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Warhawk - The Official Thread

User 406

Yay, finally got to play! That was fun! I love the new map and dropship. Learning that map is going to take a long time. :D

And online leadarboards, about time! Now people can see that I don't stat pad. :X


Good games, absolutely cruel when I dumped a tank on their base. :lol

The Clan server options are brilliant starting next week I'll try some forums looking for clan battles.

User 406

I'm also ecstatic about the new game filters, now I can eliminate all those unranked games from consideration. XD Only problem is that you can't just pick all ranked, you have to choose from player ranked or dedicated ranked. Oh well.


Sea Manky said:
Yay, finally got to play! That was fun! I love the new map and dropship. Learning that map is going to take a long time. :D

And online leadarboards, about time! Now people can see that I don't stat pad. :X
Too bad my stats got wiped. I had a crazy K/D ratio before they were. I think one of the Arbiters did it. Probably got pissed at me for kicking his ass.

I'm really loving the dropship. When people actually get in, it can be damn near unstoppable, especially on the older levels. The newer one it too big to go between health and chaffs effectively. You really need escorting Warhawks for that level.


what is it about this game that makes every match always seem so onesided? every server i join, it seems like one team dominates the other. its never close. CTF is always 3-0, zones are alway 5000+ - 1000+, etc...

i have yet to be able to try the dropship. seems like its always one guy flying around solo in it spraying bullets. i kind of saw that coming too... that noise it makes is annoying as hell :[


I got into my grove then got a server disconnect when the match ended! 47 points, not too high for ctf but it was the highest score. My accolades :(


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Steroyd said:
With people knocking on the door to join I have to do something. :|

I'm still putting up a server tonight to test the Clan server options, I'm entertaining the idea of going around to forums and challenging clans, if I'm satisfied with the results. :)

Kicking people out without any notice was the only option? Alllllrighty.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
I can't be the only one bothered about the terrible frame drops and tearing happening in full 32p servers. Especially in The Badlands. It's almost disgusting.

Now, with the dropship being available only in the largest maps, and with these largest maps being available only on 32p Official servers, I'm even more pissed, as dropship are available only in the large layouts (except Omega Factory).

The reason why they are not adding some 24p/Full maps in the Official server list is beyond me. That would be perfect.


Edit: I'm gonna post this in the official forum. Hope someone listens

The Jer

Alright, this game has been giving me problems.

I didn't buy the Omega booster pack. I have the filter set to show "all maps resident." and I only join games with the green dot by it (why can't I filter so I don't even have to see red dots?). When I try to join a game, I often connect but then get kicked. I receive a message similar to this:

"you do not have the map layout being played. you need the omega dawn booster pack. purchase now?"

Or I get get kicked after the game switches to a new layout (receive the same message). I'm guessing the filter only filters out "maps," not "layouts." I'm guessing the red dot, green dot thing works the same way.

This is stupid. I just keeping getting error messages. they need to fix their filters so it doesn't show games I can't play in.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
The Jer said:
Alright, this game has been giving me problems.

I didn't buy the Omega booster pack. I have the filter set to show "all maps resident." and I only join games with the green dot by it (why can't I filter so I don't even have to see red dots?).

Red dots are also for servers to which your rank is too high.
Have you tried "Maps Resident" instead of "All Maps Resident"?

Anyway, whoever does the writing/interface in Incognito needs to get some lessons in communication and design. I still dont actually get what's the difference between "Maps Resident" and "All Maps Resident" and the whole interface is kinda messy as well as actually ugly.

On I side note, was I drunk or did I see a flag carrier flying in a Warhawk on an official blu server yesterday?
TTP said:
I can't be the only one bothered about the terrible frame drops and tearing happening in full 32p servers. Especially in The Badlands. It's almost disgusting.

I only play on 32p servers and I hate tearing but it doesn't bother me in Warhawk.

The Jer

TTP said:
Red dots are also for servers to which your rank is too high.
i shouldn't have that problem. lol

TTP said:
Have you tried "Maps Resident" instead of "All Maps Resident"?
I've tried both.

TTP said:
I still dont actually get what's the difference between "Maps Resident" and "All Maps Resident"
from what i understood, "maps resident" only shows games on maps you have, for the current game being played. "all maps resident" only shows games on maps you have, for the entire rotation of games played on that server.

it doesn't show the omega dawn maps, which is good, i just get "layout" errors, which tells me the filters are only filtering out the omega dawn map and not filtering out the "new" layouts on the old maps which include the dropship. i really don't know, but that'd be my guess.

I finally got in some steady games, but I'm pretty frustrated. The game shouldn't break if I don't buy every add-on when it comes out.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
The Jer said:
from what i understood, "maps resident" only shows games on maps you have, for the current game being played. "all maps resident" only shows games on maps you have, for the entire rotation of games played on that server.

Ah, that makes sense.

it doesn't show the omega dawn maps, which is good, i just get "layout" errors, which tells me the filters are only filtering out the omega dawn map and not filtering out the "new" layouts on the old maps which include the dropship. i really don't know, but that'd be my guess.

What do u mean by "errors". Are u referring to this?


The Jer

TTP said:
That pretty much sounds like what I'm experiencing. I HAVE only been trying to join blue servers today and, according to Jobe, those are what they are having trouble with. I've also noticed the white "mini-map not found" graphic where there would normally be a picture, a few times. However, I'm pretty sure I've gotten errors in servers that aren't marked with "OD"
I join, get the "connected!" message and then a message similar (don't remember exactly) to this pops up before I'm back at the server select screen:
"you do not have the map layout being played. you need the omega dawn booster pack. purchase now?"

Well, it's obvious to me, now, that they know there is a problem with this. I'm sure they'll get it fixed soon and, until then, I'll just stay off the blue official servers. thanks for the info.


That dropship is pure sex.

Playing CTF I grab a dropship to transport the flag carrier, I got Towed in the dropship, my life is next to nothing, so I get as close to the ground as possible to release my passenger before I get blew up, I Just about made it before I died and because the guy wasted his Tow on me, the guy was capable of capturing the flag with ease, never before has a death feel so good. :D


anyone know aproximately how many swarm missiles the dropship can take? i must have hit one with atleast 20 and it was still chugging along.


So I checked out the damage on the Dropship.. I have found that The weakspot of the Drop ship is the Tail.

It only takes 4 Rockets to blow up a dropship by hitting the Tail.

Otherwise it could take 8 or more.

Also.. If you hit the tail it takes ~120 Machine-gun Bullets

Hope this helps when going up against one..
Ah yes, there's nothing quite as gratifying as taking out a dropship with an assault rifle. It's one of those grand massive boner moments when you stand there in the midst of a hail of enemy fire and return fire until one of you drops dead.

So awesome. :D

Now with dropships even my loser ass can capture the flag! :lol

Had a nice round of capturing the enemy flag and then driving all over the map on the one stage because I got lost. And had two Nemesis planes on my tail trying to take me out, and I would manage to make it to the next vehicle repair icon to spite all their efforts. Finally gor some air support and I drove the guy crazy driving around like a woman. Then the dropship swooped in and delivered me to safety. :lol


methane47 said:
So I checked out the damage on the Dropship.. I have found that The weakspot of the Drop ship is the Tail..

Just as it is for the hawks :p

So, I've dled omega dawn. I haven't played in AGES (and I'm sure I've been dropped from the clan huh ? :p)
I should try to play it again. I loved it, buth what mostly turned me off was the times when GAF like gave up on this game (back on the days when this topic was moved).

Are any games planned today ?
Does anyone else have problems getting their headset to work? I've got a bluetooth headset that for-sure works, but when I turn it on and press L3 I only hear the radio click (telling me to begin talking) half the time. I try turning off my headset and then turning back on, but it doesn't work. Anyone know how to fix this?


I'm not sure the tail is the warhawks weak point; I think its the cockpit.
If you get hit head on while hovering, only one hit will take you down (at least that how it works for me, I hate those camping rocket guys). that's the worst part of that hew map, there are so many places for ground troops to hide in (not to mention the friggin' darkness).

As for your headset troubles, gazerk, I seriously hope that this isn't something the expansion screwed up; I played for a few hours today on multiple servers and there wasn't one word spoken at all, not even when i called out for others.

good games last night TTP, I could feel your tenacity when you were after me


carlos said:
I'm not sure the tail is the warhawks weak point; I think its the cockpit.

Well it depends, but yeah if you shoot right in the cockpit it'll be more efficient, probably. But with a rocket, or a missile, where you don't really aim, you'll take a hawk down faster by shooting from behind.
Ugh, the mic thing is so annoying. As far as I know it's not the expansion's fault. It's been doing this since the game came out, but now that I have gaffers to play with I actually want to talk now.


GAZERK said:
Ugh, the mic thing is so annoying. As far as I know it's not the expansion's fault. It's been doing this since the game came out, but now that I have gaffers to play with I actually want to talk now.

is it just the game or does your headset not work at all? Have you tried the accessory settings and testing your voice out (along with changing your pitch to be chipmunk like? :p)


Just comparing my stats to Sea_Manky's, he's got 10x more points than me, about 11x more kills than me, nearly 8x more wins than me and he's played nearly 5x as much as me.

345106 people have purchased Warhawk.

Leaderboard link.

Add yourself to the leaderboard on the left we can have our own Gaf leaderboard, and highlight how sad Sea_Manky is.

User 406

Is there any way to look at someone's profile from the online leaderboard? I was expecting you could but I can't find a way. :(

Speaking of dumb dropship behavior, I was in a zones game this morning on Island Outpost, and I was taking the north bridge. Our dropship, complete with four guys in turrets, lands next to me and... sits there. None of them get out. I grow the zone to 3 by myself, and then they all fly off. :|

I certainly wouldn't say they're useless on public servers, I've seen plenty of dropships with a good crew complement going around being useful. Not everyone's competent with them yet, but they do get used well about as often as they're used by a single moron, at least as far as I've seen. And it's great when a dropship picks you up when you've got the flag. :D
icechai said:
is it just the game or does your headset not work at all? Have you tried the accessory settings and testing your voice out (along with changing your pitch to be chipmunk like? :p)

Headset works, I'm pretty sure of it. I re-paired it to the PS3 and made it the input and output device, and it registered on the PS3 when I was checking my voice. And I haven't tried changing my voice to chipmunk, haha. I don't know what else I can do :(

I guess I'll try to fiddle with it a bit more. Ughhhh


I wouldn't say 345,000 sold, since many of those are likely to be second or third accounts being played from the disc version. It wouldn't surprise me for people to make dummy accounts while they learn the game as well...

I'd say betweeen 275,000 to 300,000 sold to be a reasonable and conservative estimate (still very good compared to Uncharted,Heavenly Sword,Ratchet, Lair and many others....)

Incog should keep working on getting the stat boosters off the leaderboards; for example the guy who is ranked just ahead of me in total points has 67,000 team points and just 2 combat points...
Comparing combat points is a better way to see where you truly rank

btw, happy holidays guys :)


Sea Manky said:
Is there any way to look at someone's profile from the online leaderboard? I was expecting you could but I can't find a way. :(

You mean like this?

Handle: Sea_Manky
Total Points 176403
Team Points 95963
Combat Points 44353
Bonus Points 41535
Kills 41603
Deaths 21339
KDR 1.95
Global Accuracy 29.89%
Wins 1557
Losses 498
Win-Loss Ratio 3.13
Score per Minute 5.96
Deathmatch Score 7985
Team Deathmatch Score 28482
Capture the Flag Score 104738
Zones Score 35198
Global Time 493:15:08
Miles Walked 2,298.64
Miles Driven 1,628.15
Miles Flown 32,215.11

Or the more detailed one through the warhawk game?


good lord, look at leaderboard #1:
Handle: Non66
Total Points 645711
Team Points 644346
Combat Points 1240
Bonus Points 1090
Kills 1165
Deaths 676
KDR 1.72
Global Accuracy 24.53%
Wins 62
Losses 55
Win-Loss Ratio 1.13
Score per Minute 344.72
Deathmatch Score 84
Team Deathmatch Score 556
Capture the Flag Score 643566
Zones Score 1505
Global Time 31:13:09
Miles Walked 96.22
Miles Driven 35.27
Miles Flown 946.83

isn't this a bit obvious on whether they should ban people or not??? 344 points per minute is not possible in a normal game (compare his global time to Mankys, who has the highest score in the clan)

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
 	Handle  	Score per Minute
1 	affenpuppe 	1,304.74

things that make you go...hmmmmmm lol
I love the online leaderboard on web, but man i suck :/


In all honestly, just looking at the top 20, ALL of them are point scammers; just one of them has a good amount of kills.

They shouldn't nuke accounts, but maybe erase their team points and bring them back down to earth.


carlos said:
I wouldn't say 345,000 sold, since many of those are likely to be second or third accounts being played from the disc version. It wouldn't surprise me for people to make dummy accounts while they learn the game as well...

I'd say betweeen 275,000 to 300,000 sold to be a reasonable and conservative estimate (still very good compared to Uncharted,Heavenly Sword,Ratchet, Lair and many others....)

Incog should keep working on getting the stat boosters off the leaderboards; for example the guy who is ranked just ahead of me in total points has 67,000 team points and just 2 combat points...
Comparing combat points is a better way to see where you truly rank

btw, happy holidays guys :)
I never like this games style of ranking. It would be better to have a ranking strongly focused on the last 5 or 10 games to give a good "skill" idea.

for example, if I played as long as manky but the same as i do now my score would be around 72,000 instead of 2400.


What you mentioned could be ascertained if you rank by points per minute; too bad the team point flag spammers have screwed up that statistic (300+points per minute, yeah right)

Kill/death ratio is also good for comparisons, but that sometimes depends on your play style (dying over and over to get the flag / camping in a turret or sniping)


GAZERK said:
Ok, eff this. I think I'll just get a new bluetooth headset. What do you guys have?

BTW, echoing what carlos said, Merry Christmas!

Plantronics Voyager 510 has been rated as the best overall bluetooth headset by several publications, good battery life and sound. Still my favorite one (tried a bunch of samsung and motorola ones but the sound quality can't compare)


Ramirez said:
I will be joining you ladies very shortly, plan on picking this up tomorrow. :D

Glad to have you onboard;
Just promise you won't give up on it when you start getting killed repeatedly while you learn the ropes...

I know its the holidays and all, so our playing time is irregular at the moment, but if anyone wants to play for the next few hours, I'll be on


Wow, Can't believe I haven't touched this in almost a month. :O I'll be back soon, Too many games to play lately. One of the perks of having you B-Day close to X-Mas. :D


carlos said:
Glad to have you onboard;
Just promise you won't give up on it when you start getting killed repeatedly while you learn the ropes...

I know its the holidays and all, so our playing time is irregular at the moment, but if anyone wants to play for the next few hours, I'll be on

I'm too competitive for that. :p


Ramirez said:
I'm too competitive for that. :p

That's good to hear; I'm the same, wanting vengance everytime I get killed and not stopping until I get it.

I only mentioned it because the people who have been regretting their warhawk purchase usually mention the learning curve and don't give it a chance (heck, it took me around a hundred hours until I finally got to the level of play that I'm satisfied with)

off topic: Sea Manky, you've been knocked off #1 in kills! Some guy named bk4ever (and he's getting close to your death record as well) weird thing is he's done it in about 210 hours O.O (the guy plays deathmatches almost exclusively). His records really aren't anything special; I'm just surprised that he could rack up so many kills in so little playing time.

User 406

Yeah, I've played in his room a couple times, that's all he does is play deathmatch in the Badlands Fortress. He's cool though, he just loves ground deathmatch for some reason. He'll talk some friendly trash, but he's also quick with the compliments for good play. I broke 100 kills IAR in his room, but he still beat me by several kills. He's good at what he does, check out his ridiculous global accuracy rating.


nice set of games there kaching! After playing Omega Dawn for quite a bit, I'm not really sure whether the dropship adds or detracts from the game. Sure organized players have a great way of transporting their jeep faster, or make a flying fortress, but I always have that ship in the back of my mind and I'm not focusing on tanks really anymore. I just get places with Warhawk/use their weapons, sometimes use dropship to pick up people or to defend base, and jeep for extraction. Dropship spawns enough so I don't even feel like using other stuff x_x

Oh, and its kind of amusing hearing all the newer players on chat ("how do you get more than 20 points, I swear you are awesome if you do on this lvl [omega factory]") lol. It sucks that there's so few people who know how to kill jeeps in Warhawks these days x_x
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