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Warhawk - The Official Thread


Sea Manky ... your ability to defy death is ridiculous!!

I SPECIFICALLY Tried to take you down... And yet.. Only ONE time did I kill you..

I would come behind you.. BLAST you with a fully charged bolt of lightning (Did this MULTIPLE TIMES)... Follow up with some swarm missles... You would then Run the annexation of puerto rico and twist and turn in the air.. and all of a sudden.. I DIE!!


See... its for that reason that when I see Manky in the air.. I land.... and get out of my plane as quickly as possible.
Sea Manky said:
As for the Warhawk Aerial Gunnery ribbon, the good news is that it only requires five warhawk machinegun kills in a round. The bad news is that they have to be against warhawks. :p You don't need to use machineguns only, just use something else to soften them up and finish the kill with the machineguns.

Even if I have the soundtrack, I'm no Doug Masters. :(

Okay five kills might be do-able, late in this lifetime. :lol

and all of a sudden.. I DIE!!


Get back to me when you boost into your own machine gun fire for a suicide. >:O


Well, I have run into my own homing missle before ;{

Okay guys I'm kinda worried, my ps3 froze up twice while playing;

5 minutes after startup on island outpost, while running with the flag and being followed (bullets and explosions everywhere)

then 2 hours later, I get killed by a electric blast, and as the camera turns toward the attacker (and the streak of electricity) the framerate turns to crap and freezes again. I leave it off this time.

both times had to turn off manually, 6 beeps on one occasion, 3 beeps on the other

coincidence? (as in a game bug) or might this be the beginning of the end for this launch ps3?

for reference, it usually freezes maybe once every 2 weeks, maybe less :/

btw, once again, I was getting no missle warning around 50% of the time, even when the missles came from far away (playing on a blue server) , but weirder still, on two separate occasions I'm in a warhawk shooting regular missles at someone on the ground below (from a prudent distance), when suddenly I blow up and it says I did a suicide? wtf? and no, I didn't have a tow missle to blow up in my face.... WTF!? no air mines nearby either...
One thing I've taken to, and suggest anybody else do - is when I'm on the ground and see an air mine of the enemies - I shoot that bitch out of the sky!


Sniper rifle is also good for mine sweeping.


The Take Out Bandit said:
One thing I've taken to, and suggest anybody else do - is when I'm on the ground and see an air mine of the enemies - I shoot that bitch out of the sky!


Sniper rifle is also good for mine sweeping.
I usually crouch and use the assault rifle. Crouching gives you better accuracy. Sniper rounds are more rare so I try not to use it.

User 406

W00t! Last night's string of games put me over the top! I now have a >50% Warhawk Wings/games completed ratio. :D

No reply yet from Damage Control, I'll pick another clan on CG and see if I can get a response. Figure I'll alternate between the two ladders and ask a clan per day until I find one who responds or we get challenged.


Sea Manky said:
W00t! Last night's string of games put me over the top! I now have a >50% Warhawk Wings/games completed ratio. :D

I just noticed your vast amount of Warhawk wings yesterday. It's just crazy. :lol 100 wings for the Colonel rank is nothing. :D

User 406

Points is a different story, still got over ten grand to go for Lt. Colonel, and then another 65K 'til General. Might take me all year at my current rate of playing. :X


Sea Manky said:
W00t! Last night's string of games put me over the top! I now have a >50% Warhawk Wings/games completed ratio. :D

No reply yet from Damage Control, I'll pick another clan on CG and see if I can get a response. Figure I'll alternate between the two ladders and ask a clan per day until I find one who responds or we get challenged.

On gamebattles they have a feature where you can post when the clan will play on a calendar try that.

I'd do it myself for this Saturday, but my PC is still in the shitter and the Gamebattles website isn't PS3 friendly. :X

User 406

Well, well, well.

Turns out we have a challenge on Gamebattles, from Fearless Gamers Clan, the number one team on the ladder. They want to play us this Sunday Feb 10th at 10pm EST, in an 8vs8 match. I'll get back with them and see if we can't get that time moved back a bit for our Euro guys.

I don't recognize most of their roster, but they have Meriggi, and he is good. And considering they're at the top of the ladder and have a lifetime win-loss record of 100-16, these guys should be tough. We'll need our best guys for this one.

Edit: Just talked to one of their co-leaders, and he said 3pm EST/8pm GMT would be fine on the weekend, so let's just get a confirmation that we've got enough people and I'll send him an updated challenge.

Edit 2: Sent a PSN message to freethought, to see if he'll have his internet back up in time for the match, he'd be a tremendous asset.


Sea Manky said:
Well, well, well.

Turns out we have a challenge on Gamebattles, from Fearless Gamers Clan, the number one team on the ladder. They want to play us this Sunday Feb 10th at 10pm EST, in an 8vs8 match. I'll get back with them and see if we can't get that time moved back a bit for our Euro guys.

I don't recognize most of their roster, but they have Meriggi, and he is good. And considering they're at the top of the ladder and have a lifetime win-loss record of 100-16, these guys should be tough. We'll need our best guys for this one.

Edit: Just talked to one of their co-leaders, and he said 3pm EST/8pm GMT would be fine on the weekend, so let's just get a confirmation that we've got enough people and I'll send him an updated challenge.

Edit 2: Sent a PSN message to freethought, to see if he'll have his internet back up in time for the match, he'd be a tremendous asset.
Damn, I'd love to play but I'm out of town this weekend and I doubt I'll be back in time. Good Luck!


This will be one of the very few weekends when i'm not available to play. However I'm free if any GAFers want to play today or tomorrow.
Any idea of who's hosting? If we can have more than 8 players, then I'm in. If I'm just going to be a constant casualty on a small server then I'll make way for better players. :D


With courage, you can turn 1% into 100%!



User 406

If we get enough volunteers, I'll ask them if they'll accept a 10 vs 10. I know they're talking about games that large in their pilot recruiting thread on the warhawk boards. They seem to be very motivated and play a lot, so I don't think a big player count game is out of the question.

User 406

Um, most of their clan is well under 200 hours, and their longest playing guy has 384 hours, are you sure you're looking at the right chart? :X


oh my, this one could be interesting :)
we should talk some strategy via IRC or something once the map rotation is set and everything gets sorted out

I really hope my internet doesn't crap out/ something unexpected happen in real life on game day (crosses fingers)

btw, take out bandit, I think you're looking at the total leaderboards, the clans list is on the left (manky is still #1 there)


I'm pretty sure I've played against nmoe btw. He was good, but not as good as a bunch of people from our clan.

Wow, Meriggi's KDR is insane. O_O


Ceb said:
Wow, Meriggi's KDR is insane. O_O

not to downplay him, but that k/d ratio is very attainable if you play in blue servers (or most servers) against random noobs, or if they play as a clan enough to dominate their matches/ pin down the other team and massacre them, as I assume is the case.

anyway, I saw him in manky's videos, and since manky confirms that he's good, maybe we should focus on taking him out first if there are many of them in the sky. (assuming you can choose who to target)

User 406

Meriggi was in the All-Star game, and I think he might have gotten top spot in the TDM dogfight. He is a superb pilot. Then again, we also have some superb pilots. >:D

And DireStr8s and methane47 aren't on that list, but from playing with them over the past week, they're definitely starting material.

Hell, I can't think of any active players in our clan who aren't good.

In before CSSer sez: "We're doomed"


They don't have an awful lot of points from Zones. Seems like a weak spot.

And yeah, preventing them from owning the skies is likely the most important thing to keep them from winning.

I'm putting up !battle shortly if anyone wants to practice (praying that regular opponents will show up).

And DireStr8s and methane47 aren't on that list, but from playing with them over the past week, they're definitely starting material.

Very good point that I failed to mention. The overall score is definitely not necessarily a proper indication of one's skill.
Sea Manky said:
Um, most of their clan is well under 200 hours, and their longest playing guy has 384 hours, are you sure you're looking at the right chart? :X


However I'm clicking on Time & Distance and receiving insane numbers. :O

User 406

Yeah, you're looking at the main leaderboard on the right, which is everyone in the world. The list of our guys and FGC's guys are on the left, you have to click on a name to see their individual stats.

Meanwhile, I'm just getting data server errors from the damn thing, I was going to make a little table. >:|


I dont know guys... Some of them seem to be Rank/point whores..

look at this guy's stats

Total Points 72258
Team Points 65296
Combat Points 3842
Bonus Points 4063
Kills 3538
Deaths 1518
KDR 2.33
Global Accuracy 24.71%
Wins 221
Losses 173
Win-Loss Ratio 1.28
Score per Minute 15.61
Deathmatch Score 1802
Team Deathmatch Score 2813
Capture the Flag Score 66194
Zones Score 1449
Global Time 77:08:36
Miles Walked 257.44
Miles Driven 103.39
Miles Flown 5,991.74

Not saying this guy isn't good or anything... Its just that some obvious CTF point whoring went on there.

Everyone here will probably have a much higher team score than combat.. but when you've only played 300 games.. and your points per minute is FIFTEEN.. definitely an indicator of some crazy point whoring..

This doesn't show in anyway that this guy is a bad player... But just goes even further to show that point totals is not indicative of skill.

User 406

Okay, we've got seven volunteers so far, we need a lot more so I can offer these guys the biggest roster game they can handle and be sure we have alternates in case something goes awry for some people.

Again, the tentative match schedule is this Sunday at 3pm EST/8pm GMT, although Saturday is also a possibility. Please reply if you want to play and are available on either day, and which would be best for you. The sooner we get a list the sooner we can nail down the details with FGC and start strategeryizing. Big roster! BIG ROSTER!

User 406

Whooo, I'm so jazzed about this game I kicked ass in my workout, bumped up my squat! XD

Nine so far, want moar! POST, JERKS!

Edit: Aaaaaand MattZani of =Q= wants to try again this weekend. First I'll get this FGC match set up then I'll worry about him. :|


Sea Manky said:
Yeah, you're looking at the main leaderboard on the right, which is everyone in the world. The list of our guys and FGC's guys are on the left, you have to click on a name to see their individual stats.

Probably a dumb question, but you do know that if you click on the "head to head" box, you get everyone's stats collected and you can sort them by whatever you want to know?


There's almost a week left, everyone go practice; there's no excuse saying you're rusty or whatever, plenty of time to get warmed up.

I had an all nighter and did pretty well, tried a few clan servers (damage control, RAT, and a few others)....played against a few guys from clan {Aces}, pretty good as well.

Probably be on again tonight after House


just skimming through the first few pages of this thread, the amount of people that were/wanted to be part of the gaf clan....and now we barely have enough for 10 vs 10....what a shame.

it's true that WH isn't a noob friendly game, but COD4 in that respect is even worse; the gimmicks, weapons and abilities that you gain from playing a lot make it just plain unfair for newbies. at least in WH it's all skill based; you practice, you get better.


carlos said:
just skimming through the first few pages of this thread, the amount of people that were/wanted to be part of the gaf clan....and now we barely have enough for 10 vs 10....what a shame.

it's true that WH isn't a noob friendly game, but COD4 in that respect is even worse; the gimmicks, weapons and abilities that you gain from playing a lot make it just plain unfair for newbies. at least in WH it's all skill based; you practice, you get better.

I think the problem LARGELY comes from the horrendous party system... I mean.. when the game first released... First there was the glitch that only allowed a clan like 28 members or something

THEN there was the server issue were it would show up as full when it wasn't ... And joining games was a huge pain in the rear..

ALSO the member section of the clan menu doesn't update well..

THEN the fact that there are no invitations.. so you can invite others to games or anything..

All those things made it REALLY hard to play TOGETHER as a group..

I've had the game since launch.. and ONLY ONE TIME have i played with more than 5 gaffers at once...

Warhawk really isn't community friendly at all

User 406

Hey don't knock it, from the tremendous amount of people who initially wanted to join, we've kept a pretty good lineup of hardcore players. "Barely ten players" a few hours after I post about the match is pretty good considering all the other clans we've had matches against have had trouble fielding five with lots of advance notice. :p

Most clans on gamebattles have less than ten members total, while we've got close to 20 people with email addresses in the clan list staying active, and probably a few more who are still playing but just didn't notice I sent them a PM. Then there's those who did respond but just haven't given me a contact address because THEY WEREN'T PAYING ATTENTION OR SOMETHING HINT HINT.

As an online game, Warhawk seems to have some damn good legs in keeping the interest of a large hardcore group of players. Still hundreds of servers running every day, and the game's almost half a year old. I think we're doing pretty well.

Edit: But yeah, the clan/friend/invite implementation does suck. I'm hoping the upcoming 1.3 patch will help with that. And I can't wait for in game XMB access, whenever that's coming out.


Sea Manky said:
Hell, I can't think of any active players in our clan who aren't good.
So, that means titiob is no longer an active member? thank jeebus. that dick girl is such a creep ;/

edit: I'll be around on sunday..

User 406


In fact, if you really want to keep me alive, you should probably shoot down my air mines too. I'm always dropping them in clever places and then flying at full boost right through those clever places later. :X
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