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Warhawk - The Official Thread


Maybe we should try to play a balanced game with guests and gaffers on both sides....I mean, the only way you get better is by playing against good players, right? I think we'd crush the guests if we were all on one side, no matter who the competiton is...

Some other random thoughts:

-Did the omega dawn expansion mess with the netcode? I seem to be having constant problems, like getting no warnings before being hit with missles, damage not being recorded (I'm hurt, but the life bar stays full, when it's really not), invisible air mines and a few other problems that I can't remember at the moment.

- I've now played against most of the top 50 players in kills, there sure are a lot of air mine spammers on there...and I guess most may be from europe or be insomniacs like myself. I can handle myself well against them, but it all depends on your supporting team; If it's 4 to 1 or worse in the air, it doesn't matter how good you are, you're screwed.

-people, if you've got a moment to spare (and especially if your team is low on bases) when you land in a warhawk that your not going to use anymore, turn around and toss a grenade to the cockpit to blow it (so that it respawns where you got it from). Nothing worse than needing a warhawk in a CTF game just to have them all parked near the enemy flag.

-again, don't take TOW missles if you don't know how to use them; in CTF, you should always have one on hand to quickly take care of the flagcarrier before he leaves your base (try to avoid the temptation to waste it on something else, unless it's 3+ kills ;)

-last one, very important: if the flag carrier is getting away in a jeep and you're in a warhawk, don't trail it from behind with the machine gun and regular missles (he'll likely make it to the next repair icon unless you're good. You should get a strong weapon to finish him quickly, or better yet, get in front of him at ground level to either stop him or flip him over and have an easy target. (I'm frustrated at seeing 3 warhawks trying to stop a single jeep and letting it escape the entire time)


carlos said:
-Did the omega dawn expansion mess with the netcode? I seem to be having constant problems, like getting no warnings before being hit with missles, damage not being recorded (I'm hurt, but the life bar stays full, when it's really not), invisible air mines and a few other problems that I can't remember at the moment.
I don't think I've noticed anything unusual after the od expansion, well except for some frame rate drops when there's 2 flying lobsters in the air.

- I've now played against most of the top 50 players in kills, there sure are a lot of air mine spammers on there...and I guess most may be from europe or be insomniacs like myself. I can handle myself well against them, but it all depends on your supporting team; If it's 4 to 1 or worse in the air, it doesn't matter how good you are, you're screwed.
I know that feeling too well. For me I can hang with most players in 1vs1 in the air but if it's 2vs1 then it's tough ;<.
Sea Manky said:
Yay, my year old son managed to get hold of my keyboard and somehow repeat my post. :X


Games this weekend?

Well since GAF needs moar suck, I'll be there. :D

minty: Stop talking about delicious sea bugs! :mad:


carlos said:
Maybe we should try to play a balanced game with guests and gaffers on both sides....I mean, the only way you get better is by playing against good players, right? I think we'd crush the guests if we were all on one side, no matter who the competiton is...

So does this mean we B3d'ers can feel welcome to join your servers anytime you're up and running?
The Take Out Bandit said:

Games this weekend?

Well since GAF needs moar suck, I'll be there. :D

minty: Stop talking about delicious sea bugs! :mad:

I'd be up for some play tonight if others are interested.

User 406

I was just in a game with Trevelyan, but he suddenly left. Was a filthy blue server anyway. :p

And while we're talking protips, on Archipelago zones, TAKE THE CENTER BASE FIRST. I joined a server that was all zones, and started on a team in Archipelago that was pinned down in their home base and getting beat down. In the following games, both teams played really hard and while we won every game, they were all bitterly contested and swung back and forth quite a bit. I was loving it.

So then we rotate back to Archipelago. I spawn by a warhawk, another guy beats me to it. He sticks around to pick me up, yay, he has clue. Then he boosts towards the main island.

And under it.


Finally lands at one of the corner bases. I take the plane after he jumps out, but I'm too late, the enemy has the center base up to three with three guys in it. NOBODY had bothered to head for the center. After that, we're FUCKED. I was so pissed off. The team was otherwise competent, but for some fucking reason had no idea how to play on Archipelago.

That center base is the linchpin in a way that is unique to that map simply because of how it shuts down the growth of the bases at the ends of the island. Until you get the bases at each end grown to 3, owning the center is vital. It makes the difference between who owns at least 2/3 of the battlefield in a way no other center zone on any other map does.

So if you get in a warhawk at the start of an Archipelago zones game, and you don't see any of your teammates heading for the center base, YOU HAVE TO GO THERE.

I have about had it with joining random ranked servers only to be dropped onto a team that has no clue or intention of playing the game. It makes my attempts to rally the troops futile and takes away the fun of playing.


onadesertedisland said:
I have about had it with joining random ranked servers only to be dropped onto a team that has no clue or intention of playing the game. It makes my attempts to rally the troops futile and takes away the fun of playing.

That's exactly how I feel, my anger rises to unhealthy levels when nobody else is doing anything;

worse yet, some douche on my team who was always in the dropship picked me up whenever I was in a vehicle and dropped me in the water; had to keep an eye on my radar, since it was constant and intentional against me.

has anyone here gotten a stalker? there's this guy I've played against sending me messages on how he "kicked my ass" or how I "need more practice", event though I've won most of the time (lost only when the numbers in the air were one sided). lol, I don't know what he has against me, but he follows me wherever I go when in the same game.


carlos said:
That's exactly how I feel, my anger rises to unhealthy levels when nobody else is doing anything;

worse yet, some douche on my team who was always in the dropship picked me up whenever I was in a vehicle and dropped me in the water; had to keep an eye on my radar, since it was constant and intentional against me.
I'm sorry but that's just too funny. I think I'll try that as well..hehe ;>


yeah, it was kinda funny, speeding in a jeep trying to get away from my own dropship, bailing out just before he grabbed it...

but it wasn't so funny when he grabbed the flagcarrier and took him back to the enemy base over and over...


pancakesandsex said:
any tips for warhawk flight? I still suck, still.

Use the terrain and buildings to your advantage (dive behind them and switch to hover mode if you're out of chaff to avoid missles)

Use hover mode and reverse when behing tailed by another warhawk, many times they'll just boost right past you and then you'll be on their tail

try to get as close as possible before firing your missles

keep an eye on radar and try to not fly into groups of the enemy

know where the missle turrets are and listen well, since you can hear when they shoot at you (use chaff or run/dodge like hell


pancakesandsex said:
any tips for warhawk flight? I still suck, still.
use pro flight, get homing missles and lightning for primary weapons, be aggressive with machine guns they autolock, as does lightning, boost while banking to avoid missles, use hover mode to come to a stop and avoid hitting stuff or to get better shot at opponent. Practice and hope you aren't outnumbered in the sky
carlos said:
Use the terrain and buildings to your advantage (dive behind them and switch to hover mode if you're out of chaff to avoid missles)

Use hover mode and reverse when behing tailed by another warhawk, many times they'll just boost right past you and then you'll be on their tail

try to get as close as possible before firing your missles

keep an eye on radar and try to not fly into groups of the enemy

know where the missle turrets are and listen well, since you can hear when they shoot at you (use chaff or run/dodge like hell

SHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............. ;0

I anyone has room on their friends list add me I've been playing a lot

PSN: CaliChronz


mintylurb said:
Good games, fellow gaffers. And we won some games despite methane being on our team!

lol what!?! whatever hahah

it was really funny seeing like the 5-7 dominated by gaffers though...

Although it really sucked for me when it was just me against all you guys... In that archipelago map.. Every time i killed someone... I turn around BOOOMMM I get killed. After I realized that you guys controlled the skys i figured I;d stick to the ground and run defense...

But great games anyways... It made me realize that pretty much all gaffers are beasts in the air...


methane47 said:
But great games anyways... It made me realize that pretty much all gaffers are beasts in the air...

That's why I never get worried with gaffers on the team, I know that there's at least someone else (good) up there with me.

Isn't there some saying like: "he who dominates the air, wins the war"? I wish more people would think like that.

I hope to see some of you online tomorrow


carlos said:
That's why I never get worried with gaffers on the team, I know that there's at least someone else (good) up there with me.

Isn't there some saying like: "he who dominates the air, wins the war"? I wish more people would think like that.

I hope to see some of you online tomorrow

Yup... having control of the skys is a BIG BIG deal in warhawk when playing with/against good players...

once air superiority is achieved.. it makes it REALLY hard for the opposing team to make any movements advances in Zone gameplay.... which was really annoying me since the server kept bumping me to the opposing team :(.. and I would have to deal with me being alone in the sky..... Then being shot down soon after that :(


Hey guys.
Listen, er... i don't know how to pull that eletric thingy with all the eletric bolts on the ground. What weapon is that?


It's the blue electric icon while you're in the Warhawk. If you have a full ten charges, hold down the L1 button and it will charge up. Let go of the button and it will fire off the charge. You'll know it's ready if you watch the circle around the aiming reticle.


I was gonna play CoD4, but now I'm getting a craving for some Warhawk. I don't think there's enough of us for a GAF vs. all server, but fun can still be had with team switch.


Oh wow... I forget how good I am when Sea_Manky isn't on the server. :p

I'll try and get in contact with the =Q= clan for next week.


Ahhh, it's always great to play a few games on the official servers and gaffers join ... it always make me smile :D

Sorry, I had to bail ... 6h of sleep until work :'(
anyone else having trouble ranking up?

I haven't ranked up since November and all I play are Ranked games. I get ribbons and medals galore, but no ranking up. :(

User 406

Did you check the requirements for your next rank to see if you've got the required award?

I'm 3 points shy of Command Marshal, I'll jump in really quick and see if I can get it.

I ranked up, worked fine for me.
I'm done with this F-up of a game.

I'm tired of seeing warhawks skip in and out of my targetting range. Tired of watching people survive direct tank and grenade blasts. Tired of getting killed unexpectedly because vehicles not showing up on the map. And tired of watching rockets clearly go over a wall towards my target yet still ending up commiting suicide.

Nice job Insomniac. Should've left in SP...
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