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Warhawk - The Official Thread

Sea Manky said:
Ack, console froze.

Maybe it's a good thing, and that stupid flag carrier team kill I did on freethought won't count. :X

Yeah, accidentally killing the FC sucks, especially when it's just some random guy and he thinks you're some TKing douche. On the subject of flags, anyone know what to make of that note in the update list about capturing/returning? Either it's a time thing which seems unnecessary, you'll be able to return the flag while in a vehicle which seems neither here nor there or... Actually if it's not one of those then I have no idea what it might be. I guess they could change its position in that Badlands layout so you can't grab it from outside the base, I don't think it's game breaking though.
Steroyd said:
The Badlands on Md maps? Awe I just found out how to mine the flag so that doesn't happen to. :(

Like I said, I don't think it breaks the game. I'm just trying to figure out what they're going to change and Manky and I just played a game of CTF on that layout so it was fresh in my mind.

User 406

Some nice games with rc and Syndicate there, very clueful team, lots of good communication.

That said, it still drives me nuts that when at the beginning of a zones round, everyone jumps into warhawks, then flies around aimlessly picking up powerups or doing evasion maneuvers for no reason before finally deciding to find a place to land. Then they go into hover mode a mile above their target, and it takes ages for them to finally settle in. By then, the enemy team has their half of the field when we could have shut them out from the start. :|

Seriously people!

And yeah, I really hope they fix that Badlands flag grabbing thing, since its super easy to clear out any mines near it if you're grabbing it from outside, and there's a lot more interesting ways to mine the bunker if people are forced to go in. :)


freethought said:
Yeah, accidentally killing the FC sucks, especially when it's just some random guy and he thinks you're some TKing douche. On the subject of flags, anyone know what to make of that note in the update list about capturing/returning? Either it's a time thing which seems unnecessary, you'll be able to return the flag while in a vehicle which seems neither here nor there or... Actually if it's not one of those then I have no idea what it might be. I guess they could change its position in that Badlands layout so you can't grab it from outside the base, I don't think it's game breaking though.
Dylan Jobe | October 22nd, 2007 at 12:48 pm

@ Everyone who has CTF questions :)

Here’s the new behavior:

There is one flag timer – it counts up when being carried away by the opposing team and counts down when dropped. It counts down faster as more members of the team surround it. The timer does not automatically reset if you leave the capture radius. Nor does it reset if you fought to almost get the flag returned and then were killed.

The timers are basically persistent now.

There is a new mode activated after both flags are away from the base for some time to prevent stalemates – “Sudden Death mode” where both flags are visible to everyone and the flag counts down very fast.

The flag carrier is visible only when in a vehicle, someone observes from the warhawk passenger slot or Sudden death mode is in effect.

Looks to kill the stalemates we see in games now. Just gather a team and countdown, place some mines around and have a few others waiting to swoop in if first group gets killed to continue the return timer :)


Not sure if I like the return timer modification....there's nothing I enjoy more than hovering above a group trying to rescue the flag and let a homing/tow missle loose to buy some time for my team members to get there.

At the very least, It'll force me to change my habits....but I do like the stalemate idea, archipielago can get very annoying when someone hides in the higher part of one of the small house/base thingies


carlos said:
Not sure if I like the return timer modification....there's nothing I enjoy more than hovering above a group trying to rescue the flag and let a homing/tow missle loose to buy some time for my team members to get there.

At the very least, It'll force me to change my habits....but I do like the stalemate idea, archipielago can get very annoying when someone hides in the higher part of one of the small house/base thingies

now you'll just have to TOW/homing, drop down and pick up the flag and sneak around since you won't be seen on radar until some teammate comes with a jeep :p


My problem is mostly the timer doesn't reset if you go out of saving range; so they could easily avoid the homing missle, then get back to the flag and the timer is still where they left it. Since before they couldn't leave the flag saving area, they were easy targets.
It works both ways, I guess.

And I'm intrigued by the "flag carrier not visible when out of vehicle", it's gonna make the game a bit more strategic, since it won't just be a mad dash avoiding everyone when you try to leave the enemy base


carlos said:
My problem is mostly the timer doesn't reset if you go out of saving range; so they could easily avoid the homing missle, then get back to the flag and the timer is still where they left it. Since before they couldn't leave the flag saving area, they were easy targets.
It works both ways, I guess.

And I'm intrigued by the "flag carrier not visible when out of vehicle", it's gonna make the game a bit more strategic, since it won't just be a mad dash avoiding everyone when you try to leave the enemy base

and the first really viable usage for the Warhawk passenger radar!!!!


I really enjoyed those Md maps, I remember saying this before and told myself not to scoff at Md maps... but I did it again.

Might keep an extra eye out of Md Vari servers on clan nights.

Oh that's right, I hated Badlands CTF on Md maps because the team that's not in the middle gets a plethora of Land Mines faster. :/
Aaah, thanks Icechai. I guess that sounds okay. I'd like to know what he means by the timer counting up when the flag is being carried away, is the time it takes to return the flag going to be proportional to the time that the opposing team have held it? My only problem with the radar tweak is sometimes I don't notice that the flag has been stolen until I see it on the map but otherwise it's a pretty damn good idea and Sudden Death mode is a great idea, CTF stalemates can be awful.


Oh I get it!

Instead of going on a suicidal run to get the flag, just to reset the recovery time back to insta 20 seconds, you've got to hold the flag for 20 seconds for the timer to reset back to 20 seconds.

So basically, in the same vein on how when you catch the flag die, someone else gets it dies, someone else gets it etc etc like passing on the baton in a relay race, you can do the same recovering you're own flag.

This also prevents it being a forgone conclusion, if you're very close to capturing the flag as well.

CTF is going to rock hard with this update. :D

User 406

Those CTF changes sound great except for the sudden death thing, I liked the stalemates. :( Loved the challenge of trying to survive long enough to take back the flag when it's well guarded. And the bunker rafter thing made it easy, I just had to bring land mines and a flamethrower, bust in, then keep anyone else from entering with with constant streams of flame and the occasional mine. Returned a lot of stalemated flags that way.

From the sound of it, the new tug-o-war flag timer would make cracking those stalemates easier in the first place, so I don't see the need for an additional condition. And I can see situations where a stalemate occurs, and a lot of the team doesn't try to go return the flag until after SD kicks in so it will be less likely to reduce their precious K/DR. Besides, a "Sudden Death Mode" sounds kinda arcadey. Are we going to get a big flashing sign on the screen and some bleach drinker's voice saying, "SUDDEN DEATH!" with reverb? :X

Ah well, at least sneaking around with the enemy flag should totally rock ass. Destroyed Capitol is going to be my playground. :D


Sea Manky said:
Those CTF changes sound great except for the sudden death thing, I liked the stalemates. :( Loved the challenge of trying to survive long enough to take back the flag when it's well guarded. And the bunker rafter thing made it easy, I just had to bring land mines and a flamethrower, bust in, then keep anyone else from entering with with constant streams of flame and the occasional mine. Returned a lot of stalemated flags that way.

From the sound of it, the new tug-o-war flag timer would make cracking those stalemates easier in the first place, so I don't see the need for an additional condition. And I can see situations where a stalemate occurs, and a lot of the team doesn't try to go return the flag until after SD kicks in so it will be less likely to reduce their precious K/DR. Besides, a "Sudden Death Mode" sounds kinda arcadey. Are we going to get a big flashing sign on the screen and some bleach drinker's voice saying, "SUDDEN DEATH!" with reverb? :X

Ah well, at least sneaking around with the enemy flag should totally rock ass. Destroyed Capitol is going to be my playground. :D

as much as I understood it, it will help a lot with newbies though, so I am excited to see how this goes.

rest of the changes make this 10.0 game for sure... pretty fuking awesome.

And ppl thought Warhawk is unsupported :lol

User 406

Man, that was a teriffic string of games. Good thing my machine locked up or I'd probably still be playing. Turns out I'm two hours past lunchtime and haven't eaten a thing. XD
Sea Manky said:
Man, that was a teriffic string of games. Good thing my machine locked up or I'd probably still be playing. Turns out I'm two hours past lunchtime and haven't eaten a thing. XD
I actually got to see how good you and freethought were in person, haha. I did ok, normally I score within the top 5, but because of you guys >_>

Good games though. I can't play Warhawk as long as you though, Manky. I gotta take a break from it every few games.
Sea Manky said:
Man, that was a teriffic string of games. Good thing my machine locked up or I'd probably still be playing. Turns out I'm two hours past lunchtime and haven't eaten a thing. XD

I tried to get into the game you guys were in for like 20 minutes.

stupid "Unable to join game" bullshit... :(


TheJollyCorner said:
I tried to get into the game you guys were in for like 20 minutes.

stupid "Unable to join game" bullshit... :(

hopefully by next month that will be gone :p along with potential for clan matches!

User 406

Damn, I got over twenty flag captures this evening. Maybe I will get the CTF medal before the end of the year. :X

Also drilled the hell out of a lot of people with the 4x4 machine gun turret, including a couple tank kills. That thing is no joke.
Sea Manky said:
Damn, I got over twenty flag captures this evening. Maybe I will get the CTF medal before the end of the year. :X

Also drilled the hell out of a lot of people with the 4x4 machine gun turret, including a couple tank kills. That thing is no joke.
I've only gotten a few flag captures. Still, I figured it's easier getting flag captures based on the map and what size it is.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I've been getting tk'd more and more before I am able to return my flag. Getting annoying. One guy TK'd me in a plane, but my teammate grabbed the flag, hid in a bunker until I respawned, then dropped the flag for me to pick up and score with. What a guy!
Sea Manky said:
Damn, I got over twenty flag captures this evening. Maybe I will get the CTF medal before the end of the year. :X

Also drilled the hell out of a lot of people with the 4x4 machine gun turret, including a couple tank kills. That thing is no joke.
it works but bastards like to run up and knife you, it's too weak on troops

its a 50 cal so 4 or five hits should waste troops



I get the Warhawk exemplary medal... and I get promoted up 3 places to Air Marshall.

I'm about 5-6 ranks away from getting the highest rank. :S


Steroyd said:

I get the Warhawk exemplary medal... and I get promoted up 3 places to Air Marshall.

I'm about 5-6 ranks away from getting the highest rank. :S

and BAM, on Monday, we will all be back to "almost" recruits :lol


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
onadesertedisland said:
it works but bastards like to run up and knife you, it's too weak on troops

its a 50 cal so 4 or five hits should waste troops

4 or 5 hits is too few, but as it is now, it's way too weak. Like you've said, I have knifed so many ppl in 4x4's that I've lost count.


lol, what is it with you, sea manky, I end up TK'ing you at least once per encounter (sorry)

some nice games with freethought and manky (I wish I saw somebody else online for a change ;)

btw manky, did you pop in the Chirotachin (or something like that) server after our games with freethought?
I could've sworn I saw you for a second


rc213 said:
Patch 1.10 has been up for an hou, but all official servers still down. Rank is still screwed up. :c

as much as i remember, that will be fixed in monday server update, unless they decided to change that...

User 406

carlos said:
lol, what is it with you, sea manky, I end up TK'ing you at least once per encounter (sorry)

some nice games with freethought and manky (I wish I saw somebody else online for a change ;)

btw manky, did you pop in the Chirotachin (or something like that) server after our games with freethought?
I could've sworn I saw you for a second

Well, I've been teamkilling freethought a lot lately, so as long as he teamkills you we'll have karmic balance or something. :p

I'm sure a lot of those are due to you having a good TOW shot lined up and then I go rushing in like a moron. :X

After you left to find a bigger server, I had to do a bit of toddler maintenance, then I checked for you guys in the clan list, didn't show you in any games so I just found another one and played for a bit.

And those of you confused about the patch situation should check out this thread. It would seem that only disc users are getting a patch, and PSN version users aren't. Apparently the patched and unpatched versions can't see each other, so once you've got the patch you don't see a lot of games or the blue servers. Hopefully they'll get this straightened out soon. I guess I'll just leave my machine on until they do. XD


Oh boy, is updating for disc users forced when logging in? that will suck until they fix it :/

We've got to have a backup server plan once we leave from one, since the list rarely updates...

Well, I'm going back in for a couple of hours, hopefully I'll be able to find some games...


carlos said:
Oh boy, is updating for disc users forced when logging in? that will suck until they fix it :/

We've got to have a backup server plan once we leave from one, since the list rarely updates...

Well, I'm going back in for a couple of hours, hopefully I'll be able to find some games...

Logout then log back in problem solved.


Steroyd said:
Logout then log back in problem solved.

you mean for updating the clan list?
tried it many many times, even today; it's never worked for me :(

oh well, at least this patch really seems to have fixed the connection problems :/
now why are there so many unranked servers...

edit: well fuck, now it seems they screwed something else up; every time after a game is over, it just hangs at the results screen, in ALL the servers I've played in.....minutes go by and its just stuck there :(

edit2: well that happened on 5 servers in a row, now its been "server disconnected" in the middle of a game 4 times in a row.

I've been playing for an hour and have yet to get a full game in


Looks like they accidentally released the 1.1 patch early:

Dylan Jobe said:
As many of you have seen, the v1.1 patch was available for download in the US today. This was premature...as many of you speculated.

We (Incognito) have not approved the deployment of this patch yet because we are still in the final phase of our global test cycle. We are currently investigating why some of you have access to the v1.1 patch.

We will post an update as soon as we more info!

Message Edited by Dylan_Jobe on 10-24-2007 03:05 PM



Does that mean my PS3 will blow up if I try and connect right now since I already installed the patch earlier today? =c

Warhawk Community,

This afternoon, some of our US players were inadvertently able to download the v1.1 patch prior to its official, world-wide deployment. This problem has been resolved and the v1.1 patch has been taken offline until we finalize our global test cycle.

We super apologize for the inconvenience -- we all want the patch out as soon as possible, but we need to wait for it to clear the last stages of our world-wide test before we "pull-the-trigger".

So...for those players that were using the Blu-ray version of Warhawk that *did* update to v1.1 today, we advise that you go to the XMB (cross media bar), and in your "Game Data Utility", delete your Warhawk game data. Once you've done that, just re-boot Warhawk and the game will re-install v1.0, allowing you to play with the 1.0 world again. And I know you'll all ask this...it will *not* affect your stats or Save Data.

Also please note that this inadvertent pre-release of v1.1 *only* affected players using the Blu-ray version of the game in the US. All other countries and products were unaffected.

Once more, we are very sorry for the unscheduled, unplanned, preview roll-out v1.1 :)

We are still tracking the end of October for the "real" deployment of the patch and, as always, we will keep you all posted!
This invisible tank thing is fucking terrible. Ugh.

It's even worse in CTF because all they have to do is hang around the flag and blow people up all day, leaving time for flag carriers to grab it and run. Shit.

We need a fix, ASAP! This is breaking the game for me!


BlackGoku03 said:
This invisible tank thing is fucking terrible. Ugh.

It's even worse in CTF because all they have to do is hang around the flag and blow people up all day, leaving time for flag carriers to grab it and run. Shit.

We need a fix, ASAP! This is breaking the game for me!

Report his cheating ass on the Sony website.


BlackGoku03 said:
This invisible tank thing is fucking terrible. Ugh.

It's even worse in CTF because all they have to do is hang around the flag and blow people up all day, leaving time for flag carriers to grab it and run. Shit.

We need a fix, ASAP! This is breaking the game for me!

Switch teams and knife the asshole relentlessly until he quits the game. =P

I love hearing them bitch about getting knifed by teammates.

Report: http://np.us.playstation.com/complaint/pc/ComplaintForm.aspx


I have come to the conclusion that Sea_Mankey isn't human, I go to sleep he's on Warhawk I wake up in the morning he's on Warhawk, that's freaking amazing.


Steroyd said:
I have come to the conclusion that Sea_Mankey isn't human, I go to sleep he's on Warhawk I wake up in the morning he's on Warhawk, that's freaking amazing.

What's more amazing is that mrs. manky lets him play so much, and that he manages so much time played even with family duties.
carlos said:
What's more amazing is that mrs. manky lets him play so much, and that he manages so much time played even with family duties.

I love hearing him announce his intention to change a diaper, not least because it gives me a shot at the Warhawk ribbon.:D

Has anyone heard any more about the European deathmatch tourney? I really don't want to miss registration. I guess I should frequent the official boards but most, if not all pertinent info gets posted here anyway.

What's going on with this patch anyway, is it safe to log in with a downloaded version?
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