game against this clan who were mowing down our team with their invisible tanks.

Anyway, apparently this glitch has been around for a while. WTF are you doing incog/sony? Fix this crap already.

User 406

Oh god dammit!

I got the TDM medal again.

And the server disconnected after the game.


Edit: Woohoo! It did! :D

Edit 2: CSSer, looks like you're right, people on the Warhawk forums are also complaining that they can't get Air Combat with the 50 hours showing under vehicle stats. Looks like we're stuck for a while. Oh well, next medal, Exemplary Team Cross, just 29 more wins to go! :D

Edit 3: Here's the complaint link if you guys catch anyone cheating: http://np.us.playstation.com/complaint/pc/ComplaintForm.aspx And someone post! I'm tired of editing this one!


mintylurb said:
oh, you are lucky. I was in a game against this clan who were mowing down our team with their invisible tanks.

Anyway, apparently this glitch has been around for a while. WTF are you doing incog/sony? Fix this crap already.

Didn't they say they had a patch ready.

It was mentioned earlier in this thread.


Steroyd said:
The only requirements is that you haven't ditched Warhawk entirely and you've found the Warhawk thread to let us know you're still playing, the second requirement being the hardest. :lol
I try to play a little bit but am really busy with school. And I made fun of the name thinking it was only clan europe so I am probably not wanted. and the clan meets are before I wake up in my timezone :(


It's okay there's almost always someone online everyday.

Not to mention the clan is only half full, the more the merrier. ^^

Besides you found this thread that's requirement enough. :lol


Do I need to log in and leave GAFw before you can send an invite?

grayman222 my other info is in the first post clan list if you are using it for anything.
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