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Warhawk - The Official Thread


MoonsaultSlayer said:
I'm done with this F-up of a game.

I'm tired of seeing warhawks skip in and out of my targetting range. Tired of watching people survive direct tank and grenade blasts. Tired of getting killed unexpectedly because vehicles not showing up on the map. And tired of watching rockets clearly go over a wall towards my target yet still ending up commiting suicide.

Nice job Insomniac. Should've left in SP...

Seems like PEBCAC to me

User 406

Enemy vehicles and troops only show up on the map if you or a teammate is looking at them, if they're firing a weapon, or if they're carrying the flag.

And it sounds like you're having really bad lag issues that most players don't have.


Sea Manky said:
Enemy vehicles and troops only show up on the map if you or a teammate is looking at them, if they're firing a weapon, or if they're carrying the flag.

And it sounds like you're having really bad lag issues that most players don't have.
Hmm reminds me of quantum mechanics - atoms/objects stop being crazy and in two places at the same time when you look at them :p

I believe in the parallel worlds theory though.

I'm getting better and better! :p K/D upto 1.64


MoonsaultSlayer said:
I'm done with this F-up of a game.

I'm tired of seeing warhawks skip in and out of my targetting range. Tired of watching people survive direct tank and grenade blasts. Tired of getting killed unexpectedly because vehicles not showing up on the map. And tired of watching rockets clearly go over a wall towards my target yet still ending up commiting suicide.

Nice job Insomniac. Should've left in SP...
Always check your connection, if you're having trouble join a server closer to home.
nickslicl said:
Warhawk was developed by Incognito.

GAH, I meant that. DOH!

I love the game, though. It's just irritating me. My internet is faster than it was before but Warhawk used to be so much smoother. I've never watched people walk away from a grenade unscathed like I have been recently. That's just wrong. It's definitely lag, but not on my part.

Oh well. Guess I'll deal with it. I want more match types, Incognito (got it right this time heh).
I can tell exactly when I'm starting to lag, and I sympathize with you. Don't blame the game though, when it's working great, it's the bees knees. Try starting a server and playing against people. The ranked games for the most part will piss you the fuck off as most are trying to up their stats and not actually play as a team.

User 406

If anyone's still reading this thread, I was in an all-star game on the playstation forums yesterday and I took some video. Unfortunately my camera shut off halfway through the zones game, but still got the first three games in total. There were a lot of really strong players including the infamous JAC247 and Gergination, and the games were pretty intense. Unfortunately my air game wasn't up to my usual standard, but I still had a blast.

Anyway, I've reencoded and torrented the videos here if anyone's interested: http://seamanky.strangled.net/~ataru/warhawk_all-star_game.torrent

I'm currently super seeding, so if no seeds show up, don't worry, it'll still come down. My upload speed is ass, so please seed if you download it. Total size is 460 megs or so, and the videos are H264 encoded mp4 files, with AAC encoded sound.

They're planning to do these on a semi-regular basis, and there's a lot of really good players in there, so anyone else who might want to sign up for the next one should keep an eye on this thread: http://boardsus.playstation.com/pla...hread.id=287291&view=by_date_ascending&page=1. I think carlos and freethought would be very strong contenders.

Oh, and when are we gonna get another clan match? :(


Wow, I really want to see these videos but my Ps3 can't even play the youtube ones:( So cool to have the best players go at it at once!

Seems like there were a fair amount of female players from their handles. Other than Gerg I only recognized AcidLord. Once during a match on Archipelago I took him down. I didn't think anything about it; never heard of him, but my teammates made a bit of commotion about it: "Who shot Acidlord?"etc. I didn't reply & someone else actually tried to take the credit! Lucky shot I'm sure tho.

Anyway, I need to see the videos soon!


yeah, this thread has been dead for the last week :(

I managed to play last night against the #1 guy in kills (I forget his name); unfortunately I came in almost mid game and his team owned the sky by then. I still managed to keep breaking through and take down a couple of flyers (and him a few times) before getting shot down. Pretty standard strategy he had: air mine the hell out of the usual places and spam invisibility and TOW missles.
That's my biggest problem against the best pilots, the air is controlled by their team and you don't get a clean shot at the them without being targeted by his teammates.

JAC is still the best I remember playing against, but that was a long time ago; I hope I've improved by now ;)

I have noticed that many of those top guys mainly care about their own survival; if it's a CTF game, they just fly around without paying much attention to saving/ picking up the flag.

I'll try to leech those videos, Sea Manky :)
btw, I've been trying to find you for over 2 weeks to play with/against , you always appear online but you're not playing at the moment that I log in :(
False advertising ;p


carlos said:
yeah, this thread has been dead for the last week :(

I managed to play last night against the #1 guy in kills (I forget his name); unfortunately I came in almost mid game and his team owned the sky by then. I still managed to keep breaking through and take down a couple of flyers (and him a few times) before getting shot down. Pretty standard strategy he had: air mine the hell out of the usual places and spam invisibility and TOW missles.
That's my biggest problem against the best pilots, the air is controlled by their team and you don't get a clean shot at the them without being targeted by his teammates.

JAC is still the best I remember playing against, but that was a long time ago; I hope I've improved by now ;)

I have noticed that many of those top guys mainly care about their own survival; if it's a CTF game, they just fly around without paying much attention to saving/ picking up the flag.

I'll try to leech those videos, Sea Manky :)
btw, I've been trying to find you for over 2 weeks to play with/against , you always appear online but you're not playing at the moment that I log in :(
False advertising ;p

My biggest problem with flight has now become avoiding Mines... See I use a tactic... where I lock on to you first.. and then boost to get pretty close.. at which time .. i release my missles and fire my guns.. and for the most part its an instant kill.. and it works wonders with average to rookie pilots.. but of late.. playing with better pilots.. I've noticed that They ALWAYS know when I'm coming.. and WAIT for me to get in close at which time they drop a mine...

Its REALLY frustrating most of the time :(

User 406

Yeah, JAC247 whipped ass in the DM dogfight, he's still the best I've ever seen. In the practice sessions the days before the match, I went up against both him and Gergination at once, and did pretty well. I guess I used up all my moves in practice so I kinda sucked in the real game. XD

As it was, CastleKingSide wasn't able to get in, and he was supposed to be on our team, so we were a bit overmatched pilot-wise since JAC247, Gergination, and Meriggi were all on the other team. Even so, we were winning the TDM dogfight until the last few seconds when they pulled out a win. If I had been better at following up my kills, we would have won. :(

We lost the CTF game, won the Zones game and the ground TDM, and in the final ground DM I came within one point of winning. :p That was on the Hot Zone map in Omega Dawn, and it's awesome for deathmatch. I'm pretty tired of the usual open spaces circle strafe with assault rifle DM games, so that was a very refreshing change. Highly recommended. :D

I've been leaving my machine on with the game running for a while, so that's probably why I'm still showing up as in a game.

methane, try boosting above or below your target as you release, directly behind not only puts you at risk for mines, but splash damage if you get too close. Although I do that all the time anyway. NO SELF-PRESERVATION SOLDIER! XD


I'm sorry people!

I was having alot of internet connection issues which should be resolved now and my PC has gone to poop over the last week, I can barely browse the internet on it, let alone organize a clan match, there was a guy with a 24 man server on the console gaming website looking for a clan match to. ;_;

Can someone volunteer to be our match organizer till I fully sort this shit out I'm still pissed about that missed clan match. :mad:


Wow, I was on a server with carlos and got a good sample of name-calling twats. I guess I should be thankful it's such a rare occasion for me to encounter such idiots.

User 406

I've never even tried normal flight. Pro flight allows you to maneuver the warhawk more like a real aircraft, so as far as I'm concerned, it's vital.

Also, there's going to be an upcoming USA vs Europe game on the playstation forums, so if any of you guys are interested, check this thread: http://boardsus.playstation.com/pla...hread.id=289323&view=by_date_ascending&page=1. I know they're having a bit of trouble filling the European roster.

Steroyd, if you tell me what needs to be done, I'll do it. Do I just have to monitor their board or what? Any outstanding challenges?


Start a thread in Here looking for a match or just monitor the the thread often to see if something pops up, I'll give you the power to challenge other clans as well, my PC is really chugging, even typing right now, I'd type whole paragraphs before the text pops up. *sigh*

Try and get in touch with MattZini of the =Q= clan, I really wanted to set something up with him, but communication broke down. :_:

User 406

Okay, looking at our clan page it says we were supposed to have a clan match with Fighting Resistance back on the 5th?

Also, our roster there is a bit thin, we need more gaffers to sign up at the site. So if any of you haven't done so already and want to join in on clan matches, join this site and post your nick here so you can get an invite to the clan.

This thread's been a bit dead lately, but I'm hoping everyone is still checking it. It would also be helpful if everyone would post their general availability for clan matches, which days of the week and what time periods would be best for them. I know 3pm-5pm EST on weekends seems to work well for a lot of people, but post your favorite times anyway, some clan matches with certain clans might be handled with people who can accomodate a different schedule.

I'll try to compile a list of people who are actively playing and set up some kind of PM notification system when we're trying to set up matches.

User 406

Oh that's right, they couldn't field a full team. Forgot about that. :p

I'm wondering if we should sign up at gamebattles.com instead. A lot of the active warhawk clans from the playstation forums are currently active there with multiple games scheduled every weekend at the least, while consolegaming.eu seems a bit dead. That's not to say we can't do both.

But before that, we'll need to get a handle on just how many people we can realistically expect to field. I've just compiled an updated list of everyone currently in the clan and their GAF IDs. I'm planning to send everyone a mass PM to ask them to report in if they're willing to remain active in the clan and join in clan matches.

A couple other things:
Teepo has been yelling in irc about wanting an invite to the clan, can you add him? PSN is teepo.
I can't find out the GAF ID for clan member DireStr8s anywhere. Do you have that info?


I'm sure I invited Teepo must have been when my internet connection went on the fritz. >_<

Gamebattles huh? might as well as you said cg.eu is practically dead, can't remember DireStr8s GAF ID maybe in this thread somewhere.

User 406

It isn't. I searched the thread for various usernames while compiling the list and his didn't show. I also couldn't find a GAF user with that name. Thing is, he's played recently too, so he's not a candidate for booting. I'll try sending him a PSN message.


DireStr8s doesn't exist on Gaf not even in pm's wtf!? How did I add him. :lol

And he recently signed onto Consolegaming.eu as well.


Wait, isn't our clan pretty much full? Looks like we'll have to drop the weakest link from our clan to make room teepochan../me looks at methane..;>


Sea Manky said:
Well, as soon as I can get DireStr8's GAF name, I'll send out a global PM to all clan members and we'll see who reports in.

That's me.

As far as clan matches go, I'm open from 5pm on (EST) Mon-Fri, and the occasional Sat.

edit: Sorry for the confusion; I changed my handle when I no longer had to leech off my friends ps3;)

On an unrelated note, I just checked my PSN messages, and I've recieved a message from "Jessica Alba" asking me to send "her" a friend request. WTF?


Just got off from a 2 hour stint and I LOVE IT. Great fun. I got the boxed version with the pack-in headset. Doesn't seem to work very well, couldn't tell if people could hear me very well.

I'd love to join the GAF clan and have some decent conversations :D



Last time I played ctf, my team was pinned down at the home base, and there's this dumbass who's parked in a tank right on the warhawk spawning spot; I plead with him twice to move so that it would spawn, and I know he answered me twice, since his icon changed to yellow, but I never heard him with the headset.

That's a big problem, not knowing if anyone's hearing you :(
and no, the guy didn't move his tank >:[

User 406

Well, shit, it looks like I can't copy multiple users on a single PM like I thought I could. I'm going to have to figure out a workaround. >:/


Hey Manky, thanks for the videos;
quick question, is the video playing at normal speed? I ask because walking and walking while crouching seem faster than my usual walking speed, as well as boosting in a WH...
or is that a side effect of MankyVision(tm)? (superhuman reflexes and all)

The only thing I can humbly recommend is to use your knife more often when capturing bases (both in zones and all the time) It's great for keeping an illusion of invisibility, not to mention keeps the guys who are looking at the map from dropping in on you, as well as respawners.

1)equip the knife before getting in a warhawk
2)get invisibility
3) go to an unpopulated zone
= almost certainly a zone capture, since you're invisible on radar
(except if they notice the empty warhawk when you get out / or just plain bad luck)

I mention this for the benefit of WH begginers, of course.

You had a couple of bad breaks in the dogfight, crashing into your teammates, or missing on the weapon power up by a split second, but still a good showing considering you were playing against some of the best. I feel for you in the ctf and tdm games, your team was almost always outnumbered in the air, which always sucks, since they spam the air mines and make it even more difficult to fly around.

lol, and I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who sometimes crashes into that tower in the bottom right when taking off in the Badlands (around 25:00 in the ctf video)

User 406

carlos said:
Hey Manky, thanks for the videos;
quick question, is the video playing at normal speed? I ask because walking and walking while crouching seem faster than my usual walking speed, as well as boosting in a WH...
or is that a side effect of MankyVision(tm)? (superhuman reflexes and all)

Yeah, it was recorded at 30fps and I reencoded it at 30fps so that should be the correct speed. Maybe it only feels faster because you're watching instead of playing.

The only thing I can humbly recommend is to use your knife more often when capturing bases (both in zones and all the time) It's great for keeping an illusion of invisibility, not to mention keeps the guys who are looking at the map from dropping in on you, as well as respawners.

1)equip the knife before getting in a warhawk
2)get invisibility
3) go to an unpopulated zone
= almost certainly a zone capture, since you're invisible on radar
(except if they notice the empty warhawk when you get out / or just plain bad luck)

I mention this for the benefit of WH begginers, of course.

Actually, even with other weapons equipped, you don't show up on radar unless an enemy has you in view, so if you're already far away from enemies, you don't necessarily need the knife equipped to avoid detection. It does help though just in case some far off enemy has a line of sight. I'm normally not trying to be sneaky about it anyway, my typical method is to boost pell-mell for a base, which is why I am the Eater of Mines. And because of this, I'd rather have my main weapon equipped immediately when I discover the base is full of angry dudes. :X My style is just "Get there fastest with or without the mostest", so I prefer to deliberately switch to my biggest gun before I get in the plane. Even if it's a pistol.

As for the warhawk, what I will do on the rare occasions where I am being sneaky like that is to either find an empty warhawk spawn or blow one up and land in it. Presto, looks just like a new warhawk spawned! XD

Also, depending on the size of the map, if you land the warhawk right on top of the base flag, the warhawk icon on the map will be hidden by the base icon.

You had a couple of bad breaks in the dogfight, crashing into your teammates, or missing on the weapon power up by a split second, but still a good showing considering you were playing against some of the best. I feel for you in the ctf and tdm games, your team was almost always outnumbered in the air, which always sucks, since they spam the air mines and make it even more difficult to fly around.

My biggest problem with the air combat in those games was that my usual ability to track a target that has left my screen just wasn't working well. I'd nail someone for a good bit of damage, they'd veer offscreen, and normally I'm good at turning correctly to follow them but for some reason I was all "buh?" and ended up targeting the next guy with a full health bar. I just wasn't on point. :p

Oh, and Gergination had the same complaint you did when we had that big GAF game, he said he couldn't find any weapons since everyone kept taking them. XD

lol, and I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who sometimes crashes into that tower in the bottom right when taking off in the Badlands (around 25:00 in the ctf video)

You think that's bad? I've often suicided boosting off the landing pad in the center fortress because I clipped one of those damn exploding boxes. XD


yeah, those exploding boxes have gotten me a couple of times as well; but here's one even more embarrassing:

on more than one occasion, I've been low on life, in between buildings or with my back to a mountain; you know how when you switch from hover to flight, the warhawk kinda flies a bit backwards as the thrust starts?
well yes, that little movement backwards has me crashing into a wall/mountain and blowing myself up.

and I wasn't even under fire, it's just likeI'm hovering and "well there's no one nearby, let's fly out of here"-"turns on thrust"-"BOOM"-suicide-start the barrage of curse words...


Sea Manky said:
I'm normally not trying to be sneaky about it anyway, my typical method is to boost pell-mell for a base, which is why I am the Eater of Mines.

I absolutely love land mines.. but douches usually grab them.. and then never use them.. plus they take so long to spawn..

But I am the EATER of AIR MINES!!

Only yesterday .. .yes.. YESTERDAY did I realize that eucadian air mines were different from chernovian airmines...

It was like a huge eureka moment.. Before I would only be able to tell by seeing what color the stripe on the mine was..... Then yesterday I was like.. Wait a second... Red mines are spikes and look like depth charges.. while Blue mines look like inverted heshey kisses..

All of a sudden i was a master (not really) at avoiding them....


Sea Manky said:
I've never even tried normal flight. Pro flight allows you to maneuver the warhawk more like a real aircraft, so as far as I'm concerned, it's vital.

Alright, I'm an idiot. For some reason I thought motion sensing = Pro Flight. :lol


when do you guys usually play nowadays? Every weekend I'm on (late nights Eastern time) I just see Manky idling and everyone else offline :( Last person I played with was carlos weeks ago booooo, and random servers are really lame for zones since half the team in the beginning usually gets in a dropship... and by the time they get out or blown to bits all the zones are in control grrrr


This is probably old to you guys, but I just hijacked my first tank. I made an emergency landing in enemy territory and ran into an enemy tank. Nobody else was around, so I jumped on top of it and started swinging my knife in case someone popped out. His reaction was priceless. :lol He eventually got out so I knifed him and took his tank. Man, this game is fun.


icechai said:
when do you guys usually play nowadays? Every weekend I'm on (late nights Eastern time) I just see Manky idling and everyone else offline :( Last person I played with was carlos weeks ago booooo, and random servers are really lame for zones since half the team in the beginning usually gets in a dropship... and by the time they get out or blown to bits all the zones are in control grrrr
I play in PST and have never gotten into a game with the homogenized gaf clan.

This is probably old to you guys, but I just hijacked my first tank. I made an emergency landing in enemy territory and ran into an enemy tank. Nobody else was around, so I jumped on top of it and started swinging my knife in case someone popped out. His reaction was priceless. He eventually got out so I knifed him and took his tank. Man, this game is fun.
I justhijacked a drop ship while the pilot was trying to take my zone but your story is way cooler because the idiot got out of his tank to die :)

First time playing in awhile and i still think some parts of the game just annoy me warhawk vs troop is too weak and humping on a jeep just shouldn't fucking work.

User 406

fobtastic said:
Alright, I'm an idiot. For some reason I thought motion sensing = Pro Flight. :lol

Haha, yeah, never tried that either. I'm not aware of any aircraft controlled by waggle, so it doesn't bear consideration. :p

icechai, one of the things I'll be looking for with our clan roll call will be availability times, so hopefully it'll be easier to coordinate that sort of thing. I hope. :X

I'm going to talk to Evilore today about the PM system, if that doesn't pan out we might have to use email for notifications, if nobody has any privacy objections.


Im still loving this game. Great fun, but bit irritated as two seperate servers that I joined; which were full, no one was talking!

Need some Gaffers to play with who'll chat lots.


We could always use the friend slot feature for non clan memebers I guess.

Been checking out the gamebattles website, looks to be quite active but not much more than Consolegaming.eu

They do seem to have an active clan ladder though, so here's a question do I create a team to sign up for the EU or the NA?

EU means we're at the mercy of European times which is nice but our NA contingent probably wouldn't be able to do 8PM GMT on Weekdays.

And then there's NA where it might end up too late to do matches for Europeans like me. :|

User 406

Okay, just got Evilore to lift the PM restriction for a couple minutes so I could send a PM to everyone in the clan, however S.L.'s username isn't recognized so I'll have to track him down manually.

Everyone check your PMs!

Essentially, we'll need days and times of the week you'll be available, an email address to allow us to send you notifications and info about clan matches, or you can opt out or whatever. PM me or Steroyd with the info if you don't want to post it here.

Steroyd: I don't think there is much point to signing up for the EU ladder at gamebattles, they've got all of two clans on that side. I think if we use the US ladder there and keep the EU ladder at consolegaming.eu, that should give us a good amount of coverage for everyone.


Sea Manky said:
Okay, just got Evilore to lift the PM restriction for a couple minutes so I could send a PM to everyone in the clan, however S.L.'s username isn't recognized so I'll have to track him down manually.

Everyone check your PMs!

Essentially, we'll need days and times of the week you'll be available, an email address to allow us to send you notifications and info about clan matches, or you can opt out or whatever. PM me or Steroyd with the info if you don't want to post it here.

Steroyd: I don't think there is much point to signing up for the EU ladder at gamebattles, they've got all of two clans on that side. I think if we use the US ladder there and keep the EU ladder at consolegaming.eu, that should give us a good amount of coverage for everyone.

Why is there a lock on PMs?


methane47 said:
Why is there a lock on PMs?
because you could spam pm the whole users browsing list without it. on a site as large as gaf it makes sense to make it unattractive to even try shit like that.
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