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Warhawk - The Official Thread


Has anyone heard anything on the net about a patch for warhawk on the stat and server issues? I haven't heard anything in over a month.

BTW, how is the GAF clan going? If it's not full, would it be possible for me to join? PSN is j-wood.


spwolf said:
you mean rankings? you will get stats in few hrs... latetly they update within 20 minutes for me...

Yes, rankings. Sorry, I have the french version of the game and didn't know the exact term. And thanks for the help, I'll check my stats as soon as possible.

User 406

Bow down, bitches!

I am the ONLY Warhawk player to have died TEN THOUSAND TIMES!

Whenever you lay a mine from now on, you'll shudder in terror at the thought that I might be lurking nearby ready to touch it!


Sea Manky said:
Bow down, bitches!

I am the ONLY Warhawk player to have died TEN THOUSAND TIMES!

Whenever you lay a mine from now on, you'll shudder in terror at the thought that I might be lurking nearby ready to touch it!

You have played in 4x as many games as me... you are a monster :p

User 406

Got in some good games this afternoon with the GAF crew. Sorry I had to bail, but my wife got home and it's time to work out and make dinner. I'll probably be back on later tonight.

User 406

Steroyd said:
Very good Zones matches, was funny when the guy in the lobby was bitching at his team to get to the centre zone first.

Heh, funny thing, back when the game had only been out for a couple weeks, some guy bitched me out for taking zones that weren't immediately adjacent to the home base. I tried to explain how if you grow a base to 3, they can't grow nearby bases past 1 and it's a lot easier to hold, but he just called me a dumbass. XD


Steroyd said:
Very good Zones matches, was funny when the guy in the lobby was bitching at his team to get to the centre zone first.

pretty fun matches, was on the other team against you guys for 2 games before network died, and I got in a groove with the grenade lobbing lol. We still lost by a few hundred points, you wouldn't believe how many people on that team just stays in base manning turrets lol.
I was in a game today with Icechai where some guy camped in our base with the invisible tank.He had over 80 kills when I quit.I hate this game.


johnFkennedy said:
I was in a game today with Icechai where some guy camped in our base with the invisible tank.He had over 80 kills when I quit.I hate this game.

Next game was team deathmatch, we owned that cheating team since at least there's no invisible warhawks that I've seen :p


Man i haven't played this game since it dropped off the gaming forum... Time to put some hardwork into attaining my once high rank of 200th worldwide...

(not going to happen)


Unconfirmed Member
That was a pretty well sorted team, quickest TDM/Dogfight slaughter I've seen yet, must have rolled over them in 3 mins flat aha.

Really good zone game too, a refreshing change.

User 406


That ASSHOLE stole my #1 deaths spot again!

This is bullshit. He's got to be cheating. I was a few hundred deaths ahead of him yesterday when I hit 10K, and now he's ahead? He must have been jumping off cliffs all day. >:|

At least I earn all my deaths by rushing heedlessly into areas with shitloads of enemies.
Sea Manky said:

That ASSHOLE stole my #1 deaths spot again!

This is bullshit. He's got to be cheating. I was a few hundred deaths ahead of him yesterday when I hit 10K, and now he's ahead? He must have been jumping off cliffs all day. >:|

At least I earn all my deaths by rushing heedlessly into areas with shitloads of enemies.

Please Manky, promise me you'll never join the army.


posted last week on official warhawk forums by dev, but got lost in the shuffle:

10-10-2007 5:40pm

We would never leave our community!!! And just because my "personal" account hasn't logged into the boards, doesn't mean that the team and I aren't reading all the comments...as of late, we've been reviewing a lot of the glitch vids that Gamer Guy 118, Team EXO and others have posted. They are very helpfull.

We've been hard at work on the client side patches and will be making a post very soon!

And no...I'm not the Warhawk_Mod...that's just a generic alias for posting info :)

By the way, you guys probably already noticed this but...the clan bug that was setting the cap to 32 and not the correct 64 has been fixed server-side. So the limit is now 64. It was a pretty small change so we didn't make an offcial post about it -- probably should have though.

BTW: I do wish that there were piles of money for us to roll around in like some of you have hypothesized -- but it doesn't really work that way for us though! ROFLOL!



edit: Steroyd
Is there enough room to add a friend who just got his Wowhawk? He is not a GAF member, but Warhawk was one of the reason he bought his PS3.
His PSN: bilarzz


Steroyd said:
ooo got in there before the ban.

Those CTF matches earlier were intense, so intense I got my Combat badge. \(^_^)/

are you talking about the ones 6 hrs ago or did u guys get into another batch of CTFs? I picked up my Master Teamwork from those :)


icechai said:
are you talking about the ones 6 hrs ago or did u guys get into another batch of CTFs? I picked up my Master Teamwork from those :)

Yeah 6 hours ago I had to help my Grandma with technology wish I stayed longer. :(

User 406

Ran into deathlord again in a team game, the little shit was teamkilling flag carriers. Time to make use of that reporting URL!

Nine more flag carrier kills and I can get the Defense Warhawk badge! :D

User 406

Nice games there, Carlos, Vennt. Got my Defense Warhawk badge! :D

Who was that asshole on our team that wouldn't stop cussing everyone out? I killed some guy, and he starts calling me a fucking dick, said he was about to kill him, then tells me to pick him up, all the while calling me every name in the book. What the hell is wrong with people?


Sea Manky said:
Nice games there, Carlos, Vennt. Got my Defense Warhawk badge! :D

Who was that asshole on our team that wouldn't stop cussing everyone out? I killed some guy, and he starts calling me a fucking dick, said he was about to kill him, then tells me to pick him up, all the while calling me every name in the book. What the hell is wrong with people?

I tried to join that game where Carlos and Vennt were in but I kept getting the game full crap. Also my stats won't come up at all when I try to check my profile?!?!?!


just played for the first time in a few weeks...I had forgotten how awesome the game is. I do wish there was some kind of single player though.

I looked for a GAF server, but didn't see one...I'm still in GAFn, but I'm guessing that never took off with all of the bugs.


Jtrizzy said:
just played for the first time in a few weeks...I had forgotten how awesome the game is. I do wish there was some kind of single player though.

I looked for a GAF server, but didn't see one...I'm still in GAFn, but I'm guessing that never took off with all of the bugs.

ask Steroyd for a invite to GAF, we pretty much just join the server other clanmembers are in these days, usually there's at least a couple people playing so there's some unorganized clan fun to be had. :p


some good games today... wowhawk just has amazing gameplay...

So I picked up the flag (Archilopago), run into the jeep, did well, 20 guys on my ass, about to jump off the cliff, and be safe, on the way down in the jump, i hit our plane that just dropped bomp to clear the way, he spun me out and I slowed down enough to eat his bomb. Fukin amazin.
Aaahh, just got my Machinegun Warhawk badge and the Aerial Achievement medal. Pulled of one of those sweet sweet air mine kills too, you know the one; you've got a guy on your tail, his MG's are locked and you've only got the tiniest sliver of health left. So you so you bank round a cliff face (in this case it was one of the arches in Badlands, never follow a guy through one of those), drop the mine in his blind spot and wait for the boom. Sweeeeeeet.


I hate getting the flag.

All is fine when you get it but you're almost garunteed to get your ass towed, once I jumped out of the jeep at just the right time just before the jeep got towed, bloody awesome.

User 406

Steroyd said:
I hate getting the flag.

All is fine when you get it but you're almost garunteed to get your ass towed, once I jumped out of the jeep at just the right time just before the jeep got towed, bloody awesome.

Not if your teammates are keeping an eye on enemy warhawks. Whenever I have a spare moment while escorting, I check the map, and if an enemy plane is near the TOW points, I go after them. Love nailing them before they can nail the flag carrier. :D

Congrats on getting the Aerial Achievement medal, freethought!


hehe, you should try that against me, sea manky, I've become somewhat of a TOW asshole against flag carriers;
Tow missle + invisibility= death (even if you know i'm on the way)

anyway, next time we're on the same team, you can just leave the flag defense to me and go do your stuff against their base.
I still trust no random player to take good care of the flag :/ and they don't trust me/just want flag recovery points, so a bunch of people always stay at the base :(


If you need more room in GAF U, go ahead and kick me. I am not done playing warhawk, but I am going to Brazil for like a month and a half without my ps3. :(

Ah well, I am staying on Ipanema beach for free through work in a 5 star hotel for that time, so I guess I am not that :( after all.

Cheers! Mine a few warhawks for me and drive them into their flag carriers!

User 406

carlos said:
hehe, you should try that against me, sea manky, I've become somewhat of a TOW asshole against flag carriers;
Tow missle + invisibility= death (even if you know i'm on the way)

Yeah, stealth has been causing me problems with a few targets lately, guys who turn on the cloak and run like hell after I put a couple swarm missiles into them. I can usually keep track of them, but it's hard to hit cloaked warhawks with machine guns since there's no tracking. I can get some hits, but it's rare I can finish the kill before they get a health powerup. Eventually they have to come out of cloak, but then I've wasted a lot of time. Still, I can't resist the chase. :X

And JB, I'm on most nights at various times, just get Steroyd to add you to the clan and you can check the clan list to see who's playing whenever you get on.


numble said:
Somebody add me; PSN id is numbler. I'm misranked as a Commander, and have a couple of Master badges.
Ya, I think a lot of us are misranked. I would like to join one of those lower ranked servers but can't due to being misranked. ;<

User 406

Ragnarok10 said:
Sea_Mankay, you use a headset? I wanna play some good, strategic games tonight with the headset.

Yes, I have a headset. I'll probably be on after 10pm EST, since I've got a good solid hour of frying chicken ahead of me, and then I need to eat it. :D
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