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Warhawk - The Official Thread


Yeah, you sounded more ticked off than usual lately; rest assured that we appreciate your efforts regarding the clan battles and everything.

Don't let the smack talk get you down; at the very least one of them apologized for it...It's not like the team members know each other personally or know they have immature jackasses on their roster. And if "gary coleman" was killaboi (like I suspect; 1.3 can't get here soon enough), then what can you do, tell the number 1 ranked guy to take a hike because he isn't a good sport? that's a tough situation...


The Take Out Bandit said:
Official clan matches are good fun, but honestly - this is how most assholes are on the Internet, which is why when I'm not playing with you guys or friends everybody gets muted. I can see how three matches in one week could be a massive pain in the ass, why not just focus on one weekly clan match officially on those sites, and the rest of the time we just play as a clan because we enjoy the hell out of Warhawk? :\

The reason why we're in this ladder in the first place, is because our Gaf vs All servers very rarely gets filled up to have decent matches as a clan, at least this way we have a higher probability of playing together against someone who will fill the other end.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Steroyd, I'm trying to connect to !GAF but it says slots are reserved for buddies. I have you on my friends list wtf? Who's hosting?

User 406

carlos, you're damn right I would, I don't care enough about winning to have assholes like that on my team.

I'm not usually this thin-skinned about verbal abuse, normally in ranked games I thrive on it, but it was just so ill timed and surprising that it completely spoiled everything. They were organized and ready to go, played well as a team, in between games all I heard was a bunch of "good game"'s, and while they cleaned our clock, I felt like I learned a couple things watching how they coordinated and was feeling pretty good about the whole thing. Then they turn into shit-flinging monkeys. Way to ruin the fantasy. :|

Right after that I had promised to get into a chat with the leader of MVP, who had sent me messages like, "r u 2 scared?" and acting like we fucking ran away or something. He was ranting on about how he couldn't believe we didn't send him a message (even though I had no clue who he was) and that they were all pissed about waiting around, had pictures to prove we didn't show, and deserved a win by forfeit. I had to forcefully remind him that his clan violated the rules first by not setting up a server with the proper name. He calmed down after that and we worked things out more amicably, but I really wasn't in the mood for diplomacy right then. And of course, when I suggested IM or email or something to coordinate better than just PSN messages, neither he or his co-captain seemed to even know what the hell I was talking about. >:|

And after that, I discovered that I had left our negative feedback for LOD on MVP's match by mistake like a moron. I contacted a GB admin asking to have it removed, and he said they couldn't. WTF? I'm now asking them to just cancel the match so we can just re-challenge, but I'm doubting they'll do shit about that either. What I may end up having to do is have Steroyd and maybe a few of you leave positive feedback and an explanation of how I'm a fucking retard to balance it out so their rating doesn't take a hit.

So essentially, it's just been a bad combination of bad shit, some my fault, some others, and I just feel rotten about it all. I'll get over it.

Anyway, less than an hour to go before match time, let's get ready! Go team!




mintylurb said:
tried to join ceb's server but it won't let me join because i'm not his buddy or something..hmph!

Sorry, I added some buddy slots to the game. Probably shouldn't have done that. :(
carlos said:
And if "gary coleman" was killaboi (like I suspect; 1.3 can't get here soon enough), then what can you do, tell the number 1 ranked guy to take a hike because he isn't a good sport? that's a tough situation...

No idea carlos, thanks to Warhawk's setup (unlike Socom) you never know who it is talking shit. :p

But honest?

I play for fun.

The simple fact of the matter is there are kids (and some adults) out there playing this game that will always rank higher than myself because they've got more free time to play than I do.

Quality of Character > Rank

Good matches on Methane's server, but GAF team was spread to the four corners. We need to make sure we all get on the same team when practicing. :p


Good matches on Methane's server, but GAF team was spread to the four corners. We need to make sure we all get on the same team when practicing. :p

We should always try to go one colour no matter what, like everyone goes Blue even in ranked.


Sea Manky said:
carlos, you're damn right I would, I don't care enough about winning to have assholes like that on my team.

well, we did join gamebattles, which is part of major league gaming, and 90% of those who register there are in it just for winning and showing off their skills....we're in it just for fun; I think its serious business for most of the other clans. Not to mention the amount of maturity out there on the intertubes (that MVP clan guys message, lol) :/

doh' @ the mistaken feedback :[

If you want I'll take over the challenge business for a bit after next weekend to lighten the load off you; just throwing it out there...

15 minutes, go team!
My ass.

It hurts! >:|

Well GG guys. We did well enough on CTF, but had some problems on DM and Zones.

One thing to watch out for in the CTF games is the rhythm of the flag snatches. Basically they had us scrambling to recover, and by the time they captured, folks were in our base waiting to grab the flag again. We've got to keep on that.

Other than that, I'm going to sit out the next few clan matches. Let our better players do us some good.

Beside I don't want to rupture a vein. :p

At the very least the other team seemed nice enough between games, and after the ass pounding they gave us in Zones it's much appreciated.


The Take Out Bandit said:
Wait a minute, those people are standing up. This is not an accurate representation of our performance. :p

lol I think they are sitting down and waiting for the guns to spawn actually..


Put simply our clan is way too big for us to know exactly what the other player would do which is why we're going to gather up information of each of our clan members.


Basically favourite map most hated map, air or ground type and which is your favourite game mode, so we can adapt according to who is volunteering on the day.


My personal CTF dream team(From the Gaffers I've played with):
Spawns/Flag - Sea_Manky, Bloody_Marcel

Air Support - Escalation, Mintylurb, Carlos, PlayerBeyond

Defense - TTOB, Methane, Steroyd

...and Jaeyden should join GAFU.

I also think Gaf vs. Gaf scrimmages would help get others up to speed. I don't think this GameBattles stuff is for me but, I'd be happy to do anything that would help our clan.


Favourite Map: Destroyed Capital, Most Hated Map: Archipelago, Ground based: decent, Air based: decent, Favourite mode: zones, Most Hated mode: DM


Favourite Map->all
Most Hated Map->none
Ground based->good
Air based-> weak
Favourite mode-> Zones
Most Hated mode -> Deathmatch


Favourite Map; Island Outpost, Badlands, Eucadia
Most Hated Map; Archipelago, Destroyed Capital
Ground based; Decent
Air based; Weak
Favourite mode; CTF, TDM
Most Hated mode; Zones


Favourite Map; All are fine
Most Hated Map; All are horrible
Ground based; Ok
Air based; Ok
Favourite mode; All
Most Hated mode; Hmmm i'd have to say DM since I've only won ONE!! DM game!!


Favorite Map; Badlands, Eucadia
Most Hated Map; Destroyed Capital
Ground based; good with tank siege and vs troop , weak tank vs tank
Air based; strong vs all
Favourite mode; ctf
Most Hated mode; deathmatch


Fav map: All are fine
hated map: none
ground based: okie
air based: not too bad. I can kill ttob in 2 secs
Fav mode: TDM, CTF
Most hated mode: zones


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Favorite Map; Eucadia, Island Outpost
Most Hated Map; Archipelago
Ground based; good (i guess) at taking/defending bases (Overall: Good)
Air based; keen to protect ground flag carriers/not that great in dogfighting lately (Overall: Average)
Favourite mode; Zones
Most Hated mode; Deathmatch


I dunno how useful this info will be. People are too modest about their abilities and the map preferences can (at least for me) vary wildly depending on the layout. That said...

- Favorite map: Island Outpost (all), Eucadia (all), Archipelago (Acropolis Assault), Badlands (Skirmish).

- Most hated map: Destroyed Capitol (Spire Shut-In), Archipelago (Island Warfare).

- Ground based: Good with tanks. Good at strategic mining. Pretty good at taking bases. Decent at defending bases. Good at grenade suiciding. :p

- Air based: Mediocre to decent at air-to-air. Good at air-to-ground. OK at destroying flag carriers. Bad at TOWing.

- Favorite mode: CTF, Zones

- Most hated mode: Deathmatch
Favorite Map; All
Most Hated Map; None
Ground based; Good with tank. Average on foot
Air based; Good
Favorite mode; CTF and Zones
Most Hated mode; Deathmatch


I dunno how useful this info will be. People are too modest about their abilities and the map preferences can (at least for me) vary wildly depending on the layout. That said...

True, but we need to strategise from something, like have the good pilots with decent pilots backing them up in the air, for example.


nickslicl said:
My personal CTF dream team(From the Gaffers I've played with):
Spawns/Flag - Sea_Manky, Bloody_Marcel

Air Support - Escalation, Mintylurb, Carlos, PlayerBeyond

Defense - TTOB, Methane, Steroyd

What's this I see? :mad:


User 406

Whoooo, that was an awesome match!

We lost overall, but we won the TDM, the CTF was close, and ZNS, well, we started off well. :X

Blue X Angels has some great pilots, and they were very good sports, with a lot of kind words after the match. I feel a lot better now. :D

As for Steroyd's data:

Favorite Map: All
Most Hated Map: None
Ground Based: Sure! OW MINE
Air Based: Why not? OW AIR MINE
Favorite Mode: All
Most Hated Mode: None


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Sea Manky said:
Favorite Map: All
Most Hated Map: None
Ground Based: Sure! OW MINE
Air Based: Why not? OW AIR MINE
Favorite Mode: All
Most Hated Mode: None


You are Warhawk's Kittonwy


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Sea Manky said:
I hate you, TTP.


User 406

Oh Steroyd, I heard back from an admin and apparently that negative feedback mistake can't be removed, and I can't add a new one. Can you go into the match info for the Best of Warhawk match and leave a message with 5.0 feedback that reads something like this:

"Sea Manky's a dumbshit who can't seem to click the right icon, so the feedback he left here was for an entirely different team altogether. He can't edit it or get it removed, so please just ignore him. Sorry for the inconvenience."


Favorite Map:all
Most Hated Map:none
Ground based:good
Air based:weak
Favorite mode:Zones
Most Hated mode:Death match


Basically favourite map most hated map, air or ground type and which is your favourite game mode, so we can adapt according to who is volunteering on the day.

Fav map: Edcaudria? the one with the two bridges and small towns
Hated map: bad lands, destroyed capital(full versrion, the smaller ctf ones are dope)
Fav mode: CTF but zones is really close

Air v Ground: I float around to whatever helps the most at the moment. I use warhawks for fast transit as a ground player a lot. I'm weaker in a warhawk than on the ground.


Good games guys... We did alot better this game than the one earlier today... Lots of Air Cover and such...

In the CTF match.. I know my personal issue for that game was my flag capturing skills were nullified by grenades and mines all ofver the place... But It was REAL close... and was almost a tie.. but god dang it.. they played frickin mines all over the flag when it was RIGHT next to our base in those last 30seconds.. :( It was SOO CLOSE.. and yet so far..

In the TDM we really worked as a team.. I think I could have helped out in the sky alittle bit more.. but I felt that the majority of my time would be better spent on the ground trying to capture zones since they were always so quick to recap zones.... But you guys were awesome.. dropping in every so often to lend support.. or when I'm recapping a zone.. and I get sieged by a WH.. i would see one of you guys Blast through the baddie and give me the couple extra seconds to cap it.. GOOD JOB guys...

The Zones match.... wow.. we were really doing well... really well... and I really dont know what happened.. I think they just got really lucky and HAPPENED to manage to capture alot of zones all at once.. and from there their air barages were unstoppable.. it was only a matter of time.. :(

I really dont know what happened.. we were doing well.. NECK AND NECK...
i have no idea.... no idea..

BUT it was fun... and thats the most important thing
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