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Warhawk - The Official Thread

User 406

Holy shit, I just had the most amazing set of mass kills with the TOW and cluster bomb! It was like I couldn't use one without killing half a dozen enemies at a time. Ended the round with 98 kills, probably my best non-deathmatch record yet. :X

User 406

If I was a robot, I'd at least have enough class to transform into a bigger cooler robot instead of retarded shit like cars and toaster ovens. :p
Wow, I haven't played Warhawk for a while now, but I'm looking to get back in.

If there's space in the clan, I'd like to join and play with some people from GAF.

ID: projectkuro



I'm getting progressively worse at playing warhawk, I'm getting knifed when I have a fecking flamethrower and people grenade my ass when I try to knife them, I'm losing machine gun skirmishes on the ground and I'm getting killed by n00b mines.

And I'm playing shite in all my games just booted up Pro Evo and couldn't control the ball nevermind score. :mad:

User 406

Knife is actually my weapon of choice when I'm within range of a flamethrower. Been making a lot of kills that way since flamethrower users tend to charge at you.




"Calling all trench monkeys, starting next week, we will be running a Warhawk Competition open to 32 Three Speech users. There will be two preliminary sessions of 16 people with a final featuring the top four from each group, thus eight in total.

Listen closely as this is about to get detailed.

The first preliminary session will take place on Monday December 10 at 5pm (GMT) and will be made up of three games. The first two will be 10 minute warm ups - death matches. The third game will be a 15 minute dogfight to ensure it’s a level playing field. The top four players from the dogfight will proceed to the final.

The second preliminary session will take place on Wednesday December 12, also at 5pm (GMT) and will be in the same format as the first preliminary session.

The final will take place on Friday December 14, again at 5pm (GMT), with eight finalists. There will be one 10 minute warm up game which will be a free for all. The final game to decide the first, second and third places will be a 20 minute dogfight.

The games need to start at 5pm (GMT) to ensure we can monitor the winners of each round. The password will only be given out to the 16 people playing in each game and we will need everybody’s PSN ID so that we can verify the correct people are playing. Players can only take part on their allocated day.

To take part please make sure you will be available to play at 5pm (GMT) on all days and mail us at blog@threespeech.com with your name and PSN ID, so we can confirm your place in the respective game and send you the password.

The first, second and third place winners will receive a rather nice Warhawk trophy"


User 406

Blargh, I'm not a threespeech user. :(

And I just saw the video of the dropship firing those side guns and OH CHRIST I'VE FUKKIN CUM
Sea Manky said:
Blargh, I'm not a threespeech user. :(

And I just saw the video of the dropship firing those side guns and OH CHRIST I'VE FUKKIN CUM

Yeah, just caught that myself. Very nice. It's going to add a whole new dimension to the game. Still, a packed dropship could be an excellent way to rack up turret kills.

Unlimited swarm missiles for passengers looks interesting too.


Junior Member
Who's still actively playing? Is the GAFn clan still functional? I'd like to join any GAF clan if possible.


PSN ID plz

I think I was able to add an extra person yesterday haven't counted the clan size yet, hopefully it wasn't a fluke.
Can't wait for the omega pack to release. Should be freakin sweet, I believe that warhawk really needs an update like this to really exceed expectations. This game had a slow start, but this update, will pick up the pace very quickly.


So I take it GAFn is not active anymore, well what clan is and what server/time do you guys usually meet up in? Btw, PSN ID is KGKK.

User 406

Yay, down to under 800 air-to-vehicle kills left for the last badge, god damn. :p

Got another hundred, and finally got to face off against JAC247. He's the first pilot I've met that's really owned me hard. I killed him once, he killed me about ten times. Made him work for it though. :p
Sea Manky said:
If I was a robot, I'd at least have enough class to transform into a bigger cooler robot instead of retarded shit like cars and toaster ovens. :p

No, then you'd be Voltron or Getter Robo. :p


Last time I logged in, I looked at the leader boards.

Sea Manky is a few days shy of a complete month's worth of playing Warhawk. :X


lttp, but good games the other night, rc213; great to find someone from the clan so late at night.

and sea manky, your experience with the JAC guy sounds like mine :/
we must try to team up on him sometime ;)

User 406

Damn, had a very good series of games today, and got my air-to-vehicle kill requirement down to under 250. I might be able to put this badge to bed tomorrow. :X

Also got promoted to Air Marshal and I now have over 40,000 kills! :D

User 406

Actually, I've been skipping a day here and there lately, although yesterday I did put in a marathon session.

But yeah, Warhawk has turned out to be my favorite online game ever. It's like the game was made for me. It's really weird, I've never ever been this good at a competitive game before. :X

User 406

Yeah, but I played netrek for far longer and was never better than a middle of the road player. Played arcade Street Fighter for many years and wasn't tournament level. Played lots of first person shooters and I'm still laughably bad at them. Warhawk just seems to have the perfect combination of gameplay elements I'm good at. Awesome air combat <3 <3 <3


^ What's great about Warhawk, is the fact that it is so unrealistic and arcadey. That's why I can manage to play it. (Though I am by no means great at it.)

User 406

If I recall correctly, at first Incognito tried using a much more realistic physics model for the vehicles, where the incline of terrain had an effect on the performance of the transmission and stuff like that, and they discovered it just made things annoying. :p

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
I thought I was bad with like 50~ish hours lol. Most of a game I played in a long time (besides MMOs).

Saw some videos on JP store of people playing warhawk. Was funny to watch.:D


Corran Horn said:
I thought I was bad with like 50~ish hours lol. Most of a game I played in a long time (besides MMOs).

Saw some videos on JP store of people playing warhawk. Was funny to watch.:D
haha, well spanky is a special case. Anyway, I'm pretty close to 100 hours..I really should start playing other games. ;d


Unconfirmed Member
Ok, I just grabbed this game today and I played for a little while. All I can say is I TRULY SUCK. I think I have a k/d ration of .4 and I feel almost handicapped trying to get use to the controller.

Can anyone recommend a server for beginners since I can't do jack without dying in some horrific fashion.


Arkaerial said:
Ok, I just grabbed this game today and I played for a little while. All I can say is I TRULY SUCK. I think I have a k/d ration of .4 and I feel almost handicapped trying to get use to the controller.

Can anyone recommend a server for beginners since I can't do jack without dying in some horrific fashion.
Don't feel bad. I've been playing this game for a while yet I'm still not that good. ;< Anyway, level 1 servers are for beginners so start from there. I suggest playing either team death match or CTF games.


Arkaerial said:
Ok, I just grabbed this game today and I played for a little while. All I can say is I TRULY SUCK. I think I have a k/d ration of .4 and I feel almost handicapped trying to get use to the controller.

Can anyone recommend a server for beginners since I can't do jack without dying in some horrific fashion.

what most of us did was host a lan game and get used to the controls, vehicles and weapons. After a bit of tinkering, jump into a game and start focusing on doing 1 thing good per game. The most common fun way of getting in is to man missle / gun turrets and knock out planes and people on the ground. Once you have a feel for the flow of the game, start helping out your team in other ways (placing mines around base, protect flag bearers, etc). Once you're feeling good about the controls, start doing a bit of everything. Warhawk is a very versatile game and to start getting the epic feel, you should be able to hop in and out of every vehicle at will and gouge which weapon you should use in which situation.

Quick example: Warhawks are used to get places fast and for aerial combat, but sometimes if I'm chased by a couple enemy warhawks, i do some evasive maneuvers, dive land on a mountain top, and jump out on foot in order to launch rockets at the planes that were chasing me (much quicker way of killing them than dogfighting 2v1). Afterwards zoom across the level in a jeep before hopping into a tank to unleash some chaos on their base. All the while a bajillion other things are happening across the map from your other 15 team members.

User 406

w00t! Just 30 more air-to-vehicle kills to go! I'll finish up tomorrow.

Arkaerial, don't sweat dying, it's what Warhawk's all about! :D

User 406


I finally did it! Got the Air to Surface Warhawk badge today, and now I have all the ribbons, all the badges, and all the medals! \o/

Now I'm ready to tackle the shiny trinkets in Omega Dawn. XD


Sea Manky said:

I finally did it! Got the Air to Surface Warhawk badge today, and now I have all the ribbons, all the badges, and all the medals! \o/

Now I'm ready to tackle the shiny trinkets in Omega Dawn. XD



And you did it all with a couple of weeks to spare before the expansion O.O
So, can we expect to still see you playing until then, or will you be taking a short break?


I see I lost my clan spot, I'm sorry for skipping out guys, too many games to play the last couple of weeks :(

Started playing again yesterday, still LOVE this game!


Unconfirmed Member
Hey I'd ask to join the clan, but right now the only thing I would be good for is something like the court jester...you can all point and laugh at the fool.:D
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